When she said "you can go for the polar opposite " the first thought I had was red eyeshadow and green lipstick , maybe me not knowing how to apply make-up is a blessing to the world
This makes me feel like I’m 12 years old again when I would go to my gran’s house during the holidays and she would put her makeup on me for fun and she would whisper to me what she was doing and you could hear the fireplace in the background and her Frank Sinatra Christmas record playing....that was my favorite memory so thank you for this video ❤️
I love how you add in realistic sound effects for the make-up application. So many tingles! Other Asmr artists usually just have silence, and you have to imagine the sounds...Thank you for going the extra mile.
I was looking for this comment because I was like there’s no way she actually applied an exfoliating product to her camera and yet the sound was so realistic and accurate. Thought I was losing it lol but it turns out it’s just Erin being her usual attentive, detail oriented angel that she is. It’s why I appreciate her channel so much ❤️
I probably end up watching this like 100 times every December and each time I’m always impressed by the background music being the PERFECT volume… Like it’s quiet enough to not get distracting, or compete with the brushing noises or whispering, but also juuuuust loud enough to be recognisably festive throughout. Love it!!! So cosy and Christmasy
As a 27 year-old male I'm starting to worry about the dangerously high levels of make-up knowledge I've acquired from watching your videos over and over Erin, they are just fantastic :P Merry Christmas from Ireland
I don’t ever really “watch” ASMR, usually I just put something on in the background as I fall asleep,but I actually feel compelled to sit and watch your material. It has such high production value and the dialogue is natural and interesting. There is something about your face and presence that is so calming to watch, not to mention the fact that your makeup is always so fkn bomb that I usually can’t stop staring at your eyeshadow the whole time. Keep up the good work!
I've been a lurker for a long time, but just want to say I really love your channel and your creativity. You seem like a beautiful person both inside and out, and I always look forward to seeing what you come up with next. Thank you for you!
You're so good at what you do. I don't know how you do it, but the way you apply the makeup seems so real, you make a strong illusion that I am having makeup applied on my face. Thanks for the relaxation, Erin. Love you💕
As someone suffering from severe anxiety, I can't even begin to tell you how much of a helping hand your videos are to me on a daily basis ❤️ Thank you so much Erin 🤍 Wishing everybody a great day!
you are so good at this from the way you have full stories in your videos and how you add layered sounds while applying the makeup to the way you have music in the background so faint that you cant make it out but it adds to the relaxation. No other asmrtist has come close to making it feel as natural to life as you have.
I hope requests aren't annoying for you because I got one lol. I thought a good idea would be a role play where your a friend deciding what film to watch in the evening. And you can do something with popcorn and drinks and stuff! Just got the idea but I think it would be a cosy thing to do, oh and with BLANKETS AND A FIREPLACE!
It’s literally October but this gives me so much nostalgia. I think it’s just the feeling Christmas celebrations bring to many people. I’m honestly obsessed.
I love how much detail goes into the background of your videos and the layered background noise, whether it be muffled music or crackling fire or doors opening. The ambience you create is unmatched and is one of the reasons why I find myself rewatching your videos more than any others
I just thought of this, but a video of a whispered tour of your filming room/area? Or introducing your pets? Could be really cool and relaxing. Idk just an idea
I would love to see her do a combo video of this “character” and the la valley girl stylist getting you completely ready for something - I think I just want longer videos cause I love her so much haha
Damn that's some good positional audio. I could hear the noises move around my face perfectly! It's so rare to see people actually care about the verticality of sound in these videos.
This is my favorite ASMR video of all time. It just soothes on so many levels, especially the distant Christmas music. Would love a new version for this coming holiday season
I’m watching this in July because I miss Christmas and the music in the background is so soothing. Christmas in my family is so calming and nostalgic this just makes me happy
oh my gosh we do not deserve all these wonderful videos, erin!! i love love love the music!! i love it when you do makeup videos, i always have to pause and take notes on the products you're using :~)
I am a stylist, studying you for the best approach on days when my introvert, stubborn side pops up, impatient and not ready to teach or explain anything! It can be inconvenient when my schedule is full. I don't get to hide and say " It's too people-y out there. Tell them to go away "; but then, neither do you! You are a self-starter and an inspiration to my professional life. Keep up the great work at your own pace. I think your boundaries are strong; I can't see you getting burned out or overly influenced from others' expectations for very long. I told a bald guy he had a lustrous scalp yesterday! Go young lady, keep on keepin' on! Also, thank you for the new content at this hectic time of year.
