Outnumbered by False Prophets, Part 1 | Doug Batchelor

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 22 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 46

  • @DanielHagan-p1w
    @DanielHagan-p1w 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I’m Daniel Hagan from Ghana west Africa..I wish I was there listening to you live..God bless you for your sacrifice

  • @cmardeux
    @cmardeux ปีที่แล้ว +4

    This sermon could not have come to me at a more perfect time. Blessings and thank you for preaching the straight truth

  • @carlsonmangaea6872
    @carlsonmangaea6872 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you Pastor Doug I wish I'm part of the the local church in U.S but I really enjoyed every preaching and I'm trying my best to watch all of them both recent posts and previous posts... Thank you and God bless 🙏

  • @garymcaleer6112
    @garymcaleer6112 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Pastor Doug packs a lot of lessons within his sermons. And every lesson leads to the topic. The lesson I see from the union of Catholicism with Judaism is that uniting two apostate religions does not make one righteous religion.

  • @bruced6543
    @bruced6543 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thank you Pastor for this Godly truth

  • @samuelkepowj
    @samuelkepowj ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Awesome teaching

  • @FEBC23
    @FEBC23 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I just found the Truth!❤

  • @beatricenjeri740
    @beatricenjeri740 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This is very educational God bless you sana ❤

  • @dnisey64
    @dnisey64 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thank you

  • @crystalmccomie1666
    @crystalmccomie1666 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    God bless you 🙏

  • @guangalistbigone9264
    @guangalistbigone9264 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Why did PhD Allen renounce the faith? Usually, vulnerability happens in the context of emotional changes, Infiltration by IHS and money 🤔

  • @tartufo4870
    @tartufo4870 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Praise the Lord Almighty 🙌 🙏 👏 ✨️ 💛 💯 that is a good sermon 🙌 👏 🙏 👌 ❤️ 👍

  • @withfreedomcomesresponsibi2039
    @withfreedomcomesresponsibi2039 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Praying & hoping for the day that Pr Doug awakens to see the errors of egw & the dangers of following her all the way... the sda conference that sends him his paycheck will Not be supportive I'm sure. But that won't matter in the end. *Please inquire of the Holy Spirit for Truth & honestly Test egw before it's too late. (Didn't the Pharisees keep people from coming in to the church- Jesus said)
    🙏 BIBLE ONLY 📖💘

    • @young-gifted-black3520
      @young-gifted-black3520 ปีที่แล้ว

      What are the errors of egw?

    • @withfreedomcomesresponsibi2039
      @withfreedomcomesresponsibi2039 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@young-gifted-black3520 First I want to say how much I love the Sda church- it was because of their strong stance on temperance that brought me away from alcohol & smoking as a teenager 😍 & I've continued studying the Bible intensely (along with egw writings).. I still adhere to the 7th day of God's 4th command (only in a Nonlegalistic way as Jesus taught us); also I support the vegetarian lifestyle but not for all of the same reasons that egw says we should ➡️ as she places meat-eating on a par with Salvation & this is NonBiblical- so there is the 1st point to test a prophet: 1) Do they speak according to the Word of God? (Cp what egw wrote regarding "flesh food" etc in HER Testimonies to the Church Vol. 9 pgs153-154 "..this is a Work that will Have To Be Done BEFORE HIS PEOPLE CAN STAND BEFORE HIM A PERFECTED PEOPLE;" & her statement that human beings "take on the characters of Animals when they eat meat" CD 381.2 & 382.3 vs Jesus words to the Pharisees in Mark 7:15-23, see Acts 15:10, 28 & 29, 1 Tim 4:1-5).

    • @withfreedomcomesresponsibi2039
      @withfreedomcomesresponsibi2039 ปีที่แล้ว

      Test #2: Does the "messenger" or prophet's Prophecies come to pass?
      *Here are 3: ●The "Shut Door" vision that No One could be saved except those staying with the 1844 group- because Jesus had entered the Most Holy Place- this eventually morphed out as she changed her mind about newcomers being saved (you can read about this in many places, but 1 reference is EW pg. 86) year 1849.
      ● "Food for Worms" ..where egw claimed that some, At the Conference WITH HER, would be food for worms (die), some would be subjects of the 7 last plagues, & some would be alive to be translated as Jesus returns. Testimonies v1 pgs. 131 & 132. *But They ALL have Died Obviously.
      ● Egw "Saw" that "Old Jerusalem would Never be built up." (EW pg. 75).. but look at what has been taking place since 1948.
      Test #3: the "character" of a prophet- Since I didn't meet or know Mrs. White personally, I cannot make any Sure statements on her sincerity & character, for only the Lord Truly knows a person's heart- (I can, however, consider what may be revealed in her writings or the "fruit" produced by those writings.) Therefore pray for discernment & wisdom.
      *I am adding this Positive "fruit" ➡️ the Longevity of many Sda & especially those living in the "Blue Zone" of Loma Linda, CA.
      Paul said to "Prove all things, Hold Fast that which is Good."
      1 Thess. 5:21.
      #4: and this is not really a test, as such, but just something to observe- Are there "absurd" statements that are made which can't be Proven with Current knowledge? ● Egw said that Angels carry Gold Cards when going in or out.. (CET 97.2 & CET 101.2).. Really? Angels need a Gold Card for ID?
      In conclusion, I think it's Much Safer to stick with an accurate translation of the BIBLE (& I question Egw's endtime scenario in her GC book as well) because some false prophets can wear a Lot of Sheep's Clothing we are warned by Jesus in Matthew 24.. (but for the Egw supporters, she says the same thing- "study your Bibles as you should & you would Not 'need' her writings; she also does Not claim infallibility; And Not to quote her from the pulpit)- you can find all those references easy enough.
      God bless your journey💕

