Episodju 50 | Fr. Colin Apap | Sayan Cassar Podcast

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 28 ก.ย. 2024
  • Forsi ftit immaġinaw lil Fr. Colin jitkellem fuq il-UFOs u l-fenomenu tal-paranormal, pero' hekk ġara. Ma' Fr. Colin tkellimna wkolll fuq it-tbatija tal-ħajja, il-gwerra f'Gaza u fuq l-ispiritwalita' bl-aktar mogħod wiesa.
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ความคิดเห็น • 19

  • @KMZ234
    @KMZ234 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Affarijiet bħal UFOs/UAPs u aljeni eċċ iridu jkunu 'scientifically proven'.. mbad għal-ħafna ċuċati li tgħid il-knisja rridu nużaw il-fidi. Msomma Proset għall- podcast ieħor tajjeb.

  • @itsKirstyBartolo
    @itsKirstyBartolo 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Vera had pjacir nisimaw, ghal darba minajr ma tidghi. :D hehe hsibtu ghandu xi esperjenza paranormali...dik il poezija wisq deep eh!!!

  • @noels1997
    @noels1997 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Fr Colin …. Kalm , edukat u rispettuz ….. karateristici tal veru nisrani. Podata eccelenti prosit

  • @all4tactical
    @all4tactical 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Gibu Il Manche ha nisimugh, billi ma taqbilx mieghu ma jfissirx li ma tistiednux, dan il father mghandux idea dwar xix qed jitkellem.

    • @sayancassar
      @sayancassar  5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Stedinnieh miljun darba. Ma jigix, dak imur biss fejn jilghabu home.

    @PARMINDERKAUR-s1l 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    thank you Father Collin being with us thank you god who send angel for us

  • @catherinevella9220
    @catherinevella9220 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Proset x diskussјoni sabiħa plus li skantaјntni li ma kuenx hemm beeps 😊

  • @mr.sangermax8692
    @mr.sangermax8692 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Fr.collin apap he is angel or you can say real example of saint he is very kind and very helpful and I want to open my heart front of you all whatever I am today only because of Fr.collin apap blessing and support and help

  • @CavemenMalta
    @CavemenMalta 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Father Colin leġġenda 😁 Episode tal-ġenn l-aħwa!

  • @andrejpsaila3871
    @andrejpsaila3871 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    dik il poezija tqabbdek il bard!

  • @gargoil6870
    @gargoil6870 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Issa Ma Manche Jonqos,Inna Qed Jistenna L-Messijja Biex Jigi

    • @sayancassar
      @sayancassar  6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Stedinnieh miljun darba! Dak business man mhux direttur spiritwali.

    • @AaronScifo2
      @AaronScifo2 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      dak irid jejdlu lis spirtu is santu fil holm biex jigik

    • @sayancassar
      @sayancassar  5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Ma qbadtx fuq xiex qed tghid, skuzani.

    • @sayancassar
      @sayancassar  5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Ahh issa fhimta sorry :) kont qed naqrha hazin 😂

    • @AaronScifo2
      @AaronScifo2 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@sayancassar 😂

  • @edmondgeorgeapap51
    @edmondgeorgeapap51 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Proset, interessanti bhal dejjem.

  • @neilcamilleri90
    @neilcamilleri90 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Proset u grazzi Sayan and team