Angela Knapp Honestly, introversion is a genuine reason not to fill up your schedule. For us introverts, socialising, social settings and just people in general can become so emotionally exhausting that we need time alone to do the things we love to recharge, e.g. reading, writing, making ASMR videos. It’s a common belief that extroverts gather [emotional] energy from the world around them, and thrive in social settings because there’s just so much energy to be gathered from other people, while introverts _give_ energy to these other people. Give too much and you become exhausted.
Thank you, I like this theory a lot. I need frequent time alone. I didn't leave the house yesterday, and feel rested today. I have enough extrovert in me to test as ENFP, but Facebook analytics have me as INFP due to my likes and dislikes, I guess. I would love to make ASMRs if I thought I were any good, but for now I just enjoy! Phonecian Sailor's latest (called Typical ASMR I think?) had me laughing uncontrollably, and ER's "Rob Ross" at Arkham is a favorite too. There is just so much to see!
thank youuuu my dude,, let me just take a nap at 12:30 PM lmao. but really i loved all the sounds in this vid so much,, don’t worry about not uploading a babblebrook video for a bit because all of your videos are lovely. have a good dayyy
There is many thing I absolutely love in your videos, but one aspect that always amaze me is your language! Granted, i'm not english native and I may be easily impressed, but I love your way of putting words together. It's fancy, elegant and simple at once! I love it!
The music is what always gets me, that is truly the one thing that really makes the setting so much more real. There's a very little amount of channels that add music.❤️❤️
I love. Absolutely LOVE that you put the sounds of the brushes and sponges in. I normally don't really like make up role plays because there are so many competely quiet "holes". I usually listen for sleep and not watch so the sounds are key. This is just fantastic
2 am here n I have a special spot for your makeup related videos. I have suddenly fallen ill n having difficulty sleeping. Your videos are helping tremendously. Much love
This just came up in my suggestions and I felt nostalgic and old at the same time realizing I was here when it dropped originally. But very happy that you're still kicking, Erin. Good job!
I have legitimately watched this video hundreds of times. As someone who has disordered sensory processing, thank you for making content that helps with relaxation. This world has so few things like that. 💛
Christmas is always a tough time of year for me but this video has brought me so much comfort during the Holiday season year after year. Thank you Erin (x7)!! You’re a phenomenal ASMRtist and I’m so grateful you’ve used your channel to create such a special place for so many of us ❤
Thank you for posting again Erin! I need more of you in my life! I'm dealing with anxiety and depression and today was a really really really bad day for me, but when I saw you posted I felt relieved and sooo happy 😌 You're too good for this world! 💗
Just wanted to reply and say that I’m also currently suffering from crippling depression and anxiety and today was also a bad day for me. It’s nice to know there are others out there but I’m so sorry you are feeling down.. it’s rough isn’t it? At least we have ASMR and Erin as a coping mechanism
I know this was posted 2 years ago, but I wanted to comment anyways. I love the coziness of this video. The faint music in the background is such a nice touch. It would be the perfect video to listen to as you sit next to the window on a rainy day with a cup of hot chocolate while reading a book, or texting a friend. This video makes me feel really happy for some reason and it brings back some really good memories. Thank you Erin, and happy holidays to all!
this is the best make-up roleplay I’ve ever seen since I discovered asmr months ago!! if only all make-up artists were as kind as you ((also the sounds while you applied the primer or blended the foundation were so blissful!!))
