Pushing Boundaries in Agriculture | Rob Saik | TEDxRedDeer

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 379

  • @DzMSE
    @DzMSE 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Дякуємо, Роберт ❤ хай благословить Вас Бог!

  • @grahammcrae4277
    @grahammcrae4277 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Robert Saik. Well well well.. I always knew you were destined for big things. Fabulous job. Your argument makes perfect sense.

  • @TheBCBuddy
    @TheBCBuddy 9 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Brilliant! Thank you Rob, keep it up!

  • @cosechaloquesiembras
    @cosechaloquesiembras 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Ecological agriculture is more efficient than monoculture, and is feeding more people than industrial agriculture around the world, Rob Saik is clearly in the business of GMOs. Sustainable agriculture needs diversity which is exactly the opposite of what GMOs, fertilizers and herbicides do.

    • @adamvetter7572
      @adamvetter7572 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Francisco Figueroa if you pay attention to his introduction, he's actually the founder of agri-trend witch gathers data on the masses and agriculture. With his own research over the past 20 years, he's came up with all these figures. His point in this lecture is to Showcase that the problem with Society now is non science is taking over science and he has all of the data to prove all of his findings.

  • @mitchwhites3177
    @mitchwhites3177 9 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    And now for Vivienne Westwood's advice to the poor who can't afford enough winter clothing, "Shiver more !"

  • @johnt1542
    @johnt1542 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    In my experience, those who express anti GMO views are also the same folks who don't vaccinate their children. Educated and wealthy people who believe GMO's will lead to increased rates of autism. These are the same folks who believe the link between vaccines and autism. Just my experience living in California where vaccine rates are relatively lower than the rest of the country. Very interesting talk and people should pause and listen and think.

  • @williampowell3783
    @williampowell3783 9 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Excellent talk. You covered many points that the general public is not aware. I hope this is watched widely.

  • @juanpascual729
    @juanpascual729 9 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Excellent talk. Science against prejudice. Science against fearmongering. Thanks for sharing. You shared true facts!, how can anybody be against technology -safe, proven- to feed the world. Keep going!

  • @prieten49
    @prieten49 8 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    The truth hurts, doesn't it? Thank you, Robert Saik.

    • @goldback9988
      @goldback9988 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3


    • @teofas
      @teofas 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Thumbs down to Rob Saik talk, the most opaque and manipulative talk i have ever watch on TED, Its not only the gmo problem witch people complains about, its also the intellectual property gmo corporations have over seeds and how farmers are loosing they farms because of this, it´s also the BIG problem of monocultives and the demage it does to the soil, the big gmo´s corporation good intentiosn of finishing the world hunger its not working and it has big counter effects on nature, its no efficient enough even with all its technology invested, its also very energy demandign and expensive in constrast with organic agriculture wich is not only more efective but also sustentable, in the other hand gmo´s monocultive are not sustentable, watch for example the facts expose by FARMLAND LP they convert farms from conventional crops to organic and the made the efficiency and productivity much higher ones the conventional convert to organic, by the way organic is expensive cause it dosent have the subsidies and because its mostly imported not because it requieres more investment, compare with conventional farming with is in fact much more expensive than organic. Other issue is the economics calculus entering this ecuation of gmo´s corporations and international open markets agreements, for example the corn in US has subsidies and in mexico it has very low subsidies so mexico start importing this US corn and mexico corn farmers went to bankrupt, this info its well know by economist like nobel price laurated Joseph Stiglitz and they have talk about this issue extensibly. And I can go on with more info about this, to be honest, and in my point of view Rob Saik talk is very very very opaque and very partial, he is missleading important economic and proved facts about the gmo´s consecuences to long term, economically and ecologicaly

    • @davidadcock3382
      @davidadcock3382 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      You really do not know anything about this subject do you Teofilo. First of all farmers quit receiving direct subsidies with the passage of the 2013 farm bill. Farmers pay more for gmo seed but in return we can use way way less safer pesticides even safer than the pesticides that Organic Growers Use. I know you are here trying to support the Organic industry with your lies and misinformation trying to justify charging 2,3,and sometimes for times more for their products making them a huge huge hugely profitable industry. GMO technology is here to stay no matter what you say. Man has been breeding plants in all different ways for thousands of years to help benefit mankind. 500 years ago a carrot was pure white. GMO technology is use in many things to better the world. Almost all Insulin used today by diabetics is GMO insulin. GMO rennet has been used for decades to make cheese. The cheese making enzyme breaks down proteins and separates them from whey. Golden Rice to benefit vitamin A-deficient children. & BT CORN AND COTTON. GMO proteins include blood- clotting factors to help Hemophiliacs, the hepatitis B vaccine, thyroid hormones, laundry detergent enzymes, and many synthetically produced amino acids used in nutritional supplements. There are many many many more benefits of GMO technologies. We all should give thanks to GOD for giving us the wisdom of GMO and stand up to those that tell lies about GOD's blessings trying to play GOD themselves trying to take away his blessings.

  • @mppalves
    @mppalves 8 ปีที่แล้ว +31

    The problem is not technology, but its misuse...

    • @DukeGMOLOL
      @DukeGMOLOL 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Crop biotechnology is not being misused.

  • @amandaz8337
    @amandaz8337 9 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    This is awesome. If we could get "foodies" to sit down and watch it, we may just change the world.

  • @johngoodrich2741
    @johngoodrich2741 8 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Thank you, this was very informative, keep up the good work.

    • @haricharanreddy3417
      @haricharanreddy3417 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      no, he is not correct. read my comment on this video.

  • @charlesmaynard6052
    @charlesmaynard6052 9 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    An excellent talk.

  • @angelaboesche
    @angelaboesche 9 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I'm seeing many comments to the effect of, "We already have enough food and land to feed the world, we're just not using it right!"
    Exactly. This is addressing that issue. The equal dispersment of food across the entire world is not going to happen in the foreseeable future (as terrible as it might sound, it's not gonna happen). This can improve the quality and yields of crops that these people already have access to. That's the point.

  • @judithbreakell9706
    @judithbreakell9706 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I would love to see you chatting on stage with Vandava Shiva. 👍

  • @RealEstateInsider247
    @RealEstateInsider247 7 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    All people should grow at least some food; Have fruit trees etc.

    • @beebysill
      @beebysill 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      hot take

  • @Searchforuhuru
    @Searchforuhuru 9 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    The monopoly on "organic" and "natural" is becoming a racket here in the U.S.

    • @Searchforuhuru
      @Searchforuhuru 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      @tralnok Yes, but when I travel internationally there is no concept of "organic" nor "natural"

    • @WranglersRopers
      @WranglersRopers 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      +tralnok And please, when was the last time you left the city?

    • @ItsOneInAMillion
      @ItsOneInAMillion 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +Search for Uhuru Organic and natural is nothing but marketing terms. Something natural doesnt mean it's better and as we all know, organic farming uses far far more toxic pesticides.

    • @ItsOneInAMillion
      @ItsOneInAMillion 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      ***** okay buddy. I guess the USDA has organic approved pesticides for fun then haha. You're so delusional it's actually quite sad.

    • @ItsOneInAMillion
      @ItsOneInAMillion 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      ***** Oh ok. Sorry, I didn't know that you were batshit crazy.

  • @omacroga
    @omacroga 9 ปีที่แล้ว +3


  • @lillianlaura3
    @lillianlaura3 9 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    The planet currently provides enough food to feed 12 billion people. Nearly half of it is wasted/thrown away. Much of it is used in biofuels. The world is not short of food, the problem is poverty, people can't buy/grow the food they need. In the US 1 in 5 kids are food insecure. They are not hungry due to a lack of GM food. They are hungry due to poverty. The GM golden rice he mentions are still being developed. Go to the IRRI website and read how they yield poorly. Meanwhile the Philippines has massively reduced Vitamin A deficiency by food supplementation, encouraging eating fruit and vegetables and by vitamin A tablets. Why does he not explain this, does he not know?
    The GM crops we already have have massively increased pesticide use. They either can be sprayed with weedkillers so the GM crop survives but the weeds are supposed to die. The other main type of GM creates a toxin within the plant to kill certain insects that eat it by destroying their gut. This toxin cannot be washed off. Unsurprisingly both these GM traits are failing. The weeds and pests are surviving the toxins. More weedkillers and pesticides are being used. 50% of US farms have 'superweeds' that can't be killed. The new GM crops being released will be sprayed with 2.4-D or Dicamba. 2,4-D was an ingredient in agent orange. Both pesticides drift and will kill non-GM crops.
    The science that is being ignored is the science showing that industrial GM agriculture is destroying the soil as well as bankrupting farmers. The people who profit are the corporations that control the seed and the chemicals sprayed on them. The IAASTD report took 4 years and 400 scientists to show that we need agroecology to feed the world. That is local farmers growing a multiplicity of crops in ways that work with, not against nature. It reduces rural poverty as well as regenerating the soil.
    This man is spruiking for corporations that have patented seed. This means farmers cannot save, develop or share their seeds. This is an enclosure of the commons and could be regarded as theft.
    RNAi technology is very new and not much is known about it. It does seem that fragments of nucleaic acids can enter our blood stream from the food we eat and they seem likely to be able to turn on and off our genes.
    The FDA does no testing of any GM food. It relies on the information provided to them by the corporations. They engage in a voluntary exchange of documents that ends with the FDA saying that there seems to be no reason for the FDA to conduct a pre market assessment.
    This speech is full of misinformation. Have a look at Jack Heinemann's research into the comparison of European and US corn yields the EU wins hands down. I cannot believe he is allowed to say these things without challenge.

