@@harrypotteravenclaw ,he is not smart. He just knows about Math, bc he is a professor on the subject, and aboit environment bc isnhis doctorate phd subject of study. Bit he doesnt know much aside from his objects of study
it was a joke. some people don't know what civil war means. also the american civil war was complex in that it felt like 2 different countries at war so she probably wanted him to further larify whuch side.
@@iyialoko6122 In a way there were 2 different "countries." The southern states called themselves the Confederate States of America and even had their own currency. However, the North did not recognize the South as a separate country.
Here’s a tip--when you come to our home in Hawai’i, all sun protection lotions, sprays are ILLEGAL! YEAH you can get fined! Sun protection products are killing the coral!
Jesus is correct. The former name of "The Southern Ocean" is "The Antarctic Ocean." If you look at a map then you will know where "The Antarctic Ocean" is located on.
I'm not sure that wether you were kiding or you were serious but I think these questions are far too easy that they are common sence, even a middle school student in China can answer those questions without any hesitation. The differences between cultures are so funny.
He’s actually correct about the “Antartica ocean” because the southern ocean is the antartica ocean.
R.D yeah.. I know
It's Antarctic Ocean not "Antarctica"
That's correct. In Spanish it's called Oceano glacial antartico. So Jesus was rigth.
That’s what I thought...I was taught it was the Antarctic Ocean when I was in school.
Antarctica not antartica
What's ironic is that The Antarctic Ocean is the alternative name given to....The Southern Ocean, so Jesus was correct.
Yes, in french we call it "ocean Antarctic " and I've never heard of the Southern ocean.
Jesus is always right!
that what i learned at school, he was right
Amen brother
Jesus is never wrong.
They always give Matt the easier questions
Erin Daphne what is you’re ?
It's because of that gorgeous tan!
They are all easy questions what are you talking about?
maybe ellen wants to save Matt........cause in every vid, Matt seems to be the winner,lol
“That’s what he said” 😂😂😂😂😭😭 Ellen got jokes😂😂😂
Wxnter will like what
I feel like Jesus got waaaay harder questions tbh. They’re all pretty easy tho
Lissarb 3 Do you mean Zues?
I kept thinking Jesus was playing and he’s secretly smarter than on the show.
Lissarb 3 I KNOW RIGHT?!?
@@laceyking6297 no, he means jesus
Lacey King u dumb guy don’t try to correct ppl if you will spell it wrong it’s Zeus not zues!
yeah and she was wrong, cuz its also known as The Southern Ocean :*
It is an ocean, so yea, there's that
Smart comment
2:28 But the Southern Ocean is also called the Antarctic Ocean 😏
C'mon Ellen...
GarageStudio not Antarctica which is what he said
@@savannahb123456789 he enounce it in Spanish. Is the same.
She's just reading off her cue cards, I bet she didn't even know there were more than 2 oceans
I so badly wanted Jesus to win bc he got harder questions and I like him better than Matt, he’s less cocky
Sydney Douglas ITS ZEUS NOT JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!
True true
Plus, with this game, I think losing is actually winning.
Lacey King what? She says Jesus tho?
He actually did since the Antarctic ocean was correct.
Jesus is actually really smart and looks so nice ! ☺️
I thought Ellen was saying "Hey, Zeus!''
That's what I heard too 🤣🤣
Translates "of God". literally the same either way
Each time😆
Omg i thought it was Zeus
Matt gets easy questions most times
Omg Jesus is such a cutie wishing I was at the Ellen show now 😍
@00 Quads08 it actually is jesus so youre wrong
@theellenshow the southern ocean is also known as the Antarctic Ocean
That's so bullshit Mat gets easy questions
Jesus should have won, or at least tied.
That could've been a pun
It's made for fun tho.
@00 Quads08 No, it's Jesus.
@00 Quads08 its jesus, but i get where getting at cause it sounds like Ellen's saying 'hey Zeus' most of the time haha
The Southern Ocean is also known as the Antarctic Ocean
Jesus should have won. He got more questions right.
In all the videos Matt is always smiling like he doesn’t know what’s going on 😂
Carly Murphy how nows
what is his instagramm
Matt's laugh and smile is so adorable 😭😍
Thomas F yes all that 😍😍😭😭 tow time’s now
“The little thing that hangs” 😂😂😂
also known as "ding-a-ling" :D
The little thing that hangs. I guess Ellen had to get one question about Donald Trump in there.
Why can’t they take off the tank tops 😂❤️
Me too
Omfl! They laughed at his Antarctic ocean answer, although Southern Ocean is an alternate name to it 😂
Since when is the southern ocean a thing???!!!😱 I was not taught that in school😂
Hey @Ellen.......This is one segment I love the most. You are simply amazing.
I'll take a Jesus > Matt anyday! Lol
@00 Quads08 jesus*
Ellen should get Pietro Boselli on this segment.
He's really smart o I'll
@@harrypotteravenclaw ,he is not smart. He just knows about Math, bc he is a professor on the subject, and aboit environment bc isnhis doctorate phd subject of study. Bit he doesnt know much aside from his objects of study
@@marcosladarense How do you know?
"Touch that little dangly thing that swing in the back of my throat"
Inspiration to songs can come from anywhere lol!
Why did she ask what country won the American civil war they were two different parts of America. When he said America he was technically right
it was a joke. some people don't know what civil war means. also the american civil war was complex in that it felt like 2 different countries at war so she probably wanted him to further larify whuch side.
Ahahahah no America isn’t even right. United States of America. America is two continents.
@@iyialoko6122 In a way there were 2 different "countries." The southern states called themselves the Confederate States of America and even had their own currency. However, the North did not recognize the South as a separate country.