I wish so much that someone in real life would be this attentive when doing makeup for me! 😍🙌🏻 p.s. really bad idea to start watching this before I make a video myself hahaha
I feel like in real life, you are a super sweet and gentle person with a golden heart. You give off such a warming vibe, like your presence could heal any broken soul ❤ I absolutely love your videos, by far one of the greatest ASMR channels out there. Thank you for existing ❤
ahhhh, i absolutely looove christmas!! this video makes me feel sooso cozy and safe, it's perfect. also; the distant music gives it such a special feel, it's almost like i'm watching a scene out of a movie idk
Okay so you are WITHOUT a doubt my favorite asmrtist. But one thing that bothers me that every makeup roleplay on any channel does is that they don't understand that the camera lens acts as the eye. So when you "apply" eye makeup, you don't put it in the center of the eyeball, you do it on the lid. so although it may seem counterintuitive, you'd actually rub the brush on the outer perimeter of the lens, because when you're having your eyeshadow done, you can't actually see the brush touching you. I think that would add such an element of realism and take your videos from fantastic to a league of their own. Lots of love, and great work as always girl ❤️☺️
Also I just want to be super clear that none of this was meant to sound rude or nasty. You are fantastic and fun and I want nothing but the best for you and your channel!
I totally get what you mean 😊 but brushing the camera lens makes for great visual triggers (which I personally enjoy a lot) so I think that’s why asmr-tists sometimes brush across the lens, although I agree it’s not realistic
I have fallen asleep to this every day since it's been posted. You're my new favorite ASMRtist! You seem like just an interesting and talented person. So excited for new videos!
This is honestly my favourite Asmr video of all time! I watch it all year round ! It’s so beautifully made and it just provides me with such comfort every time I watch it ❤️
Goodness gracious, you've done it again. Nailed that ambient music, the tone is just right, the setting and mood feels legitimate (as usual) and visually it gives off a sensation of a place much warmer than mine. This 23 minute video feels timeless. Merry Christmas ❤💚
Oh how I wish someone would actually do my makeup like this for me! I just have not had the patience or skill to create a look like this myself yet. The video is very calming and nice. A break from the holiday stress! I hope everyone is having a lovely December!
Thank you so much Erin! I have school tomorrow and this is just what I need to send me to sleep in time for me to get up at the correct time tomorrow!! You truly are a blessing Erin!! May God bless you and you have a wonderful Christmas!!!
I’m so excited for a part 2 of Maybell’s Menagerie! I hope that the sequel includes us being able to ‘chose’ our own creature like the dragon eggs! I love how interactive that video was and I actually thought the decision over as if I was genuinely going to pick a dragon companion for hundreds of years, haha. I love the story and world you’ve created. It’s unlike anything else I’ve seen in ASMR videos, and the feeling and comfort I get from Babblebrook themed videos is unparalleled. But of course I adore every single one of your videos, you’ve quickly become my favorite ASMRtist. Keep up the great work Erin, and enjoy your holiday season and new year. 💕
I have watched this video like at least 649 times and still watch it a whole lot.. it is safe to say this is one of my favorite ASMR videos on planet earth... thank you so much, Erin
This video was so relaxing. I watched it on the long bus ride to school and I was relaxed and stress-free. Thank you so much for making such a calming video
You're literally the best ASMR artist on youtube!! Your videos are all incredible and so so calming, while still being really entertaining and ridiculously well-crafted like with the Babblebrook series!!! Thank you so much for existing and putting out such awesome content!!!
When she said "you can go for the polar opposite " the first thought I had was red eyeshadow and green lipstick , maybe me not knowing how to apply make-up is a blessing to the world
Lol sameeee!! I was thinking how odd green lipstick would look..
Haley Bennett Shhh all we know Santa's wife could be wearing this very same makeup look ,we wouldn't want to upset her 😂😂
Exo L hi fellow exo-l💕
Leah Rose hi Lol we are everywhere ^-^
Exo L ikr haha, I love seeing exo-l in the comments❤
Her: are you allergic to anything?