    • @nsaik
      @nsaik 9 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      So, you want to move the food? with what? The biofuel? Are you saying we have enough food production, but can't move it, but also can't grow the fuel? Lack of food is poverty. Golden Rice WAS developed, and certified in 2002. Fact. Check it. FDA does test, etc etc. Mis information. bad science fran.

    • @nsaik
      @nsaik 9 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Also, NO gene material crosses the gut threshold. You can't beliieve Rob was allowed to say this? really? have you heard any of the outlandish claims made by the anti-gmo side? You actually think this video was made without challenge? This video IS the challenge, to misinformation, and elitism. Developing solutions to hunger takes vast amounts of capital, and at the moment, we have few alternatives that yield solutions as quickly as private bio-tech companies are able to. (look at any one of hundreds of human examples where competition from private business increased the rate of innovation in a sector) you may not need innovations in food security, but the fact that you'd endorse withholding solutions from starving people says alot.

    • @vmaldia
      @vmaldia 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      \\This toxin cannot be washed off.\\
      which is not a problem since studies conducted before BT was approved for use by organic farmers proved that in the quantities that are normally consumed it is not toxic. They found this out by giving experimental animals unreasonably large quantitites of BT

    • @vmaldia
      @vmaldia 9 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      \\ as well as bankrupting farmers\\
      "Cotton production in Burkina Faso, one of the first countries in Africa to approve genetically modified cotton, jumped 57.5 percent in 2012-2013 due to an increase in GMO crops, the producers' association said"

    • @vmaldia
      @vmaldia 9 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      \\as well as regenerating the soil.\\
      "The International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) is marking the 150th harvest of its Long-Term Continuous Cropping Experiment (LTCCE), the world's longest-running rice research project.
      This living field laboratory offers humanity a firsthand glimpse into the wonders of how rice production can be sustained in a changing climate without adversely affecting the soil and the productivity of a rice ecosystem.
      According to Dr. Roland Buresh and Mr. Teodoro Correa, Jr., who both manage the LTCCE, the production of rice has been sustained after 150 rice crops in 52 years. Soil organic matter, a measure of soil fertility, has not declined in the past 30 years. This has been achieved without the application of crop residues and organic fertilizer."

  • @dennis300cr
    @dennis300cr 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Very interesting and informative presentation! I'll need to review this again because so much data went by so fast! And I would never try debating any Organic shrill, many see this as a Religion where scientific facts, figures and research don't matter and are always vehemently refused with a tempered attitude.

  • @chrispaterson967
    @chrispaterson967 9 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Great job with this presentation, it's a different new angle on a debate that's been spinning for 20+ years now. It's obvious from reading any of the debates on food philosophy issues that facts, data, population studies, and basic logic wont ever make an impression on those who have already formed their opinion by feeding on sensational internet propaganda with a paranoia agenda, instead of taking the time to actually visit a farm and learn it first hand. What I like about this talk is that it isn't just more of the classical debate, it shows some of the human costs that the wealthy trendy activists don't ever consider, and it also sheds some light onto who might be behind, and benefiting from the fear propaganda. That angle is never considered. Good job on being creative enough to take a fresh new angle on a tired debate.

  • @intiorozco5063
    @intiorozco5063 9 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    This needs multi-language subtitles, I'd share it in a sec.

  • @haysleigh93
    @haysleigh93 9 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Well done!!

  • @greggoryschmelzer5683
    @greggoryschmelzer5683 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you.

