@@genkihoriguchi5612 of course you're not Ukraine you could never be as brave as them you would lose to Russia under a month your military is full of china copies and your people are literally starving from your bad economy 1 Euro is 40 lira. Even if 20 million of your people join which would never happen they wouldn't last long against any European country
@@ViralReviews All Turkish people are soldier in Turkiye! Do not underestimate the Ottomans, who ruled over three continents for 600 centuries, and the Seljuk state before that, and Turkey, who, although it seems to have been a bit weak in the last 100 years, has started to rule over three continents again in the last 10-15 years, who was most effective in expelling French soldiers from Africa, who provided great support to Azerbaijan in the Karabakh War, to the Libyan central government in the Libyan civil war, and to the Syrian opposition in the Syrian civil war, and who played a major role in their victory! Turkey, with the exception of certain minorities and separatists, is a country of people who love their country with 85-90 percent of its population, who trust their military and state in every way. Despite the fact that the Turkish people have very polar opposites in domestic politics and have very harsh domestic political discourses, they are always united in foreign politics and especially in wars. In the 1970s, while there were right-wing and left-wing political fights and deaths in Turkey; when the left-wing government that governed Turkey and the right-wing and conservative government that assisted it decided to intervene in Cyprus and protect the Turkish Cypriots, every segment of Turkey stood behind the state and the military. Despite the embargo imposed on Turkey by the USA after the intervention in Cyprus and despite the fact that Turkey suffered great difficulties in food and energy, no Turkish person criticized the Prime Minister Bülent Ecevit, who has left-wing political views. As a person with right-wing and conservative views, I have always defended what Bülent Ecevit, who intervened in Cyprus, did.
@@ViralReviews nope. in ww1 woman, children, old people fought for their country no matter how misebrly they were... we turks are warrior nation just like how we showed it in the ww1. we fought against 4 colonial power of europe and their little dogs armenians and greeks. and still we got our independence from 6 country in the weakest time of ottomans. The whole population is in the army its just doesnt say in the paper.
France should forget its colonial footprints and turn back to its own borders. Syria suffered from France enough! At the center of these problems in Syria France lies, starting from WW1.
The Turks are serious on this!! This is actually a good thing hope that they will succeed and the Syrian people get what's left of the country back and built their life's again....!!
Syria has just ended over a decade of civil war. Maybe Turkey's government should be more careful now. They have gone through enough. Just my thoughts.
@@Jaxteller-c5j 8th strongest military and 1.45t dollars gdp is weak? Dude Turks has the only military who has actual war experience in the world right now. While french soliders eating onion soup in paris our troops were fighting gerilla warriors on snowy mountains.
President Erdogan of Turkea is absolutly right in pointing a finger at France and other western nations who do not care for the Syrian people, nor do they want stability in the region, which is a direct neighbour of Turkea and therfore a security risk.!
Erdogan doesn't give a f... About Syrians. He wants to invade and kill the Kurds. But he is coward he puts Isis or these jihadists to do the dirty job for him.
West wants kutdistan because yhey need a trojan horse right in the heart of middle east not because they love kurds. Turkiye would never allow such thing!
And some poor Kurds still thinking that those countries are helping them (especially US and the I-s-rx-e-l) for the love they have for them. Kurds are just puppets and seen as servants to help implement their (the two mentioned countries above) plans in the region. If their masters can achieve their goals, the Kurd's worth will be no more than a used toilet paper. (like it has been always the case, once the imperialist power's business is done with their servants/slaves, they are just thrown away)
a year ago Indian Jewish and some little EU country boys were saying "Turkey is all talk and no action". Now Israil is in panick and their defence industry minister says threat is the most serious it has ever been since 1967, we need to be fully prepared to DEFEND our country. Lool to those who were wearing pink glasses, the reality is undeniable now, have fun.
Dude when those Turkish tanks start their steam roll, they don't tend to stop. Just the way it is. Like em or hate em, the fact is they have a terrifying military and they don't mind flexing that from time to time.
@@history_repeats8201 ? He i am a half kurd and half krimtshake, dont ubdwrstand, that you always think turks trade kurds not equal. At first i say it and hakan fidan, how is a kurds says it to. Ypg and pkk are terror Organisation. All other kurds are welcome, but not ypg and pkk
@@elenilepouri7253 No Turks are not vampiric like europeans! They will create win-win situation with cooperative african nations whom Turks are saving from western funded terrorism to steal their resources. I presume you are french (perhaps greek), I would recommend you do some research regarding death, destruction and chaos you created with your french legionaires across this world as would be colonists and neighbor loving christians, who dishonor Christ's legacy on a daily basis. African nations are welcoming Turks while kicking out the europeans, especially the little french hiding behind the US to pick up some crumbs! The Turkish drones bought by various african nations have been quite successful in destroying western funded terrorists and many african nations are in touch with Turkiye for military and economic cooperation! I tried to give you some info to get you out of your roman enslavement and the mental bindings and cognitive dissonance under which you exist as an enslaved european. What percentage of your wealth is stolen in that system of liberty, democracy, human rights, secularism...beau arts, that you call the western civilization whose knowledge base comes from the east, including its religion as well as language (indo-european)! Enjoy...
To be fair France isn't able to do anything in Syria. Turkey basically just told em to fuk off. And in the end they're going to have to fuk off, what other choice do they have? As the foreign minister said "they can send troops if they want" knowing France is far too weak to do such a thing.