Me: yea almonds
Her: ok let's start with an almond scrub
Are you allergic to... *air almonds* ? :D
You'll die with tingles best way to go! 😂
you really need to be a loser to be allergic to almonds
This makes me feel like I’m 12 years old again when I would go to my gran’s house during the holidays and she would put her makeup on me for fun and she would whisper to me what she was doing and you could hear the fireplace in the background and her Frank Sinatra Christmas record playing....that was my favorite memory so thank you for this video ❤️
Reginaxxmarie that is so precious
Aww thats sweet😄
That's beautiful. I wish I had more memories like that with my grandmother.
that really is beautiful
What a lovely memory! Made me smile while reading it. Inhope you live a very happy life
Every time I heard the bird screech I just thought, "PAY ATTENTION TO MEEEE"
Josie I had no clue what that was, thank you. I thought a dementor had come to get me lol
Literally had to replay the video to make sure it was a sound in the video because I straight up thought my mom was getting murdered downstairs
Give the bird a makeup instead. The bird will be a queen
love how you did your eyes in this video! very fox like ^_^
thank you!! :))
Omg queens
Yasss love you both
Yassssss ting ting!
queens, collab
“are u my 5:00 appointment by any chance”
me, watching this at 4:54am: i guess u could say that
lol same
Me watching at 4:04- hmm know don't think so
@@makaladailey3851 daylight savings time smh
RIP to whoever died at 2:22
just my bird screaming at the unforgivable injustice of not being paid attention to at that moment
I'm dying XD
what kinda bird you got?
Jeff i... can't... hold it ... in ... any longer
I love how you add in realistic sound effects for the make-up application. So many tingles! Other Asmr artists usually just have silence, and you have to imagine the sounds...Thank you for going the extra mile.
Totally agree!
She's good with details
Latte ASMR does this too! Thats why I love them, they really care about attention to detail!
cricktheart A
I was looking for this comment because I was like there’s no way she actually applied an exfoliating product to her camera and yet the sound was so realistic and accurate. Thought I was losing it lol but it turns out it’s just Erin being her usual attentive, detail oriented angel that she is. It’s why I appreciate her channel so much ❤️
I probably end up watching this like 100 times every December and each time I’m always impressed by the background music being the PERFECT volume… Like it’s quiet enough to not get distracting, or compete with the brushing noises or whispering, but also juuuuust loud enough to be recognisably festive throughout. Love it!!! So cosy and Christmasy
Are we sure that was a bird?. Because it sounded like a soul escaped hell...
Birds have impressive vocal abilities lol
You mean the screaming? I thought the neighbour's kids were having a nightmare for a moment there! 😅
That part scared the crap out of me
@@echomythica same
is it just me or does she look stunning as hell in the video in particular like holy hell im gay
Emi G nah she looks stunning xD
Emi G my mood watching all of her videos
As a 27 year-old male I'm starting to worry about the dangerously high levels of make-up knowledge I've acquired from watching your videos over and over Erin, they are just fantastic :P Merry Christmas from Ireland
Conor Same, my friends always find it really odd when I point out some make up brands and terms haha
Jochem Schipper Nice😂
If you have or get a gf, she will most likely appreciate your knowledge.
Same 😂
Or she’ll think he’s gay.
You truely have a talent in making good "Ambience".
Ted Bundy
I’m a huge fan.
Jason Dean
I’m a huge fan
@@vika7388 I'm a huge fan
Mini Moze
I’m a huge fan
Astro Kat
I’m a huge fan
I don’t ever really “watch” ASMR, usually I just put something on in the background as I fall asleep,but I actually feel compelled to sit and watch your material. It has such high production value and the dialogue is natural and interesting. There is something about your face and presence that is so calming to watch, not to mention the fact that your makeup is always so fkn bomb that I usually can’t stop staring at your eyeshadow the whole time. Keep up the good work!
Well, I was a guy before this video. Now I'm a queen.
You were always a queen, it just brought it out of you 😘
Guys could be queens honey 💁♀️
You were and always will be a queen
This comment made me smile in this very dark pandemic time. Thank you human from two years ago.
You should know, my cat also falls asleep to your wonderful videos, he is very familiar with your voice & jumps on the bed as soon as he hears it ❤️🐱
Lizzy Oh that's so precious!!