  • @Therlam2
    @Therlam2 9 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    For VAD associated blindness, the communities need to be educated on which crops offer proper nutrition. Crops with Beta carotene already exist, anything new is only a product developed for profit.
    "Poverty is in most cases the root cause, as VAD primarily occurs in countries, areas and families that cannot afford the quantity and variety of foods needed to meet their vitamin A requirements. Particular problems include lack of dietary fat and of foods of animal origin that contain preformed vitamin A (beta-carotene) and the seasonal fluctuations in the availability of many beta-carotene-rich fruits and vegetables. Ecological factors are also important, as foods rich in vitamin A require sufficient water supply and/or moderate temperature to grow. An inadequate water supply may often limit home and community gardening and as a consequence the availability of inexpensive sources of vitamin A. Thus countries or parts of countries with long dry periods and relatively constant hot temperatures are more likely to have vitamin A deficiency problems. Poor living conditions and inadequate hygiene and sanitation often contribute to the problem of VAD. Numerous studies have shown a drop in serum vitamin A as a result of infections, and blindness following measles may also be a result of VAD (WHO/UNICEF, 1995)."
    FAO food balance sheets indicate that the supply of vitamin A has improved in most developing countries over the past 20 years. In the late 1980s countries in the Near East, North Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean achieved levels substantially above the minimum base per caput requirement of 250 µg retinol equivalents (RE) per day and probably above the per caput safe level of intake of 550 µg RE per day. To assess vitamin A supplies in sub-Saharan Africa a clear distinction has to be made between countries in West Africa, where red palm oil is produced, and the rest of the region. Per caput vitamin A supplies in East Africa are generally low and even decreasing. Levels in southern Africa are below the per caput safe level of 550 µg RE per day. In West Africa and the Sahel regions vitamin A supplies are high but decreasing, and VAD does occur. One of the major reasons is that red palm oil is not marketed widely in many of these countries and does not reach vitamin A-deficient areas (see Box 67).
    Preventing and combating micronutrient malnutrition through a comprehensive approach
    In recent years, many activities to reduce micronutrient deficiency disorders have been implemented in developing countries, but these have mainly consisted of traditional health-based approaches focusing on supplementation, i.e. capsule and pill distribution. Longer-term preventive interventions have also been implemented by the agriculture, education and food technology sectors, but the widespread application of these interventions has been constrained, primarily because of a lack of awareness by donors and affected countries regarding their effectiveness and sustainability and a consequent lack of funds committed to such activities.
    Box 67 - The vitamin A supply situation in Africa
    The vitamin A situation in Africa requires careful examination. First, it is essential to distinguish between those countries where red palm oil is produced - in West Africa - and the other countries. When this is done, it becomes clear that East and southern Africa have very low availability of vitamin A. In southern Africa availability is probably on average below requirements, so that vitamin A deficiency is likely to be widespread. In addition, there are some indications that the overall supply is actually decreasing in East Africa, which would exacerbate the problem. In West Africa and the Sahel the apparently high availability does not preclude the coexistence of deficiency. As noted above, this is related to the fact that red palm oil is not marketed widely in a number of these countries.
    The retinol supply assessed from food balance sheets should, however, be treated only as potential supply. Effective levels of physiological intake are determined by many factors including the state of maturation of certain fruits and vegetables, effects of dietary fats on the intestinal absorption of vitamin A, and intake of enriched foods. In the period 1986 to 1988, the developing regions of the world derived more than 70 percent of vitamin A from plant sources. These include green leafy vegetables, carrots, various fruits, sweet potatoes and palm oil. In contrast, developed countries obtained only 45 percent of vitamin A from food of vegetable origin. The proportion coming from animal products tends to be higher in higher-income countries.
    Source: Adapted from UN ACC/SCN, 1992.
    In order to combat micronutrient deficiency diseases effectively and in a sustainable manner, governments and decision-makers need to be made aware of all the different approaches for reducing micronutrient deficiencies. The World Summit for Children, held in New York, USA, in 1990, drew greater attention to micronutrient deficiencies and called for new integrated strategies to solve this problem. The 1992 International Conference on Nutrition translated this awareness into a coherent strategy, making a real commitment to the use of sustainable food- and agriculture-based actions to ensure access to food and increased food consumption by the at-risk groups. The implementation of this strategy will require improved coordination and integration between health measures and activities in food and agriculture and will also require the allocation of adequate resources for undertaking food-based activities.
    The strategy of choice to prevent and combat micronutrient malnutrition should be based on promotion of the production and consumption of micronutrient-rich foods, on food fortification and on nutrition education and related activities. This is the only effective and sustainable solution to the problem. Supplementation also has to be considered as a component of the strategy for areas or populations with clinical vitamin A deficiency, but there should be a clear commitment to withdraw this activity (except in special conditions, e.g. where refugee or displaced populations depend on relief foods supplying inadequate micronutrients) as soon as food-based activities are in place and are effectively providing the population at risk with enough foods rich in micronutrients to prevent and control micronutrient deficiencies. The importance of each component of the strategy will vary according to the situation of the country, with account taken especially of the sustainability of the programme, the availability of personnel and cost-effectiveness.
    Promoting the production and consumption of micronutrient-rich foods
    In many African countries agricultural policies have for the past 30 years largely focused on income generation for the farmer, foreign exchange earnings from exported foods and national food security (see also Chapter 2). Food policies have been most concerned with promoting increased production of staple grains. While all of these considerations are important for good nutrition, food and agriculture policies have done too little to improve dietary diversity and increase consumption. Work is needed in this area, specifically to promote desirable nutrition outcomes through such means as land tenure, diversification of production, access to small-scale credit and nutrition education.
    Food and agriculture policies can also directly affect the consumption of micronutrient-rich foods by altering their availability and price. In particular, these policies can promote horticultural crops, legumes, small animals, fish and edible tree crops as well as social forestry and cropping patterns and preservation practices that alleviate seasonal food shortages and lead to greater availability and intakes of micronutrient-rich foods at household level (see also Chapter 5, on food diversification). Nutrition objectives should also be integrated into the agricultural research agenda. Ways of maximizing the micronutrient output of agricultural systems should be explored through research to enhance the big-available micronutrient content of major crops and to develop integrated small-scale farming systems that maximize production of micronutrient-rich crops, small-scale environmentally sustainable livestock enterprises and agro-forestry techniques for the production of both food and fuel (Combs et al., 1996). Horticultural-sector development can be used to increase production of fruits and vegetables, legumes and tree crops bearing edible leaves. In areas with inadequate rainfall, this development can be enabled through the provision of small-scale irrigation facilities and/or groundwater harvesting techniques. Box 68 provides an account of observed relationships between cropping patterns and the prevalence of vitamin A deficiency in Ethiopia as a guide for food-based intervention programmes.
    More households could be encouraged to grow dark-green leafy vegetables, such as amaranth, and orange or yellow fruits and vegetables such as pumpkin, papaya and mango for family use. Promotion of home gardens, fish ponds and poultry rearing, as well as small animal production, is also seen as a viable strategy to improve the consumption of beta-carotene and of retinol on a long-term basis. In areas of West Africa where red palm oil is widely consumed there is no deficiency of vitamin A. Promotion of oil-palm cultivation in other climatically suitable areas should be encouraged.
    Box 68 - Vitamin A deficiency in Ethiopia: a recommendation for food-based intervention programmes
    Clinical and biochemical data from the nationwide survey indicated that the prevalence of vitamin A deficiency was very low in the ensete staple areas. Dietary studies carried out previously have shown that ensete foods are supplemented with kale and cheese which can supply provitamin A and vitamin A, respectively. The cereal staple areas, referred to as the cropping zone, and the pastoral areas are those most affected as they have the highest prevalence of vitamin A deficiency. An even higher prevalence of vitamin A deficiency was found in Melkaye village which is in the cereal cropping zone in Hararge Region. This village does have the potential to grow coffee and chat (Khat edulis) which would enable it to have a cash-crop economy. The prevalence of vitamin A deficiency in the area was high not only because of the crops grown but also because of the failure of rains over a six-year period which resulted in total dependence of the inhabitants on relief food supplies.
    The food distributed contained very little vitamin A. From these studies we can conclude that vitamin A deficiency is a problem of public health significance in the cropping and pastoral zones of the country and was exacerbated in the relief-food-aid-dependent areas. On the other hand, the ensete staple areas are relatively non-affected.
    Distribution of vitamin A capsules should not overshadow other approaches that could be used to control vitamin A deficiency. Until now, most efforts have been directed towards the use of vitamin A capsules, but food-based intervention programmes are more appropriate in countries like Ethiopia. The relatively low prevalence of vitamin A deficiency in the ensete areas, as a result of the consumption of kale and cheese, provides an indication of the approach that could be followed in combating the problem of vitamin A deficiency. For example, in Kobo and Robi in the cropping area, the prevalence of vitamin A deficiency was not particularly high, probably because of the establishment of small irrigation schemes which enable production of vegetables that are rich in provitamin A.
    Source: Wolde-Gebriel et al., 1992
    Some green leafy vegetables may also be gathered regularly from wild plants. Early arable weeds are a particularly valuable source of "pot-greens", as they grow very quickly with the first rains and are harvested before there is any serious competition with the growing crops. In addition to these herbaceous plants, a wide variety of trees and shrubs are often used, especially the baobab, Adansonia digitata. Many of these shrubs and trees are identified only by their local names which vary from country to country. In Upper Shaba, former Zaire, it was found that leaves from 50 different tree species were eaten (Malaise and Parent, 1985), and in Swaziland more than half the adults interviewed reported that they ate wild leaves at least twice weekly when they were in season (Ogle and Grivetti, 1985). The nutritional values of selected East African green leafy vegetables are shown in Table 56.
    In addition to increases in production, major improvements are also needed in the preservation, processing, distribution and marketing of micronutrient-rich foods to reduce waste, post-harvest losses and the effects of seasonality. Particular attention needs to be paid to marketing of perishable foods. The vitamin content of harvested vegetables and fruits is inevitably substantially lowered, especially if they have been exposed to direct sunlight for extended periods. In harvesting green leaves from legume and root crops, care must be taken to avoid overdepletion of the photosynthetic resources of the plant. Many farmers have developed their own well-tried methods of leaf harvesting that minimize risks of crop reduction for the main food product.
    Table 56 - Nutritional values of selected East African green leafy vegetables:
    amaranth cassava, pumpkin, sweet potato, cowpea

    • @senecarr1
      @senecarr1 9 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Golden rice is a non-profit initiative - the technology is given away. That there are other options doesn't mean there is something wrong with golden rice as one of them.

    • @Therlam2
      @Therlam2 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      senecarr1 Its a Trojan horse. Why create something we don't need? If the product was on the market it will be sold, not given away.

    • @senecarr1
      @senecarr1 9 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Theresa Lam so more solutions to a problem that hasn't been solved so far is a bad thing? Golden rice represents a way to permanently eliminate the problem without continuous investment.

    • @Therlam2
      @Therlam2 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      senecarr1 The system requires no inputs once animals and rotations are instituted. That is why the industry is against it all. No profit for them. Now Fraley creating other markets trying to profit from Regenerative ag too by unnecessary modification of soil organisms. Nature already has soil food webs in place and they work. $300 million could be better spent teaching family farmers how to incorporate regenerative agriculture into their system. www.monsanto.ca/newsviews/Pages/NR-2013-12-10.aspx
      "Both companies will benefit from profits on commercialized products resulting from this alliance and those products brought into the alliance by the parties. Through the alliance, the companies will also test and sell commercial microbial products purchased from other suppliers to bring additional value to farmers."

    • @senecarr1
      @senecarr1 9 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Theresa Lam
      "Nature already has soil food webs in place and they work."
      Look at that, I predicted naturalistic fallacy, I got naturalistc fallacy. Soil does not naturally want to host farming, or any level of agricultural activity that will productively feed the current or future world population.
      "$300 million could be better spent teaching family farmers how to incorporate regenerative agriculture into their system." So, you'd like to be able to tell Monsanto to spend their money?

  • @scott31270
    @scott31270 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Great presentation! I wish we could get more people to see this and stop the myths.

  • @etmax1
    @etmax1 9 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    The guy works for Monsanto. Maybe unknowingly, but I'm sure.
    Who is Monstanto? it's the company that grew GM crops next to conventional crops and when the neighbouring crops were contaminated with the genes from the GM crop they sued the farmers for stealing their technology.
    Who is Monsanto? It's the company that grew GM corn that is rendering pig populations Sterile/
    Who is Monsanto? it's the company that makes a version of soy that is impervious to Roundup, a product that is also made by Monsanto and each year the farmers growing it need to use more Roundup as the weeds adopt genes from the soy crop and become resistant to it.
    Who is Monsanto? It's the company that makes Roundup that contaminates food products and has been found at levels 25 times higher than allowed and when told about it moved to have the safe level redefined rather than fix their process.
    Who is Monsanto? It's a company that sells sterile hybrid seeds or seeds that don't stay true to form over successive generations so that they continue to sell seed stock each year preventing seed retention methods for the following year's sowing.
    GM might be fine in the lab for producing medicines and and the like, but out in the real world is presents a real risk and to try and circumvent due process by making a presentation with a troll to influence the minds of the less well read in our society is a-typical of Monsanto.
    I'm not an agri-consultant that makes a lot of money recommending products for multinationals, I do not benefit from my statements in any other way that by helping create a safer world and by helping reduce contamination to our food chain or protecting conventional farmers with whom I have no association from law suits from multinationals that consider the Dollar the only worthwhile thing.
    Why isn't this guy doing some real service to the world agricultural community like recommending traditional farming and grazing methods that prevent depletion of soils and become sustainable through no external application of chemicals provided by multinationals, or teach seed selection and retention so that 10% of their income doesn't go into having to buy new seed each year
    I watched a recent video where they used methods that restored productivity to ancient soils without multinational profits in a SUSTAINABLE fashion.
    Why not cure the blindness from vitamin A deficiency by growing carrots or one of the high vitamin A yielding vegetables/fruits?

