Thanks, Ashley! Possibly a buzzard? Never particularly sure with the big raptors (other than red kites!), so if anyone has any suggestions, they would be gratefully received.
@@LakeDistrictFilms I'm no expert but it may be a Kestrel. Buzzards have all sorts of markings but generally perch or soar. Whatever, it was a good spot!!
we love this walk.
It's a hidden gem! Maybe one for November?
Even on a damp day looks spectacular, must do that one - thanks for posting 👍
Thanks for watching!
Thanks for posting! Always love your videos!
Thanks, Jonathan!
Brilliant video and walk. You had it all to yourself. Was that a hawk you spotted? Regards, Ashley
Thanks, Ashley! Possibly a buzzard? Never particularly sure with the big raptors (other than red kites!), so if anyone has any suggestions, they would be gratefully received.
@@LakeDistrictFilms I'm no expert but it may be a Kestrel. Buzzards have all sorts of markings but generally perch or soar. Whatever, it was a good spot!!
@@LakeDistrictFilms yes, definetely a Buzzard..good bit of footage of it in a hover and drop.
Really great to see you back out in the fells, cracking vlog. 👍📸🏞️
Thanks, Stephen!
An interesting video - went up Kings How many years ago, but won't be doing that now due to health issues.
Thanks, Philip. Hope the film brings back good memories.