What a lovely cat 🐱💘
Aww that’s adorable
You all got headsets for your cats?
That’s adorable!!
Who says a 19 year old Kentucky boy can’t get a Christmas makeover???
Eff society and go have some tingles (and some glitter for good measure)!
@@lettuce8279 go for it my guy
@@lettuce8279 do it ma dude! If an Ohio girl can walk out in a gay pride suit, then anyone can do anything!
Dylan Cox all the people who live in the yeehaw states 😔
19 y.o. from Quebec up here.
I've been a lurker for a long time, but just want to say I really love your channel and your creativity. You seem like a beautiful person both inside and out, and I always look forward to seeing what you come up with next. Thank you for you!
I was the same way for a bit but I think bar none she makes THE best asmr stuff out there. I actually think it goes beyond asmr.
Damn you’ve had your account for quite awhile.
i seriously love the atmosphere you create in your videos, that muffled soft music in the background is an amazing touch.
The fact that you add in sound effects when putting on the makeup makes you the best ASMR channel 💕
Love the soft music in the background! So warm and cozy! Merry Christmas Erin! You deserve to have a wonderful holiday!
Claire The Huntress if
I thought I was imagining that!!
Sooo cooozy
Claire The Huntress Does anyone know the music?!
Claire Inkling am I the only one who can’t hear the music??😭
Almost 7 years later, I still come back to this vid once in a while. You've always made such a cozy space for me to find peace, thank you.
i’m so happy you exist
angelsyg me @ my friends
You should get hearted or whatever it's called....
Ayyyyy army fam
I love comments like this, bless your sweet heart
I'm travelling right now and am SO HOMESICK but your videos have been helping me to relax so much (even more than they normally do!) - thank youuu x
meowitsemily me too! I’m currently spending time at my relatives place and the only thing helping to calm me is Erin’s videos (*´∀`*)
You're so good at what you do. I don't know how you do it, but the way you apply the makeup seems so real, you make a strong illusion that I am having makeup applied on my face. Thanks for the relaxation, Erin. Love you💕
I love everything about every video you make ❤️
I'm sure that soor dwings both ways! =) Your aura-sketching remains one of my all-time favs
Uh did you mean door swings? lol
asmrbebexo Me too.
Same. She’s one of my favorite asmr accounts.
As someone suffering from severe anxiety, I can't even begin to tell you how much of a helping hand your videos are to me on a daily basis ❤️ Thank you so much Erin 🤍 Wishing everybody a great day!
you are so good at this from the way you have full stories in your videos and how you add layered sounds while applying the makeup to the way you have music in the background so faint that you cant make it out but it adds to the relaxation. No other asmrtist has come close to making it feel as natural to life as you have.
Jebusneo nn
I kept thinking the owl in the left corner had a wig on. Lol!
I can't unsee it now
I hope requests aren't annoying for you because I got one lol. I thought a good idea would be a role play where your a friend deciding what film to watch in the evening. And you can do something with popcorn and drinks and stuff! Just got the idea but I think it would be a cosy thing to do, oh and with BLANKETS AND A FIREPLACE!
Man Sleeuwen she could also suggest her favourite movies to watch!
plsss let her consider this for this year's holiday season video:)
Doll, it may have been two years ago, but watch her latest video now!!
One time I started crying because Erin is so cute. I may have been a little drunk but
It’s literally October but this gives me so much nostalgia. I think it’s just the feeling Christmas celebrations bring to many people. I’m honestly obsessed.
She killing the asmr game rn. Simple
rocket noun? radical ninja? rash nun? I just don't know ha
Daren Redman "right now"
I love how much detail goes into the background of your videos and the layered background noise, whether it be muffled music or crackling fire or doors opening. The ambience you create is unmatched and is one of the reasons why I find myself rewatching your videos more than any others
i keep coming back to this video after so long, nothing relaxes me like this and i love christmas
Honestly after the 1st of November I watch this video religiously
I just thought of this, but a video of a whispered tour of your filming room/area? Or introducing your pets? Could be really cool and relaxing. Idk just an idea
Wow that was the exact same thought I just had. I sure hope she does it.
