@@DacianRideryou taking and using the name of an ancient people that have nothing to do with Romanians it’s tragic and shows the level of manipulation getting pushed in Romania.
@@lt8470-v5l No, 0 campaign costs. He came with a paper from the bank which states that he had 0 budget for his campaign which is obviously a lie, even campaign posters cost money
And few millions euro behind the scene from russia, through 51 companies from bulgaria, all the employees located in georgia, all of them russian citizens
He is nothing like Trump but a combo of Hitler and Putin ideologies. All extremists combined got 31% in parliamentary of Romania last week and he wont stand a chance to win the elections even against the weakest pro western candidate possible.
Not only, i would say the guy is just an opportunist who didn’t managed to do smth. important with his life and still managed to get through, by “working” in state paid jobs. Now he wants to change “the old system” 😂😂. Fkin’ hypocrite ! The problem is not just this guy, but the ones behind him, they will have to get their part somehow 🤷♂️
@@DM-tl4be Tu ce parte ai, de la cine ? Cum poți să scrii că eu care îl susțin, am partea mea ? Vrei război, du te la război, vrei nedreptate, nu te mai plânge când ți se face.
@@maria-9734 da, e in extrema cealalta, de partea poporului, a intereselor nationale si a demnitatii acestui popor, spre deosebire de intentiile si actiunile partidelor, care de 35 de ani au vandut si vand tara, bogatiile naturale, fabricile si uzinele construite in anii lui Ceausescu, ptr care am indurat foame si frig, ca sa platim datoriile externe. Productia Romaniei a platit, ca SINGURA tara in lume datoria externa. Acum avem datorii si importam 90% din mancare. Noi care hraneam toata Europa.
This man makes history and God is with him and with us. I feel sorry for the traitors, fakes, opportunists and those who still don't have an awakened conscience
That alien he met at Davos was described by him the next phase: neomarxist satanist. It sounds about right: own nothing and be happy + destroy their believes.
Trebuie sa fi ignorant sa scoti replici dintr-un context si sa le folosesti asa. Domnul Georgescu se referea la cei de la DAVOS, la Schwab (presedintele forumului economic mondial). A spus ca l-a intalnit si a avut impresia ca s-a intalnit cu un extraterestru, pentru ca nu parea ca are suflet sau pic de umanitate in el.
He named the "aliens": marxists satanists from Davos. Dar cum n-ai auzit in viata ta de Davos, ai crezut ca e vreo planeta. Nu lasa usa sa te loveasca in spate.
He was the choice of the majority of the Romanian diaspora. I presume in the UK too. Which apparently (and normally?) does not want to be a diaspora. Why are they abroad? No representation without taxation. Where exactly are they paying taxes?
@eedragonr As someone who is still in the country, they should get representation. Almost all of them send money in the country and they pay taxes and contributions in the country. In the past I didn't agree with their vote, but I didn't try to take away their right, which is insanity to cancel people vote like this.
He said his personal campaign budget was 0, as there were some very rich people who donated as volunteers to other people to make his campaign. All he did for his campaign was probably to record himself for an hour so the volunteers could chop his video or record multiple short videos of him presenting his vision as a president. Therefore, all tiktok reach and posters came from the efforts and donations of volunteers.
I don't like the guy either, he's delulu.. But let's say he would have declared non-zero campaign costs, making him "legal" in this regard. That wouldn't have changed in any way the election results. Other than that, he might be right not having paid any money from _his_ pocket. I'm not saying he is right, it just plausible deniability.
Were the slovaks shelling the germans ? There are some interesting docs at OSCE about the very few days before all started . Think why the front didn't budged at all 2 years in some interesting places while a quarter of the country got overrun .
I agree, invaders must be stopped. USA invaded over 100 countries after the dissolution of USSR alone, not counting sponsoring unrest and coup d'etats, including Ukraine. If the UN would have stopped USA invasions, a world would be a much safer place, and there would no war in Ukraine (among other places).