The French have a huge tail pain Turkey has established very successful political, military and economic relations in Africa, especially in North and Central Africa, where France has been a colonialist, for the last 10-15 years. There have been great developments in Turkey's relations with countries such as Somalia, Libya, Niger, Chad and Sudan. With the influence of both Turkey and Russia and China in Africa, France's presence and influence in Africa has diminished considerably. Whether it is those who come to power through military coups or those who come to power through democratic elections, they no longer want France's presence in their own country.
@@scytalhyucan5269George Friedman said about 10 years ago if Türkiye want to go to war with Germany in morning they will win and if France shows up it be Türkiye’s lunch
The relationship between the US and France is like the one between wild dogs and hyenas, they dislike each other but they often share scavenging the same prey.
@@Bba-w4e in your dream!!!! at least 25-30% of Ukraine have been occupied and controlled by Russia and you calling it toe to toe 🤣🤣🤣 get lost or get your facts right what a nonsense comment!
@@Bba-w4eArabs try to prevent unnecessary deaths of civilians because they know if they attack Israel or the U.s they (the U.s and Israel) won't be only targeting military perfect example is what is happening in Gaza
Then you will say then why did Hamas attack Israel well because Palestinians were already being tortured detained and killed before Oct 7th for no reason
I am not Turkish and was born and raised in the U.S. NO more endless war! Erdogan is in a better position to handle things. Remember, they are a NATO country They (the European union) and local Arab countries are now having a conference in Riyad to work on the future of Syria.
At the end of the day it is the Syrian people who need to decide what comes next, not Erdogan, not Trump, nor other regional nations. But I do get the part that since Erdo stuck with the revolution from day one he'll obviously have a lot more influence over them. Hopefully instead of being a meddling figure he has the foresight to be there for them like a big brother. The Syrians deserve better, they deserve a stable country where they make their own decisions.
@@williamdavis9562 Turkey is doing everything for Syria. Tell me who is looking after millions of Syrians, good or bad. No country other than Turkey can resist this wave of migration and it will fall apart. That is why there is a love for Turkey among people. Turkey was the country that really destroyed a cruel leader like Assad.
@@williamdavis9562 If the governance of the country is left to the people, Syria will disintegrate again. There must be a country that protects and governs Syria. In other words, Syria cannot be a fully independent country. Syria must be governed by Turkey.
@GreenIsland38yoo direk doğruyu söylüyor eğer bu ülkelerin başında bu cumhur başkanları olmasa idi herşey günlük gunistanlik idi. Hatta israil bu sıralamada başı çekiyor şuan israil yolları oynuyor İsrail'i kimse elimizden alamayacak emin ol bunu ve kurunun yanında yaşta yanacak..
Les Turcs de part leur religions et de part leur culture n’ont jamais imposé leur religions ou leur culture les syriens sont des arabes ou vivent aussi des minorités, la Syrie appartient aux syriens donc respectez la svp , laissez le proche orient tranquille, allez dans vos pays respectifs si vous souhaitez revenir à nouveau vous regretterez car la Turquie a enfin décidé autrement et se défendra de toute agression…
He refers to Iran with 'regional bad actors' Turkiye caught Iran red handed cutting a drone deal with PKK but Iran could not deliver it as Turkiye has given kill order!
Iran is not an Islamic state as you think, they live by changing their religion, and this is not in our religion. Also, there are 30 million Turks in Iran, but Turkey does not want to deal with this right now. Israel is trying to establish a Kurdistan using the US and British Zionists under the name of the Promised Land, but they will not be able to do it. A few years from now, Turkey will leave or be expelled from NATO, then Israel, the USA, England and the French will unite and start a war against Turkey, and Turkey will win. Make a note of this. If you do not know about this subject, do some research. The British and the Americans have set up a base in Cyprus and are trying to surround Turkey, but Turkey is surrounding them by setting up a base in the Balkan and Asian countries. Western media is constantly deceiving you and forcing you to serve the Zionists and you are not aware of it. 
Turkey has been preparing for this war for 20 years because it knows that this war will happen. What we are doing in the defense industry right now is very small things for us. We have technological weapons that we do secretly and that no one else has, and no one knows this, but they will learn 🤫😉 
Evet türk silahlı kuvvetlerine "TSK" vur emri verildi benim üzüldüğüm şey bu insanlar sözde müslüman ve islamda müslüman müslümanı öldürmez haramdır tek korktuğum kurunun yanında yaşta yanacak ülkelerin başındaki cumhur başkanları yüzünden binlerce insan ölebilir iran tehlikeli işler yapıyor sonu feci olacak İran'ın durmaya niyeti yok umarım iran halkı gözünü açar savaş istemeyen barış için çabalayan bir iktidarı başlarına getirir savaşın kazananı olmaz örnek rusya ukrayna her gün iki kardeş ülke birbirini vuruyor görüntülerini izliyoruz bazen bunun için mi yaşıyoruz diyorum..