I would love to see her do a combo video of this “character” and the la valley girl stylist getting you completely ready for something - I think I just want longer videos cause I love her so much haha
Me: *tired and wants to go back to sleep*
*gets notification*
Damn that's some good positional audio. I could hear the noises move around my face perfectly! It's so rare to see people actually care about the verticality of sound in these videos.
This is my favorite ASMR video of all time. It just soothes on so many levels, especially the distant Christmas music. Would love a new version for this coming holiday season
I’m watching this in July because I miss Christmas and the music in the background is so soothing. Christmas in my family is so calming and nostalgic this just makes me happy
oh my gosh we do not deserve all these wonderful videos, erin!! i love love love the music!! i love it when you do makeup videos, i always have to pause and take notes on the products you're using :~)
Shhhhh don't say that she might stop making them haha
I am a stylist, studying you for the best approach on days when my introvert, stubborn side pops up, impatient and not ready to teach or explain anything! It can be inconvenient when my schedule is full. I don't get to hide and say " It's too people-y out there. Tell them to go away "; but then, neither do you! You are a self-starter and an inspiration to my professional life. Keep up the great work at your own pace. I think your boundaries are strong; I can't see you getting burned out or overly influenced from others' expectations for very long.
I told a bald guy he had a lustrous scalp yesterday! Go young lady, keep on keepin' on! Also, thank you for the new content at this hectic time of year.
Angela Knapp
Honestly, introversion is a genuine reason not to fill up your schedule. For us introverts, socialising, social settings and just people in general can become so emotionally exhausting that we need time alone to do the things we love to recharge, e.g. reading, writing, making ASMR videos. It’s a common belief that extroverts gather [emotional] energy from the world around them, and thrive in social settings because there’s just so much energy to be gathered from other people, while introverts _give_ energy to these other people. Give too much and you become exhausted.
Thank you, I like this theory a lot. I need frequent time alone. I didn't leave the house yesterday, and feel rested today. I have enough extrovert in me to test as ENFP, but Facebook analytics have me as INFP due to my likes and dislikes, I guess. I would love to make ASMRs if I thought I were any good, but for now I just enjoy! Phonecian Sailor's latest (called Typical ASMR I think?) had me laughing uncontrollably, and ER's "Rob Ross" at Arkham is a favorite too. There is just so much to see!
thank youuuu my dude,, let me just take a nap at 12:30 PM lmao. but really i loved all the sounds in this vid so much,, don’t worry about not uploading a babblebrook video for a bit because all of your videos are lovely. have a good dayyy
Bella Martinez RIGHT?! Let me knock TF out for no reason at all...
There is many thing I absolutely love in your videos, but one aspect that always amaze me is your language! Granted, i'm not english native and I may be easily impressed, but I love your way of putting words together. It's fancy, elegant and simple at once! I love it!
I love how spontaneous you've become at talking. It used to feel a tad bit practised at your earlier roleplays, but you are so natural now!
Idk how I'm so late on finding this video but happy I found it nonetheless ❤️
funnily enough, im actually going to a holiday party later tonight!!
The music is what always gets me, that is truly the one thing that really makes the setting so much more real. There's a very little amount of channels that add music.❤️❤️
I love how you added the faint Christmas music in the background that was perfect
I love. Absolutely LOVE that you put the sounds of the brushes and sponges in. I normally don't really like make up role plays because there are so many competely quiet "holes". I usually listen for sleep and not watch so the sounds are key. This is just fantastic
2 am here n I have a special spot for your makeup related videos. I have suddenly fallen ill n having difficulty sleeping. Your videos are helping tremendously. Much love
"Hi, are you by chance my 5 o' clock appointment?" Uhhh
hope you feel better soon!!
@@tantordoe5958 Yeah, the 5 AM appointment
It’s the middle of summer and I’m about to cry of how many happy feelings this vid bought me! Can’t wait till winter
This just came up in my suggestions and I felt nostalgic and old at the same time realizing I was here when it dropped originally. But very happy that you're still kicking, Erin. Good job!