80% of the vote for him but 80% of comments against him here. That's statistically very unusual. Can we have a serious conversation about serious matters without bots please. Hopefully that is something everybody can agree on.
All the comments against him is from the romanian secret service. The actual government corrupt that want to stop him from becoming president. They stop the election because everyone vote him and once he is president the actual guvernment cannot steal more .
With the logic “9 people decide for 19 million people” we can argue against absolutely every decision we don’t agree with, i.e 1 person(the president can’t decide for 19 million people, etc) Absolute insanity what comes out of this guy’s mouth!🤯
No. When it comes to democracy and the right of the people to vote, 9 people cannot decide for 19 million. That is called totalitarianism, not democracy.
He claims to be a Christian but then he said that waters from Romanian rivers have healing powers and that we are going to talk through telepathy in a few years.
May God bless and help my country, Romania, and its people. Please, God, protect us from the hate we get and make us stronger and united. God, help us to do better and be better human beings. Help us to create beauty where there is ugliness and peace where there is war. Please, God, do the same for all the other countries on this planet. Amin ❤
Mr. Calin Georgescu is the leader and always great simplifiers who can cut through argument, debate and doubt to offer a solution everybody can understand.
Agreed, but in this case the “ others” pretty much bankrupted Romania for the last 35 years, causing 6 million Romanians to leave their country. Myself included…
Darling, the conspiracy theory slogan works on propaganda on US, in Romania we actually use our brain and don't join cults of belief, so if it looks like a duck and u claim it s a cat, going to actually come with the conspiracy theory that it s a duck and u re insane or lying.
Romanian people love him but he is a danger to the system and to all the corrupted politicians. We re living sad times. Romanian people won't let this thing go and we surely won't let this man go to prison
0:16 again. He closes his eyes and the face points down and as well the excesive blinking is a sign which tells that he is telling someyhing which make him unconfortably. And also his body posture betrays him. He is very tensioned!!
@@maria-9734da draga, doar votanții "doamnei" Lăsconi sunt "foarte capabili și raționali". Ai impresia că toți susținătorii lui Georgescu vorbesc prostii. Toți suntem boți, nu? După capul tau asta e democrația. Unde e libertatea de exprimare și respectul față de celălalt??? Votează cu o tută, treabă ta și lasă-mă pe mine sa votez cu cine vreau. Ai impresia că toți votanții lui Lăsconi sunt super smart? Eu as spune că toți sunteți foarte ușor de manipulat de televiziunile cumpărate de PSD, PNL și Usr. Ție chiar ți se pare Lăsconi un candidat pregătit și capabil?? Ea e ca o marioneta și asta își doresc cei care o promovează. Sa fie la fel ca Biden, să citească de pe prompter și să nu aibă habar de nimic.
I would be too if I would have to go on the global stage to speak about the massive breach of democracy that my country goes through ! If I am very passionate about something and I would need to defend it on the global stage I would be tensioned too!
I wanna see the change with this guy! I believe he can do it, he is the most transparent of every candidate. Sometimes he s saying spiritual things that are not understand by others. Hes best choice for Romania right now
It walks like a duck, it quacks like a duck, it swims like a duck. He's playing his audience fears and fantasies like a fiddle to amass awe and admiration. Different audiences, different fears and fantasies, hence so many contradictory declarations.
The Romanian system is the evidence. He worked in external institutions, representing the Romanian state. If it wasn't true, the system would use that to denigrate him
@@bobiam1991 nanoparticlals mate, it's something veeeeery different than nonobots. Either he is a bit misinformed, either he's doing all this Consp T-ies to win more people on his side. He's not far from truth in some things he says, yet he's not right either and there are lots of fishy things about him, I can agree with that.
