I felt the whole mood change when the bagpipe player was shot. I can’t imagine how hard of a hit the British morale took when the music was gone and all you could hear were the screams, the violence, the pure brutality of combat. JD has made me fall in love with stop-motion and I’ll literally look at every individual video just because I love it so much. Keep up the amazing work JD, a ton of us love it and we appreciate all the effort you put into making these videos :)
When that soldier began ringing his bagpipes in the midst of battle. It brought me to tears. These were not toys, these were brave men. All of my children will see these, and be taught to appreciate what was given to them.
@@James-zd1iu yep the tradition of thr highland men, they all ways go into battle with bagpipes. Im pretty sure that tradition is carried on even today
My great grandfather fought in the Battle of the Somme, he survived, but with a shot leg, the reason he didn’t fight in WW2 was because of this leg. More info: He joined WW1 at the age of 16, meaning the was too young to fight.
Your great grandfather is a hero for our world. P.s I'm from Ukraine in first and second world wars Ukraine be a part of Soviet Union P.P.s sorry for my English
I remember when i was young enough, I spent hours just watching lego stop-motions, glad to see some are still making these stop motions, it is very nostalgic when i watch the old videos i used to watch countless times, just remembering about them almost brings a tear to my eye, so I must thank you for letting me enjoy this nostalgia :)
Ideally one with complex sympathetic characters on both sides of the war. Maybe there could be a scene focusing on a German character when the British tanks first show up on the battlefield. I would imagine he would feel like the rebel infantry in Star Wars when the AT ATs showed up on Hoth.
These ww1 western front animations are the best ones. They visualize a conflict that is very hard to comprehend and visualize in the first place. Most movies shows from an individual perspective. These are the best visualizations of such a messy conflicts I have seen thus far.
Actually a very accurate replica of Battle of The Somme, the men were order to walk into battle even when taking heavy fire from the German machine guns
When I heard the bagpipes I felt a shiver down my entire being, tears were on the verge of breaking. Then I remembered this is lego. You did such a good job.
I remember the good old days when I had all the time to watch your Stop Motions. I’m happy people stil make them. The ones I like the most are the ww2 and pirates stop motions. I really hope you will keep making stop motions, they distract me when im angry or sad.
@@razzledazzle8593 no they went through hell and got extremly I'll when watching a Lego video ok world war 1 sitting in your bed isn't anything like your there
My papa was training for the war and he got shot and lied there for 10 days no movement and on the 11 day he found the guy that shot him and my papa stabbed the guy and went on with a bullet hole in his nee cap
This video brought tears to my eyes as to when I see the sacrifice the British military gave in order to keep freedom and democracy alive. I say thank you. I willl always remember them.🇬🇧💂♂️💂♂️💂♂️💂♂️
6:41. Trench clubs were usually just a table leg or modified piece of wood with nails or metal spikes sticking out of them, shovels and bayonets were also used, and sometimes hammers and modified armored gloves with spikes on the end. Just facts for later videos.
👌😉👍Very great and very wonderfully spectacular as always guys I just can't get enough of all these fabulous various World War 1 & 2 presentions of yours indeed!.
Everyday I’m sad because more people stop stopmotions but this guy, is great. He/She (I dunno which) continues to do it. Everyday I check my notifications for a new video by this guy. Keep it up, JD! You make my day in these hard times!
This story is really fun. My child is very focused and watching it. It is also educational when viewed and is recommended because it is suitable for children to see.
If I taught high school history I'd definitely show this video but I'm a grade school speech language pathologist . . . I might just show it anyway for Memorial Day. Thanks for making and posting this video; it's fantastic!
