The power supply inverter looks a lot like the standard Tektronix design and it needs some imbalance in the transistors V818 & V819 and some saturation of the transformer for the circuit to oscillate. This may be why the emitter resistors are different, as they depend on the individual transistor characteristics.
They're not called crapacitors for nothing. Happy you got it working reliably. Regarding testing the capacitors were you able to test them around the frequency of the oscillator? That could be where the problem lies.
I tested them from 1khz to 300khz. The old philips caps outperformed the new parts across the board. Actually I never checked the oscillation frequency.
The power supply inverter looks a lot like the standard Tektronix design and it needs some imbalance in the transistors V818 & V819 and some saturation of the transformer for the circuit to oscillate. This may be why the emitter resistors are different, as they depend on the individual transistor characteristics.
Hey mate, I used to sell those things for Phillip scientific industrial!!
Was I correct with my guess that they sold well?
They're not called crapacitors for nothing. Happy you got it working reliably. Regarding testing the capacitors were you able to test them around the frequency of the oscillator? That could be where the problem lies.
I tested them from 1khz to 300khz. The old philips caps outperformed the new parts across the board. Actually I never checked the oscillation frequency.