@@madwolfadvertising107 he's also praised the legionary movement, has been seen around people praising and supporting the legionary movement in Romania, and some other mercenaries he's been seen around with. This guy has so many huge red flags it's absolutely insane how some people are aware of them and they still choose to not see them. But I guess some are also not as informed on who he really is and believe everything piece of news coming out that's against him is wrong or fake
😂😂😂😂Ce a făcut? Noi romanii știm PREA BINE de corupția din tara și știm ca aceasta hidra TREBUIE DECAPITATA dar acest om apărut din spuma marii NU prezintă GARANȚII !!!
Hi's the first one after many decades who openly discussed about his endeavor to regain his nation's dignity. That's why people voted for him and adore him because they grew sick of the increasing gap between social classes where tgose who work hard hardly make end meets.
Avand in vedere ca sprijină in continuare un război, fara a încerca macar sa aduca cei doi lideri la masa pentru a discuta, se mai poate spune ca este o organizație cu caracter defensiv?
@@laur93enz Tocmai asta se pare ca se discuta in momentul de fata. De asemenea s-a mentionat in nenumarate randuri ca alegerea de asezare la masa negocierilor va depinde de cum doreste Kievul sa continue. Daca cred ca mai pot face fata atunci NATO ii va sustine in continuare, daca se doresc tratative atunci se vor purta tratative. Hai sa nu mai mancam cacat si sa intelegem o data pt totdeauna ca russia=bad, west oriented=alot less bad.
This "person" has nothing to do with Romania, and romanians. He is a fake person. He does not represent Romania. I am a romanian, and I can not be identified with this misytake of AI age. This man is "nothing"
It’s amusing that in 2000, Romania seemed to have more democracy than it does now. Back then, an extreme right-wing candidate (Vadim Tudor) and Ion Iliescu made it to the second round of elections. The elections were held, and Ion Iliescu won. Now, these elections were canceled after initially being validated, even after people in the diaspora had already started voting. It seems that democracy in Romania only works sometimes.
@@IbelievethereforeIamDar ce vreți de fapt? S-au rezolvat toate problemele interne ale României, curge numai lapte și miere în țară, populația o duce nemaipomenit de bine și hai sa trimitem ajutoare în Ucraina. 😐
@@cameliaparaschiv149sau….. hai sa nu trimitem ajutoare, ne bucurăm ca Rusia ne ajunge vecin, il alegem pe Georgescu care vrea sa ne scoată din nato, si vine Rusia sa ne denazifice si pe noi
There’s been a resurgence of dormant KGB tactics, with Russian influence spreading across European countries and beyond, targeting nations with strong democracies. These coordinated efforts align with Putin’s directives, striking simultaneously in Ukraine, Syria, Mali, the Central African Republic, and even democracies like France, Romania, Germany, the US, Georgia, Moldova, and the UK. In Romania, this influence has been particularly insidious. Over the past 30 years, the education budget has been systematically slashed, creating a generation ill-equipped to critically engage with complex issues. Many young people struggle with basic comprehension, making them susceptible to misinformation and propaganda. Social media has become a key tool in this strategy, with Romanians among the world’s top consumers of platforms like TikTok, while the government invests the least in education. The result? A population increasingly informed by short, superficial content instead of in-depth understanding. This erosion of critical thinking is part of a larger attack on Romanian democracy. Reports suggest that certain individuals, strategically placed within key Romanian institutions, have been working against the nation’s interests. One such figure may soon face consequences for treason, with arrests rumored to follow as early as Monday. If no action is taken after these elections, it will raise serious questions about the country’s sovereignty. Are we truly Romania, or are we becoming an extension of Russia?
Sunt cetățean român , totul împotriva acestui om este o minciună …i-au oprit curentul și căldura , e urmărit non-stop și se încearcă cu orice mijloc excluderea lui . Au pornit cu adevărat o campanie de denigrare …dar dacă întrebați 10 români pe stradă 9 îl vor susține sigur . De acea au anulat și alegerile
Standing with Calin Georgescu. Democracy and the will of the people must prevail. What the politicians have done shows a tremendous lack of respect for the people of Romania. May God intervene and put things right according to His will.