    • @cppbandit
      @cppbandit 9 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      If you ever want to break away from the commonly regurgitated paranoia propaganda and actually dive into the actual facts, there's a lot to be discovered. You might try it someday.
      You might try to learn how many GMO seed companies there are who are bigger than Monsanto, it makes you sound like the only education you have is from the GreenPeace website when the only company you can name is Monsanto.
      You might try to study what human longevity, and the number of centurians in North America has done in the years since GMO foods have dominated the North American diets? And then correlate that trendline with when the poisonous GMO's were introduced.
      You might try to understand what the pesticide load in the environment has done since GMO's were introduced? And while you're figuring that one out, try to understand how soil erosion has been impacted since the adoption of 0-till, and how that has affected soil, water, and air quality across North America?
      Maybe try to learn what diesel fuel consumption, water consumption, fertilizer consumption, and pesticide use - all per bushel of corn - has been doing since the introduction of GMO's? Compare that to 1975 data and then teach us all about sustainability. You'll have an audience with that one, guaranteed.
      Maybe try to find a peer reviewed paper from anytime in the past twenty years showing GMO's to be unsafe for human consumption? And then if you can actually find one, convince us that it's actually more credible than the thousands of other studies done by public and private researchers from all around the world - showing no difference.

    • @etmax1
      @etmax1 9 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      The practice of suing farmers for unintentionally having their crops contaminated by GM varieties won't appear in a peer reviewed journal. I'm not disputing that some GM crops may have advantages but GM is first and foremost a tool to ensure total market dominance.
      Regarding Monsanto's GM Roundup safe soy, there are peer reviewed journals that clearly state that that particular GM crop when sold is severely contaminated with Roundup along with the surfactants used to allow it to enter the plant. When levels of Roundup were found in the foods several times above the legal limit for it, Monsanto's response was to get the safe level raised. Not exactly inspiring confidence in their product.
      GM may be the answer when a group of unattached scientists get together and decide what genes a food crop needs, but research driven by multi nationals that have no other consideration except profit, I think not.

    • @maxcaldicott
      @maxcaldicott 9 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Most of what you've put is urban legend or simply made up.
      They don't sue over cross-contamination. It's never happened. Even the Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association had to admit that not a single case exists when they sued Monsanto to try and get them to stop them doing it.
      Sterile seeds have never ever been marketed. Ever.
      Saving seeds is an outdated method. 2nd generation hybrids are a poor quality.

    • @etmax1
      @etmax1 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      Michael Esterol
      for the contaminated seed issue and nutritionfacts.org has an extensive video on the glyphosate contamination levels and surfactants

    • @lacypitts8258
      @lacypitts8258 9 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      This man does not work for Monsanto. Do your research. Why is this about Monsanto when MANY ag companies are using biotechnology? WHY are you against something that is cost effective for farmers and producers alike? It must be easy to talk about agriculture when you aren't the one buying the seed or in dire need of the food. Tell me, are you the one buying four dollar granola bars at your local kroger store? You know who can't afford that? Ethiopians. No, I am not against organic farming, but it is simply not the answer to feeding 9 billion people in 35 years. GMO's are sustainable; the use of GMO's reduces the output of harmful chemicals, requires less water in a world where useful water is slowly depleting, and does not harm soils as much as conventional farming. Also, they are safe. Biotechnology is merely speeding up a process that happens naturally. Every farmer I know is a steward of the land, caring for it and working with his own two hands to feed an ever growing population, with the struggles of urban spread and less farmable land. Tell me how a farmer should grow enough food to feed the world when there's starbucks and walmarts being built in his wheat field? And finally, as for the Vitamin K deficiency. This is not America that struggles from it, this is third world countries. These people cannot just go buy some carrots at their local grocery store and all of a sudden be free of their sickness. They eat rice. Every single day. Rice is cheap and easy for less developed countries to grow and consume. Rice is void of the vitamin K nutrient, and a deficiency of that causes blindness, or even DEATH in children. I do not know you or your story, but maybe someday when you decide to go out and farm on your own, or eat rice every day, you can complain about Monsanto and Robert Salk on public websites. Stop focusing on the evil that you know as monsanto, and start focusing on the losses of hundreds of thousands of lives every day due to world hunger and the lack of nutrient rich food for starving children. Feel free to read this unbiased, informative, truthful article. seedmagazine.com/content/article/scientific_flip-flop/

  • @cooperanderson6051
    @cooperanderson6051 9 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    More than two-thirds of all agricultural land is devoted to growing feed for livestock, while only 8 percent is used to grow food for direct human consumption. Growing feed crops for livestock consumes 56% of water in the US. Globally, the livestock sector contributes 18 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. If the entire world population were to consume as much meat as the Western world does the global land required would be two-thirds more than what is presently used. United Nations says $30 billion a year is needed to end world hunger, The 2014 US defense budget is $526 billion. Only naive people would be persuaded by this PR attempt at humanising monsanto. They are in the business of ignoring practical solutions in favour of monopolising world agriculture. Ignoring every other solution in an attempt to validate gm food is ignorant. Why would you advocate for gm seed as a solution to malnutrition in Africa when as much as 80 percent of Africa’s agriculture still depends on rain not irrigation, simply investing in desalination plants would increase yields more than gm seeds ever could AND make 600 million more hectares of uncultivated arable land usable. But that flies in the face of profit through dependency. Surprise its not about feeding people its about money.

    • @glennn440
      @glennn440 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      Cooper Anderson Do you know how much water it takes to irrigate land to the equivalent of an inch of rain?
      27,000 gallons. These people are walking miles to get enough water to drink and now you want them to carry 27,000 gallons of water per acre back to their farms from the desalination plant?

    • @VictorGallagherCarvings
      @VictorGallagherCarvings 9 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      +Cooper Anderson Desalination makes sense for urban areas short on water. But for agricultural use it's impractical, because of the tremendous cost of building and running the desalination plant.

    • @quantumfloyd10
      @quantumfloyd10 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Well said. The fact that your post only had 4 likes before me is most startling tho.

  • @MattCraneIsHere
    @MattCraneIsHere 9 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    The problem is a 14billion dollar company owning patents on the tech to feed the planet, and patents. Maybe he should talk about how many less would die if patents ended.

    • @ItsOneInAMillion
      @ItsOneInAMillion 9 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Without the patents we wouldn't have the technology in the fist place. Years of development and then years of rigorous testing is involved. Also, golden rice is a completely non-profit project.

    • @ItsOneInAMillion
      @ItsOneInAMillion 9 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      ***** Traditional methods of breeding are unreliable and may take decades before we get the desired trait. With GM we can do it in a single generation.

    • @ItsOneInAMillion
      @ItsOneInAMillion 9 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      *****​ every time I get called a shill it just means I won the argument xD. You've got nothing, I've got the science on my side.
      Did I pull that out of my ass? No, I simply completed a genetics course at university. It's pretty obvious you didn't. Lol

    • @ItsOneInAMillion
      @ItsOneInAMillion 9 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I love this!!!! You're too far gone! And thanks for calling me a shill, proves I'm doing something right!! (My paycheck must be in coming in the mail) ;) I'm trained to look at evidence, I've done these experiments in the lab, I know much more than you. Your "LIFE SKILLS" are meaningless, especially to a scientist.
      I want to educate you, but I'm afraid you won't understand some of the big words I may use, so I'll try dumb it down a bit:
      When glyphosate comes into contact with the soil, it can be rapidly bound to soil particles, and be inactivated. So none of the shit you spouted applies. I'd link studies, but I don't think your "LIFE SKILLS" would help you too much with any of that.
      All your points are regurgitated propaganda and fear mongering.
      I'm not too concerned about my loans, Monsanto's shill money has got me covered ;) hahahahahah

    • @ItsOneInAMillion
      @ItsOneInAMillion 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      *****​ first get a science degree, then you might understand why your comment is such nonsense.

  • @emagneticboy97
    @emagneticboy97 9 ปีที่แล้ว +23

    It's impossible to reason with anti-GMO people. When you address their complaints of GMO they simply find new complaints.

    • @BenjaminMagno
      @BenjaminMagno 9 ปีที่แล้ว +15

      Not always. I was anti for a while, although I at least admitted it was because I didn't understand the tech. I learned. I looked up what was correct, not using Google to filter out "why I'm correct". People get a feeling of self-importance when there's a giant faceless boogeyman out to "get them".