Hindistan'ın nüfusu çok kalabalık akıllı bir lider seçerseniz tabiki herşey mümkün ama şunu diyeyim bizler bu noktaya gelesiye kadar çok hadiseler atlattık mühendislerimiz öldürüldü mesela en son muharip savaş uçağımız kaan'ın bulunduğu yere bombalı saldırılar düzenlendi dediğim gibi akıllı güçlü bir lideriniz olursa tabiki herkes güçlü bir devlete sahip olur ama bunun için bunu seçecek insanlar aynı zihniyet olmalı ve aynı kişiye oy vermeli bizler 20 yıldır aynı kişiye oy veriyoruz
Avrupa'ya birşey olmaz ben türk olarak diyorum bizler zenginleşir isek avrupaya zaten tehdit olmayız bizim ülkemizin amacı savaş olmasın insanlar yan yana olsun kavga dövüş olmasın sömürge olmasın siviller ölmesin Türkiye yıllardır bu politikayı yürütüyor tabiki sabrın sonu vardır 62 yıl sonra esad rejimini devirdik bu süre zarfında Erdoğan Esad'a gel elimizi sık dedi inat etme dedi Ortadoğu'ya barış getirelim dedi her defasında esad rest çekti her defasında askerini ülkemden çek dedi ama orda türk askerî dışında tüm askerler vardı iran rusya farklı ülkelerden paralı askerler vs pkk ypg Deaş hepsi vardı sonu hüsran oldu kısacası biz tehdit değiliz sadece barış gelsin istiyoruz iran mesela bu aralar çok kaşınıyor vatandaşlarından bahsetmiyorum vatandaş hep masumdur başlarındaki elemanlardan bahsediyorum İran'a yapma dedikçe inat ediyor büyük bir devlet gibi müzakere yapmaktan geri kaçıyor Rusya ile anlaşıyoruz abd ile anlaşıyoruz iran sanki oranın elebaşıymış gibi davranıyor bu iş burda bitmedi diyor 😂 bakalım neler olacak bizde merakla bekliyoruz
Whoever prepared this news video, bravo, a very good job, the news flow, the current view, the way the news is given and the transition to the viewer are great. 👏🏻
Time for EU and Nato to merge with thyrkie and get steong by her self america dont eant thyrkie on EU because they lose her power its rly time to say america go home. Thyrkie is on our place america is far away betwen ous and america is a ocean its rly time for EU no longer to be slave time to ger strong toghere and say to america no no no america go home i am for a steong Nato and EU whiteout america .
Why would the Turks be dumb enough to jump onto a sinking ship? Sure they'll talk the talk about wanting to get in to get some foreign investment and favorable trade deals. But they won't actually step onto that sinking ship.
@@Taco43341 fuck turkey they say they are against Israel but secretly support it they say they hate American imperialism but Erdogan is working for West and America against Putin he is a American agent. He should be replaced in turkey American agent Erdogan
Türkiye doesn't want to spill the Kurdish blood and give them time to think it over and maybe President Trump will convince them to lay down the arms if not they will do it, Turkiye wants one Syria under one flag
Al Assad hosds Franch University oftalmologist diploma, a leader of Islamic 'revolution' ayatollah Homaini lived decades in France, an African Cannibal Boccassa was a friend of Franch presidents... Syria, Lebanon, hezballah, hamas, HOSANK, ASALA, all African dictators supported by France.
Do you really have any idea about their weight? You are talking about a country which was one of the mightiest in the world for half over a millenia. People lives are short. And the perception of the world is depending on that. Was there a response from Macron by the way? Just 3 years before, at the shores of Libia a french war ship intented to board a Turkish cargo ship, was completely blinded, pointed out as a target by the Turkish navy. An needed to retreat without any action. Macron protested it. Maybe you don't remember that too. France apart from his nuclear aresenal, is relly an insignificant power. and the time of Skyes/Picout has passed away.
@@tkendirliAnd also to remind you some years ago in an air base in Lybia facilitating Turkish interests, heavily bombed by something that Turks are still wondering who was 😂😂😂😂
@@ΣτελιοςΒουγιουκαλακης yeah for sure. This isnan issue between Turkiye and France why you Why on earth Greeks do try to jump in any wagon which includes Turkiye some how. Apart from the marine dispute, we really don't have anything in common.
A group of them holding the case because want to devide a knowledge tissuesI am begging the American Government to support for their Nameone might name is Mednoon Vijitrananda presence Bechtel cooperation whose living in the united states
An independent Kurdistan will bring the balance and peace in the Middle East. Kurds are the biggest nation in the world without their own land (about 60 millions ), Actually, they do have a lovely land called Kurdistan but it has been divided by this evil regimes like Turkey, Iran, Irak and Syria. And most importantly the Kurds are the most secular nation in the region.
''Ve en önemlisi Kürtler bölgenin en laik milletidir.'' buna ancak gülünür. hayal dünyasında yaşamayı bırakın artık. küçük ve az gelişmiş bir millet olduğunuzu kabul edin. dünya tarihinde hiç bir başarınız olmadı olmayacak. ancak her topluluk gibi sizin de iyi bir yaşam hakkınız. terörist gruplar oluşturmadıkça tabii.
Ben kurdum ülkemi çok seviyorum Türkiye benim ülkem ordan burdan toplama teror guruplar oni dünyaya kurt diye yutturmayin artık biz bir bayrak altında gerektiğinde seve seve vatani uğruna canına verecek bir milletiz!!!🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷
Türkiye has a 900km!!! long Border with Syria. Which relation does France have to Syria? Beside once having been a colonial power and NOW kicked out of Africa and soon out of the Pacific regions. Or the USA? Türkiye has 4.5million Syrian refugees in it's country. Further there are a huge amount of ethnic Turks in Northern Syria and Iraq. European countries and politicians need to shut up.