Being proficient at least in English should be a pre-requisite for any presidential candidate, no matter the country. How TF is this guy (or any other guy) supposed to represent the Romanian people in international affairs if he sounds like he's just downloaded duolingo?
I would like to point out, because it might not be obvious in context, but Mr. Georgescu is not representative of Romanians. He simply capitalized on the weak crop of presidential candidates, which left a lot of people undecided. Rather than engaging in debates and interviews, his (legally questionable) campaign was focused on the last moments before the polls opening, leaving little time or material for adequate background research. Many Romanians later regretted their initial vote for him. He does not speak for us.
Cred ca nu sunteți bine informat. A fost în dezbaterile de la televiziunea națională ( Tvr1), dezbatere la care au lipsit primii 5 candidați multmediatizati pe televiziunile particulare ( antene, Digi, ProTv). La DigiTv a fost invitat cu un singur alt contracandidat. Când a întrebat realizatorii, respectiv pe domnul Prelipceanu de ce se face discriminare între candidații la președinție și de ce nu sunt invitați în dezbaterea finală care avea loc în lunea următoare, I s-a răspuns ca așa vor ei și ca asa au hotărât colegii lui. Prima parte a acelei emisiuni a fost transmisă pe TH-cam. A doua parte a emisiunii n-a mai fost de găsit pe TH-cam. Oare de ce?!
Acest om este un vechi securist, crescut in familia securistă ceaușistă, este un manipulator, care s-a urcat pe nemultumirile poporului. Are in spate conserve KGB din România. Daca cineva urmareste tot ce a declarat de-a lungul timpului vede ca se contrazice. Nu am mai trait o asemenea dezinformare de la Revolutia din 89.
This person is not the choice of all romanians. I wonder if anyone noticed that he doesnt say anything about those that didnt vote for him and acts like he knows whats best for everyone. His english is embarassing, his mystical discourse sounds better in romanian,thats why ppl waiting to be saved from their frustrations follow him blindly.
This person is constantly making false and misleading statements and is totally intransparent with regard to his past activities, employment, sources of living and financing of his presidential campaign.
he apparently is "fluent" in 6 languages. at this level of "fluency" i could be fluent in at least 8 to 10 languages, considering that i can only count and state my name😂😂
@@boiaandrei5519 in anii 70 se invata rusa si franceza la scoala. Mai mult ça sigur a invatat si practicat engleza adult, in viata profesionala. Romana o vorbeste foarte bine. Si engleza la fel dat fiind ça se exprima liber, fara note si casti in urechi. Nu mai fiti rauviotori, ganditi! Poate preferati romana si engleza lui Ciolacu sau Lasconi.
Good riddance is what it was to get rid of him , an absolute imposter and a cunning person, he’s not to be trusted. Things happen for a reason. He’ll probably end up locked up in jail for treason after he was caught red handed serving the Russian Secret service’s interests . That’s the change we’re all seeing , he got caught and now vigilance is at its highest level….rightfully so
ABSOLUTELY FALS. Soros people are whant him out of game as they see on him the real threat. All gangster in politics are scare of him. Good bless him. He is not a puppy as all others is the trhu leader Europe don't want to be. Globalist don't want trhu leader, they need pupy easy to control. Is not one of them. They are scare of him. Bless on him.
I am waiting to see the irrefutable truth about his ties with Russia. For now, I am NOT taking any side, just waiting to see the proof. Aside from empty words from mainstream entities, there is no proof. Not going to lose my logical thinking over words, his or his opponents.
