So many great, innovative and promising watch makers now are getting world exposure due to people like you. Thank you for bringing them to your channel.. Love your work..
Awesome collection of high horology watches, great work from Felipe and his team. I had the pleasure of visiting him in their workshop with my Sternenhimmel. Thanks Marko and Felipe 👍🏽
Es ist sehr schön zu sehen, das in Deutschland Innovation und Handwerkskunst weiterhin bestand hat und sogar noch wächst. - Great work! Grüße aus Castrop-Rauxel
Just when you thought that we had seen it all....someone makes a brilliant watch brand. This will become very famous and expensive, a true collector's watch.
Good to see that someone finally mad a moon-phase watch with a sphere instead of a disc. The sphere shows the correct shape of the light and dark parts of the moon which the disc does not.
Felipe has amazing passion & work. Unfortunately I will never purchase one since his retailer in Australia called Monards scammed me nearly $25000 with multiple refurbished watches misrepresented as new. The watches were not from Felipe's brand.
I really admire watchmaking, but these watches aren’t really special to me. The one with aventurine glas, looks like a Christiaan van der Klaauw Orion, which is on the market for quite some time.
Apart from the use of aventurine, which isn't something used for the first time in this industry it looks nothing like the CVDK and the movement finishing is incomparable as well. But to each their own, that's the beauty of our industry and that's why I like to highlight so many different watches, to show people what's out there. Love CVDK as well, reviewed the Ariadne models once.
Felipe lost me when, about a couple of years ago, he quoted me a price for his moonphase on par with a VC patrimony which was in precious metal, geneva seal and all... I was on the waitlist in order to fill that moonphase void in my collection but I figured that a Jaquet Droz moonphase (which is my fav rendition of this complication) or a JLC ultrathin moonphase was going to be 2.5x cheaper and had a much more agreeable design than this semi-monochrome, semi open heart watch. Same goes for aventurine dials - if you want a cheap aventurine watch, there are plenty; if you want one from an established brand, there are plenty examples from legacy brands. Then there is his watch - neither here nor there. I don't get why I should spend x amount of dollars on an FP Aventurine when I can get a great option from GP or UN for about the same money...
@@Doggo-frencton Dude, a handmade leather wallet made by my friend Alexander Gotsi (no matter how valuable to me for sentimental reasons) cant, shall not and will never cost the same as one made by Gucci, Montblanc or Hermes... You don't think VC and ALS have hand finished watches? Or you value time of an upstart watchmaker on par with time of top notch watchmakers that actually got hired by top watchmaker brands. Keep the Baltimore crap for yourself. Come to me when you have something in NYC...
@@almeladze My brother in christ, you have perused the streets for hot dog stands, yet you expect to be greeted by a servant and struggle to find a place to hang your coat. Your dubious motives are ill placed. And your english likewise would illicit fear in lesser commentors, your distate for "street dogs" tell me all about the type of person you are. You are not long for this place with this attitude. Sincerely, a very concerned commentor.
What? I'm pushing independents since 2016 before the bandwagon boys came so get your facts straight first. And after you've done that stop, think about what you write, learn a bit more about watches, especially indies and really re-think your next comment. Thanks and have a great day
Which person should I have on next?
Sylvain Pinaud
Auffret, Remy Cools, Vincent Deprez, Akrivia, Petermann are welcome :)
cyril brivet naudot or peter speake
Charles Frodsham
Christian Lass from Denmark
So many great, innovative and promising watch makers now are getting world exposure due to people like you. Thank you for bringing them to your channel.. Love your work..
Awesome collection of high horology watches, great work from Felipe and his team. I had the pleasure of visiting him in their workshop with my Sternenhimmel. Thanks Marko and Felipe 👍🏽
Amazing watches....very talented watch maker. I wish to have one of his pieces soon.
Thanks Marco for great interviews
Great Video Marko. Felipe, you will be a great watchmaker in the future.
Beautiful pieces and amazing to see his brand grow so nicely in such a short time!
Great video . I like it when you also give prices. They don’t have to be exact but you can say starting price based on options .
Very creative! I love the grey moon watch :)
Exquisite designs. I look forward to more of his designs.
Man I love this TH-cam chanel. Felipe is just amazing and such a humble guy. Best of luck to him and his great team.
Amazing work and an incredible watchmaker!
Es ist sehr schön zu sehen, das in Deutschland Innovation und Handwerkskunst weiterhin bestand hat und sogar noch wächst. - Great work! Grüße aus Castrop-Rauxel
Vielen Dank, wir versuchen mit aller Kraft das Uhrmacherhandwerk am Leben zu halten 😁
Schter dial, HGH, the small seconds and Moon phase One are my favorites
This young man is amazing, new level for the ETA ❤
First! 🤓 Much love for Felipe ♥️ and Marko 💯
So many grails in 1 video ❤
Just when you thought that we had seen it all....someone makes a brilliant watch brand. This will become very famous and expensive, a true collector's watch.