Same my Great Great Grandad joined at 21 and was an air raid warden during WW2 but his cousin was killed in action 1st July 1916 Somme river, amazing stop motion though, keep it up!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
0:51, that mini figure is Francis Pegahmagabow, he was one of the deadliest sniper/soldiers of ww1 and he wore a 'lucky pouch' that supposedly kept him safe 3:09 that's him again, notice how he is the only one wearing the pouch
The effort you go to is insane it totally pays off and being a history nerd the level of accuracy you got using Lego blows my mind, never get tired of watching awesome stuff
I remember storming the German trenches in 1916. I didn’t make it very far, only about 300ft. I played the bagpipes. I was promised that if I could make it through this bit of the battle, I’d get a rifle. I watched my comrades fall around me. At the 300ft mark, I felt a sharp burning pain in my chest, then another, then another. I fell to the dark muddy ground and began reciting a little prayer my mum taught me. After 5 minutes, it all went dark…
I felt the whole mood change when the bagpipe player was shot. I can’t imagine how hard of a hit the British morale took when the music was gone and all you could hear were the screams, the violence, the pure brutality of combat. JD has made me fall in love with stop-motion and I’ll literally look at every individual video just because I love it so much. Keep up the amazing work JD, a ton of us love it and we appreciate all the effort you put into making these videos :)
Yes me to
-rip- -bagpipe- -dude-
Me want to play bagpipes in middle of a battle
When that soldier began ringing his bagpipes in the midst of battle. It brought me to tears. These were not toys, these were brave men. All of my children will see these, and be taught to appreciate what was given to them.
The bagpipe guy actually was in ww1 battle in somme
@@James-zd1iu rip bagpipe guy
@@James-zd1iu yep the tradition of thr highland men, they all ways go into battle with bagpipes. Im pretty sure that tradition is carried on even today
Can you imagine going there not knowing you most likely weren’t coming back home? These men were brave.
@@liamroberts3025 No they had mayonnaise
My great grandfather fought in the Battle of the Somme, he survived, but with a shot leg, the reason he didn’t fight in WW2 was because of this leg. More info: He joined WW1 at the age of 16, meaning the was too young to fight.
I had family that fought at the Somme too but they didn't make it
im sure he would love that you are a communist
@@GrievousDu38 I feel sorry bout u
Your great grandfather is a hero for our world.
P.s I'm from Ukraine in first and second world wars Ukraine be a part of Soviet Union
P.P.s sorry for my English
I feel bad for him
Damn, I felt something when the soldier playing the bagpipes died.
Same bro
I agree with you
Damn, I cried on that bro
I love when you're looking up at the planes and the ground is still visible and the tanker, soldiers are too. Great job
I remember when i was young enough, I spent hours just watching lego stop-motions, glad to see some are still making these stop motions, it is very nostalgic when i watch the old videos i used to watch countless times, just remembering about them almost brings a tear to my eye, so I must thank you for letting me enjoy this nostalgia :)
Russell Yap :)))
Russell Yap are you Vietnamese:)))
same, I remember coming home from school and using TH-cam on my tv watching these
Same dude same
Incredible talent, patience, and determination went into this and it’s not unnoticed. Very well done sir!
Glad you enjoyed it!
Girls with legos: building cute houses and cute stuff
Yeah lol
Lol yeah
hell yeah thats true
Not necessary 😉
This is so historical. Even Lego can bring such a war scene. Let's say this is a job well done ✅
Holy shit I think we’re gonna need a whole movie man this is amazing
Ideally one with complex sympathetic characters on both sides of the war. Maybe there could be a scene focusing on a German character when the British tanks first show up on the battlefield. I would imagine he would feel like the rebel infantry in Star Wars when the AT ATs showed up on Hoth.
Holy shit we need this
Adds realism imo
the bagpipe man alone deserves his own movie
Can we just appreciate the hard work and time this took him
YES! These are amazing films that must have taken.... I don't even have a guess for how long. And what kind of a jerk would dislike it!?!?!?!
more importantly can we remember the lives lost in this war?
These ww1 western front animations are the best ones. They visualize a conflict that is very hard to comprehend and visualize in the first place. Most movies shows from an individual perspective. These are the best visualizations of such a messy conflicts I have seen thus far.
Oh nice work, man. Keep up the good work!
Hey you’re here!
hello again XD i was just watching this then i see this XD
Tu utilises Applications ta pris 🤔
This has got to be the smoothest LEGO animation I have ever watched
nice video. Love it
Verified TH-camr with few likes and comments? Im impressed
Hi lego land love all your videos but put less scary videos pls
Actually a very accurate replica of Battle of The Somme, the men were order to walk into battle even when taking heavy fire from the German machine guns
What parents see: kid playing
as the kid sees:
really? lol
me too
Good old days
Why do I see you everywhere?