@ vezi sa nu intarzii, e cu program redus azi la sectia de votare dar au cateva sectii cu program prelungit special facute pentru voi , ortacii lui georgica, toate deschise la DIICOT . Au inceput sa va culeaga de peste tot, e doar inceputul , stati linistiti statul nu mai doarme, ati vrut sa treziti constiinta romanilor adevarati, uite ca ati reusit, bravo , in sfarsit vedem arestari , audieri si speram si niste pedepse pe masura, le meritati . E o nemernicie si o tradare de tara ce ati vrut si ati incercat sa puneti la cale, veti plati acum
Freedom for Romania!!🇷🇴
Lol what is "right" about a guy wanting nationalisation?
By whom 😂😂😂😂
romania is free bro, if 2 million brain washed tik tok users voted for this clown, rest of 17 million are not like them
Fac iu😠
Freedom for Romania. 😢
Did he just accused NATO of being offensive?
Isn t that true?
@@marioburs24 On what planet?
Is true
@@LukkAlex on planet earth🤦🏻♂️ stop watching propagandaTV
@@marioburs24unde zda ma-tii de dobitok
The eyes chico, they never lie. 😬😬
@@Gabriel-td7sp Tony Montana😃🍸
Yep. pathological liar and fraud.
@@DacianRideryou taking and using the name of an ancient people that have nothing to do with Romanians it’s tragic and shows the level of manipulation getting pushed in Romania.
@@DacianRideryes he has Russia behind his back🫣🫣
@@Marcelocostache "Nothing" is too much. "Partially" is much closer to the historical truth.
This is not the USA😅 We'll "bless" ourselves
@ana-mariafilipbodur1702 whithout God ,we can do nothing !politica e politica,Dumnezeu e Dumnezeu !Nu trebuie sa ne uram intr-e noi!
This guy is total charlatan. Unfortunately he manage to manipulate many simple minded.
Cei de la conducere, au înșelat și pe cei ,, învățați ".
Very similar to the attacks and accusations on Trump - the Russians, Putin , the bots etc
Identical not typical. Only trump had more ways to defend himself.
Yup. B/c they could fool the yankees and the whole world. But they cried wolf one too many times and now we know nato is a LIAR!
God bless Romania!❤
“That” man is the definition of insanity
Why put that in brackets?
How about what they did with the elections, is "That" the definition of corruption?
At least he does not want war. He wants to put an end to the big corruption in Romania and stop the world war.
No, this man want to help the Romanian people and the corrupt system wants to stop him.
The man declared 0 campaign costs and got 2 million votes, becoming a global TikTok phenomenon. Again, 0 campaign costs.
0 campaign costs from the state budget.
@@lt8470-v5l No, 0 campaign costs. He came with a paper from the bank which states that he had 0 budget for his campaign which is obviously a lie, even campaign posters cost money
Correct, zero state budget.
And few millions euro behind the scene from russia, through 51 companies from bulgaria, all the employees located in georgia, all of them russian citizens
@@uyscuti-jo3lm no money from russia,he received from donors in romania wich want to change the system
He’s right there is a big shift. Alt right parties and candidates are winning all over Europe and in the US.
He is nothing like Trump but a combo of Hitler and Putin ideologies. All extremists combined got 31% in parliamentary of Romania last week and he wont stand a chance to win the elections even against the weakest pro western candidate possible.
yeah but it's not about left or right, he's a crazy extremist😂
Not only, i would say the guy is just an opportunist who didn’t managed to do smth. important with his life and still managed to get through, by “working” in state paid jobs. Now he wants to change “the old system” 😂😂. Fkin’ hypocrite ! The problem is not just this guy, but the ones behind him, they will have to get their part somehow 🤷♂️
Tu ce parte ai, de la cine ?
Cum poți să scrii că eu care îl susțin, am partea mea ?
Vrei război, du te la război, vrei nedreptate, nu te mai plânge când ți se face.
@@maria-9734 da, e in extrema cealalta, de partea poporului, a intereselor nationale si a demnitatii acestui popor, spre deosebire de intentiile si actiunile partidelor, care de 35 de ani au vandut si vand tara, bogatiile naturale, fabricile si uzinele construite in anii lui Ceausescu, ptr care am indurat foame si frig, ca sa platim datoriile externe. Productia Romaniei a platit, ca SINGURA tara in lume datoria externa. Acum avem datorii si importam 90% din mancare. Noi care hraneam toata Europa.