Thank you very much! We are living the passion of watchmaking and it is so good to see people recognize that!
Counting down the days until Wednesday when I get my HTH… sooo excited
Lets go!
It's content like this the reason i subscribe to you channel.
This is the sort of Moonphase complication I have always wanted.
I’m so impressed by my Moonphase!
Thank you!
@@felipepikullik5958salam alaik brother Felipe
@@felipepikullik5958Felipe, it’s now a dream of mine to be able to buy one of your moonphase watches. Bravo - you’re an artist in the truest sense.
Really interested in what that Mondphase/Moonphase 2 will look like (and estimates on its pricing). It could really be a standout!
Love the moonphase 1 !! how can i get one? and when is the moonphase 2 coming out want to grab one as well
Good to see that someone finally mad a moon-phase watch with a sphere instead of a disc. The sphere shows the correct shape of the light and dark parts of the moon which the disc does not.
Much love from Vancouver ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Can you give a pricing indication? (No info on the website) Thank you.
Thank you! 😊
Felipe has amazing passion & work. Unfortunately I will never purchase one since his retailer in Australia called Monards scammed me nearly $25000 with multiple refurbished watches misrepresented as new. The watches were not from Felipe's brand.
Maybe you can contact Felipe directly to place an order.
@@chia-mingyang5804 Thanks
how to apply for apprenticeship
Incredible. Can this be real?
A 6498 doesnt have to mean a 44mm case, can fit lowest into a 40.5
Saat sizinle daha güzel
I’m sorry to say that the back of the watch is way better looking than the front !! Sorry
I really admire watchmaking, but these watches aren’t really special to me. The one with aventurine glas, looks like a Christiaan van der Klaauw Orion, which is on the market for quite some time.
Apart from the use of aventurine, which isn't something used for the first time in this industry it looks nothing like the CVDK and the movement finishing is incomparable as well. But to each their own, that's the beauty of our industry and that's why I like to highlight so many different watches, to show people what's out there. Love CVDK as well, reviewed the Ariadne models once.
@@SwissWatchGang I agree on the movement, but as a whole, the watches don’t breath exclusivity to me.
Felipe lost me when, about a couple of years ago, he quoted me a price for his moonphase on par with a VC patrimony which was in precious metal, geneva seal and all... I was on the waitlist in order to fill that moonphase void in my collection but I figured that a Jaquet Droz moonphase (which is my fav rendition of this complication) or a JLC ultrathin moonphase was going to be 2.5x cheaper and had a much more agreeable design than this semi-monochrome, semi open heart watch. Same goes for aventurine dials - if you want a cheap aventurine watch, there are plenty; if you want one from an established brand, there are plenty examples from legacy brands. Then there is his watch - neither here nor there. I don't get why I should spend x amount of dollars on an FP Aventurine when I can get a great option from GP or UN for about the same money...
Dude he literally hand finishes the watch. You think Geneva Seal means hand finished? I have a bridge in Baltimore to sell you!
@@Doggo-frencton Dude, a handmade leather wallet made by my friend Alexander Gotsi (no matter how valuable to me for sentimental reasons) cant, shall not and will never cost the same as one made by Gucci, Montblanc or Hermes... You don't think VC and ALS have hand finished watches? Or you value time of an upstart watchmaker on par with time of top notch watchmakers that actually got hired by top watchmaker brands. Keep the Baltimore crap for yourself. Come to me when you have something in NYC...
@@almeladze what are you yapping about lil bro
@@fVNzO street dog is your bro... Get some culture and some intellect... then go back and read my comment again...
@@almeladze My brother in christ, you have perused the streets for hot dog stands, yet you expect to be greeted by a servant and struggle to find a place to hang your coat. Your dubious motives are ill placed. And your english likewise would illicit fear in lesser commentors, your distate for "street dogs" tell me all about the type of person you are. You are not long for this place with this attitude. Sincerely, a very concerned commentor.
the swiss are still better
bit irrelevant when talking about independents though isn't it?
No he’s not enough with random nobodies jumping on the independant watches bandwagon with close to nothing to offer. ENOUGH
What? I'm pushing independents since 2016 before the bandwagon boys came so get your facts straight first. And after you've done that stop, think about what you write, learn a bit more about watches, especially indies and really re-think your next comment. Thanks and have a great day
amazing coverage on this watch….damn..🫡