Thanks for the helpful review. Just 1 thing I wanted to point out is that, if you mess up the customization process, your money is not down the drain! you have 30 days of free return or they do sell tip replacements for like $25.
These must really be selling poorly. They currently are selling the logitech fits for the same price as the UE despite the logitech just being the same thing with additional gaming features.
Thanks for the helpful review. Just 1 thing I wanted to point out is that, if you mess up the customization process, your money is not down the drain! you have 30 days of free return or they do sell tip replacements for like $25.
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These must really be selling poorly. They currently are selling the logitech fits for the same price as the UE despite the logitech just being the same thing with additional gaming features.
It's always a head-scratcher when products with similar features are priced differently.
99$ max
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