I'm a father listening to this as tears roll down my cheeks.. my broken daughter sleeps as I prey for guidance as I prey for a miracle that can heal her and bring her back from the hurt and pain she has experienced. Take care of your daughters we are in a world like never before..
She is not broken. No matter what happens to us, we may be hurt, scared, traumatized and we may need years to heal and much compassionate support along the way to come back to our strength and power but the core of who we are cannot be "broken." I don't know how old she is, but at whatever age, she needs you to surround her in love and compassion, help her feel safe, be patient as you support her healing and also hold firm boundaroes with her as well. See the beauty, courage, strength in her. Have faith in her ability to heal, her strngth and courage, even when she doesn't see it herself. And be sure you have a safe, non-judgemental person who can listen to you abd everything you're going through. Obviously, whatever happened to her is distressing to you. You need support too. ❤
Le premier homme dans la vie d une jeune fille est le père et son Amour, celui que vous portez est l ancrage, la matrice et la matière sur lesquelles elle va pouvoir s appuyer avec votre soutien pour guérir ses blessures et retrouver les bases de la femme divine qu'elle était et est encore après les violences subies. Ce sera long et vous comme elle aurez besoin d aide et de partager. Quand l image paternelle est bonne saine et emplis d Amour et de respect la réappropriation de sa vie est sur le chemin avec des aides au masculin et au féminin bafoué en elle . Je vous souhaite toute la force nécessaire en vous pour l aider à retrouver son chemin de femme dans la confiance. ❤
Wow... A man full of feminine Energy! Thank you to be so beautiful. feminine energy does not limit your manhood, but enhances it by making you able to see and feel
Oh my goddess....65 year old women here....so deeply touched....so proud of and moved by the feminine heart and creativity pouring forth from you....all
A 23 year old man here, honoring all the women and feminine energy of this universe. Thank you for the nurturing, the love, the authenticity, the depth, the warmth, and the beauty 🙏🏻❤️
I was first attracted to you cause your name is exactly like my grand daughter and then I listen to you song and it was the most beautiful thing I have ever heard . I listen to it ever single day it awakes me it connects me to the divine creator .thankyou thankyou thankyou ayla and keep shining your beautiful healing music to the world cause you are definitely a beautiful earth angel xxx
I dedicate this song to my wife, and her mother, who showed me unconditional love, as if she was the mother I never deserved. They both have been my pillars of strength when I was broken. I miss my suegra. I love her wherever she is!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Ich bin zu tiefst berührt und dankbar dieses jetzt hören zu dürfen, der Zeitpunkt ist jetzt und genau richtig, geliebte Schwestern. Ich sehne mich so sehr wieder Harmonie in den Augen der Menschen zu sehen, Entspannung und eine gesunder, gemeinsamer Rhythmus der uns führt in das was alles möglich ist und schon war ..wird wieder sein, beständig und rein.
The little girls in this video brought me to tears. I want experiences like this, in circles, for any future children I may be blessed enough to have... but especially for my daughters. From a young age I want them to be taught of their power in a world that would have them forget it. I want them to know just how sacred womanhood is in a system and framework that has denigrated it as something base, dirty, profane. We need this so much.
Playing this song over and over again, a 36-year-old male in his time of vulnerability, healing, and yearning for deeper connections. Thank you for sharing your message Ayla.