I have legitimately watched this video hundreds of times. As someone who has disordered sensory processing, thank you for making content that helps with relaxation. This world has so few things like that. 💛
Look at the background Setting, decoration, light, music..everything's perfect. This vid is just my christmas fantasy🎅🏼🎄✨
Christmas is always a tough time of year for me but this video has brought me so much comfort during the Holiday season year after year.
Thank you Erin (x7)!!
You’re a phenomenal ASMRtist and I’m so grateful you’ve used your channel to create such a special place for so many of us ❤
Thank you for posting again Erin! I need more of you in my life! I'm dealing with anxiety and depression and today was a really really really bad day for me, but when I saw you posted I felt relieved and sooo happy 😌 You're too good for this world! 💗
Just wanted to reply and say that I’m also currently suffering from crippling depression and anxiety and today was also a bad day for me. It’s nice to know there are others out there but I’m so sorry you are feeling down.. it’s rough isn’t it? At least we have ASMR and Erin as a coping mechanism
the music in the background of this makes it feel so real, i love this so so much
So unrealistic..................
I don't get invited to parties.
Parties? Slow down, it’s unrealistic enough that I’m talking to someone
It’s like she doesn’t pay attention to detail! In what world would I be leaving the house? Shameful, truly
I can relate to all of these!
Well your invited to my party if I ever throw them
Your lipstick is giving me the whole “just ate a red popsicle” trend vibe and I am HERE FOR IT!!🙌🏼😩😍
I really really really love the muffled music in the background
holiday asmr makes me so happy and comfortable... ESPECIALLY hers like.. shes by FAR one of my favorite asmrtists
This video is my Christmas tradition🎄
I know this was posted 2 years ago, but I wanted to comment anyways.
I love the coziness of this video. The faint music in the background is such a nice touch. It would be the perfect video to listen to as you sit next to the window on a rainy day with a cup of hot chocolate while reading a book, or texting a friend. This video makes me feel really happy for some reason and it brings back some really good memories. Thank you Erin, and happy holidays to all!
this is the best make-up roleplay I’ve ever seen since I discovered asmr months ago!! if only all make-up artists were as kind as you ((also the sounds while you applied the primer or blended the foundation were so blissful!!))
Alexia Pîrvan latte does great make-up role play as well. Check her out!
Girl I am lovin the hair color and style!
@@shadowx436 j a i d e n¿
@@squidiinky yer jaiden
Yt just recommended this to me and I’m not even mad this is soooo relaxing (despite me being two years late....)
Everyone: enjoying the ASMR
Me: enjoying the Christmas music in the back
I cannot describe how much I appreciate that you added foley to the more visual triggers. Makes all the difference in the world.
I wish so much that someone in real life would be this attentive when doing makeup for me! 😍🙌🏻
p.s. really bad idea to start watching this before I make a video myself hahaha
I feel like in real life, you are a super sweet and gentle person with a golden heart. You give off such a warming vibe, like your presence could heal any broken soul ❤ I absolutely love your videos, by far one of the greatest ASMR channels out there. Thank you for existing ❤
ahhhh, i absolutely looove christmas!! this video makes me feel sooso cozy and safe, it's perfect. also; the distant music gives it such a special feel, it's almost like i'm watching a scene out of a movie idk
I love her videos
They never add extra unnecessary tapping or scratching just the way I like it.
Love ya Erin
Okay so you are WITHOUT a doubt my favorite asmrtist. But one thing that bothers me that every makeup roleplay on any channel does is that they don't understand that the camera lens acts as the eye. So when you "apply" eye makeup, you don't put it in the center of the eyeball, you do it on the lid. so although it may seem counterintuitive, you'd actually rub the brush on the outer perimeter of the lens, because when you're having your eyeshadow done, you can't actually see the brush touching you. I think that would add such an element of realism and take your videos from fantastic to a league of their own. Lots of love, and great work as always girl ❤️☺️
Also I just want to be super clear that none of this was meant to sound rude or nasty. You are fantastic and fun and I want nothing but the best for you and your channel!