Never. We have to ensure the stability there first then send 4 million Syrians that we have been hosting for 12 years to their own lands ! If France are interested in Syria too much ( which is very funny ) , We can send all the immigrants to France !
More then 6Million Turkish soldiers are waiting for orders dear President. We are living in Western-Europe and are ready to protect the motherland.
Half of young people in Turkey are Kurds.
Ahahaah Ergoan told you that?
You have ?2 mill soldiers overall you can literally google it
@@genkihoriguchi5612 of course you're not Ukraine you could never be as brave as them you would lose to Russia under a month your military is full of china copies and your people are literally starving from your bad economy 1 Euro is 40 lira.
Even if 20 million of your people join which would never happen they wouldn't last long against any European country
@@ViralReviews All Turkish people are soldier in Turkiye!
Do not underestimate the Ottomans, who ruled over three continents for 600 centuries, and the Seljuk state before that, and Turkey, who, although it seems to have been a bit weak in the last 100 years, has started to rule over three continents again in the last 10-15 years, who was most effective in expelling French soldiers from Africa, who provided great support to Azerbaijan in the Karabakh War, to the Libyan central government in the Libyan civil war, and to the Syrian opposition in the Syrian civil war, and who played a major role in their victory!
Turkey, with the exception of certain minorities and separatists, is a country of people who love their country with 85-90 percent of its population, who trust their military and state in every way.
Despite the fact that the Turkish people have very polar opposites in domestic politics and have very harsh domestic political discourses, they are always united in foreign politics and especially in wars.
In the 1970s, while there were right-wing and left-wing political fights and deaths in Turkey; when the left-wing government that governed Turkey and the right-wing and conservative government that assisted it decided to intervene in Cyprus and protect the Turkish Cypriots, every segment of Turkey stood behind the state and the military. Despite the embargo imposed on Turkey by the USA after the intervention in Cyprus and despite the fact that Turkey suffered great difficulties in food and energy, no Turkish person criticized the Prime Minister Bülent Ecevit, who has left-wing political views. As a person with right-wing and conservative views, I have always defended what Bülent Ecevit, who intervened in Cyprus, did.
@@ViralReviews nope. in ww1 woman, children, old people fought for their country no matter how misebrly they were... we turks are warrior nation just like how we showed it in the ww1. we fought against 4 colonial power of europe and their little dogs armenians and greeks. and still we got our independence from 6 country in the weakest time of ottomans. The whole population is in the army its just doesnt say in the paper.
France should forget its colonial footprints and turn back to its own borders. Syria suffered from France enough! At the center of these problems in Syria France lies, starting from WW1.
It was france and British that ended ottoman empire and create arab countries.😂 that turkey has become automan 🛺 empire in the world
Yes absolutely true ❤❤
Simeckovci pozryte sa Toto je eu a nato svynstvo
@@sisabed54321and now France and Britain have become the HOMOSE 🏳️🌈 of Europe and are nothing to TURKIYE ❤
Look who is talking. The remnants of the colonial neo-ottomans who currently occupy 1. Cyprus, 2. Syria 3. Iraq are trying to call others colonialists
The Turks are serious on this!! This is actually a good thing hope that they will succeed and the Syrian people get what's left of the country back and built their life's again....!!
Syria has just ended over a decade of civil war. Maybe Turkey's government should be more careful now. They have gone through enough. Just my thoughts.
And get Israel out of there ASAP
They maybe serious but they're weak af!
@@Jaxteller-c5jtürke zayıf demek tarih bilmemek demek
@@Jaxteller-c5j 8th strongest military and 1.45t dollars gdp is weak? Dude Turks has the only military who has actual war experience in the world right now. While french soliders eating onion soup in paris our troops were fighting gerilla warriors on snowy mountains.
President Erdogan of Turkea is absolutly right in pointing a finger at France and other western nations who do not care for the Syrian people, nor do they want stability in the region, which is a direct neighbour of Turkea and therfore a security risk.!
Look who is talking. The remnants of the colonial neo-ottomans who currently occupy 1. Cyprus, 2. Syria 3. Iraq are trying to call others colonialists
@@history_repeats8201Sen nesin Mal,mal konuşuyorsun
Erdogan doesn't give a f... About Syrians. He wants to invade and kill the Kurds. But he is coward he puts Isis or these jihadists to do the dirty job for him.
@@history_repeats8201did U learn that by cutting a pasting what others say in comments
West wants kutdistan because yhey need a trojan horse right in the heart of middle east not because they love kurds. Turkiye would never allow such thing!
And some poor Kurds still thinking that those countries are helping them (especially US and the I-s-rx-e-l) for the love they have for them. Kurds are just puppets and seen as servants to help implement their (the two mentioned countries above) plans in the region.
If their masters can achieve their goals, the Kurd's worth will be no more than a used toilet paper.
(like it has been always the case, once the imperialist power's business is done with their servants/slaves, they are just thrown away)
a year ago Indian Jewish and some little EU country boys were saying "Turkey is all talk and no action". Now Israil is in panick and their defence industry minister says threat is the most serious it has ever been since 1967, we need to be fully prepared to DEFEND our country. Lool to those who were wearing pink glasses, the reality is undeniable now, have fun.
Dude when those Turkish tanks start their steam roll, they don't tend to stop.