I was tending my rose garden yesterday after a fierce windstorm. Tree branches and debris cluttered the patio. My brave and beautiful ever giving roses were still pristine. Only their stems had changed. They were stronger. ❤
Softening, softening, softening all the hardness Melting, melting, melting all that's frozen Letting go, letting go of the sorrow Dissolving into love all the shadow We are woman, we are bringers of life We are vessels of love, we are expressions of the divine We are woman, we are bringers of life We are vessels of love, we are expressions of the divine Sisters hold my hand You are stronger than you know We are opening to love We are learning how to grow We hear the call We are returning, we remember We are like the rose We are stronger than we know We are like the rose We are stronger than we know Ancient mother, moving through us Roots growing deep in our ancestry Medicine woman, daughter, mother and lover Reclaiming the power of our sacred memory We are woman, we are bringers of life We are vessels of love, we are expressions of the divine We are woman, we are bringers of life We are vessels of love, we are expressions of the divine Sisters hold my hands You are stronger than you know We are opening to love We are learning how to grow We hear the call We are returning, we remember We are like the rose We are stronger than we know We are like the rose We are stronger than we know Sisters holding hands, in this circle we are held (Sisters holding hands) Sisters holding hands, in this circle we are strong (Sisters holding hands) Sisters holding hands, in this circle we remember (Sisters holding hands) Sisters holding hands, in this circle we belong (Sisters holding hands) Sisters holding hands, in this circle we are held (Sisters holding hands) Sisters holding hands, in this circle we are strong (Sisters holding hands) Sisters holding hands, in this circle we remember (Sisters holding hands) Sisters holding hands, in this circle we belong (Sisters holding hands) We are like the rose We are stronger than we know We are like the rose We are stronger than we know We are like the rose We are stronger than we know We are like the rose We are stronger than we know
Ablandando, ablandando, ablandando toda la dureza Derritiendo, derritiendo, derritiendo todo lo que está congelado Dejar ir, dejar ir el dolor Disolviendo en amor toda la sombra CORO Somos mujer, somos portadoras de vida Somos vasos de amor, expresiones de lo divino. Hermanas toman mi mano, eres más fuerte de lo que crees Nos abrimos al amor, aprendemos a crecer Escuchamos la llamada, volvemos recordamos Somos como la rosa, somos más fuertes de lo que creemos x 2 Madre antigua, moviéndose a través de nosotros Raíces que crecen profundamente en nuestra ascendencia. Medicina mujer, hija, madre y amante Recuperando el poder de nuestra antigua memoria CORO Hermanas cogidas de la mano, en este círculo estamos retenidos Hermanas tomadas de la mano, en este círculo somos fuertes Hermanas tomadas de la mano, en este círculo recordamos Hermanas tomadas de la mano, en este círculo pertenecemos Somos como la rosa, somos más fuertes de lo que creemos x 2
Ayla Bella y tierna . MI nombre es Mercedes. Pfv deseo CONTACTARME CONTIGO. ., ya que estoy juntando hermosos talentos y MI proyecto es unir sus voces y abrir CORAZONES en el mundo entero a través de ustedes . Tengo 4 talentos 2 de Argentina y un Español y una Bella Argentina talentosa ., he TRATADO de enviarte muchos mensajes y espero el UNIVERSO TE ENVIE Estas LETRAS BESOS Y TODO MI CARIÑO. 🌹😘😘😘😘😘🙏esperare con calma.😇🙏
A genuine WOW !! The vibration has catched me instantly. Seeing the sisters leaning towards each other was so noticed in my heart. So so beautiful 💗 Had to safe the song right away. I thank you all 🫶🏻✨🤗 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Das hat mich jetzt sehr sehr tief berührt. ❤️💧 Für mich als „Mann“, Gegenpol, oder was auch immer…die wahrhaftige Schönheit von Frauen! 😌 Nicht reduziert auf das Äussere, sondern in ihrer vielfältigen Ganzheit aus verschiedensten Facetten, wie Empathie füreinander, Sinnlichkeit, Wärme, Geborgenheit, Ausstrahlung und so vieles mehr…💫 DANKE, dass ich Frauen in so verbundener Liebe, sehen und spüren durfte!! 🙏🏻☯️🙏🏻
Hi Ayla, hello other souls! I'm a grown up man and this song brings me to tears, everytime I hear it. So beautiful.. Hope u all doing fine, knowing that you are strong and loved! This world needs more of this
Tears in my eyes 🥲 thank you sister 🙏🙏🙏 I dance just like you every morning when I walk the mountain with my dog'family while Sun in coming out... YES... WE ARE STRONGER THAN WE KNOW... my Soul thanks you for your music, your lyrics and your Spirit 💙✨🔘💎 AHOOOOO🌻
This song is everything to me, talks to my soul and the journey I have been on to bring myself back to my sisters, thank you for shining your light so bright xx
Si l' Homme pouvait s'enlacer tendrement comme vous le faites, cette terre serait plus un paradis qu'un enfer. Grand merci pour cette belle chanson ❤❤❤
My goodness this Chanel this music is truly expelling and soul reaching music to everyone everybody and is so much appreciated this reaches deep indeed and I will happily add this to the repertoire and this channel this music reminds Me of Mother Nature Mother Earth Mamma Nature Mamma Earth Momma Nature Momma Earth Mum Nature Mum Earth no wonder I Am happy and peaceful and relaxed and calm Mother Nature Mother Earth Mamma Nature Mamma Earth Momma Nature Momma Earth makes Us happy and peaceful and relaxed and calm listening to wildlife music and nature music and a lot of blessings a lot of blessings to Ayala Scharfer Thank You Ayala Schafer for the blessings and the nature music and the wildlife music and the sacred music.