    • @CampingforCool41
      @CampingforCool41 8 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      +emagneticboy97 Not impossible. I was somewhat anti-GMO because I thought that the negative things I learned about them was fact, or that we should at least wait for more testing. Now I've learned more, and while I still don't trust companies like Monsanto (though not in the sense that Monsanto is some kind of evil "boogyman"), I don't think that it's the GMOs themselves that are the problem.

    • @BenjaminMagno
      @BenjaminMagno 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      "The business model that is Monsanto" shows that no, you don't understand, you've just heard a lot of stuff. I heard it, too. Not a lot of truth to those "widely believed facts".

  • @DPLS77
    @DPLS77 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Great information

  • @oaktree7799
    @oaktree7799 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Excellent Video

  • @mitchwhites3177
    @mitchwhites3177 9 ปีที่แล้ว +33

    Given the overwhelming evidence for the potential, safety and efficacy of GMO tech, I can no longer call anti-gmo intentions good.

    • @BenjaminMagno
      @BenjaminMagno 9 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      I was quite anti-GMO for a while, and I at least admitted it was because I'd only heard the paranoia machine, and it's human nature, when things are repeated often enough, to accept them as truth. I stopped reading "articles" for information, and dove into peer-reviewed science. NOT pay-to-play journals. I was shocked, and then I wasn't. People in privileged societies seem to like the notion that some boogeyman of a "corporation" is "out to get them".
      With so many other things, if your argument absolutely requires a grand conspiracy, you might want to put a pin in that, put your ego aside, and be willing to change your views based on evidence(science).
      I have no problem with people arguing idealistically against GMOs, but don't call it science.

    • @intiorozco5063
      @intiorozco5063 9 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Hell is paved with good intentions. Those who broke in and destroyed golden rice field tests were sure they were doing something good by impeding something designed to save millions of children.

    • @dgdaner
      @dgdaner 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      +Benjamin Magno His point at about 5:40 is that we have an excess of cheap food so people get picky. Essentially; I'm paraphrasing. If you look what has been happening in the beer industry the last few years you see the same thing. People rejecting the "big" relatively cheap brands in favor of more expensive craft brewed beer. Why? We have disposable income, lets spend it on "quality".
      I realize your comment is over a year old but (lame excuse) I've been imbibing. :P
      If you want to distill it another way the liberal minded folks generally look at corporations with distrust (the ubiquitous "monsanto!") while conservatives do the same with the government.

    • @BenjaminMagno
      @BenjaminMagno 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      Dane Glasoe You're completely right. People in developed countries tend to have much more disposable income. Unfortunately, the desire for quality over quantity is becoming confused with science.
      While all things in moderation makes sense, people with "too much" or people who are too sedentary in their lives feel the need to dictate to others what should and shouldn't be allowed, and cherry pick pseudoscience.
      While business as well as government cannot go unchecked, neither should conspiracies gain footing solely because they mention a boogeyman. Then, nobody listens when the alarms are for something real.
      Also, cheers.

    • @teofas
      @teofas 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Thumbs down to Rob Saik talk, the most opaque and manipulative talk i have ever watch on TED, Its not only the gmo problem witch people complains about, its also the intellectual property gmo corporations have over seeds and how farmers are loosing they farms because of this, it´s also the BIG problem of monocultives and the demage it does to the soil, the big gmo´s corporation good intentiosn of finishing the world hunger its not working and it has big counter effects on nature, its no efficient enough even with all its technology invested, its also very energy demandign and expensive in constrast with organic agriculture wich is not only more efective but also sustentable, in the other hand gmo´s monocultive are not sustentable, watch for example the facts expose by FARMLAND LP they convert farms from conventional crops to organic and the made the efficiency and productivity much higher ones the conventional convert to organic, by the way organic is expensive cause it dosent have the subsidies and because its mostly imported not because it requieres more investment, compare with conventional farming with is in fact much more expensive than organic. Other issue is the economics calculus entering this ecuation of gmo´s corporations and international open markets agreements, for example the corn in US has subsidies and in mexico it has very low subsidies so mexico start importing this US corn and mexico corn farmers went to bankrupt, this info its well know by economist like nobel price laurated Joseph Stiglitz and they have talk about this issue extensibly. And I can go on with more info about this, to be honest, and in my point of view Rob Saik talk is very very very opaque and very partial, he is missleading important economic and proved facts about the gmo´s consecuences to long term, economically and ecologicaly

  • @tanners2134
    @tanners2134 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This is a significant perspective. Although this guy completely disregards the ecological hazards and loss of biodiversity and resilience in his argument, there's definitely something important and worth while to his mindset. I do think GMOs are necessary, but out of the hands of mega corporations that disregard climate change, progressive thought, etc. I find it hard to watch this man share his perspective so smugly while completely ignoring the fact that exponential growth can only go so far, ignoring that we live on a finite planet with finite resources, and ignoring that agriculture plays into so many other facets of our lives and our world. For all of his well-thought-out 'gotcha' moments for pro-organic consumers, he ignored the fact that so many of us choose organic produce because of the standards that certification creates in support environmental stewardship, ecological resilience, and social equity.

    • @sheliabenson5496
      @sheliabenson5496 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Tanner S Grow your own foods, it is simple and anyone can learn to do it if you want organic. Why pay so much more for foods with these lables and you can enjoy doing it with your family. Children love to watch things grow and it helps our environment and our wallets. =) Project for all: cut about 1/4" off the top off a carrot you buy in bags at grocery store, sit cut side down in thin layer of water. You can use a a bowl etc and just keep in this condition making sure to keep base in water, after a few days you will notice the green top area on carrot start to generate new growth. Now, once you see any thing that looks like roots starting on lower area you can transfer to soil in a pot and your carrot will regrow into another carrot. There are several other vegies you can do this with children enjoy. Celery is a great one too, you use the base , the new stalks with apera as buds and before long they raise up and start leafing etc. Enjoy growing everything you eat. =)

  • @echovarde
    @echovarde 9 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Excellent comments.... the world food supply is being held up because of "do gooder" environmental groups....

  • @barnmedia3628
    @barnmedia3628 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    Awesome presentation...

  • @ParisLatka
    @ParisLatka 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    He speaks of the increased yields of corn and yet doesn’t speak to over what period of time this is being tracked. Yes, gmo seeds can initially increase crop yields however, over time it can/and has greatly decreased the harvest.

    • @davidadcock3382
      @davidadcock3382 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Sorry but as a 67 year old semi retired farmer that has farmed all my life with all my income always coming from the farm it is not even close when it comes to yield comparisons. We pay more for gmo technology seed but in return we get higher yields while allowing us to much less and much safer pesticides even safer than many of the pesticides organic growers use.

  • @immobilienmaklermitkopf4992
    @immobilienmaklermitkopf4992 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    "Can agriculture feed 9bn people?" Yes it can, but not with people who want to lecture us about genetics whilst not knowing the difference between a "mutation" and a "modification", who present sloppy researched data to convince the world of his preconceived ideas; and it will certainly not work with companies like Monsanto.

    • @amshermansen
      @amshermansen 8 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Apparantly neither do you...

  • @Gaiandreamer
    @Gaiandreamer 6 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Sorry Rob, economics is still in the driver's seat whether it be organics or GMO. Human survival depends on shifting to a sustainable paradigm ...as long as profit dictates human survival, Monsanto's modus operandi, our species is doomed.

    • @varshalingarajmoji
      @varshalingarajmoji 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      its not about accepting the reality but trying to change it .... don't u think its time to be much more than making profit....we have to start changing atleast at some point .. not economy ( economy in reference to negative side )driven but trying to feed the poplulation ..

  • @martinhuevudo7432
    @martinhuevudo7432 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Do not be distracted from the real GMO issue: industrialization and monopolization agriculture:
    A nice explanation of the mechanisms we have to generate and manage genetic variability and create GMOs. It is also an important point that propaganda is as rampant, and profits just as important, in the organic food sector as it is in any other. The GMO benefits Mr. Saik presents are real.
    BUT this guy is an industrial-agriculture junkie spitting the same "feed the world" corporate argument repeatedly used to promote industrial farming methods. The real problem we need to identify with GMO is the corresponding patenting, ownership, and technology-dependence that goes along with it. We cannot allow this technology to be monopolized by M.santo and other companies, allowing these corporations to control global agriculture. Greed is a problem, not GMOs.
    GMOs can help our environments by decreasing inputs as well as increase food yields. The safety of SOME GMO crops has been supported with is solid science.

    • @Kajerman
      @Kajerman 8 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      He just said that the Golden Rice is free for farmers to use.
      Monsanto is a company. It's not owned by the Government so, of course, they will have a Patent on their products. It costs millions of dollars and many years to develop and test these products so for them to be able to keep doing their jobs and make improved products they need to have the money.
      Everything can't be Open-Source for companies to work. Otherwise they'd need donations.