The guy:"That little thing that hangs" , Ellen: "that's what he said" 😂
Point to your Coccyx... 😂
"Harverd Degree". Lol.
I just couldn't stop drooling over the old hunk
1:18 Ellen's cue (by hitting her cards on her podium) to Jesus to put his hands down since he kept tapping them on the podium.
Matts face throughout the whole thing is just 😂
Think, before you show me something Matt!! 😆
MATTTTT IS BACK yaas. make him official
LP Ylanan @matt5williams
"the little thing that hangs" you got me with that lmao
Matt is Elen’s fav hunk for sure!!
Lifeissorandom Matt is MY Favorite hunk💯💯🔥🔥💙💙😍😍
Honestly Ellens dancing is a highlight to every video
More of these I watch the smarter Matt becomes. I likey.
Matt’s reaction at 4:08 😂😂😂😂😂
Correction the Antarctic Ocean is also called the Southern ocean.
♥️Gorgeously Wins🏅Lovely!‼️💚💟
Lol I wouldve guessed eyelid 😂
I would have guessed the foreskin.
@@juanpablo6686 oh...
Here’s a tip--when you come to our home in Hawai’i, all sun protection lotions, sprays are ILLEGAL! YEAH you can get fined! Sun protection products are killing the coral!
It was a tie because Ellen said she was not going to give Matt a point.
Matt is answering correctly so they say he gets easy questions. He deserves to be called smart
I can’t Ellen blinking back to him😂😂
Ellen is rooting for Matt!
Ellen is so funny. I love the way how she makes everything fun
At 4:23😂😂😂 I love Ellen💙💙💙 That wink at 5:43😉❤️ I Love Matt!! I would love to have both of those guys but Matt is my favorite!! Matt is Gorgeous AF!!
In Spanish the southern ocean is called Antarctic Ocean, so he was right...
I love this segment !!
The southern ocean is the antartic ocean different to the artic ocean.
Morgan The Girl Gamer Thank you, I was looking for this comment. He got the answer right (for the most part)
your welcome video guy
i love this series omg
I swear to god every time I watch hunk hubba thingy thingy I always see Matt
matt is always my favorite
This is the closest hubba hubba quiz quiz.. i want them both back hahahaha
Matt's face when the other one got the last question right😂
on every episode, Matt always gets the easiest questions!
I was waiting for this
Dhruvi Desai hi
I love Matt! “America!”
I love her and all but Ellen is really demeaning to these men
Lyndsy Serdynski I honestly feel like they are in on the joke
Lyndsy Serdynski They’re getting paid to be on there. They aren’t regular contestants.
Syeda Ayesha it's not. I've already stalked some of them on Instagram.
Syeda Ayesha frankie was other person and matt competed with frankie lol
They signed up for it... shes doing her part to help gender equality
Matt is in sync with Ellen!
Matt no me canso de verlo😍
I love you, Matt.
Matt always looks so clueless when answering a question! Hahaha...
Also, just looked up this supposed "Southern Ocean" and it says it's also called the Antarctic Ocean--feel like Jesus should get that point!
AND! "The North" isn't a "country," Ellen! He was right! America won! :P
I am glad I read the comments so I know that Southern ocean is the other name of Atlantic ocean
antarctic actually
Haha, I love this. Could you imagine if this was male host humiliating young women in this was 😂
I love Ellen show I.m first to watch sec to comments....I love Ellen dege
they were both cute n smart but matt is so adorable. ellen has good taste in men.
Dean William Matt is Insanely Gorgeous and I want him, I want to eat him up😋😋💯💯🔥🔥💜💜😍😍
Finally there are comments
matt got it easy as usual😂😂
2nd like!!! and came before 30 views!!!!
Raghav Ramola hi
Not anymore
Who else just loves Matt??😘😍😂
I love Matt so much and want him💯💯💙💙🔥🔥
lov this show
I hope when I get older I'll be on The Ellen show!!
Matt always looks surprised whenever he answers right
We call that the antartic ocean here in Ireland. never heard of the southern ocean term before.
Ellen:Who did Megan Markle marry?
Me: Her husband, duh 🙄
He was her husband AFTER the wedding
M. P. But still
when matt smiles 😍😩💕😏✨
edit: and winks 💕😩✨😏❤️
There is only 4 oceans
summer breeze Southern is an ocean
I have curiousity. Where are you from? Or where have you been schooled?
I. F. Llamas who, me? Or the other person.
@@Isabel-iv5wx no. I am asking to summer breeze.
I. F. Llamas oh ok😅
Jesus is correct. The former name of "The Southern Ocean" is "The Antarctic Ocean."
If you look at a map then you will know where "The Antarctic Ocean" is located on.
I love ellen🦄🦋
Where do you find these people?!?!
When I was in school there were 4 oceans and the new one was added was Antarctic ocean
Jesus outsmart even the Ellen crew hahahaha
I keep thinking she’s saying “hey, Zeus!” lol
Matt is the world champion
Guys I’m watching this on December 31,2018.
Can somebody tell me who the Uranus guy in the intro is please
Jesus shouldve won! He got harder questions and he got most of them right!
I'm not sure that wether you were kiding or you were serious but I think these questions are far too easy that they are common sence, even a middle school student in China can answer those questions without any hesitation. The differences between cultures are so funny.
5:55 - 5:57 is kind of weird scene. Seems like they cut it??
That's my favorite character in the Amazing world of Gumball
I feel like Ellen purposefully makes Matt win
I could say it was spooky before the question about masticating came up, but it is my dinna tiem. :)
Jesus did not have easier questions at all..... I love Matt
The southern ocean... They didn’t teach that when I was in school.
Love u Ellen... Awesome videos
I might love Matt 😂😂
They’re not going shirtless?