Ya quiero oír la versión en español. Gracias por tu bella música Ayla, ayudas al despertar espiritual y a los viajes multidimensionales. Felicitaciones 👏👏👏👏👏
Gratidão Ayla querida por Espelhar nossas Belas Memorias ANCESTRAIS/Lemurianas e outras tão SAGRADAs Quanto e que já EXISTIRAM/Esta Agora RETORNANDO e EXISTIRÃO AINDA POR LONGOS TEMPOS...❤❤❤
This brought me to tears and touched my soul at some deep, primal level. I'm litterally shaking and bawling but feel lifted to a higher level spiritually. Thank you and love and blessings to all my sister's, mother's and daughters, father's and brothers.
Aloha ❤ from Germany. Thank you so much for this music and the amazing ritual video from your crowd of amazing woman. Femal power - YES! Let it happen 🥰🙏
Wow what a powerful feeling that was,awesome comforting song.I don’t understand the language,yet it was so beautiful and moving I loved it very much..spiritually powerful music awesomeness 😊❤❤
I love when i put my playlists on shuffle 🔀 i forgot about this incredible song and even more beautiful video! Thank you Goddess for reminding me 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Amazing beautiful!! It is moving me so so deep. In heart of a woman, soul. Thank you so much for sharing your gift of music! I share it everywhere because it is a treasure! Mit allem was ich bin Danke Vee
So wunderschön gespielt. Es berührt mich sehr, wie diese Frau spuelt. Danke. So versuche ich, diesrs Stück auf meinem selbstgebauten Monochord nachzuspielen.
This song ❤ sister hold my hand, you are stronger than you know 😢 I feel so connected to my feminine energy right now and it feels like home . Beautiful song!
Que hermoso y gran labor . Gracias por vibrar, expresar y mostrar dando esa luz al mundo. Mereces y merecéis toda la abundancia y hermosura del universo
Gracias Ayla y hermanas por todo el amor que nos hacen sentir en la melodía. Un abrazo al alma, palabras de aliento a quienes estamos pasando por temporadas donde el cuerpo y la salud se agotan. Gracias por el impulso a resistir y abrazar la incertidumbre.
Ayla, all of your musical medicine brings joy and peace to my soul and tears to my mortal eyes. I spread your music like a beautiful invasive flower that heals all that ails the human body!!!
Wow ! I hope to witness your magic energy in person at your music gatherings! You are the essence of the divine creator in perfect harmony ! Gosh ! Thank you for sharing your talent and loving energy !❤
after trying traditional medicines I was starting to heal my heart and mind, I was feeling so well. I was begining to open my mind, as soon as that transformation is going on I get hit with a huge fine from the work I do (23 years of experience). If I had not been in the place I was I might have crumbled down and fallen into old habits. Thank you mother earth, thank you grandparents and thankyou ancestral medicine.
Oh I cried such tears of joy listening to this. I pray we all become more heartful of this sacred truth so that we may bring more peace to the world. Put away the pettiness and live the wholeness of our humanity... Blessings to all beings ❤️❤️🙏🏽🙏🏽✨️✨️🌎🌸
beautiful, deep touched, healed & transformed - I connected with my grandmothers & ancesters to heal all the wounds and then giving the new light & feminie power towards my mum and my daughter - words fail me - thank you so so much - I will bring the song & the dance to my sisterhood - circle for the full moon 💖🙏🌕
This song made me cry because it's so beautiful and so true Women throughout the world hold the Holy Grail because you all have the ability to produce life to hold a Being within inside you all as it grows Within side you all you are the nurturers you are the most important beings that walk our earth I bow and give my respect and gratitude thank you for being thank you for being mothers I look at you all as mother Gaia you are the goddesses of the Earth without you beautiful sisters there would not be #life without you all sending #prosperity #hope #happiness #joyfulness #love #abundance #light #togetherness #Sisterhood #creation for ever #namaste 🧘♀️🕉☮☯️💚💚🎵🎵🦋🦋🌻🌻🌻🙏🌞🌞🌞😥
I'm a father listening to this as tears roll down my cheeks.. my broken daughter sleeps as I prey for guidance as I prey for a miracle that can heal her and bring her back from the hurt and pain she has experienced. Take care of your daughters we are in a world like never before..
