Thank you very much for all the details on applying EE! Really helpful especially the part about uploading supporting submission! Do you have any template for the employment record from previous employer? Thanks!
感謝你既分享! 好detail! 我都睇左好多資料,OWP -> EE 真係唔易 可唔可以問一題問題你係點答? Was a positive Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) issued for the current work permit? Yes No No - My work permit is exempt from an LMIA due to an international agreement No - My work permit is exempt from an LMIA due to a Fedral-Provincial agreement No - My work permit is exempt from an LMIA for other reasons and is employer-specific 搵左好耐都唔知點答T.T (我暫時係就咁答No)
多謝分享! 最近不斷睇緊EE 資料, 你講解的好清晰啊!❤❤❤
係 佢仲睇好多其他韓劇😝 - 多謝你呀!!
Thank you very much for all the details on applying EE! Really helpful especially the part about uploading supporting submission! Do you have any template for the employment record from previous employer? Thanks!
堅喎DIY EE 自己搵資料真係會怕漏 又大壓力
啲Timing真係錯晒🤣 我都中咗幾招
powerful research!!
你好 感謝你分享 真係超實用 睇番你經歷 其實stream b同ee不能同時申請?
great content!
Thank you!!
感謝你既分享! 好detail! 我都睇左好多資料,OWP -> EE 真係唔易
Was a positive Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) issued for the current work permit?
No - My work permit is exempt from an LMIA due to an international agreement
No - My work permit is exempt from an LMIA due to a Fedral-Provincial agreement
No - My work permit is exempt from an LMIA for other reasons and is employer-specific
搵左好耐都唔知點答T.T (我暫時係就咁答No)
No - My work permit is exempt from an LMIA due to an international agreement
Congrat 🎉
Thank you !!
想請問一下,如果已經stream B apply PR, 係咪唔可以同時再用PNP and EE 等其他途經申請?
我都唔係好清楚🤔 因為我當時情況係申請咗EE先
Thanks for sharing
想請問下 我會係下年4月grad。我睇過我celpip拎到9以上既話我總分會係470幾但如果做左一年嘢就會上到510幾。想問下會建議我一grad都入左池先,定真係做夠一年先入池好啲?
@@lam-p1g 如果我冇記錯..想行CEC嘅話一定要有一年工作經驗先得 呢個係基本要求 即使起profile入池個陣唔需證明文件住 你都要填你份工嘅NOC code 佢先計倒你個分比你入池 如果你一grad就起profile 你未知自己返咩工 即未知job code 係完成唔到profile入池的哦
@@lam-p1g 係呀 要有本地工作經驗先可以完成profile攞分的 所以個program先叫Canadian experience class. 再唔係你可以睇吓federal skilled workers你啱唔啱 不過我就唔係好清楚嗰個program了
明哂 咁我再了解下先 祝你生活愉快!
想問你果時有冇同時申請Stream B and Express Entry?
@@uaremeruaremer 我申請express entry時未有得申請stream b 所以冇同時申請
@@neuru_ 你點樣揾番以前啲學校幫你寫job duties? 我只得果封學信離職信咋,只係寫低咩職位,入職及離職日咋⋯⋯
@@uaremeruaremer 學校?!我係搵前僱主 搵返我以前個team啲upper management 寫
@@neuru_ 想問一下 舊僱主封信件要包含咩元素? 例如 每周時數? 能不能用入職時簽contract上寫的daily working hours做証明? 因為都有啲困難找前僱主寫信✉️⋯⋯
想問學歷證明係咪比大學畢業證書,定係比W E S?
假設我是part time 我還要提供工作的證明嗎
快了快了哈哈 thank you!!
高中學歷,香港做保險,加拿大做餐廳reception,吾知stream B機會大吾大呢?