I like how the British officer has a brown mustache that matches the outfit and the german officer has a gray one that matches his outfit
And then they get into a fist fight
@@piercecowley255 Top 10 best anime fights caught on camera
I'm amazed at how accurate the weaponry is...
When I heard the bagpipes I felt a shiver down my entire being, tears were on the verge of breaking. Then I remembered this is lego. You did such a good job.
same,it was more terrible when it stopped :(
If only i was as good as you. your the smoothest lego ww2 and ww1 animator on youtube
Yeah, I agree
@@henryworks9089 editing and expensive lighting
Is nobody gonna talk about how much pieces it took to make this
And the money since a lot of those character pieces are individual half dollar pieces.
and the animating
In the behind the scenes you will know
i have to say this is the most historically accurate lego stop motion video i’ve ever seen
2:34 smoothest reload ive ever seen! Keep it up! New supporter
Puts history on a _whole new level._
I remember the good old days when I had all the time to watch your Stop Motions.
I’m happy people stil make them.
The ones I like the most are the ww2 and pirates stop motions.
I really hope you will keep making stop motions, they distract me when im angry or sad.
the fact that you took time to animate each individual characters shooting, it really shows that you took your time to make this
Manppolm mnpa
It's almost like you were there. And you were a Lego.
Maybe he was the camera man
It's nothing like your there in any way
@@samtvgamer8867 Yeah, lego people are square and in real life you're a square.
@@razzledazzle8593 no they went through hell and got extremly I'll when watching a Lego video ok world war 1 sitting in your bed isn't anything like your there
The action in these is better than 99% of any modern blockbuster with multi-million dollar budget. Really great work!
It's too well made bro such a masterpiece
Ngl this really seems to make war even more scary then in real documentaries
"Yes, mum. I'm studying History"
Soo truee😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
RIP bagpipe man
1:10 - 2:16
You will be missed 🙏🙏🙏
i believe that is mad jack churchill, the soldier that actually played bagpipes and carried a greatsword into war. look him up, he's a badass
@@hypermun52 no that was ww2
@@magnikristinsson Most importantly, he survived 😄
how did they think play an instrument in a battlefield?! the breath not even broke! how brave player!
😊my great grandfather was in the world war against the Ottoman and he was killed by a massive tank with no weapons 😢
what year was it?
Luckily, he put your grandad in your great gran before then
When a history buff gets a hold of LEGOs
I remember making movies like this in my head when I was a little kid playing legos
Dude when the lego figure fell into the polluted water after being shot in the first one . That was phenominal
i just LOVE you'r animations, you're making the most realistic LEGO animations on youtube!
The musician in the battle of Somme is a great touch. Great work
This made me cry thinking of both my grandads who fought in the trenches.
No one in my family was in the trenches be they were in war😭
My papa was training for the war and he got shot and lied there for 10 days no movement and on the 11 day he found the guy that shot him and my papa stabbed the guy and went on with a bullet hole in his nee cap
@@mlmilitary2564 Brutal days!
@@mlmilitary2564 ww2?
When the bagpipe dude died, I immediately shed a tear
@Konrad Alexander Prinz von Hessen SCOTLAND!
*coffin dance music* in memory of the dude who didn’t choose to do damage instead cheer up his fellow english scots irish soldiers
This is really impressive considering how hard it is to make stop motion this smooth
I made stop motions but... meh, nobody watchs
Oh I made random edits and no one watches them I posted on my Yt
@@Kanyeeast294 me too
@@brunod6877bro I love ur content
I love how he shows the history of these battles and puts the time stamp in the description for the battles
Thought-provoking! The loved toy of my childhood engaged in man's greatest madness. Well done, on so many levels.
Thinking of Emile's farewell speech in Valiant Hearts, this tracks... 😔😔😔
Dude, this is insane! Keep animating!
Thanks! Will do!
