Take money from high performing investments instead of drawing social security that has virtually zero gains? Really? This is why don’t take advice from financial advisors. It takes a good 10 years to cover the opportunity cost of withdrawing from a high performing asset instead of a low performing one. Run the numbers for $2000K a month Social Security vs $3000 a month 8 years later and you will never live long enough to make up the compound interest you would have gained from taking SS at 62.
yeah, I don't 'pull out'
Music at the end 🤝
Take money from high performing investments instead of drawing social security that has virtually zero gains? Really? This is why don’t take advice from financial advisors. It takes a good 10 years to cover the opportunity cost of withdrawing from a high performing asset instead of a low performing one. Run the numbers for $2000K a month Social Security vs $3000 a month 8 years later and you will never live long enough to make up the compound interest you would have gained from taking SS at 62.