  • @chadwicknottingham
    @chadwicknottingham 9 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Excellent talk. Kudos on getting it all correct. Inb4 anti-gmo nutcases.

  • @senecarr1
    @senecarr1 9 ปีที่แล้ว +46

    Countdown to Luddite naturalistic fallacy flood.

    • @Therlam2
      @Therlam2 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thats the best you can offer? Offense?

    • @Therlam2
      @Therlam2 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Try searching the GMO Skept-forum database for a list of answers

    • @senecarr1
      @senecarr1 9 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Theresa Lam Sadly, the truth can cause offense. Deep down, people end up against GMOs either because they believe there is such a thing as natural farming which they've romanticized, or they are wrapped up in their tribal identity that makes them oppose it.

    • @senecarr1
      @senecarr1 9 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      "Try searching the GMO Skept-forum database for a list of answers"
      Is that meant to offer offense because it sounds like something I'd like to see some of the anti-GMOs do.

    • @Therlam2
      @Therlam2 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      senecarr1 I posted proof all over this page. You are not paying attention, thus unwilling to find solutions other than those that support your livelyhood.

  • @taitchirenje1862
    @taitchirenje1862 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Interesting perspective. Here are my thoughts. 1. Being against GMOs in agriculture is not anti-science. There are serious concerns about some of the tests or lack thereof for new GMO products. 2. Golden rice is actually not available free of charge. In fact, GMO crops in general are more expensive (at least where I have worked), especially when you consider the fact that biotech companies include terminator genes in a lot of their seeds so poor farmers have to keep coming back for more. Oftentimes they also involve a significant disruption of local ecosystems e.g. roundup ready crops lead to the disruption of other crops that are downstream to where you apply round up. 3. Pesticides and herbicides, while helpful, are also harmful. Acknowledging that does not necessarily mean that they should be banned or discontinued. 4. Genetic engineering as practiced through horizontal gene transfer (transgenic products) is not the same as traditional plant breeding that involves vertical gene transfer. Transgenic species, while produced faster, have lots of documented problems. 5. I did a search for the 130 research products that he mentioned. Maybe I am horrible at this but I could not find substantive information on that. I did find a lot of studies by the biotech industries. 6. I think there are strong and weak arguments advanced by people on different sides. Biotech has some advantages in other areas. There is need for caution in others where there has not been enough research. Advocating caution is not a bad idea.

  • @connievenables9126
    @connievenables9126 9 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Very Good to hear. I have been wondering what all the fuss was about.. I can't afford organic..

    • @glennn440
      @glennn440 9 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Connie Venables the tides are turning - as each day goes by it becomes more apparent what a sham the "organic" industry really is. People will revolt at being hoodwinked out of their hard earned money. Once the "organic" industry was soundly defeated on their claims of better for the environment, healthier safer etc - they then changed course and demonised GM technology (the hypocrisy!). It is the "organic" industry folks that is perpetrating this rubbish about GMO's.

    • @CampingforCool41
      @CampingforCool41 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +glennn440 I'm genuinely curious, in what way isn't organic at least somewhat better for the environment or safer? Does it use more water, more energy, etc? Doesn't the lack of chemical pesticides/herbicides/fertilizers count for something?

    • @glennn440
      @glennn440 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +CampingforCool41 for starters it would take labour resources that we just don't have. Well maybe there are people available but very few of them want to exert themselves for anything resembling real hard work. I read somewhere that in order for US crops to be grown "organically" it would require 90 million people alone just for the weeding. It is also not as efficient a use of land as conventional agriculture. The necessity to use manure makes it less safe when you factor in all the bio-hazards associated with growing food in poop.

  • @BrentNorris
    @BrentNorris 9 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Think it's funny?
    Pesticides are killing people on Kauai. You may be a farmer but you're screwing with endocrinology. We have correlative proof and within the decade we will have causality.
    Come to Kauai and tell the Doctors and Nurses that testified for Ordinance 960, which, until your friends sued us would have required a buffer zone between schools and hospitals. That's what you represent #RobSaik

    • @BrentNorris
      @BrentNorris 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      John Schinnerer I noticed he never asked the international chemical corporations to come to RedDeer. Would he be okay with spraying 264 times a year next to schools in RedDeer.
      Everything is fine as long as 90% of all gmo seeds are grown using/poisoning our natural resources. Start poisoning this guy's air, water and soil and he'll change his farming practices in a day.

    • @glennn440
      @glennn440 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      +Brent Norris What is sprayed 264 times a year? ..... your hair???

  • @newecreator
    @newecreator 9 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    OMG Organic Water?

    • @ruialexandre6197
      @ruialexandre6197 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I wonder if it''s the kind some urbanites now call raw water. The one that needs to turn green for you to know it is alive (and you could be dead).

  • @brendongreathouse3126
    @brendongreathouse3126 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Dude that's why oranges have sucked so bad lately!

  • @cammck4425
    @cammck4425 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Withheld from them, or made unavailable through massive monetary inputs that is required when dealing with Monsanto

  • @Vuduman
    @Vuduman 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    GMO's only help for a few years anyways, the viruses, insects, etc. will work around it. Then it's back to square one again but against superbugs. And what kind of "inputs" are required? And talk to some farmers in India...

  • @jimmorrison2640
    @jimmorrison2640 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    How is this even a ted talk.... oh yeah it's independently organized by Monsanto.

  • @ektakotharijaju5044
    @ektakotharijaju5044 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I cant believe I am seeing something like this on TED. Very disappointed.

  • @jaysmith4249
    @jaysmith4249 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    GMO agriculture can't 'feed the world', that's the empty mantra being chanted since the 90ies. Research what BT cotton did in India, how Monsanto persecutes farmers who crops were infected with GMO pollen. Mr Saik emphasized the all that things that have always been the marketing of GMO producing corporations. He doesn't mention the downside of reduced nutritional value, soil loss, biodiversity reduction, and an unsustainable model of requiring many more calories to create food than produced by the food in the industrial/GMO agriculture model. He basically said what benefited him the most...

  • @realisticdrawingsbycarolin3318
    @realisticdrawingsbycarolin3318 ปีที่แล้ว

    As a permaculture designer, I do not agree with a few points you made in your presentation.
    Monoculture is the reason why farmers have to use so many pesticides; in polyculture, the need for pesticides can be significantly reduced.
    For example- Silvoarable systems: integrating trees for timber, energy and fruit production into an organic crop rotation can also reduce needs for pesticides, and even though it can be ploughed or tilled. And it is still way better option for wildlife.
    We will truly celebrate pesticides when they stop harming our beneficial insects. In comparison, increased biodiversity results in a greater presence of natural predators, which can effectively regulate pest populations and reduce the dependency on external inputs.
    No-till farming is absolutely possible without GMO technology, though it's not without its challenges and requires a lot of learning.
    GMO no-till means that: 'Herbicide-tolerant crops can be sprayed with herbicide to deal with weeds rather than be tilled'.
    And do not understand me wrong, I understand that GMO technology is a good option in some cases.
    But I also agree with some of your points. Poor countries often lack access to this knowledge, and permaculture or organic gardening remains relatively unknown to many in these regions, despite its potential benefits.
    Also I first heard about golden rice many years ago and was thrilled that they found a solution to so many problems. I was under the impression that it was already being utilized in impoverished countries...
    It's disheartening that such valuable solutions often remain untapped due to the greed and ignorance prevalent in our world.

  • @lukeskelton1
    @lukeskelton1 7 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    This guy's never heard of permaculture, in fact, once you know what permaculture can do, this whole talk seems kinda stupid

    • @teofas
      @teofas 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Love your comment bro!!!

    • @davidadcock3382
      @davidadcock3382 6 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Permaculture is a very inefficient way to produce large amount of crops and that is why farmers will never do it.

  • @boutchie06
    @boutchie06 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    Oklahoma worries over swarm of earthquakes and connection to oil industry, which the oil industry pays politicians and scientists to deny. Monsanto talks about feeding 9 billion, what about 12 billion, 15 billion? Mindless growth, no different than an ant colony.

  • @reinholdfuhrmann875
    @reinholdfuhrmann875 9 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Excellent talk with many good points I've not considered before. The next time I see a fruit with syringes sticking out of it, you know what I'll be saying!

    • @Therlam2
      @Therlam2 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yes, it should be a gene gun

    • @reinholdfuhrmann875
      @reinholdfuhrmann875 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      Theresa Lam Or Agrobacterium.

    • @BeCurieUs
      @BeCurieUs 9 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      There is another good talk on GMOs over at intelligence squared, highly recommended. They took a poll at the start and the end, and the change over was dramatic. I think most people haven't been given the good with the bad with GMO, only the bad. I am glad science communicators have finally taken up the task of communicating this technology to the public more.

