You seem to have different loadouts on the harbinger?? Sometimes orange shoots, sometimes blue shoots? Either way I'm really disappointed that you use "Holy War" on your thumbnail and just play all SLayer and didn't throw in a Megadeth
I have some Megadeth I was just vibing Slayer while i made it. This ship you're referring to is the Aegis Sabre. Similar pilot view to the Vanguard but it's a single seater stealth light fighter. I'm alternately using Attritions, NDBs, and Panthers on it, depending on mood.
Keep up the good fight, you brave defender of the idris.
You seem to have different loadouts on the harbinger?? Sometimes orange shoots, sometimes blue shoots? Either way I'm really disappointed that you use "Holy War" on your thumbnail and just play all SLayer and didn't throw in a Megadeth
I have some Megadeth I was just vibing Slayer while i made it. This ship you're referring to is the Aegis Sabre. Similar pilot view to the Vanguard but it's a single seater stealth light fighter. I'm alternately using Attritions, NDBs, and Panthers on it, depending on mood.