15:08 The Paildramon should not have been able to attack. It was the only opposing digimon on board when the BT-16 Ankylomon was digivolved into. Ankylomon's On Play/When Digivolving: 1 of your opponents digimon can't attack players until the end of turn.
If your opp blast digivolve into your dragon bt16, the effect of the dragon mode and the when evo of the opp blastevo triggers at the same time, but because you are the turn player you can resolve first this bottom deck your opponents ace before they can resolve their when evo eff
4:53 I don't think Shakkoumon could have his sources trashed, as it still had the protection effect from the previous turn.
15:08 The Paildramon should not have been able to attack. It was the only opposing digimon on board when the BT-16 Ankylomon was digivolved into. Ankylomon's On Play/When Digivolving: 1 of your opponents digimon can't attack players until the end of turn.
Yes more Big Shakk games! I’m glad that you’re posting them, before bt16 i didn’t really see any gameplay or guides for them.
At 6:23 they didn't give the overflow memory from dedigivolving the FM
If your opp blast digivolve into your dragon bt16, the effect of the dragon mode and the when evo of the opp blastevo triggers at the same time, but because you are the turn player you can resolve first this bottom deck your opponents ace before they can resolve their when evo eff
yeah it's so cursed LOL, basically forces you to not blast evo, you just have to hold that
The old tale of every jogress deck.
Either you draw so well, your opponent thinks you cheat or you brick more than a Legobuilder
Big Shakk looks like a really fun deck to play but mad expensive for a casual deck with them promo patamon & armadillomons
Pata can probably be cut in all honesty, but promo dillo defo mandatory
game 3 i could have played out of the scenario if i just sequenced my rookies right to get the extra memory, we try again next week
Omg the imperial player’s egg sleeves are killing me lmfao
Oh. Both players have em LMAO
@@BlastOffBobby Yeah, I think the gang got them made back in BT8, I forgot about these LMAO