I ask the divine love and light for your daughters broken heart to be healed 💛
She is not broken. No matter what happens to us, we may be hurt, scared, traumatized and we may need years to heal and much compassionate support along the way to come back to our strength and power but the core of who we are cannot be "broken." I don't know how old she is, but at whatever age, she needs you to surround her in love and compassion, help her feel safe, be patient as you support her healing and also hold firm boundaroes with her as well. See the beauty, courage, strength in her. Have faith in her ability to heal, her strngth and courage, even when she doesn't see it herself. And be sure you have a safe, non-judgemental person who can listen to you abd everything you're going through. Obviously, whatever happened to her is distressing to you. You need support too. ❤
May she heal her wounds and remember the perfect light that she is. 🌹 🙏
I wish i had a father like you, so much love!❤
Le premier homme dans la vie d une jeune fille est le père et son Amour, celui que vous portez est l ancrage, la matrice et la matière sur lesquelles elle va pouvoir s appuyer avec votre soutien pour guérir ses blessures et retrouver les bases de la femme divine qu'elle était et est encore après les violences subies. Ce sera long et vous comme elle aurez besoin d aide et de partager.
Quand l image paternelle est bonne saine et emplis d Amour et de respect la réappropriation de sa vie est sur le chemin avec des aides au masculin et au féminin bafoué en elle .
Je vous souhaite toute la force nécessaire en vous pour l aider à retrouver son chemin de femme dans la confiance. ❤
Just a 23 year old man here shedding tears over the divine beauty of women in their power, holding space for each other. 😭🥰🙏🌟
Thank you so much for opening your heart 💓
Wow... A man full of feminine Energy! Thank you to be so beautiful. feminine energy does not limit your manhood, but enhances it by making you able to see and feel
Thank you Sister ⚘
We see you and we honor you divine masculine 🙏
Oh my goddess....65 year old women here....so deeply touched....so proud of and moved by the feminine heart and creativity pouring forth from you....all
A 23 year old man here, honoring all the women and feminine energy of this universe.
Thank you for the nurturing, the love, the authenticity, the depth, the warmth, and the beauty 🙏🏻❤️
Thank you too for being authentic version of yourself! Warmth and love to you ❤
Only pure divine woman can send this out to the world
@@MarlisLimar24way l p06😅jj
Sisters, how beautiful would it be to have every woman in the world singing this all over the world as One 🥰
Wow....just the thought of it gives me goose bumps🥺♥️
So beautiful, thank you.
Would be amazing and so beautiful! ❤️✨❤️
I was first attracted to you cause your name is exactly like my grand daughter and then I listen to you song and it was the most beautiful thing I have ever heard . I listen to it ever single day it awakes me it connects me to the divine creator .thankyou thankyou thankyou ayla and keep shining your beautiful healing music to the world cause you are definitely a beautiful earth angel xxx
I dedicate this song to my wife, and her mother, who showed me unconditional love, as if she was the mother I never deserved. They both have been my pillars of strength when I was broken. I miss my suegra. I love her wherever she is!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Ich bin zu tiefst berührt und dankbar dieses jetzt hören zu dürfen, der Zeitpunkt ist jetzt und genau richtig, geliebte Schwestern.
Ich sehne mich so sehr wieder Harmonie in den Augen der Menschen zu sehen, Entspannung und eine gesunder, gemeinsamer Rhythmus der uns führt in das was alles möglich ist und schon war ..wird wieder sein, beständig und rein.
