the Patriarh guy has aways managed to get insane shots on forsen with bows and meeles, as well as being on new accounts so it's not totally out of the blue for him to be cheating, but he does look like he plays the game as if he actually plays off stream sniping so pepege
Forsen really liked the ambatukam memes
he's a true coomer at heart, oppressed by the evil authoritarians of twitch
Someone finally killed forsen with a mortar
Someone finally killed forsen monkaOMEGA
@@forsenbaj Clueless Surely forsen will never show up again after I kill him
I wanna rail your pfp
the Patriarh guy has aways managed to get insane shots on forsen with bows and meeles, as well as being on new accounts so it's not totally out of the blue for him to be cheating, but he does look like he plays the game as if he actually plays off stream sniping so pepege
Copesen HE ES SHEATING forsenAngry forsenFITTA
Also crazy that he's a neo-nazi
highlights guy FeelsStrongMan
Strong guys gachiapprove
oh main goht
Your boy is abatu explode 13:56
Peak comedy omg
my nigga forsen
How tf, Patriarh is insane ZULOL
Autism FeelsStrongMan Clap
13:08 Patriarh gets baited
not the snipers forsen needs, but not the one he deserves
💪😭🍤 bubba g
Patriarh U ZULUL
Thank you so much, I missed the streams
10:23 sadE
He's so bad OMEGALUL