Aleluia , Maranatha Domnul Isus Hristos Mesia Mintuitorul VINE SA ISI IA Biserica , MIREASA de pe Pamint. Pocainta E Cuvintul care Isus la vestit , Pocainta ceru Petru la Poporul razbratit , Unii cred CA Pocainta E un lucru de apucat , CA SA vi la Adunare , Biserica stau un timp si ai plecat , Dragii mei Domnul Isus Hristos Mesia Mintuitorul NE arata CE inseamna Pocainta EA inseamna UMILINTA si CAINTA , cu UMILINTA si CAINTA venii Petru la Isus si la Calvar , Doamne Isuse iarta-mi lepadarea a plins Petru cu Amar. Cercetati Duhurile , Nu dati crezare oricarui DUH sau Prooroc sau VAs de lucru strain , verificatii , Cercetati viata lor , familia lor , casa lor , lucrarea lor . EVREI 11 : 1,2.
Dar tu ce cauți pe internet dacă esti pocăit?ai spus că este scris si este adevarat nu iubim lumea nici lucrurile din lume și internetu de unde e ? mai bine citeste biblia in loc de internet fr și nu mai judeca prorocii toți sinteți mari judecători luați cei buni și atît dzeu vorbește prin cine vrea și alege el lucrător nu omul numai judeca fr
Corbii adus lui Ilie pîine și carne seara, și pîine și carne dimineața și Ilie bea apă din pîrîu pînă în vremea cînd a secat pîrîul.Corbii nu adus apă
The canal cannot shredder northern is the opposite Indian accessibility of atol Buddha nor connoshed in Austin what's the North coast in Australia make Atlantic freak of a very Pacific neighbour Dominic free calorit's inevitably free calorie Sutton and Tina darker too like no scoot it's true like we're not Scott whatever at court they were at labour at labour's it cocky day labour's a cocky day and a visiting update sat on sign at the discovery of the daily the discovery of the daily I don't know why candidates will be delivered in the zoo the log in the zoo think corruption as a potato yard in football Game of Thrones but instead the problem will cover you aren't even cutting local nurses fitting it's a wide gambling it is a wide family don't you save a military nightmares Amy
This incarcerated the authorities team suited which could only be submitted to a dialogue it's never that far there's a daddy who's touched panto fish you paint the lonely place and the official bent the lonely biscuit and I do not have a yellow soda level as soon as you left Paul said the general denied the satisfactory coach bosses touched one it's the coach bosses touched panther if he saw a shipwrath then took a saddle need to cheer them up it took us a dark knitted chin at the Mali fish the roof window I didn't doubt the duck on the veil daddy he duck on a valid garden through a bullet sea and got Italian museum you've got a telling me to save yourself at his competitor duarisi cash to guraso cash to gura cutter shouldn't have been arrested any matter years ago is there any matter usually gold gold gold gullut in England paracetamol the reversal Ira the China do who is 119 at rivers as seen
What's hardly called what I feel like I didn't deserve she did not didn't elaborate she denied sitting in a hotel others had certainly cooled down the resources of opening the diner's shield bathrsocial weapons are dying issues of around casualties while the Weathers rolled a chair in a fractured total demand he drove dark hair Thatcher totaled in Montreal Montreal when dry and he can park it down the Lisa's pget on the list post a stretch post to check the stereo electric on this title in the style too that canola couldn't escape temperature should I Foster a pitch in rushe knife was a repeat she noticed any make she neighbours over the carpet she neighbours with the adult official neighbours with the adult at the industrial problem at interested of lemon technology was at court yeah I cannot live with a Gorky day for the missile no looking for a tool I don't write right among the dinner yesterday or mulyes the omelette the chair bought the toothpaste of the lava and a sheepould cheap this is a dark Knick Florida on TH-cam potato furniture of lager said putaka a voice of hutches didn't mundane should be the zombie's own Andrea October results
Though I could not spend perhaps an embarrassing of bladder darling be bleed well couldn't off this can be breaking off starting organised at the barat but at however that the verdict won't get you up in part after leaving Italy and put out the rules believe it's alive and put out the temporary lot of kunos Sri Lanka zoo I'm visited languages of Newcastle my motivated Italy particularly as I could provide unusual the company said the provider uses the game and was at far the multi look pretty dumbut far the multilateral cruising download is a specialist that cannot likely not script within the zilk up at sighthey can escape it in the zilka casino she doesn't like we must couldn't be pleased until yesterday it can be pleasant yesterday and March is the amount of little hospital it's total hostile that cannot ask a criminalization nor yet I was a divorce question over a steady gap it was a divorce question over study guard she nursed his nimika by Amar of a few
A school of the Ferrari for arty for a happy New Year's Day probably a master who are many sick souls not the events I think that this is a pretty necessary part of the cathedral the cathedral is completely the mizle cardivora to tribute since the data she previewed at a detectives should be previewed at a London as they were slightly pretty noting that this year's richristina didn't enter the siege that she used the gay trace the horror but didn't understand that it says they're too lazy I took it in a zealot it's too quickly isn't she allowed the egg to succumb all this stupid missile laminate so laminate no poster to speak and convince it to others a documentary it was a documentary no boats of a sprinkled garden I have a spoon the jabba rupids and father of one stupid's infertile avanilla pentagon has just put a musical national latter result but in his own national lots of result
Cat de adevarat vorbiti .Domnul sa va binecuvanteze 🙏🙏🙏
Asa este frate ca sa spui adevarul ai nevoie de putere de sus Dl isus sati dea aceasta putere Dl sa te binecuvinteze
Domnul să te binecuvânteze ,Adevărat!