The little girls in this video brought me to tears. I want experiences like this, in circles, for any future children I may be blessed enough to have... but especially for my daughters. From a young age I want them to be taught of their power in a world that would have them forget it. I want them to know just how sacred womanhood is in a system and framework that has denigrated it as something base, dirty, profane. We need this so much.
Thank you so much for sharing this ❤️
This is so beautiful ❤🌈🌼🌟
Yes! ❤️ Agree!
The World needs more songs like this 🌎❤️😇
The World need more People Like this ❤
I Agree
Beautiful 😻❤️🙏🏻
Playing this song over and over again, a 36-year-old male in his time of vulnerability, healing, and yearning for deeper connections.
Thank you for sharing your message Ayla.
Thank you for healing yourself❤
I'm so glad to know this song touches men's hearts as well 💖
AHO brother
@@JadeRayneSelf-Defense same
I was tending my rose garden yesterday after a fierce windstorm. Tree branches and debris cluttered the patio. My brave and beautiful ever giving roses were still pristine. Only their stems had changed. They were stronger. ❤
Softening, softening, softening all the hardness
Melting, melting, melting all that's frozen
Letting go, letting go of the sorrow
Dissolving into love all the shadow
We are woman, we are bringers of life
We are vessels of love, we are expressions of the divine
We are woman, we are bringers of life
We are vessels of love, we are expressions of the divine
Sisters hold my hand
You are stronger than you know
We are opening to love
We are learning how to grow
We hear the call
We are returning, we remember
We are like the rose
We are stronger than we know
We are like the rose
We are stronger than we know
Ancient mother, moving through us
Roots growing deep in our ancestry
Medicine woman, daughter, mother and lover
Reclaiming the power of our sacred memory
We are woman, we are bringers of life
We are vessels of love, we are expressions of the divine
We are woman, we are bringers of life
We are vessels of love, we are expressions of the divine
Sisters hold my hands
You are stronger than you know
We are opening to love
We are learning how to grow
We hear the call
We are returning, we remember
We are like the rose
We are stronger than we know
We are like the rose
We are stronger than we know
Sisters holding hands, in this circle we are held (Sisters holding hands)
Sisters holding hands, in this circle we are strong (Sisters holding hands)
Sisters holding hands, in this circle we remember (Sisters holding hands)
Sisters holding hands, in this circle we belong (Sisters holding hands)
Sisters holding hands, in this circle we are held (Sisters holding hands)
Sisters holding hands, in this circle we are strong (Sisters holding hands)
Sisters holding hands, in this circle we remember (Sisters holding hands)
Sisters holding hands, in this circle we belong (Sisters holding hands)
We are like the rose
We are stronger than we know
We are like the rose
We are stronger than we know
We are like the rose
We are stronger than we know
We are like the rose
We are stronger than we know
Grazie 🙏 ❤️
Thank you
Gracias 🙏 ❤
Danke für den Text👍💖
Ablandando, ablandando, ablandando toda la dureza
Derritiendo, derritiendo, derritiendo todo lo que está congelado
Dejar ir, dejar ir el dolor
Disolviendo en amor toda la sombra
Somos mujer, somos portadoras de vida
Somos vasos de amor, expresiones de lo divino.
Hermanas toman mi mano, eres más fuerte de lo que crees
Nos abrimos al amor, aprendemos a crecer
Escuchamos la llamada, volvemos recordamos
Somos como la rosa, somos más fuertes de lo que creemos x 2
Madre antigua, moviéndose a través de nosotros
Raíces que crecen profundamente en nuestra ascendencia.