Just the way it is. Like em or hate em, the fact is they have a terrifying military and they don't mind flexing that from time to time.
bir Türk olarak doğru tespitlerin için teşekkür ediyorum
@@mehmetaydogdu3511 abi benimde soy adım aydoğdu nerelisin sen?
rubbish erdogan is the best friend's of Israel
you can't do anything without permission.
Mr. Fidan. He calls France a small country. 🤣 Bravo Mr.Fidan👍👍
And where ? Go ahead
I wonder who will be small after Kurdistan is liberated
I think either you have bad ears or your imagination is limitless...😂
@@meisteri.o. dont be scared. The Kurds are very nice people they will treat Turks better than how Turks treated them
@@history_repeats8201 ? He i am a half kurd and half krimtshake, dont ubdwrstand, that you always think turks trade kurds not equal. At first i say it and hakan fidan, how is a kurds says it to. Ypg and pkk are terror Organisation. All other kurds are welcome, but not ypg and pkk
People under estimate the Turks. They literally have millions of soldiers and the latest weaponry.
Cok dogru dostum bilmeyen ögrensin yanlis islere kalkismasin
And the Ottoman spirit!
And many good friends
They are genocidal cowards
The U.S. along with France should withdrawal and allow Turkey to control the situation in Syria and Iraq
No more endless foreign wars
Fool is hav don mor 4 d world Dan ur generations hav or wud
So what you are saying allow ISIS and Al Qaeda to take over and bring terrorism to Europe?
Turkey's government could also rethink its role in the area. The Syrians have been through enough. Just my thoughts.
France done and is doing the same in Africa..
True, as long as they make sure news platforms are silent about it.
People don't think they are working on exactly the same..
Same turkey
@@elenilepouri7253 No Turks are not vampiric like europeans! They will create win-win situation with cooperative african nations whom Turks are saving from western funded terrorism to steal their resources. I presume you are french (perhaps greek), I would recommend you do some research regarding death, destruction and chaos you created with your french legionaires across this world as would be colonists and neighbor loving christians, who dishonor Christ's legacy on a daily basis. African nations are welcoming Turks while kicking out the europeans, especially the little french hiding behind the US to pick up some crumbs! The Turkish drones bought by various african nations have been quite successful in destroying western funded terrorists and many african nations are in touch with Turkiye for military and economic cooperation! I tried to give you some info to get you out of your roman enslavement and the mental bindings and cognitive dissonance under which you exist as an enslaved european. What percentage of your wealth is stolen in that system of liberty, democracy, human rights, secularism...beau arts, that you call the western civilization whose knowledge base comes from the east, including its religion as well as language (indo-european)! Enjoy...
To be fair France isn't able to do anything in Syria. Turkey basically just told em to fuk off.
And in the end they're going to have to fuk off, what other choice do they have? As the foreign minister said "they can send troops if they want" knowing France is far too weak to do such a thing.
@@elenilepouri7253bu**hurt grik detected 🤡
France better ends their colonialism!
Beware Erdogan, next you will suffer Turkish colonialism, his dream is a new Turkish empire. His imperialist dream land is called a caliphate.
France try to get a piece from Syria old colonial mentally
So is Israel with its new colonial mentality
The French have a huge tail pain
Turkey has established very successful political, military and economic relations in Africa, especially in North and Central Africa, where France has been a colonialist, for the last 10-15 years. There have been great developments in Turkey's relations with countries such as Somalia, Libya, Niger, Chad and Sudan.
With the influence of both Turkey and Russia and China in Africa, France's presence and influence in Africa has diminished considerably. Whether it is those who come to power through military coups or those who come to power through democratic elections, they no longer want France's presence in their own country.
He said ' insignificant countries' in real translation referring to france😅
Fransa Türkiye baş edecek ülke değil ABD olmasın Suriye’de Fransa askeri olsaydı şimdi vururdu takmazdı Fransa’yı
In conventional war. They have nuclear missiles to prevent surrender.
@@scytalhyucan5269George Friedman said about 10 years ago if Türkiye want to go to war with Germany in morning they will win and if France shows up it be Türkiye’s lunch
@@scytalhyucan5269 You think Turkey really doesn’t have access to nukes at this point in time (not talking about the U.S nukes).
@@scytalhyucan5269 Pakistan has nuclear missiles. And they gave them to Turkey a long time ago.
@@sabahattinbeyYou all live in ottoman dreams- what pakis and nuks? India is France ally - so?
Very logical and meaningful words, none have told them in the past that's why ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
The relationship between the US and France is like the one between wild dogs and hyenas, they dislike each other but they often share scavenging the same prey.
What is france trying to say about syria they cant even handle ukraine
Ukraine is going toe to toe with Russia. They are not spineless arabs
france is a paper tiger
@@Bba-w4e in your dream!!!! at least 25-30% of Ukraine have been occupied and controlled by Russia and you calling it toe to toe 🤣🤣🤣 get lost or get your facts right what a nonsense comment!
@@Bba-w4eArabs try to prevent unnecessary deaths of civilians because they know if they attack Israel or the U.s they (the U.s and Israel) won't be only targeting military perfect example is what is happening in Gaza
Then you will say then why did Hamas attack Israel well because Palestinians were already being tortured detained and killed before Oct 7th for no reason
I am not Turkish and was born and raised in the U.S.
NO more endless war!
Erdogan is in a better position to handle things. Remember, they are a NATO country
They (the European union) and local Arab countries are now having a conference in Riyad to work on the future of Syria.
At the end of the day it is the Syrian people who need to decide what comes next, not Erdogan, not Trump, nor other regional nations.