    • @Therlam2
      @Therlam2 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      Christopher Willis That was a set up, the audience was all from the GE industry. The only non-industry people were the anti-gmo debaters and one person that I know was in the audience, who knows Chuck Benbrook. I will have another debate to post very soon.

    • @BeCurieUs
      @BeCurieUs 9 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Theresa Lam So literally conspiracy theories? Sorry, given the option of believe in conspiracies vs effective science communication, I choose the later. It protects me from bias, also, looking into what leading science bodies have to say, like National Academy of Science and Royal Society..ect.
      If you permit me to ask a question, though, what is your opinion on climate change? I would like to paint a more clear picture of your science investigation standards and world views before we carry this conversation forward.

  • @greenmbvt4889
    @greenmbvt4889 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Rock09i, geopolitical as well as physical, religious and cultural barriers are all part of the mix, for sure, but these are a VERY TYPICAL LIBERAL tactic to through a "Straw Man" Argument into the mix. The fact that factors other than GMO are part of the possible solution, does not mean that we therefore should ignore the value of exploring further the safe use of these technologies. Solve all the geopolitical problems in the World, and YOU STILL MUST DEAL WITH high saline soils, insufficient water resources, insect and disease cycles totally foreign to crops that have never been successfully grown in those environments. The world around we should practice as many sustainable agricultural practices, but totally organic methods CANNOT feed the world. Your experience on one operation or a thousand proves that.

  • @quantumfloyd10
    @quantumfloyd10 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    10:30.. Organic CAN feed the world! Right now less than %10 of the corn grown in the US is for human food. Almost half is ethanol..

    • @brokecowpoke2675
      @brokecowpoke2675 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      There is scientifically no way for organic food to feed the world. The world population is set to double by the year 2045, even if every available acre was used for organic farming almost a billion people would starve annually. Not to mention how unsustainable it is.

  • @MatiasoBaker
    @MatiasoBaker 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    These people need more vegetables.

  • @FindingLauraC
    @FindingLauraC 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Cover the side effects... not enough studies to make a sound argument. So agricultural grows in supples and as a result the pharmaceutical industry profit

  • @Godoalb
    @Godoalb 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ojalá tuviera subtítulos, hay mucha gente que me gustaría que lo viera que no habla inglés.

  • @haricharanreddy3417
    @haricharanreddy3417 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    the cost of organic is more not since the or any other its because of the demand.

    • @davidadcock3382
      @davidadcock3382 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      It cost more to produce Organic and it will always be more expensive.

  • @silverleapers
    @silverleapers 8 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Industrial monocultures suck.

  • @TheLastLogicalOne
    @TheLastLogicalOne 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm neither for or against GMO, I can't imagine it could make things any worse but i'm constantly being surprised at how technologies with amazing potential are misused. All foods GMO or not should have clear labelling .

    • @prieten49
      @prieten49 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      +TheLastLogicalOne Labeling GMOs is just a bald-faced attempt to prejudice people against GMO products. Food labels should have information relevant to peoples' health. The scientific consensus is that GMO products are in no way less healthy than conventional or organic foods. Whether something is GMO is totally irrelevant to our purchasing decisions. GMOs are just as "organic" as "organic" foods. DNA is organic, it is not an artificial chemical or pesticide. But you feel label information should still pander to your prejudices? You want GMOs to wear the "Star of David" for all to plainly see. Who does that make you similar to?

    • @TheLastLogicalOne
      @TheLastLogicalOne 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Changes in DNA effect the expression of proteins. 'Star of david' what are you talking about? stick to the topic.

    • @prieten49
      @prieten49 8 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Well, are proteins not "organic?" The Star of David was a symbol the Nazis forced the Jewish population to wear on the outside of their clothes. It was supposed to stigmatize the Jews and warn other Germans not to have anything to do with them. I think the same prejudice is to be found in the movement to force perfectly safe GMOs to be labeled as such. You may feel it's a bad analogy because food isn't a human being. But remember that farmers are dependent on a fair marketplace for their crops, and consumers depend on farmers growing sufficient nutritious food at a reasonable cost. There are roughly one billion people suffering from malnutrition in this world and we are directly harming them by stopping biotech solutions to feeding them. "Organic" farming isn't going to feed them. Farmers want resilient crops which are pest and drought resistant, require fewer inputs and contain vital nutrients like vitamin A. Opposition to GMOs is costing lives today, it will cause mass starvation tomorrow.

    • @Kajerman
      @Kajerman 8 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      You want labeling? Everything that is Organic is labeled. So if you're looking for Organic food then look for that labeling. If you can't find the label then you know it isn't Organic. It's simple.
      I, myself, tend to just buy whatever is cheaper. If you're going for Organic you'd probably just need to pick whatever is the most expensive :D

    • @TheLastLogicalOne
      @TheLastLogicalOne 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      GOLD BACK lol no you're not, you can barely write.

  • @christopherhaines2492
    @christopherhaines2492 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Well, that talk didn't age well.

  • @loumills2922
    @loumills2922 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    GMO genetically modified organism. This is another way of saying, "survival of the fittest." Or, "producing the best, the healthiest food possible". How did we get so confused?

    • @VictorGallagherCarvings
      @VictorGallagherCarvings 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      +Lou Mills Well not exactly, crops are optimized to for certain qualities that suit production. They are completely dependent on us for their survival. Many in the ant-GMO crowd talk about genes escaping into the wild. Even if this happens, and it does, it doesn't matter. These genes would not increase fitness and would be quickly selected out.

  • @NumeroSystem
    @NumeroSystem 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    Prior to being conquered and forced into debt by the conquerors that resulted in indigenous people selling their farms to corporations which required them to buy foreign source food they could feed themselves just fine.

  • @ekowmensahkakra3710
    @ekowmensahkakra3710 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Sorry Rob, that picture of the Kenyan woman and her child is not representative of "a hungry people" who need to be fed. You're educated enough to move beyond these stereotypes. Otherwise great speech, interesting ideas!

  • @sirjsk
    @sirjsk 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    If the technology is truly helpful and a solution than give it away for free.
    If that is your agenda, not the quest or control and profit, give it away for free.

    • @adamvetter7572
      @adamvetter7572 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      sirjsk lol technology costs money. Take a business course first before you reply

  • @Rootedandreaching
    @Rootedandreaching 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    unfortunately he's a rich man attempting to justify both sides. celebrate pesticides? you will celebrate over consumption of fossil fuels as well. priveledged white men can justify almost anything. evolve!

  • @zachk.5738
    @zachk.5738 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    whats GMO organic food production ??? that makes no sense

    • @davidadcock3382
      @davidadcock3382 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yes it does then Organic growers could use safe pesticides instead of the harmful pesticides they use today.

  • @vladimirmisin1876
    @vladimirmisin1876 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    The problem is not the GM technology itself, nor that it is applied to food (latter with a high degree of uncertainty though), but the whole socio-economic organization around it, especially within agriculture. We have had enough food since 1970s and we still do (but we won't if we continue industrial farming, see club of rome report), but we don't distribute it equitably. Food has been used as a leverage point times and again in politics while people starve and has been speculated on stock markets while people starve ships full of grain stand close to entering the bays when the price goes up, etc. It is not the technology itself that is the problem.
    On top of that the IAASTD concluded that GM food will not answer the question of food security.
    Other than that organic existed way before GM food and is from an entirely different context. It was never meant to address food security, rather environmental concerns. Why won't this guy pull GM foods and organic in the context of environmental impact? That s a logical mistake made on purpose in order to have an impressive presentation.

    • @davidadcock3382
      @davidadcock3382 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      If you put gmo technology crops against organic crops in the context of environmental impact Organic crops would lose.

    • @vladimirmisin1876
      @vladimirmisin1876 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      David Adcock what you don't know about gmo crops is that they heavily depend on external inputs. On top of that they are usually used in an industrial context, that makes food cheap only on an account of externalizing costs of production. Trust me, i thought the same way as you until i topped my economics degree with a degree in agroecology.

  • @kazzana9013
    @kazzana9013 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Terrible manipulative talk. It is the decimated soil life that is the problem. A healthy soil life promotes healthy plants. This is a man without integrity.

  • @areyn683
    @areyn683 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    Most is good and all, but he doesn't go into the effect natural biota. Adding all the artificial inputs have a detrimental effect on the natural ecosystem found in the soil. It virtually turns the soil into a wasteland that is dependent on artificial input and is no longer self sustaining. Regardless, GMO's aren't necessarily bad, but testing should be done prior to implementation and consumers should have the right to decide if they want to eat GMO.

    • @glennn440
      @glennn440 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Aaron Reynolds Total nonsense - if anyone ever hears anything about farmers "killing" their soil - take a moment to have a good laugh right in the face of the person spouting such nonsense. If it were true how do you explain phenomenal increase in yield. If it were true organic would out yield conventional. Total nonsense.
      There are instances where weather destroys soil - but you can be very sure that farmers are not.