Medicina mujer, hija, madre y amante
Recuperando el poder de nuestra antigua memoria
Hermanas cogidas de la mano, en este círculo estamos retenidos
Hermanas tomadas de la mano, en este círculo somos fuertes
Hermanas tomadas de la mano, en este círculo recordamos
Hermanas tomadas de la mano, en este círculo pertenecemos
Somos como la rosa, somos más fuertes de lo que creemos x 2
Gracias , que hermoso leerlo en español. Un abrazo ✨
Y + aya d la razon palparlo con el corazon hermoso bendito todo el poder femenimo en todo ser
Muchas gracias por traducirla 💓💓
Muchas gracias por la traduccion
Ayla Bella y tierna . MI nombre es Mercedes. Pfv deseo CONTACTARME CONTIGO. ., ya que estoy juntando hermosos talentos y MI proyecto es unir sus voces y abrir CORAZONES en el mundo entero a través de ustedes . Tengo 4 talentos 2 de Argentina y un Español y una Bella Argentina talentosa ., he TRATADO de enviarte muchos mensajes y espero el UNIVERSO TE ENVIE Estas LETRAS BESOS Y TODO MI CARIÑO. 🌹😘😘😘😘😘🙏esperare con calma.😇🙏
A genuine WOW !! The vibration has catched me instantly. Seeing the sisters leaning towards each other was so noticed in my heart. So so beautiful 💗 Had to safe the song right away. I thank you all 🫶🏻✨🤗
Das hat mich jetzt sehr sehr tief berührt.
Für mich als „Mann“, Gegenpol, oder was auch immer…die wahrhaftige Schönheit von Frauen! 😌
Nicht reduziert auf das Äussere, sondern in ihrer vielfältigen Ganzheit aus verschiedensten Facetten, wie Empathie füreinander, Sinnlichkeit, Wärme, Geborgenheit, Ausstrahlung und so vieles mehr…💫
DANKE, dass ich Frauen in so verbundener Liebe, sehen und spüren durfte!! 🙏🏻☯️🙏🏻
Danke für dein wahrnehmen, dein teilen und bezeugen 💕
Hi Ayla, hello other souls! I'm a grown up man and this song brings me to tears, everytime I hear it. So beautiful..
Hope u all doing fine, knowing that you are strong and loved! This world needs more of this
Lovely!!!! So glad someone shared it with me.
Tears in my eyes 🥲 thank you sister 🙏🙏🙏 I dance just like you every morning when I walk the mountain with my dog'family while Sun in coming out... YES... WE ARE STRONGER THAN WE KNOW... my Soul thanks you for your music, your lyrics and your Spirit 💙✨🔘💎 AHOOOOO🌻
This song is everything to me, talks to my soul and the journey I have been on to bring myself back to my sisters, thank you for shining your light so bright xx
Yes, brings me back to my Sister's too
I have 2 Daughters, 5 granddaughters & 9 great granddaughters💞🙏🍀
such a soft reminder of this tremendeous gift and privilege of being a woman..thank you ❤
Maravilloso ser mujer. Bendecidas rosas, suaves a la vez fuertes y hermosas 🙏🌹
Si l' Homme pouvait s'enlacer tendrement comme vous le faites, cette terre serait plus un paradis qu'un enfer. Grand merci pour cette belle chanson ❤❤❤
This music makes me cry so much because it is just so beautiful and soul-touching. It feels like belonging, like home, like bliss.
Das ist was wir alle brauchen♥️🙏
Thank you Ayla ❤️ I'm here every time I need support and every time I need to remember I'm a woman.
My goodness this Chanel this music is truly expelling and soul reaching music to everyone everybody and is so much appreciated this reaches deep indeed and I will happily add this to the repertoire and this channel this music reminds Me of Mother Nature Mother Earth Mamma Nature Mamma Earth Momma Nature Momma Earth Mum Nature Mum Earth no wonder I Am happy and peaceful and relaxed and calm Mother Nature Mother Earth Mamma Nature Mamma Earth Momma Nature Momma Earth makes Us happy and peaceful and relaxed and calm listening to wildlife music and nature music and a lot of blessings a lot of blessings to Ayala Scharfer Thank You Ayala Schafer for the blessings and the nature music and the wildlife music and the sacred music.
What a beautiful reminder to choose to be a vessel of light ♥️♥️♥️
Ya quiero oír la versión en español. Gracias por tu bella música Ayla, ayudas al despertar espiritual y a los viajes multidimensionales. Felicitaciones 👏👏👏👏👏
Somos dos
Me encanta me llena el alma
Viajei com esta linda canção
Si, me encantaría oír la versión en español 🙏🏻😘
Hermosa canción!! Quiere la versión en castellano 🙌❤️bella Ayla!!
Merci pour toute tes chansons ❤gratitude ! j’adore! ❤
WE are women.. we are bringers of Life.. We are vessels of love.. the expression the Divine
Whats your Instagram ?