  • @carmelpule8493
    @carmelpule8493 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I believe that this long term discussion may be cornered in another angle using the logical thinking of scientific evidence, It is well known that the human mind learns through stories and analogies, as in the case of the story by Johnathan Swift, who wrote Gulliver's Travels with the intention of describing his views on the political situation of his days. Many people think that it is only a fictional story, but it is a story which describes the politics of the day, with little men living in one world, and giants living in another, and another few dreamy people living on a floating island in the sky. There is more than just a story for those who are interested to dig into the depth of its purpose, to transfer a message that would have been too strong to have been written describing the actual stupidities of the political situations and those of some people around us. One statement that stuck me in that book was uttered by the King of Lilliput, when he said, " I hate Justice but I love laws and rules where people need to obey me".
    The states of the Universe consists of ENERGY and MASS, there is nothing else to consider, Everything in the universe is a transformation of ENERGY into MASS. ENERGY comes in different styles but the one I am to consider is the ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERGY that is silent, and invisible, and which fits the Albert Einstein Equation E= mc^2 . Before that James Clerk Maxwell found the relation between Magnetism (H) and Electricity (E) as being Curl(H) = J + d(E)/dt
    Light, heat, radio, TV, mobile phone transmissions are all ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERGY. Our Energy comes from the sun in light form, and the leaves on plants and trees transform Energy into mass which feeds the animals and humans eventually. Animals and Plants and Humans evolve while they are in mass forms , they grow and become adults to produce their off springs in mass form, each with his own character and personality over the whole surface of the Earth. So we are a transformation lf ENERGY into MASS. Women became transformation units of changing ENERGY into MASS by giving becoming pregnant and giving birth to children after being sired by a man. Children in mass form grow while the parents and grandparents die where death becomes a transformation or a resurrection of mass back to ENERGY to roam the universe as it had always done for many millions of years, It is all a case where ELECTROMAGNETC energy transforms to mass via plants and trees forming food and oil and coal which we can use , when we are in mass form to procreate and then we die and our mass resurrects back to the original ENERGY form.
    Let us now see how all that fits in a story which the voters who vote in a democratic election understand all that.
    ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERGY is the ENERGY GOD the father GOD, who exists everywhere in the universe,
    Jesus Christ is the MASS who was transformed from the ENERGY GOG in MASS form as a human. The transformation of the ENERGY GOD to MASS was through the unit whom we refer as the VIRGIN MARY who as a WOMAN acted the same as plants and trees transforming the energy of the sun into mass as food and mass as wood and mass as rubber, which we can use for our comforts,
    The birth of Jesus whom Father Colin believes in, is resemblance of the transformation of the ENERGY GOD to MASS by the VIRGIN MARY and Jesus went to live in mass form and when he died he resurrected back to the ENERGY GOD that always lived for million of years even before the Big Bang occurred. Evolution through thousands of years is the activity between different elements which come into contact, There are 130 different elements on Earth which can react to one another to produce the world as we know it now, with engineers producing the products they do by understanding the ENERGY GOD and transforming the mass into various tangible guranteed products for the comfort of the human family inside and outside their homes,
    The ENERGY GOD is filling that POD CAST station and it is clearly seen in mass form by the guest and the host. The electronic equipment is all the use of engineered mass and the power supplies which are all due to the oil burnt at the Marsaxlokk Power station or at Sicily where the ENERGY GOD as Electricity travels down to the interconnector to be with us in our homes helping Father Colin and all religious fraternity live in the earthly comforts they live, I am using the ENERY GOD while I type all this and soon it will be transmitted over copper and optical fibres and antennas to reach all those who are reading it and those who are not reading it, When I die and when Father Colin die we ouse out of our mass form which our parents gave us and we resurrect like Jesus back to what we call our father the ENERGY GOD. We do not die we transform and resurrect form the MASS MATRIX of ELEMENTS we are now to an ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD to roam the universe till perhaps our energy goes to feed a worm or a plant living close to our grave,
    The Bible is a good book written 350 years after Jesus died, by people hearsay and the stories that are included 3000 years before Jesus was born and when HORUS in Egypt also born of a VIRGIN MOTHER and HORUS and many others had VIRGIN BIRTHS and also they all had 12 apostles and they all resurrected back My modern day version is simply ENERGY transforming to a MASS MATRIX which changes its form through evolution and then the MASS dies and resurrects back to ENERGY FORM. All the answers are contained in E=mc^2 and Curl(H) = J + d(E)/dt. Those mathematical and scientif symbols contain much more information about the universe than any Bible or any other religious books and it has to be accepted by agnostics and atheists alike including Popes and Patriarchs, and Evangelists,