Very confused with the complex calculations, with all add ups. May i ask what are the final ranges the usually stewardess or Purser or Senior Purser get? Hope my math as good as you both 😢
It is a bit confusing 😂 totally understand. Nowadays I heard starting pay can go up to $30usd plus per hour. But I could be wrong. And of course, it really depends on how much you fly too - by Mandy
They have base pay $17.00 / hours in US dollars, this is to say 40 hours a week , this US pay scale because they are out base USA employees and abide by the Laws 40/52 weeks = $35,360.00 annual salary, plus one month bonus which is about $2,950.00 , regardless the 7% commission for duty free sales income, the over time 8 hours oversea allowances metrics about 4x $26.00 and 4x$36 / 6 flights and per month = $1,440,00 a month , all in us currency, 2 time standby back , 4 hours x 2 = $17.00 x8 @ $136.00 , this added up average $40,000 plus per year, plus sales around $600/$700 US dollars per month, which is $10,000 HK duty free sales, but she mentioned $20 to $30 k duty free sales, I use $10k only, they are making $4,000.00 us dollars per month, not too impressive, however, this is not bad income at all .
多謝兩位分享 我最近都考到你地前公司 已辭工準備training 了
係呀,但性假比幾好既。依家做返office 就真係會掛住一個月返幾日工 去幾個trip 既日子 🥹 - by Michelle ;)
想問問如果想入resume 做BC但仲有一年先大學畢業,請問應該幾時先去入resume最好?謝謝!
多謝你鍾意先~ 有咩想知既topic 都可以同我地講嫁!
你隨時都可以入resume,我記得係唔需要大學畢業的,我之前有啲同事都仲讀緊大學課程。同佢唔係隨時請人隨時有training 的,所以入左resume之後都仲要等運到。- by Michelle ;)
@@MMTBs 暫時最好奇係
2)Michelle & Mandy layover 既節目&趣事(聽聞都ok)
3) 10 樣最呱住空姐的生活(or most dislike)?
@@shelbychan525 可以喎!等我地安排下先~ - by Michelle ;)
係,時間真係唔係金錢可以買到既⋯⋯🥲 - by Michelle ;)
我都好掛住飛嘅日子 😔 - by mandy
終於有啦😍咁其實都幾多喎 當你飛6次 17個鍾一程機(flight pay:17x6x24x8=19584)
Allowance:2000x6 =12000hkd
Ground: 15x4x8-=480hkd
如果duty free 7%每班機有1000 一個月都有6000
都有40000人工喎😅 咁都唔算多?😱
最緊要係仲未扣稅呀朋友⋯⋯🥹 - by Michelle ;)
@@MMTBs 意思係我既計法大至上岩 除左計多左3次allowance 姐係2000x3=6000 同埋扣埋稅 都有25000-28000😱多過hk base既crew好多喎 佢地應該唔會去到2字頭😱😱
@@Simonbacon023 唔講你可能唔知,講左都可能唔信,香港既同事飛一轉紐約,allowance 係500幾蚊美金 CASH! - by Michelle ;)
但hk crew 一個月都未必有一次new york 機呢🥹
多謝兩位的分享這個topic真的等到頸都長啦!!!Thank you
哈哈哈 乜原來大家真係咁想知咩🤣 - by Michelle ;)
@@MMTBs 當然啦以前每次搭飛機返亞洲都覺得啲空姐空少很富貴。題外話少少,真心覺得國泰服務唔錯!至少有用心去服務乘客,至於台灣花花個間就同國泰無得比!服務差到不想講,可以話係好過加航1%….
@@ladyhale4436 可能你見到富貴既空少空姐係佢地本身就好富貴,而唔係因為做呢份工而富貴🤣
多謝你喜歡我前僱主,我自己都好喜歡條魚翅,希望佢係疫情後真係可以move beyond 啲衰野啦!- by Michelle ;)
Very confused with the complex calculations, with all add ups.
May i ask what are the final ranges the usually stewardess or Purser or Senior Purser get? Hope my math as good as you both 😢
It is a bit confusing 😂 totally understand. Nowadays I heard starting pay can go up to $30usd plus per hour. But I could be wrong. And of course, it really depends on how much you fly too - by Mandy
暫時都係請返ex crew (未open public)
如果當日被遣散填左有興趣返去 就會收email 問想唔想rejoin 然後wait re join call
係囉,香港既朋友仔行先~ - by Michelle ;)
一張紐約 巴塞隆拿Business Class 機票 都成個月糧
係呀🥲🥲🥲 by Mandy
@@MMTBs 呢d 福利好好, 但CX 有排都未回復到正常, 隔離SQ 好似都回復到7-8 成航班
我地當年起跳$26 然後我地飛香港仲再加每個鐘$2 speaker pay同$2.5 international pay 而家當然唔止啦🙈
都唔錯喎、邊到嘅公司呀?by mandy
Oh cool! 依家應該有$30起吧?- by Mandy
以前有個韓國妹空姐同事佢系UA 做。好似得4萬幾五萬一年。佢去左我公司想轉行做sales . 但係佢個腦有問題俾人炒左🤣
4,5萬美金下嘛?差不多啦講真 我地之前可能得3,4萬 🥲 - by Michelle ;)
係呀、不過都係值得嘅 :) - by mandy
我都有睇到新聞,唉😮💨做crew 真係好慘⋯⋯ 公司又係爭唔落。雖然佢未執我已經覺得好犀利😂 - by Michelle ;)
They have base pay $17.00 / hours in US dollars, this is to say 40 hours a week , this US pay scale because they are out base USA employees and abide by the Laws 40/52 weeks = $35,360.00 annual salary, plus one month bonus which is about $2,950.00 , regardless the 7% commission for duty free sales income, the over time 8 hours oversea allowances metrics about 4x $26.00 and 4x$36 / 6 flights and per month = $1,440,00 a month , all in us currency, 2 time standby back , 4 hours x 2 = $17.00 x8 @ $136.00 , this added up average $40,000 plus per year, plus sales around $600/$700 US dollars per month, which is $10,000 HK duty free sales, but she mentioned $20 to $30 k duty free sales, I use $10k only, they are making $4,000.00 us dollars per month, not too impressive, however, this is not bad income at all .