We are !!!!!
Oui, mais pas toutes hein ☺il serait plus commode de généraliser à cette polarité Yin déjà.....🤗hihi
I’m sorry to hear about
We are! 💚🙏
Gratidão Ayla querida por Espelhar nossas Belas Memorias ANCESTRAIS/Lemurianas e outras tão SAGRADAs Quanto e que já EXISTIRAM/Esta Agora RETORNANDO e EXISTIRÃO AINDA POR LONGOS TEMPOS...❤❤❤
It is beautiful to see the connection between women❤
Beautiful ❤️
Made me cry 🙏
Love this so much, it brings tears to my eyes.❤🔥❤
This is the Ära of divine feminine energy... In every woman and every man... We are vessels of love and light❤
L'energia femminile è la forza di madre terra, l'amore che esprime, che trasmette, é unico.
What beautiful words, reminding us of who we are, our strength. 🙏
Feminine and Masculine dancing together energy in perfect balance and Armony Here and Now. Thank you Human Family. ✨👽🧶❤️✨
Chorei... Senti-me dentro desse círculo, senti-me em casa, SOMOS TODOS UM... GRATIDAO🙏💚
Queria achar uma irmandade assim, com esses tipos de vivências, compartilhamentos e curas, aqui onde moro❤
Eu tb
Thank you so much for this message, this precious message 🥹🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼💛🍯
This is so beautiful ❤️❤️
This brought me to tears and touched my soul at some deep, primal level. I'm litterally shaking and bawling but feel lifted to a higher level spiritually. Thank you and love and blessings to all my sister's, mother's and daughters, father's and brothers.
Aloha ❤ from Germany. Thank you so much for this music and the amazing ritual video from your crowd of amazing woman. Femal power - YES! Let it happen 🥰🙏
happy women's day
today and everyday 🌻
Thank you for reminding humanity about this simple & beautiful message.🙏
Fascinating! Thank you! That's a masterpiece 👏 indeed! God bless you!
This is so beautiful 🌹 deeply moved by this and so glad a friend shared this song with me ❤i so needed to hear these words 🌹🙏🌹
Wow what a powerful feeling that was,awesome comforting song.I don’t understand the language,yet it was so beautiful and moving I loved it very much..spiritually powerful music awesomeness 😊❤❤
Thank you Ayla ❤ I appreciate your offering and honour your sacredness
I love when i put my playlists on shuffle 🔀 i forgot about this incredible song and even more beautiful video! Thank you Goddess for reminding me 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
What a beautiful, healing song and video. Thank you so much Ayla x o x
Amazing beautiful!! It is moving me so so deep. In heart of a woman, soul.
Thank you so much for sharing your gift of music!
I share it everywhere because it is a treasure!
Mit allem was ich bin
So exited!! 💕💕 Sending love and light to you all 🌻✨✨✨💜💜💜💕💕💕
Thank you, sending love back ✨🥰
We have to go back to the store now and we
So wunderschön gespielt. Es berührt mich sehr, wie diese Frau spuelt. Danke.
So versuche ich, diesrs Stück auf meinem selbstgebauten Monochord nachzuspielen.
This song ❤ sister hold my hand, you are stronger than you know 😢 I feel so connected to my feminine energy right now and it feels like home . Beautiful song!
Just Stunning. Thank you for this beauty.
How absolutely exquisite!! Thank you.
Merci ! magnifique
This incredibly beautiful song and video touches me deeply and brings tears to my eyes! Thank you so much, I am really glad I found this!
Such a beautiful song. Women are strong and resilient!
Lllore de emoción, emocionada , viva la luz y el amor
Me too
Ayla....gracias...es uno de los videos mas hermosos...impresionante de bonito.♥♥♥
Goosebumps 🔵 Oh, how I long for this kind of connection with sisters 🌹
So beautiful!!! Love all of your albums. Thaks God for this masterpieces musics!💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
Thank you so much, you are incredible!
Thank you for this memory!
I love this song...thank you! Touching my Soul😍🙏🏻🙌🏻
Thank you for being a messenger of light.
