I can't wait for their comeback, new brand new style new refreshing them hopefully they're talented and deserve all the attention for being great and hardworking
Changing hair color or hair style Become more thin than before Look tired Too busy Did not attend some big event Is the comeback is around the corner? From what i think every group like that before their comeback.
GFriend does not get the love they deserve. I love other groups but GFriend? They'll never cheat you out of a performance. Dancing alone, they're way better and more in sync than 99% of the groups and even some of the male groups. Twice / Blackpink / Red Velvet are the only groups that are on the same talent level as GFriend. All these new groups are getting millions and millions of views and free invites to events just because of their sunbaes. Tons of new groups don't even have half the talent GFriend does but has 10x the fame they do. These new girl groups are so much more popular than GFriend but no one in any of these new girl groups can sing as well as Yuju, not even close. When it comes to dancing, SinB is pretty much regarded as one of the best dancers along with other girls like Seulgi, Momo, and Lisa.
Yuju's hair here remind me of my favorite look of eunha(TFTMN era) Are they having a comeback soon? Base on the new hair color of two eunbi, it look like they are having one soon
Seems like many idols don't want to attend mama this yr including Gfriend . They did the right thing thoo...Mnet is also currently having scandal, they don't need to perform on those snake award .
예전에는 운동화같은 신발 많이 신었는데 이렇게 보니까 진짜 많이 발전했다.. 근데 춤출때는 운동화같은 신발을 더 신었으면 좋겠어ㅠㅠㅠ옷도 예쁜것도 좋지면 편한거ㅠㅠ 혹여나 다칠까봐 걱정된다...
TAEWON TV they don't need a snake, gfriend is still the best! ❤️
Yes indeed!
When Yuju looks like Eunha during TFTMN era. Hehe
은하 염색 존예 ㅠㅠ 옷까지도 다 소화하는 은하 당신은 도덕책,,,❤❤
Everyone: watching MAMA 2019
Me: still watching GFRIEND
Foe me : No GFriend MAMA mean nothing..
@@younglin6636 sameeeee!!! I didn't watch MMA too last time.
Me too. Gfriend ♥♥♥
I dont watch MAMA since 2017 😁
Mee too...
이제 여신들이 되어가네요 열대야 노래 너무 중독성 강하네요 😍
Yuju and Sowon look so elegant and fabulous💜💜💜
너무 지쳐 보이는데ㅜㅜ 행사 너무 많이 돌리지 말고 좀 푹 쉬게 해줘여 양념ㅜㅜ 글고 이 추운 겨울에 좀만더 길게 입혀 주세요ㅜㅜ 부탁합니다ㅠㅠ
SinB so pretty 😭😭💖💖
Yujuuuuuuuuuu is sooooi amazingggg shes is soo pretty hit at the same time she look like a barbie 😱😍❤💖
면티 입고 춤추던게 엊그제 같았는데
노력 엄청했네 다들
Looks at eunha's hair!!!!!!!?!?!?!?!? Omoooooooo my hearttttttttt its gonna blowwwww
Gfriend don't need awards from MAMA, buddies' hearts are enough and those are better than trophies
Sowooon, Yujuuuu why are you sooooo beautifuuuul😱😵😵😵😵❤😭
최고의 코디다 진짜ㅠㅠ
볼때마다 느끼지만 소원이 비율은 진짜....대박이다♥
I never watch MAMA since 2016(even that one I only watch gfriend clips) , no gfriend no talk
역시 여자친구언니들♡♡♡다이쁘다...
정은비 오렌지색 머리 찰떡이다 정말... 😭🧡 너무 귀여워 말랑말랑 아가토끼🍑
여자친구 사랑해여ㅠㅠ❤❤❤진짜 왕팬이에욤..ㅠㅠ항상 버디가 옆에서 여친들 응원해용!! I love my girlfriend.❤❤❤
Yup comeback is near, there is no way they would dye sinb's hair blonde if they're on hiatus
I hope they comeback soon.. plz source music..
@Echo Ponce source music is just under Big hit ent. Big hit said they won't touch source. They still have permisson to control GFRIEND 😆
True. Hair change sign of comeback. My guess in January
@@최성현-f4q where is the hope now?
Yuju is so pretty OMG😮💕💕
sinb looks so pretty omg my wig 😭😍
I really like their outfits hereeee. Especially Sowon's & Yuju's outfit
은하 금발했네 너무 귀엽다
They are my sunshine, always give me infinite of power
Yuju 😍 😍 😍
여자친구 진짜 열심히 하는거 알아줘야 되 ㅠㅠ
I love Yerin's outfit
No puedo apartar mis ojos de Yuju, se ve hermosa en ese outfit💗
Everytime they change their hair color, expecting comeback 🤔😱😍
여자친구는 이런그룹이 있었으면 좋겠다고 상상한 상상속에만 존재하던 그룹을 현실에 내놓은듯함
팬들이나 소속사는 좋아할테지만 여자친구는 저렇게 매일 힘든춤을 춘다는건 말이 안돼요.