    • @AmazingFacts
      @AmazingFacts  ปีที่แล้ว

      Hello friend! Amazing Facts' goal with all of our content is that we are able to give clarity on difficult topics such as this one! If you have more unanswered questions that you would like an answer on, please feel free to click the link below and you will receive a personalized response email as soon as possible!
      -The Amazing Facts Team

    • @withfreedomcomesresponsibi2039
      @withfreedomcomesresponsibi2039 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@AmazingFacts Thank you. I have spoken with the AF team before & also the "White Estate" on various topics (I understand that some prophecies are "conditional" such as Jonah at Ninevah). *I still Strongly Caution SDAs in Unquestionably following Egw, especially in regard to the predictions of her "Endtime" scenario written in her book GC.. [*Recall that Egw herself does Not claim Infallibility➡️ 1 SM 37.] That should warn her supporters right there to honestly & earnestly pray for the Holy Spirit's guidance & do as the Bible tells us to do- Test Egw - since the Antichrist may say "Everyday" is acceptable to come for Worship - thus pulling in the masses on whatever their particular day of worship is. Revelation 13 points to an "Image" but God is silent on what or Who that image will be of.. we only know, for sure, that this act will go against at least 1 of God's Commands (could be His 1st or 2nd Command or in combination with the 4th.. we don't actually know yet).
      *Bible students know how Jesus will return at His 2nd coming (Matt. 24), so we can know that when Antichrist shows up On Earth- he is a Fake!

  • @JeremyView.
    @JeremyView. 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    How many times are the Sons of God referred to in the Bible and what are they describing? How many times does the Bible refer to the sons of God as the line of Seth?.... Do you see the problem? Angles may not marry but that doesn't mean they never leave their appointed place. If I'm not mistaken 1/3 of them did just that. To assume that angels are incapable of having sex because they are not to marry in heaven is narrow minded.

    • @victorjr8073
      @victorjr8073 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Are angels (the fallen ones) still produce babes with human or it was just in the past?

    • @JeremyView.
      @JeremyView. 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That's a really great question. I don't believe that fallen angels are capable of that act once removed from God's Glory.
      To avoid confusion, The Sons of God that took wives were not part of the 1/3 that were cast down. (fallen ones). The fallen ones were cast out long* before these acts took place. I used them to reference Angels are capable of free will and some do in fact disobey God. Procreating with humans is just another example of disobedience from angels. Lucifer, being the prime example of when good angels go bad.
      When the Sons of God commited the acts, they were still Angels with appointed places and authority granted to them. Leaving their appointed place and abuse of their authority is what got them cast out and punished.
      There are many occasions that Angels took human form throughout the Bible: When Lot was led from Sodom and Gomorrah, when Balaam and his donkey were given instructions or when Angels in human form appeared to Abraham, Jacob, Gideon... But I've not read once, where a fallen one has taken human form. They have been reported to whisper, torment, tempt and on rare ocassion possess, but not manifest human form.
      I hope this helps. Nice question

  • @KeyofDavid5778
    @KeyofDavid5778 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Ezekiel13:3 thus saith the Lord, woe unto a foolish prophets that follow their own spirit and have seen nothing.
    8. Therefore thus saith the Lord God, because ye have spoken vanity, and seeing lies, therefore, behold I am against you thus saith the Lord.
    Man's teachings and traditions being spoken more than the true word of God read out of the Bible.

  • @Mrlimsuliong
    @Mrlimsuliong ปีที่แล้ว +1

    what happened to the Israel and Judah next?

    • @cmardeux
      @cmardeux ปีที่แล้ว

      You will need to watch part two of the sermon series

    • @suxelauh2556
      @suxelauh2556 ปีที่แล้ว

      Or u could continue reading it for urself, there's nothing like reading the stories urself for the first time

  • @James-cu-luk-in2
    @James-cu-luk-in2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    They created there own God. The new God they created,the beast,the new computer, that has a harlot riding it. Sitting in authority ,is also pouring out visions and dreams. Not from the father of Abraham Isaac and Jacob but from thier new God. The book of Daniel specifically details this happening. Revelations tells about how the anti christ rise to power.

  • @toddkeeran3479
    @toddkeeran3479 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Pray that our flight will not take place in winter or on the sabbath. Ask the Father if his teachings were spoken through Jesus? Then turn to Jesus with your sins, and abide in him and he will reward you for what you have done in secret. The words I speak to you are Spirit and they are Truth. The spirit gives life and the flesh counts for nothing.