Omg this is beyond beautiful, it made me cry 😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ so much love
C'est magique! Contente d'avoir trouvé cette chanson, cela m'apporte de l'espoir. ❤
Que hermoso y gran labor . Gracias por vibrar, expresar y mostrar dando esa luz al mundo. Mereces y merecéis toda la abundancia y hermosura del universo
I am so teary, this is such a brightful Song, oh oh targed my heart so deeply.
All Guardian Angels would never Stop this kind song.
I knew the next words lyrics😢❤ reclaiming my power!!!!!!☮❤🌍🎶💎
Wow. Images say more than words. So eye-opening!
for all sisters in the world, I send you love and light God Blesses you all
Gracias Ayla y hermanas por todo el amor que nos hacen sentir en la melodía. Un abrazo al alma, palabras de aliento a quienes estamos pasando por temporadas donde el cuerpo y la salud se agotan. Gracias por el impulso a resistir y abrazar la incertidumbre.
C'est tellement beau, découvert depuis quelques jours, je l'écoute encore et encore, ça me remplit de plénitude, d'apaisement et d'amour ✨️
😭🌹your songs always touch my heart and allow me to blossom into sacredness, thank you🥹🌹😭 We are expressions of the divine🌹
Que trabalho maravilhoso, o sagrado feminino sendo muito bem homenageado com essa música tão profunda! gratidão pelo trabalho. Eu amei!
Jern Alves We and have you
Canção linda ❤️ Fiquei toda arrepiada energia muito boa tranquila transmite paz e calma 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹💚💚💚💚💚💚🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃
Great video, visually beautiful and graceful as women are ❤
Beautiful reminder of how powerful siSTARhood is. Thank you for your beautiful expression! LOVE!
Ayla, all of your musical medicine brings joy and peace to my soul and tears to my mortal eyes. I spread your music like a beautiful invasive flower that heals all that ails the human body!!!
Wow ! I hope to witness your magic energy in person at your music gatherings! You are the essence of the divine creator in perfect harmony ! Gosh ! Thank you for sharing your talent and loving energy !❤
Beautiful song Ayla, with an even more beautiful message
😭🌹I’m pretty sure this just unblocked my heart chakra 🌹🌹🌹 so many tears and so much love in my heart for my Divine Sisters
after trying traditional medicines I was starting to heal my heart and mind, I was feeling so well. I was begining to open my mind, as soon as that transformation is going on I get hit with a huge fine from the work I do (23 years of experience). If I had not been in the place I was I might have crumbled down and fallen into old habits.
Thank you mother earth, thank you grandparents and thankyou ancestral medicine.
Oh I cried such tears of joy listening to this. I pray we all become more heartful of this sacred truth so that we may bring more peace to the world. Put away the pettiness and live the wholeness of our humanity...
Blessings to all beings
beautiful, deep touched, healed & transformed - I connected with my grandmothers & ancesters to heal all the wounds and then giving the new light & feminie power towards my mum and my daughter - words fail me - thank you so so much - I will bring the song & the dance to my sisterhood - circle for the full moon 💖🙏🌕
A moving memory of our divine feminine; thank you!
💚 🤍🕊🌿
Whaouu !! Des frissons !!
frissons de guérison ,
je l'ai Fort ressenti ,
immense MERCI
💚 🤍🕊🌿
Gratidão pela beleza dessa criação, dança... música...energia...amorosidade... Namastê
Stupendo video, veramente meraviglioso,,voce dolcissima che dona pace al ❤️
So beautiful thank youuu❤❤❤❤
I loved seeing Daniela Mar, one of my teachers in my entheoguide training, dancing. Sweet and high vibrational sister Dani!!!
This song made me cry because it's so beautiful and so true Women throughout the world hold the Holy Grail because you all have the ability to produce life to hold a Being within inside you all as it grows Within side you all you are the nurturers you are the most important beings that walk our earth I bow and give my respect and gratitude thank you for being thank you for being mothers I look at you all as mother Gaia you are the goddesses of the Earth without you beautiful sisters there would not be #life without you all sending #prosperity #hope #happiness #joyfulness #love #abundance #light #togetherness #Sisterhood #creation for ever #namaste 🧘♀️🕉☮☯️💚💚🎵🎵🦋🦋🌻🌻🌻🙏🌞🌞🌞😥
SO Beautiful❤