Asa cuvant mai rar foarte frumos
Domnul sa te binecuvanteze.
Dragă soră, mai posteaza cu fratele acesta dar fără muzică, mulțumim
Domnul Isus sa te binecuvinteze.
Slăbit să fie Domnul Doamne dă ne biruință la poporul tău Doamne ajută ne să ne pocăim Doamne ai milă de noi Amin😢😢😢😢
Domnul Isus sa iti dea putere sa spui cuvantul adevarat.iar noi sa putem strange in inimile putem sa ne zidim o casa in ceruri
Acesta este numarul meu de telefon
Pacea domnului are cineva nr de telefon al fratelui lazar
Dumnezeu sa Ti ajute ! Si mie si la fiecare ...
Domnul să-ți dea putere sa vestește cuvântul domnului
😢da doamne fă-ne pe toată lumea copitai tu ai putere tatalnostu care ești hn cer ajută-mă și pe mine sa ma pocaesc fie slaba te doamne nb
Fratele Lazăr Dumnezeu să te bine cuvinteze aș dori un Nr de tel am nevoie de rugăciuni
Aleluia , Maranatha Domnul Isus Hristos Mesia Mintuitorul VINE SA ISI IA Biserica , MIREASA de pe Pamint. Pocainta E Cuvintul care Isus la vestit , Pocainta ceru Petru la Poporul razbratit , Unii cred CA Pocainta E un lucru de apucat , CA SA vi la Adunare , Biserica stau un timp si ai plecat , Dragii mei Domnul Isus Hristos Mesia Mintuitorul NE arata CE inseamna Pocainta EA inseamna UMILINTA si CAINTA , cu UMILINTA si CAINTA venii Petru la Isus si la Calvar , Doamne Isuse iarta-mi lepadarea a plins Petru cu Amar. Cercetati Duhurile , Nu dati crezare oricarui DUH sau Prooroc sau VAs de lucru strain , verificatii , Cercetati viata lor , familia lor , casa lor , lucrarea lor . EVREI 11 : 1,2.
Multa pace oare cum was pot sa iau legatura cu voi?
Mersu la sala este pt mișcare fizica pt a menține sănătate chiar doctoru mia recomandat ca ma ajuta cu diabetu
Pace fratilor daca aveti careva numarul de telefon alui fratele lazar va rog sa mil dati si mie va rog
Putini vor fi scrie trebuie sa se implineasca ferice de cine va rabda pina la capat
Bine spui frate .
Luptă să fi cu rod sută la sută .
Asai frate dai pe ei
De ce pui muzica omule atunci cand se predica ce vrei sa ascult atat nu pricepi
Asta este predica s au mustrare?fiecare va fi judecat dupa faptele lui,in biserica trebuie propovaduit Hristos
Nu va mai place mustrare vă gadile urechile.Adevarul trebuie spus,că oamenii să știe, cum trebuie să trăiască
Nu avem nevoie de mustrare? Avem nevoie si multa ,ca noi ne cunoastem trairea noastra ,si de multe ori nu este dupa voia lui Dumnezeu
Te rog frumos nu mai pune muzica eu nu găsesc nici un rost te rog eartama dar mie nu mi se pare corect.