But I do get the part that since Erdo stuck with the revolution from day one he'll obviously have a lot more influence over them. Hopefully instead of being a meddling figure he has the foresight to be there for them like a big brother.
The Syrians deserve better, they deserve a stable country where they make their own decisions.
@@williamdavis9562 Turkey is doing everything for Syria. Tell me who is looking after millions of Syrians, good or bad. No country other than Turkey can resist this wave of migration and it will fall apart. That is why there is a love for Turkey among people. Turkey was the country that really destroyed a cruel leader like Assad.
@@sabahattinbey My point still stands.
@@williamdavis9562 If the governance of the country is left to the people, Syria will disintegrate again. There must be a country that protects and governs Syria. In other words, Syria cannot be a fully independent country. Syria must be governed by Turkey.
Remember, the Syrian people lost 500,000 people in the Civil War. They are going to need help rebuilding their country. No small endeavor.
France should kiss his colonial power days goodbye! Face it honeymoon is over !
We have a 921 km border with Syria… It looks like the fingers of the old colonialists are itching.
Pakistan will always support Turkey.
three headed snake -washington (israel) england france
how are israel in this lol
Typical Islamic terrorist and his logic
Are You Kidding ???
@GreenIsland38yoo direk doğruyu söylüyor eğer bu ülkelerin başında bu cumhur başkanları olmasa idi herşey günlük gunistanlik idi. Hatta israil bu sıralamada başı çekiyor şuan israil yolları oynuyor İsrail'i kimse elimizden alamayacak emin ol bunu ve kurunun yanında yaşta yanacak..
@@נווהיפת-ק7י Isra el is mastermind snake...
Eure wortwahlen zeigen dass Türkei aufm richtigen weg ist
Les Turcs de part leur religions et de part leur culture n’ont jamais imposé leur religions ou leur culture les syriens sont des arabes ou vivent aussi des minorités, la Syrie appartient aux syriens donc respectez la svp , laissez le proche orient tranquille, allez dans vos pays respectifs si vous souhaitez revenir à nouveau vous regretterez car la Turquie a enfin décidé autrement et se défendra de toute agression…
Hakan Fidan will be next president of Türkiye
@@recepkucek3016 agree
"Terrorists guarding terrorists" (3:45). Turkiye has reasonable points (see 2:10).
Turkey can say "No" now !
❤❤ thank u Mr Fidan ❤❤
Well said
Lafarge entreprises beton français a couler beton tunnel au pkk syrie ?
He refers to Iran with 'regional bad actors' Turkiye caught Iran red handed cutting a drone deal with PKK but Iran could not deliver it as Turkiye has given kill order!
Iran is not an Islamic state as you think, they live by changing their religion, and this is not in our religion. Also, there are 30 million Turks in Iran, but Turkey does not want to deal with this right now. Israel is trying to establish a Kurdistan using the US and British Zionists under the name of the Promised Land, but they will not be able to do it. A few years from now, Turkey will leave or be expelled from NATO, then Israel, the USA, England and the French will unite and start a war against Turkey, and Turkey will win. Make a note of this. If you do not know about this subject, do some research. The British and the Americans have set up a base in Cyprus and are trying to surround Turkey, but Turkey is surrounding them by setting up a base in the Balkan and Asian countries. Western media is constantly deceiving you and forcing you to serve the Zionists and you are not aware of it.

Turkey has been preparing for this war for 20 years because it knows that this war will happen. What we are doing in the defense industry right now is very small things for us. We have technological weapons that we do secretly and that no one else has, and no one knows this, but they will learn 🤫😉

Merci d’avoir éclairé cet événement
@huguesbrain6081 what language is that!?
Evet türk silahlı kuvvetlerine "TSK" vur emri verildi benim üzüldüğüm şey bu insanlar sözde müslüman ve islamda müslüman müslümanı öldürmez haramdır tek korktuğum kurunun yanında yaşta yanacak ülkelerin başındaki cumhur başkanları yüzünden binlerce insan ölebilir iran tehlikeli işler yapıyor sonu feci olacak İran'ın durmaya niyeti yok umarım iran halkı gözünü açar savaş istemeyen barış için çabalayan bir iktidarı başlarına getirir savaşın kazananı olmaz örnek rusya ukrayna her gün iki kardeş ülke birbirini vuruyor görüntülerini izliyoruz bazen bunun için mi yaşıyoruz diyorum..
Selamin Aleykum Turks are back!
Those days are over! France stay home or else. 😂😂😂😂
Turkey is super power you think india can do this
Hindistan'ın nüfusu çok kalabalık akıllı bir lider seçerseniz tabiki herşey mümkün ama şunu diyeyim bizler bu noktaya gelesiye kadar çok hadiseler atlattık mühendislerimiz öldürüldü mesela en son muharip savaş uçağımız kaan'ın bulunduğu yere bombalı saldırılar düzenlendi dediğim gibi akıllı güçlü bir lideriniz olursa tabiki herkes güçlü bir devlete sahip olur ama bunun için bunu seçecek insanlar aynı zihniyet olmalı ve aynı kişiye oy vermeli bizler 20 yıldır aynı kişiye oy veriyoruz
Europe would be impoverished as soon as Turkey becomes the main influence in the region.
U can imagine ur level of ignorance u think da ar Africa
americans russians and turks always has been a threat to europe. the fear is in their blood even today. they want to destroy us but cant...
