The initial part about databricks was superb. I lost the track a bit when I entered the SQLDBM part of the video. A modelling tool won't be instrumental in a migration unless the joins are not defined in source data model. A data model of source would be good to have but not mandatory. Wasnt sure if so much of the video needed SQLDBM in it. I would lookup SQLDBM separately and would keep this video focused on databricks migration.
The initial part about databricks was superb. I lost the track a bit when I entered the SQLDBM part of the video. A modelling tool won't be instrumental in a migration unless the joins are not defined in source data model. A data model of source would be good to have but not mandatory. Wasnt sure if so much of the video needed SQLDBM in it. I would lookup SQLDBM separately and would keep this video focused on databricks migration.