What Has Gone Wrong Here With Oluso Olaitan Balogun?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 20 พ.ย. 2022
  • Someone has said that Oluso Olaitan Balogun has called out Baba Iremiren in this new video but truthfully, owing to what has seen in the video so far, and has also viewed by someone from the Dioces, "I’m having a hard time seeing any insults from Olaitan Balogun to Baba Iremire As they say, Olaitan can defend himself and doesn’t need me to do so.
    However, what I heard is condemnation of adultery and immoral behavior that appears to be a problem with that particular church and many of our churches too.
    Yes, he stated that Baba Iremiren is not his boss nor does he take instructions from him: But that’s a fact, albeit an unpleasant one to some. By the way I’ve had a very close relationship with Baba Iremiren for decades but I’m struggling to see the insult unless there is something that I’m missing."
    But the fact that Baba Iremiren has been the patron even before he, Balogun was swore-in as His, has automatically made Baba Iremiren to be his boss. I hope our Alagba Olaitan know that the pulpit is meant to divulge u dilutes words of God, and will respect it. It is not a place to display unnecessary vendetta or address personal issues with anyone but a pulpit for preaching.

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