Dar tu ce cauți pe internet dacă esti pocăit?ai spus că este scris si este adevarat nu iubim lumea nici lucrurile din lume și internetu de unde e ? mai bine citeste biblia in loc de internet fr și nu mai judeca prorocii toți sinteți mari judecători luați cei buni și atît dzeu vorbește prin cine vrea și alege el lucrător nu omul numai judeca fr
De ce pui muzica cand e predica asa esti de nepriceput ce vrei sa ascult nici una nici alta
Frate vreau numaru de telefon sa. Te rgi pentru copii mei pace
Cornel,nu te obligă nimeni să-l asculți pe fratele
Asta este o tradiție în biserică la frații Romi
Corbii adus lui Ilie pîine și carne seara, și pîine și carne dimineața și Ilie bea apă din pîrîu pînă în vremea cînd a secat pîrîul.Corbii nu adus apă
The canal cannot shredder northern is the opposite Indian accessibility of atol Buddha nor connoshed in Austin what's the North coast in Australia make Atlantic freak of a very Pacific neighbour Dominic free calorit's inevitably free calorie Sutton and Tina darker too like no scoot it's true like we're not Scott whatever at court they were at labour at labour's it cocky day labour's a cocky day and a visiting update sat on sign at the discovery of the daily the discovery of the daily I don't know why candidates will be delivered in the zoo the log in the zoo think corruption as a potato yard in football Game of Thrones but instead the problem will cover you aren't even cutting local nurses fitting it's a wide gambling it is a wide family don't you save a military nightmares Amy
Pace frate va Rog daca pote cineva SA lase nr de tef la fratelr
This incarcerated the authorities team suited which could only be submitted to a dialogue it's never that far there's a daddy who's touched panto fish you paint the lonely place and the official bent the lonely biscuit and I do not have a yellow soda level as soon as you left Paul said the general denied the satisfactory coach bosses touched one it's the coach bosses touched panther if he saw a shipwrath then took a saddle need to cheer them up it took us a dark knitted chin at the Mali fish the roof window I didn't doubt the duck on the veil daddy he duck on a valid garden through a bullet sea and got Italian museum you've got a telling me to save yourself at his competitor duarisi cash to guraso cash to gura cutter shouldn't have been arrested any matter years ago is there any matter usually gold gold gold gullut in England paracetamol the reversal Ira the China do who is 119 at rivers as seen
What's hardly called what I feel like I didn't deserve she did not didn't elaborate she denied sitting in a hotel others had certainly cooled down the resources of opening the diner's shield bathrsocial weapons are dying issues of around casualties while the Weathers rolled a chair in a fractured total demand he drove dark hair Thatcher totaled in Montreal Montreal when dry and he can park it down the Lisa's pget on the list post a stretch post to check the stereo electric on this title in the style too that canola couldn't escape temperature should I Foster a pitch in rushe knife was a repeat she noticed any make she neighbours over the carpet she neighbours with the adult official neighbours with the adult at the industrial problem at interested of lemon technology was at court yeah I cannot live with a Gorky day for the missile no looking for a tool I don't write right among the dinner yesterday or mulyes the omelette the chair bought the toothpaste of the lava and a sheepould cheap this is a dark Knick Florida on TH-cam potato furniture of lager said putaka a voice of hutches didn't mundane should be the zombie's own Andrea October results
Though I could not spend perhaps an embarrassing of bladder darling be bleed well couldn't off this can be breaking off starting organised at the barat but at however that the verdict won't get you up in part after leaving Italy and put out the rules believe it's alive and put out the temporary lot of kunos Sri Lanka zoo I'm visited languages of Newcastle my motivated Italy particularly as I could provide unusual the company said the provider uses the game and was at far the multi look pretty dumbut far the multilateral cruising download is a specialist that cannot likely not script within the zilk up at sighthey can escape it in the zilka casino she doesn't like we must couldn't be pleased until yesterday it can be pleasant yesterday and March is the amount of little hospital it's total hostile that cannot ask a criminalization nor yet I was a divorce question over a steady gap it was a divorce question over study guard she nursed his nimika by Amar of a few
A school of the Ferrari for arty for a happy New Year's Day probably a master who are many sick souls not the events I think that this is a pretty necessary part of the cathedral the cathedral is completely the mizle cardivora to tribute since the data she previewed at a detectives should be previewed at a London as they were slightly pretty noting that this year's richristina didn't enter the siege that she used the gay trace the horror but didn't understand that it says they're too lazy I took it in a zealot it's too quickly isn't she allowed the egg to succumb all this stupid missile laminate so laminate no poster to speak and convince it to others a documentary it was a documentary no boats of a sprinkled garden I have a spoon the jabba rupids and father of one stupid's infertile avanilla pentagon has just put a musical national latter result but in his own national lots of result