2:13, guy was still smiling even though guy got killed in front of him.
Shell shock
Dang that's sad
prob those guys put at a point to believe it is his duty to serve and death means nothing by other people
Yeah, lol
6:52 me in battlefield 1
This video brought tears to my eyes as to when I see the sacrifice the British military gave in order to keep freedom and democracy alive.
I say thank you.
I willl always remember them.🇬🇧💂♂️💂♂️💂♂️💂♂️
6:41. Trench clubs were usually just a table leg or modified piece of wood with nails or metal spikes sticking out of them, shovels and bayonets were also used, and sometimes hammers and modified armored gloves with spikes on the end. Just facts for later videos.
If only I had as much talent
If only you had that many lego figures and bricks
Max Pribe lol
I have to say I don't have that much talent either but we all have a little bit.
I would go as far to say patience
Bro I’m gettin the feels from LEGO wtf, this is awesome though prayers for our brave men.
0:15 Ordnance QF 18-Pounder Gun (British Empire)
0:23 Webley Self Reloading Revolver (British Empire)
0:52 Lee-Enfield+Bayonet (British Empire)
1:32 Gewehr 98 (German Empire)
1:38 Ross Rifle+Bayonet (British Empire)
1:47 Machinengewehr 8 or MG 08 (German Empire)
2:27 Vickers Machine Gun (British Empire)
3:07 Mills Bomb (British Empire)
3:53 Pattern 1914 Enfield+Bayonet (British Empire)
3:58 C96 Pistol (German Empire)
4:10 Karabiner 88 (German Empire)
4:12 Martini Henry+Bayonet (British Empire)
4:52 Mark IV Female Tanks (British Empire)
5:09 Machinengewehr 8 or MG 08 (German Empire)
5:36 Vickers Machine Gun (British Empire)
6:36 Martini Henry+Bayonet (British Empire)
6:43 MacAdam Shield-Shovel (German Infantry Soldier)
6:43 Trench Club (British Infantry Soldier)
6:44 Karabiner 88 (German Empire)
7:03 Mauser Gewehr 98 Sniper Rifle (German Empire)
7:23 7.7 CM Feldkanone 16 (German Empire)
8:20 120MM Howitzer Model 1901 (German Empire)
8:30 A7V Tank (German Empire)
8:40 Mark IV Tank (British Empire)
10:21 Luger Pistol (German Empire)
10:22 Mauser Model 1871 (German Empire)
10:46 Gewehr 88 (German Empire)
_P.S.-Inform me in the replies below if I made a mistake._
U got a very good knowlegde about this
1:47 is actually a Vickers machine gun/British empire
2:27 Lewis gun/British empire
👌😉👍Very great and very wonderfully spectacular as always guys I just can't get enough of all these fabulous various World War 1 & 2 presentions of yours indeed!.
i cant get over how *SMOOTH* the stopmotion is
Everyday I’m sad because more people stop stopmotions but this guy, is great. He/She (I dunno which) continues to do it. Everyday I check my notifications for a new video by this guy. Keep it up, JD! You make my day in these hard times!
Ironic Owen Gamez yeah it is pretty sad that less people continue to make stop motion
Does JD stand for John Doe lol
@@alexflame9383 Wow so funny I forgot to laugh. Wow, so funny. 😑
What parents and girls see:Aw look at them playing legos
What boys see:
My dad would of play war with those Legos lmao
Rest in peace bagpipe man.
This story is really fun. My child is very focused and watching it. It is also educational when viewed and is recommended because it is suitable for children to see.
Glad to see what those wood planks were used for.
2:40 OBI WAN?!? oh no he got drafted...
Ay we both made the same joke!!!!!!
Man, this is really good, I really liked when the generals were fighting, and the planes and tanks were awesome!
These are amazing! Inspired me to make a LEGO stop motion of a d-day style landing (haven’t made it yet, but I will 😊)
I love this like a netflix series
I think that you are the best stop-motion youtuber in the world!
How did he got so many legs?
Lol legs 😂
He edits them in he copy and pastes a lot it’s on his other channel
" War has always been the greatest enemy of humankind "
Last time I checked it was enemy not enemt.