  • @HarHah
    @HarHah ปีที่แล้ว

    The best way to predict the future is to create it

  • @TRUTHbomb2.0
    @TRUTHbomb2.0 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @KeyofDavid5778
      @KeyofDavid5778 ปีที่แล้ว

      Exactly why doesn't he teach about Genesis 6 where the sons of God went into the daughters of men and created Giants the nephelium.
      There were only eight adamic souls on the ark from Noah and his family because all of them were infiltrated with the bloodline and genes of these Giants but nobody teaches that.
      1st Corinthians 11 goes over you must have the true word of Christ over a woman's head to prevent these fallen angels from going into them when they return and are released from heaven from Revelation 12 or 6 and 7 at the 6th Trump.
      The true Christ comes at the seventh Trump in Revelation 19 on a white horse where the Antichrist Satan the devil the son of perdition in 2nd Thessalonians 2 verses 4 comes at the 6th Trump on a white horse in Revelation 6.
      We are in the fifth Trump now which is the time of teaching. God bless

  • @stephenbigg366
    @stephenbigg366 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Only on judgement day will this poor soul wake up and realise he was actually the chief false prophet..have mercy on him oh lord!!

    • @fionamcintosh4814
      @fionamcintosh4814 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Why do you say that?

    • @KeyofDavid5778
      @KeyofDavid5778 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@fionamcintosh4814 God only approves of two churches the Church of Smyrna and n the Church of Philadelphia because they teach of who the kenites are the sons of Cain.....
      The serpent seed was planted in Eve is it says God put in enmity which is hostility between both their seeds .
      God wants us to know who our enemies are which are the kenites the sons of Cain who polluted all the Bibles except the KJV Bible.
      The Church of Smyrna which is a fig which is what Adam & Eve covered up their private parts is where they sinned.... Also taught that all Christians who are God's elect we brought up to the synagogue of Satan for a testimony against him but must not premeditated what they will say but allowed the Holy Spirit to speak through them in Mark 13, Matthew 24 and Luke 21 Jesus taught this three times .... Most Christians that follow amazing facts don't even know this.
      The Church of Smyrna also taught that the Antichrist Satan the devil the serpent comes in Revelation 13 verse 11 two horns like a lamb but speaks like a dragon 2 horns as representative power a lamb is representative Jesus Christ and he teaches that it's the Pope.
      In Revelation 13 verse 1 the seven heads that come out of the Sea and the ten horns are seven continents in the ten men that Satan will appoint to run the One World government.
      The Church of Smyrna also teaches that the rapture is fake in the tribulation is only five months long Revelation 9 verse 4 and you must have the seal of God on your forehead Revelation 9 verse 5.
      God condemns the rapture and Ezekiel 13 verses 18 through 21 KJV only he hates it when fake teachers hunt souls to make them fly.
      I don't know if he teaches the rapture or not but the first three I've tried to contact him to certain avenues to ask him why he doesn't teach this so I can spread it to my children but I've never got a response.
      I was raised SDA since nineteen sixty one found out I was saved by grace and not my works and also that when you die you go straight to the Great Gulf in Luke 16:26 Paradise.
      Either go to the right side of the go for lazarus's in Abraham's bosom or you go to the left side where the rich man is unhappy thinking evil thoughts these are two men that walk the earth that Jesus told the parable of but yet I was taught as a young age that I'm going to lay in the ground in a hole in my grave going to pop open when the second-coming happens which is a complete and total lie and makes the whole word of God void.
      Ecclesiastes 12 verse 6 and 7 when the claypot breaks in the silver cord parts the flesh the dust return to the Earth in the spirit returns to God who gave it. God bless

    • @KeyofDavid5778
      @KeyofDavid5778 ปีที่แล้ว

      My whole family is been listening to this man and think the pope is the Antichrist and that the USA is the first political beast in Revelation 13 verse 1 I am so distraught as I'm trying to teach them what's in the KJV Bible but it's not happening.

    • @juniperabbott2614
      @juniperabbott2614 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@KeyofDavid5778 who are the beasts in Daniel and what is the mark of the beast? what do all the the beasts in Daniel and revelation mean? thx

    • @KeyofDavid5778
      @KeyofDavid5778 ปีที่แล้ว

      @juniperabbott2614 The mark of the beast is in your forehead which is behind it in your brain, which is knowledge that the Antichrist Satan the serpent comes 1st... he comes in Revelation 6:2 on a white horse at the 6th Trump 6 seal and 6 vial.. 666.
      He comes peacefully and prosperously stated in Daniel 8:24/25 he'll destroy many with peace.....and Daniel 11:24 he'll enter peaceably giving spoils and riches to all that don't have the seal of God in their forehead Rev 9:4 the truth !
      The real Christ Jesus Christ comes in Revelation 19 :11 at the seventh Trump on a white horse .
      There are two white horses in Revelation in the first one has a bow in his head if you look up the word bow in Greek means toxin !
      God bless you 🙏 ❤️