The pacts that are made with Satan for fame and money, are paid punctually... And the devil said to him: To you I will give all this power, and their glory; because it has been given to me, and to whom I want I give it. If you prostrate adore me, they will all be yours.
Los pactos que se hacen con Satanás por fama y dinero, se pagan puntualmente... Y le dijo el diablo: A ti te daré toda esta potestad, y la gloria de ellos; porque a mí me ha sido entregada, y a quien quiero la doy. Si tú postrado me adorares, todos serán tuyos.
xxxtentaction, juice wrld and pop smoke are still alive
Stop the cap
Yeah in our hearts ❤
The pacts that are made with Satan for fame and money, are paid punctually...
And the devil said to him: To you I will give all this power, and their glory; because it has been given to me, and to whom I want I give it. If you prostrate adore me, they will all be yours.
It says in the Bible in (John 11:25) It says I am the resurrection and the life, he who believes in me, even if he is dead, will live.
Nombre de la canción por favor?
Sugar crash or sugar rush
Los pactos que se hacen con Satanás por fama y dinero, se pagan puntualmente...
Y le dijo el diablo: A ti te daré toda esta potestad, y la gloria de ellos; porque a mí me ha sido entregada, y a quien quiero la doy. Si tú postrado me adorares, todos serán tuyos.
en la biblia dice en (Juan 11: 25) Dice: yo soy la resurrección y la vida el que cree en mí pero aunque este muerto vivirá.