@adolf hitler
You made me bad >:(
Why didn't you upgrade my engine
I wish i had that much lego
same here
It’s so cute the way they move
*Shows historical re-enactments with intense warfare and destruction*
“Aaawwww, cute!”
i'd love to see one of the battle of gallipoli between the Ottomans and the Anzacs
“War isn’t epic sand man”
One thing i like about your videos when it comes to explosions ie the tank hitting the cannons you add impact unlike some other videos
He spent his time for hours on this majestic Stop-motion.
Something I really like about your works is the ground. It’s uneven. It’s so simple but it makes a works of difference and adds realism.
Awsome heres a sugestion the battle of Waterloo or the battle of the Nile or even better the battle of the pyramids
Battle of Waterloo
I'm glad I'm not the only one that loves the Napoleonic Wars
@@blitzcrieg101 Yeah! Lets hope there are more of us
@@aminismail80 me too
...look at this for the third time and every time I find new details, really good job. :)
No one:
That one friend in your squad: 1:11
Holdfast Nations at War in a nutshell lmao
ima play le music thing XD
These videos are award worthy.
I would legit watch a 2 hour movie of your production level. Imagine decent voice acting and everything it would be awesome
Yes lol
Bagpipe man is a survivor edit: R.I.P Bagpipe man😓
Don't do war, kids. You'll just end up gutting some terrified kid with a bayonet and gaining nothing.
"only kids, fools and generals think that war is necessary"---unknown
US teens: but muh college tuition
@Sullivan Hinson kids?
@@arightwingsynarchistmexica2244 teens of the age of 16 to 21
@@sullysquid674 it's a necessary evil i believe. It has been everywhere since 2000 years ago
Amazing work, animation was very smooth and the story was very historical. Keep up the good work and you will be a LEGO history legend!
If I taught high school history I'd definitely show this video but I'm a grade school speech language pathologist . . . I might just show it anyway for Memorial Day. Thanks for making and posting this video; it's fantastic!
Great uncle fought in either the Somme of passchendaele, I’m proud of him.
Hands down, the best Lego animation I have EVER seen- well done 👍
You know you have spent almost to much time on a stop motion when you make the shell impact so detailed
Nearly 10 mins in and we get out first dialogue “fire”
Wow, this is cool
Same my Great Great Grandad joined at 21 and was an air raid warden during WW2 but his cousin was killed in action 1st July 1916 Somme river, amazing stop motion though, keep it up!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
I can't imagine what it was like to be there in reality. And I don't want to imagine it.
Thought you guys might like a compilation of all my ww1 videos, along with a few improvements I've made to them. enjoy!
I like all the hard working keep trying the animating is awsome i support u man
Ah yes i see the improvement like the subtitels in the tank battle
They are super cool
0:51, that mini figure is Francis Pegahmagabow, he was one of the deadliest sniper/soldiers of ww1 and he wore a 'lucky pouch' that supposedly kept him safe
3:09 that's him again, notice how he is the only one wearing the pouch
That's interesting.
These are really high quality. They're not that low quality stuff where you can see each individual frame, this is more like lego city shorts.
I've tried stop motion and let me tell you, I have never seen anything this creative and you must have put in so much effort!
I hadn’t seen the last one and that was really sick. Keep it up man.
4:33 me waiting for my mom to stop talking to her friends
Lmao true
The effort you go to is insane it totally pays off and being a history nerd the level of accuracy you got using Lego blows my mind, never get tired of watching awesome stuff
@@user-rmftwz-yrjsoq hey how did you know that he commented that
@@markgomez1975 I saw in comment secton
The best Lego animation!!!! I never saw that beatiful animation
I remember storming the German trenches in 1916. I didn’t make it very far, only about 300ft. I played the bagpipes. I was promised that if I could make it through this bit of the battle, I’d get a rifle. I watched my comrades fall around me. At the 300ft mark, I felt a sharp burning pain in my chest, then another, then another. I fell to the dark muddy ground and began reciting a little prayer my mum taught me. After 5 minutes, it all went dark…
Really 😐
That hit me in the heart