지금이라도 행사버젼 방송버젼 이렇게 나뉘어야함
여자친구 누나들 사랑해요💛💛💛💛💛💛
1:44 Sinb's shoe got stucked a bit lol
*I LOVE YOU SINB* 😊😘😍💜💖💕💞
Yuju 😍
Im expecting them on MAMA 2019, anticipating for their performance of fever... But then... Feels so disappointed😔
They looks awesome. I see new hair color
❤❤❤Gfriend is life, just want to look them :)
가을룩 참 예쁘지만 지금 영하권 들어섰는데 너무 춥겠다... 행사에 일본공연까지 힘들듯 ㅠ 애들 휴가 좀 줬으면
비활동기로 알고있는데 왜 다들 지쳐보이지? 컴백준비를 한다고 그런건가 행사를 많이 한다고 그런건가..
비활동기인데 이번에 행사같은거 진짜 많이 다녔더라구요 ㄷㄷ
My girlies 💞 Yerin looks so GOOD
I can't wait for their comeback, new brand new style new refreshing them hopefully they're talented and deserve all the attention for being great and hardworking
Miss them .. Yuju, Umji, and all members
They are looks so beautiful!!!
1:58 Yerin
0:30 eunha
sowon’s proportions are crazy good
열대야 너무 좋아요❣ 계속 들어도 좋고, 중독성 대박입니다... (*´ ˘ `*) 내일 소정언니(님) 생신이신데 생일 축하해요 언니~!🎂 내일은 좋은날입니닷🎁❤
Yeriiinnnnn 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Fighting Eunha👑💜✨Eunha look so beautiful and the other members too.
SinB so feminim❤
유주밖에안보여 미친 개이쁘다..
김소정 정예린 정은비 최유나 황은비 김예원 여자친구
Changing hair color or hair style
Become more thin than before
Look tired
Too busy
Did not attend some big event
Is the comeback is around the corner?
From what i think every group like that before their comeback.
진짜 추웠겠다ㅠㅠㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ
Omg i miss gfriend a lot I wish I can see them in real life
Greatest of all time!
Buddy I can hear you
this outfit set is so cute
I watched the close up fancams and the girls are happy and smiling during the performances
썸네일 제일 오른쪽에 비율 쩌는 여신님이 계서서 들어와봤습니다
3:04 umji looks like the lead dancer- I mean main dancer. 😍
은하언니 염색>
yuju looks pretty here oo🥺💕
I Love Gfriend:3
The outfit suits sowon sm 😍
이 부분 황은비 저렇게 해맑게 웃고 있다가 갑자기 파워풀하게 춤추는거
진짜 개발리네,,,,ㅠㅠㅠ
쏘리다랑 윶 다리 이메다야...
비율 대박....
GFriend does not get the love they deserve. I love other groups but GFriend? They'll never cheat you out of a performance.
Dancing alone, they're way better and more in sync than 99% of the groups and even some of the male groups.
Twice / Blackpink / Red Velvet are the only groups that are on the same talent level as GFriend.
All these new groups are getting millions and millions of views and free invites to events just because of their sunbaes.
Tons of new groups don't even have half the talent GFriend does but has 10x the fame they do.
These new girl groups are so much more popular than GFriend but no one in any of these new girl groups can sing as well as Yuju, not even close.
When it comes to dancing, SinB is pretty much regarded as one of the best dancers along with other girls like Seulgi, Momo, and Lisa.
Their outfit so nice✨👁
SinB why u so beautiful? 💖💖
Girls so beauty😍😍😍
Love this outfit so much!
everyone : watching mama 2019
no one:
me: still watching GFriend
also me : watching BTS performance on TH-cam.
what i can do? i stan both of the gp
Jeon Galaxy true
좀있으면 컴백하나 !?!? 헤어스타일이 다바꼈넹 ❤❤❤
Like = Buddy
No like = no buddy
pretty princess
Yuju's hair here remind me of my favorite look of eunha(TFTMN era)
Are they having a comeback soon? Base on the new hair color of two eunbi, it look like they are having one soon
I love gfriend 💓💓💓💓💓💓
1:14 - Umji little mistake was cute 😭
Good cameramen
My lovely girls! Go Go Gfriend!!
thank you for this fancam 💜💙
I like how they seem to be rotating the ones who dyes/bleaches their hair for each comeback xD
Their life vocals though❤👏👏👏❤❤❤
Seems like many idols don't want to attend mama this yr including Gfriend . They did the right thing thoo...Mnet is also currently having scandal, they don't need to perform on those snake award .
Cant wait for their comeback
은하 살 왤케 빠졌어ㅠㅠ
Eunha’s new hair!
Miss them so much
With short blond hair and so♡
Thank you :)
윶 진짜 춤 까리하게 잘추네...ㅋㅋㅋ
Yerin so cute😂