They should've thought of that before they used and abused every weak nation on the planet. Tables are turning.
Avrupa'ya birşey olmaz ben türk olarak diyorum bizler zenginleşir isek avrupaya zaten tehdit olmayız bizim ülkemizin amacı savaş olmasın insanlar yan yana olsun kavga dövüş olmasın sömürge olmasın siviller ölmesin Türkiye yıllardır bu politikayı yürütüyor tabiki sabrın sonu vardır 62 yıl sonra esad rejimini devirdik bu süre zarfında Erdoğan Esad'a gel elimizi sık dedi inat etme dedi Ortadoğu'ya barış getirelim dedi her defasında esad rest çekti her defasında askerini ülkemden çek dedi ama orda türk askerî dışında tüm askerler vardı iran rusya farklı ülkelerden paralı askerler vs pkk ypg Deaş hepsi vardı sonu hüsran oldu kısacası biz tehdit değiliz sadece barış gelsin istiyoruz iran mesela bu aralar çok kaşınıyor vatandaşlarından bahsetmiyorum vatandaş hep masumdur başlarındaki elemanlardan bahsediyorum İran'a yapma dedikçe inat ediyor büyük bir devlet gibi müzakere yapmaktan geri kaçıyor Rusya ile anlaşıyoruz abd ile anlaşıyoruz iran sanki oranın elebaşıymış gibi davranıyor bu iş burda bitmedi diyor 😂 bakalım neler olacak bizde merakla bekliyoruz
He is the real man 👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Ίσλαμοφασιστας πρωην αρχηγος των MIT 😢😢😢
Allahu Akbar kunpayakom allah sepaton kodaraton allah amen 💖🙏 ya allah
Whoever prepared this news video, bravo, a very good job, the news flow, the current view, the way the news is given and the transition to the viewer are great. 👏🏻
Türkiye 🇹🇷
Ameen...Let it be so
Fransa = *BARBAR* 😂
Erdogan is the anly person whose language they can get well becausr of owning bayrakdar
Je suis Femme, NON Saint, toi fou si tel réclamer.
Ben olmak kadın HAYIR kutsal Sen deli eğer Çok iddia!
Türkiye Süper güç 💪🇹🇷
Time for EU and Nato to merge with thyrkie and get steong by her self america dont eant thyrkie on EU because they lose her power its rly time to say america go home. Thyrkie is on our place america is far away betwen ous and america is a ocean its rly time for EU no longer to be slave time to ger strong toghere and say to america no no no america go home i am for a steong Nato and EU whiteout america .
Africa hate France its a fact more than America
First of all, it's.turkiye not thyrkie.. OK coolie
Wtf is thyrkie?
Why would the Turks be dumb enough to jump onto a sinking ship?
Sure they'll talk the talk about wanting to get in to get some foreign investment and favorable trade deals. But they won't actually step onto that sinking ship.
@@Taco43341 fuck turkey they say they are against Israel but secretly support it they say they hate American imperialism but Erdogan is working for West and America against Putin he is a American agent. He should be replaced in turkey American agent Erdogan
Excellent point. This agent guy is damn serious about what he says btw.
It’s Türkiye, not turkey
Never. That is ridiculous and not nice. You have to show some respect
The country is called “Turkiye”.
France is so not relevant with enough fires already to deal with in France. Micro-Napoleon disagrees
Türkiye doesn't want to spill the Kurdish blood and give them time to think it over and maybe President Trump will convince them to lay down the arms if not they will do it, Turkiye wants one Syria under one flag
Even zeal without prudence is not good,
Turkey wants To speak with they USA ownet of the Circus, Not with a 🤡
Al Assad hosds Franch University oftalmologist diploma, a leader of Islamic 'revolution' ayatollah Homaini lived decades in France, an African Cannibal Boccassa was a friend of Franch presidents... Syria, Lebanon, hezballah, hamas, HOSANK, ASALA, all African dictators supported by France.
Please turkey Erdagon try to become Muslim if u Muslim
Ankara talking above its weight.
Do you really have any idea about their weight? You are talking about a country which was one of the mightiest in the world for half over a millenia. People lives are short. And the perception of the world is depending on that. Was there a response from Macron by the way? Just 3 years before, at the shores of Libia a french war ship intented to board a Turkish cargo ship, was completely blinded, pointed out as a target by the Turkish navy. An needed to retreat without any action. Macron protested it. Maybe you don't remember that too. France apart from his nuclear aresenal, is relly an insignificant power. and the time of Skyes/Picout has passed away.
Which weight, dude? It is the 8th strongest in the world and the strongest in the Middle East.
@@tkendirliAnd also to remind you some years ago in an air base in Lybia facilitating Turkish interests, heavily bombed by something that Turks are still wondering who was 😂😂😂😂
@@ΣτελιοςΒουγιουκαλακης yeah for sure. This isnan issue between Turkiye and France why you Why on earth Greeks do try to jump in any wagon which includes Turkiye some how. Apart from the marine dispute, we really don't have anything in common.
@ I agree Nothing in common
CNN still looking for anti Assad facts. 😂😂😂
Suriye türkiye nin sınırı amerika ve İsrail'in ne işi var
Franc is heso never chrast
Macron is as much use as a chocolate 🫖 he sways in the windv with no decision of its own
1915 😊
So you know what will happend if you even try to fight ??