I totally get what you mean 😊 but brushing the camera lens makes for great visual triggers (which I personally enjoy a lot) so I think that’s why asmr-tists sometimes brush across the lens, although I agree it’s not realistic
mura masa I hadn't considered that! I definitely agree
i think about this all the time
Sarah Bambi omg ok I was starting to think I was the only one
I just finished a hot mug of peppermint tea and now it’s time for a festive nap!
i don't go to many parties but if i did, you know i'd want you to do my makeup because everything about your look is actually goals
I have fallen asleep to this every day since it's been posted. You're my new favorite ASMRtist! You seem like just an interesting and talented person. So excited for new videos!
If you ever create a non-ASMR channel, makeup tutorials and adventure vlogs are a must. You seem like such a fun person
She does have a second channel with make-up :D
a Makeup/vlog/skit channel is how she started youtube. Freshblush is her channel.
Ya, a lot of us actually came from that channel.
okay but that's been dead for MONTHS
This is honestly my favourite Asmr video of all time! I watch it all year round ! It’s so beautifully made and it just provides me with such comfort every time I watch it ❤️
You're spoiling us this month.
This is my favorite makeup asmr out there. There isn’t hardly anyone on TH-cam that create sounds like were applying to a person not a camera
Goodness gracious, you've done it again. Nailed that ambient music, the tone is just right, the setting and mood feels legitimate (as usual) and visually it gives off a sensation of a place much warmer than mine. This 23 minute video feels timeless. Merry Christmas ❤💚
This is probably one of my favourite asmr videos. I always come back to it
Ahhhhh I love your frequent uploading!!!!! And I can’t wait for the second Maybell video!!! Also, what lip color are you wearing? It’s gorgeous!!
Plot twist: we are the bird
Plot twist: she's the bird
the Christmas music in the background is bloody awesome
Rowyn Oak that’s what i was gonna day it puts a festive touch on this video that i can’t get enough of❤️
Except for the occasional death scream in the the background
Oh how I wish someone would actually do my makeup like this for me! I just have not had the patience or skill to create a look like this myself yet. The video is very calming and nice. A break from the holiday stress! I hope everyone is having a lovely December!
that muffled music though
Thank you so much Erin! I have school tomorrow and this is just what I need to send me to sleep in time for me to get up at the correct time tomorrow!! You truly are a blessing Erin!! May God bless you and you have a wonderful Christmas!!!
I'm sorry, is nobody gonna talk about that scream of death at 2:20?
Mag. Ikr i jumped out of my bed thinking someone got murdered 😂
I was confused too but in her video description it says it’s a bird call.
Mag. it’s an *a n g e r y birb*
Mag. It’s her bird.
I’m so excited for a part 2 of Maybell’s Menagerie! I hope that the sequel includes us being able to ‘chose’ our own creature like the dragon eggs! I love how interactive that video was and I actually thought the decision over as if I was genuinely going to pick a dragon companion for hundreds of years, haha.
I love the story and world you’ve created. It’s unlike anything else I’ve seen in ASMR videos, and the feeling and comfort I get from Babblebrook themed videos is unparalleled. But of course I adore every single one of your videos, you’ve quickly become my favorite ASMRtist. Keep up the great work Erin, and enjoy your holiday season and new year. 💕
Watching this in April and my heart longs for the Christmas season 💔 my favorite time of the year
I have watched this video like at least 649 times and still watch it a whole lot.. it is safe to say this is one of my favorite ASMR videos on planet earth... thank you so much, Erin
this + the music in the background is healing my soul. thank you :)
This video was so relaxing. I watched it on the long bus ride to school and I was relaxed and stress-free. Thank you so much for making such a calming video
The muted holiday music was such a great touch
You're literally the best ASMR artist on youtube!! Your videos are all incredible and so so calming, while still being really entertaining and ridiculously well-crafted like with the Babblebrook series!!! Thank you so much for existing and putting out such awesome content!!!