What even constitutes to a flood guild? When 3 people came in to help their guildmate getting ganked? By that point every active guild is a flood guild.
@@shortseater2006 On this video it looks like Keiito's guild is the one who flooded the server. If we're talking about the Kode guys it seems it's the same 5 people throughout the video
@@Pierrcey you know that guilds have allies right? it was like 6 kode + 4 allies, which makes 10 people in a 20 server, HALF of the server is from a single guild and they're jumping keito, no matter how many mussdawks you see in the server in the beginning, no one was helping, only at the end.
Day 2/25 - We just the better flood guild
Where is the ice blood build showcase 😊😊😊😊😊😊
Anytime you need to find them just tell me
THERE IS MY TRACKSTAR 🗣️🗣️🗣️ nevermind THERE IS MY TRACKSTAR 🗣️🗣️🗣️ nevermind THERE IS MY TRACKSTAR 🗣️🗣️🗣️ nevermind
LOL this was funny
Every top guild is a flood guild lets be real
Except comp guilds
@@Swvnounou They're the most floodiest of them all.
@@Smoodie. who?
@@Swvnounou Comp guilds flood too don't lie
Whoever was screaming at the start is a real one
lowkey slowed down playin DW, but cant eeen miss out on a Keiito or SOLO vid . these boyz dem da truth!
6:19 bro is soloing like 15 people 💀
Yo keiito W vid:) also have you founs your cat? Hope you did :)
naw i didnt
@keiitoszn ah damn.. hope it gets home soon:)
What ingredients do u use on your dulling potion? W vid btw so close to 10k
Bro hearted your comment but didn’t drop the potion. 😭
3 wheat 2 spider eggs antithetic salts and biotic salts
3 crustacean prob @@BlueSapphireDW
@@BlueSapphireDW Thanks
Saltchemist my beloved.
im starting to think i'll need this guy to show me how to use heavy correctly, i kinda want to use heavy weps for a long time
you dont die bro
What are the ingredients used in potions?
Could you make a video of that? I'd like to have good potions since the ones I have are garbage.
My goat uploaded again
What’s ur opinion on kyotaki😭
Play on the arima build🙏🙏
They are worse than before and I don't mean on how they flood, I mean they are on negative skill points😂😂😂
What even constitutes to a flood guild? When 3 people came in to help their guildmate getting ganked? By that point every active guild is a flood guild.
There was a lil more then 3 people🌞
@@whyuheftobemadd6446 Yea but isn't that a regular guild fight? How many were on their guild on that one?
@@Pierrceywhen they flood the server so no one can join to help
@@shortseater2006 On this video it looks like Keiito's guild is the one who flooded the server. If we're talking about the Kode guys it seems it's the same 5 people throughout the video
@@Pierrcey you know that guilds have allies right? it was like 6 kode + 4 allies, which makes 10 people in a 20 server, HALF of the server is from a single guild and they're jumping keito, no matter how many mussdawks you see in the server in the beginning, no one was helping, only at the end.
Wsp keito again the flood guild still remains the worst
Love your videos vro
you use prophets cloak?
@ he has 39 physical and elemental resistance so i was asking cus he also has 570 hp so how got 39 resistance with prophets
Regular day
Can I get that build?
w content boss
Shoulie juren on top ❤
The guy screaming at the beginning really needed to mute😭😭
1 hour 0 views, bro fell off
freaking early.