Power god bless you. Man of god my name is alisha cort. I live in dutch Suriname were can i get that powerful water. Prayer is not a barrier to wash my problem away forever will god always used you to help and deliver his children form bondage of curses and sickness finance problem struggle pain tears and darkness let the power of the holy spirit be with us all and you profit Jeremiah amen amen thank you Jesus
Power god bless you. Man of god my name is alisha cort. I live in dutch Suriname were can i get that powerful water. Prayer is not a barrier to wash my problem away forever will god always used you to help and deliver his children form bondage of curses and sickness finance problem struggle pain tears and darkness let the power of the holy spirit be with us all and you profit Jeremiah amen amen thank you Jesus
Power god bless you. Man of god my name is alisha cort. I live in dutch Suriname were can i get that powerful water. Prayer is not a barrier to wash my problem away forever will god always used you to help and deliver his children form bondage of curses and sickness finance problem struggle pain tears and darkness let the power of the holy spirit be with us all and you profit Jeremiah amen amen thank you Jesus
Power, the one and only Fresh and Raw Tireless General (Owomowomo 1)
Please how can I get this water
Power god bless you. Man of god my name is alisha cort. I live in dutch Suriname were can i get that powerful water. Prayer is not a barrier to wash my problem away forever will god always used you to help and deliver his children form bondage of curses and sickness finance problem struggle pain tears and darkness let the power of the holy spirit be with us all and you profit Jeremiah amen amen thank you Jesus