@@mv2826 And you know that even if we lose, we will come back to win one day.
mr micropone cannot win to mr drum😊
Bo sai na tera di muçulmanos
Bold Statement ❤ ice cold true that ❤ very true ❤
A group of them holding the case because want to devide a knowledge tissuesI am begging the American Government to support for their Nameone might name is Mednoon Vijitrananda presence Bechtel cooperation whose living in the united states
An independent Kurdistan will bring the balance and peace in the Middle East. Kurds are the biggest nation in the world without their own land (about 60 millions ), Actually, they do have a lovely land called Kurdistan but it has been divided by this evil regimes like Turkey, Iran, Irak and Syria. And most importantly the Kurds are the most secular nation in the region.
You have no idea what you're talking about.
''Ve en önemlisi Kürtler bölgenin en laik milletidir.'' buna ancak gülünür. hayal dünyasında yaşamayı bırakın artık. küçük ve az gelişmiş bir millet olduğunuzu kabul edin. dünya tarihinde hiç bir başarınız olmadı olmayacak. ancak her topluluk gibi sizin de iyi bir yaşam hakkınız. terörist gruplar oluşturmadıkça tabii.
How did you come up with this BS?
@@mehmettemel8725 IF you read , you will figure it out.
This is one of the most ridiculous statements I've seen in a while.
Almost as ridiculous as Macron thinking he could push policy in Syria.
Wait and see
Turkey really believes they are going to run things!😂
They don´t believe it, the´re already doing it!
We better be. Whole reason Balkans, Ukraine and mid east turned into a mess is because we stopped running things.
They already ARE running things. Check the latest Trump statements as unreliable as he is.
Because we running something.
We were running things quite well for last 600 years with an exception of last 100 years of western colonization in the region!!!
Turkey is a paper tiger
Türkiye'yi gez dolaş o zaman anlarsın ne olduğumuzu.
Come to Turkey ?
Do u want to try
♥️🇹🇷🧿 her gün biriniz,bir gün hepiniz,,,,
free your mind. than you will see that it is only you that needs freeing.
it looks like you're going to get a "free grave"
just get over it bro its our land always been
Any other desire of you ? Do you want a back massage too ? 😂🤣
childish dreams
I ❤ kurdistan ❤
Turkey will pay soon what they have done in Syria
😂 ziya
What an uneducated comment! 🤡
Sia is still waiting 😂
Kurds should be given a country
u live in a dream world
Give some part of your country then
Give me land from your own country you son of a bitch
@@mrhopeful73 why dont you give them!!!
@@tanertavlan1769 I am kurdish I won't give any parts of turkey to terrorists
Fransa ypg lilere herhangi bi fransız şehrinde yaşam hakkı sunanilir mesela marsilya
Free Kurdistan Inside Turkey is imminent
Yakın yakın uyu uyan görürsün 🖕
I think establishing a new ottoman empire is more likely than ever seeing a country named after kurdistan
Ben kurdum ülkemi çok seviyorum Türkiye benim ülkem ordan burdan toplama teror guruplar oni dünyaya kurt diye yutturmayin artık biz bir bayrak altında gerektiğinde seve seve vatani uğruna canına verecek bir milletiz!!!🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷
@@dataanalyst9343 dont think so
Deluded and uneducated!
Turkey secretly provided support for the IS. How could the IS survive near border with Turkey for few years.
IS founded by cia,,,,,without IS usa couldnt stay in midleeast
İşid'in kurucusu Amerika'ya sor
lolz….isis constantly suicide bombing istanbul….why in the hell turkey support isis…..
Tramp ne dedi ışıdın kurucusu obamadır Yani amerikadır dedi.Artik dürüst olun ikili oynamayın
Tramp ne dedi ışidin kurucusu obamadır yani amerikadır dedi.ikili oynamayı bırakın artık herkes herşeyin farkında
They don't let the Kurds that are 50 Million have a country but they want Palestine that's 2million to have a country
What a joke
Saydınmı lan😂
kurds are only 20 million in turkiye what the hell you mean 50 million. you better say 500 million that would be more realistic
@@abdullaherdem5968 no so there's 30million in turkey and 20 million in Syria and they even have people in other countries as well
Hahaha what a uneducated moron you are learn history first before comment
Çünkü filistinliler hain değil
Turkey should stop occupying syria
France shouldn't even open its fu*king mouth about a place that has no borders
You are a complete idiot.
Yea sure so you Iranians can move in.
Türkiye has a 900km!!! long Border with Syria. Which relation does France have to Syria? Beside once having been a colonial power and NOW kicked out of Africa and soon out of the Pacific regions. Or the USA? Türkiye has 4.5million Syrian refugees in it's country. Further there are a huge amount of ethnic Turks in Northern Syria and Iraq. European countries and politicians need to shut up.
Yes sure sir
Nice work. Greetings 🫡
Albania 🇦🇱 kosova join forca tyrkia
EU and US enabled and armed Turkey. Now it's out of control
Yarraam, you are dreamin
@@Yilmazesen11 from pkk and ypg.biji huda par
Turkiyenin hainleri bitmez..Sizleri not alip geregini yapacaklar merak etme
Hadi lan o çocuğu
Yaprak kürdistan 😅
Turkey out of Syria
Never. We have to ensure the stability there first then send 4 million Syrians that we have been hosting for 12 years to their own lands ! If France are interested in Syria too much ( which is very funny ) , We can send all the immigrants to France !