  • @madyak222
    @madyak222 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    GMO's have caused multiple issues in the US, continental bee die off a rash of farmers losing their farms due to monsanto suing farmers when unwanted GMO seeds blow onto their land and sprout without having a signed 'agreement with Monsanto???,
    it's a pity that monsanto created GMO's to make herbicide resistant plants, to increase the use of roundup, it's a pity monsanto lied about the safety of roundup for decades. It's a pity roundup is carceogenic. If GMO creation focused on creating therapeutically beneficial plants monsanto . In India GMO's are causing a massive disaster as they fail to grow in local conditions and produce the returns Monsanto advertises, so hundreds of subsistence indian farmers commit suicide every year.

  • @alexiskeiser5576
    @alexiskeiser5576 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    He mocks the cost of organic but if you factor the health costs of industrial foods you will soon discover that organic is MUCH less expensive than "conventional". The health care costs of the US diet, based on Big Ag products are rapidly consuming close, I believe, to 20% of GDP.

    • @davidadcock3382
      @davidadcock3382 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      How is organic food any healthier that conventional food. Organic farming is a farming method that is very inefficient and a big reason organic products cost 3 and 4 times more. Eating a healthy diet is very very important but that does not mean eating organic. Do you know the crops that use gmo technology?

  • @davidt5776
    @davidt5776 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Diabetes didn't exist before processed sugar and foods. If plants are fed the right nutrients insects and disease wouldn't be a issue. A healthy plant will have minimal attack from these. Whats the definition of a expert? x marks the spot a a spurt is a drip under pressure.

  • @pankajsingh5382
    @pankajsingh5382 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Many people died , Man!!!

  • @philjames3986
    @philjames3986 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    They should take some of the blame for allowing themselves to have such bad PR. For example the Mercury in vaccines is non elemental and that is important and makes a big difference. They need to communicate this better. What's wrong with saying "You should have this non elemental mercury preserved vaccine" instead of "trust me you need this vaccine( find out whats in it yourself with all these crazies websites)".

  • @benjaminreynolds8519
    @benjaminreynolds8519 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    no, we are protesting because we have the right to know what is in our food. why do you fight it with millions upon millions of dollars then? if it so amazing, what is the harm in labeling the food? I want to know. Label the damn food. let the pubic choose what they want to purchase. People can have a pissing match all day long. let's not argue then. fine. cool. then label the food. that's all most people want. Stop campaigning to stop it at every juncture.

    • @benjaminreynolds8519
      @benjaminreynolds8519 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      I can't even finish the speech and his rhetoric. Too much straw man and inaccurate nonsense.

  • @gianniclaud
    @gianniclaud 9 ปีที่แล้ว +24

    celebrate pesticides? lol.
    i'd rather be a "fanatical naturalist" than agree with anything he presented.
    21 minutes of my life wasted.

    • @intiorozco5063
      @intiorozco5063 9 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      Anti-GMO tactic when faced with facts: stick your fingers in your ears and shout "LALALALA I CANT HEAR YOU"

    • @greenmbvt4889
      @greenmbvt4889 9 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Gianni Love, With that philosophy, you have barely succeeded at feeding yourself, apparently to heck with everyone else! :/ SIMPLISTIC

    • @gianniclaud
      @gianniclaud 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      GreenMB VT if you think genetically engineered food will solve hunger - I'll gladly stick with my "philosophy." ;)

    • @boutchie06
      @boutchie06 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yeah, I'd rather be a fanatic too. I could tell after one minute by the simplistic terms he was using that he was lying to the ignorant. Same techniques the tobacco companies used when they questioned the science pointing to cancer caused by smoking.

    • @intiorozco5063
      @intiorozco5063 9 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I suppose you wouldn't have found it simplistic if he resorted to the usual scare tactics of "OMG GMO IS MONSATAN CANCER POISON"

  • @marlinblack6597
    @marlinblack6597 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I had to turn this Monsanto advertisement off.

  • @alanarturdemitrovfernandes1161
    @alanarturdemitrovfernandes1161 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    why are there so may making propaganda for gmos?
    They always como as concerned about the poor and the farmer however these companies dont care much about making crops make the unproductive for other crops, they keep the farmers hostage in a debt trap, only in India there has been 250.000 suicides linked to GMOs

  • @edwinkle1342
    @edwinkle1342 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    Bt soybeans?

  • @gregtaylor8327
    @gregtaylor8327 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Grow your own heritage crops . Get off your arses and put in a vegetable garden. Grow your own food. Fruit as well.

  • @meganpertshampoo7289
    @meganpertshampoo7289 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    RNAI tech gene SILENCING.

  • @etmax1
    @etmax1 9 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I had to stop watching this, he makes me sick

    • @gskibum
      @gskibum 9 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      etmax1 And your resulting ignorance is very apparent to us.

    • @etmax1
      @etmax1 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      Strange that most of the people pushing Monsanto's product benefit financially from them. I worked with a guy with a degree in pharmacology and another that was a biologist both of whom had no financial gain from explaining to me what was so wrong with the products.

    • @gskibum
      @gskibum 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      "Strange that most of the people pushing Monsanto's product benefit financially from them"
      Proof required.
      And how do you define "Pushing Monsanto's product?"
      Also, to which product(s) are you referring?

    • @danjackson5989
      @danjackson5989 9 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      +etmax1 That's why you learned nothing from it. Yet you felt compelled to respond. After not watching it.

    • @danjackson5989
      @danjackson5989 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      +etmax1 So, what does that prove? I have a friend with a PhD in pharmacology. A cousin with a PhD in chemical engineering. A friend with a Masters in genetics. None are paid shills. All have concluded that GMOs are safe. All of them work with someone stupider than themselves. Maybe my friends work with your friends.

  • @teofas
    @teofas 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thumbs down to Rob Saik talk, the most opaque and manipulative talk i have ever watch on TED, Its not only the gmo problem witch people complains about, its also the intellectual property gmo corporations have over seeds and how farmers are loosing they farms because of this, it´s also the BIG problem of monocultives and the demage it does to the soil, the big gmo´s corporation good intentiosn of finishing the world hunger its not working and it has big counter effects on nature, its no efficient enough even with all its technology invested, its also very energy demandign and expensive in constrast with organic agriculture wich is not only more efective but also sustentable, in the other hand gmo´s monocultive are not sustentable, watch for example the facts expose by FARMLAND LP they convert farms from conventional crops to organic and the made the efficiency and productivity much higher ones the conventional convert to organic, by the way organic is expensive cause it dosent have the subsidies and because its mostly imported not because it requieres more investment, compare with conventional farming with is in fact much more expensive than organic. Other issue is the economics calculus entering this ecuation of gmo´s corporations and international open markets agreements, for example the corn in US has subsidies and in mexico it has very low subsidies so mexico start importing this US corn and mexico corn farmers went to bankrupt, this info its well know by economist like nobel price laurated Joseph Stiglitz and they have talk about this issue extensibly. And I can go on with more info about this, to be honest, and in my point of view Rob Saik talk is very very very opaque and very partial, he is missleading important economic and proved facts about the gmo´s consecuences to long term, economically and ecologicaly

  • @delprice3007
    @delprice3007 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Industrial Ag shill

    • @DukeGMOLOL
      @DukeGMOLOL 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      That comment means you are an advocate of land gulping organic agriculture.

    • @gskibum
      @gskibum 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      You lack the knowledge to form a reasoned response, so you have no course of action other than the shill gambit.

  • @ShammuaMekonnen
    @ShammuaMekonnen 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    "We need to feed these people" ????????????????????

  • @stopscammingman
    @stopscammingman 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The hostility to GMO has been a silent bloodbath.

  • @ShammuaMekonnen
    @ShammuaMekonnen 6 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @beebysill
    @beebysill 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    kinda sus you cant even name the "blind girl" but you can say why she's blind lmao

  • @zachk.5738
    @zachk.5738 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    where's the evidence to back up his claim like this is all just talk no backing it up

  • @bardocza
    @bardocza 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Sponsored by Monsanto... :D

    • @davidadcock3382
      @davidadcock3382 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      There are many companies even foreign companies producing and selling gmo technology seed. Monsanto does not exist.

  • @mceliniak
    @mceliniak 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Yet another Monsanto/Bayer salesman.

  • @joeydelrio
    @joeydelrio 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    great monsanto propaganda film!

  • @stopscammingman
    @stopscammingman 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great seminar

  • @turke6756
    @turke6756 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    There is nothing authentic about this guy, he is trying to sell product on a global scale.

  • @echovarde
    @echovarde 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Rock....you have not traveled the world as I have.... Still the USA feeds much of the world

    • @MrElpayot
      @MrElpayot 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      +Rock09i Dude, didn't you hear him?
      Golden rice is available now, for FREE !!1!
      Don't you see the chance for Africa ?
      Sarcasm... This man makes me sick.