I love, when children care for their parents, especially when they helped them all their lives out. Finally the son did good deeds. I am sorry to say, but the fashion industry is for the mega rich. I don’t care, as long as the clothes are simple, and comfortable. Everyone should have its own fashion these days. I am happy this photographer is back to the roots.
我们需要更多这样的人 回归自然 保护自然 让心灵踏实放松
還樸歸真! 回大自然! 接地氣! 棒棒!🏠油!
I love, when children care for their parents, especially when they helped them all their lives out.
Finally the son did good deeds. I am sorry to say, but the fashion industry is for the mega rich. I don’t care, as long as the clothes are simple, and comfortable. Everyone should have its own fashion these days. I am happy this photographer is back to the roots.
非常有意義, 回歸本性
One of the best
谢谢分享视频! 很感动!
Love this.
Que lugar incrível ❤❤!! Uma paz poder morar assim 🙏🏻🇧🇷