Guess what, we are very free😂
Youre not if the EU has the right to say who can and cant be your president
God bless the Romanian people and set them free from this system that we are currently in.
They say he speaks fluent in 7 languages..
He said he met E.T. and he doesn't understand why he can't see the virus with his own eyes...
Yes! in 7 russian accents.
well, on behalf of Romanians who DO speak other languages...we are sorry to the other cultures whose languages he pretends to speak
@@octavianandron9635I’m dying bruh 😂🤣
I guess English is not one of those languages.
Fight four freedom Romania.
Students have protested against him so we are.
Romania has the right to choose witch President they want doesn’t need to be told otherwise where is the democracy and freedom?
There is no place for president una le to condemned fermly countries desperately trying to annex other countries
@@avihomeimpovements81 democracy also requires safeguards to ensure those elected act in the best interest of the country.
@@RamonaNu What was his message? Whatever it was, it was a winner!!!!
Sure, safeguards... Fortify... Where have I heard this before?
@@RamonaNuCând a fost ales Johannis am avut garanția ca va face politica cea mai bună pentru România?! Și ce s-a ales de țară?
The shift is happening in Romania!
A puppet of Russia came to play a little in Romania.
no shift. LOL. ruzki failed AGAIN !
Shift without f
@@andrei6546-y2t 😂 realy? 😢
@@imrotalent reaLLy
Engleza a invatat-o de la Iliescu,mai draga!
Birds of a feather flock together ...
@@katalin8293 el nu a candidat
El stie rusa !
😂vedeți ca vorbește foarte bine, fata de ceilalți de dinainte care de abia legau 2 fraze în engleză cu foaia în mână by the way!!
Finally someone who speaks the truth as it is . Big words : NATO from defensive became offensive . I'm glad i'm not the only one seeing it this way.
how did NATO become offensive? Russia is the one invading.
Calin Georgescu President ❤🙏🏼👍🏼
This man makes history and God is with him and with us.
I feel sorry for the traitors, fakes, opportunists and those who still don't have an awakened conscience
Ever since he personally met that alien, dude went bonkers.
That alien he met at Davos was described by him the next phase: neomarxist satanist. It sounds about right: own nothing and be happy + destroy their believes.
Trebuie sa fi ignorant sa scoti replici dintr-un context si sa le folosesti asa. Domnul Georgescu se referea la cei de la DAVOS, la Schwab (presedintele forumului economic mondial). A spus ca l-a intalnit si a avut impresia ca s-a intalnit cu un extraterestru, pentru ca nu parea ca are suflet sau pic de umanitate in el.
Cuvinte scoase din context.
He named the "aliens": marxists satanists from Davos. Dar cum n-ai auzit in viata ta de Davos, ai crezut ca e vreo planeta. Nu lasa usa sa te loveasca in spate.
This man does not answer questions from Romanian reporters ,but gives interview to foreign media, interesting.
He was the choice of the majority of the Romanian diaspora. I presume in the UK too. Which apparently (and normally?) does not want to be a diaspora. Why are they abroad? No representation without taxation. Where exactly are they paying taxes?
The west calls the shots
@eedragonr As someone who is still in the country, they should get representation. Almost all of them send money in the country and they pay taxes and contributions in the country. In the past I didn't agree with their vote, but I didn't try to take away their right, which is insanity to cancel people vote like this.
@@timoftecatalin8357 sure but as long as they are living abroad they don't need representation in the country but abroad
@eedragonr they do since they still pay taxes in the country. They are citizens and they have rights.
Dude officially declared 0 campaign cost ... I guess all that TikTok reach, flyers and posters were just gifts for being a good guy
And also, he did not know about them either.
He said his personal campaign budget was 0, as there were some very rich people who donated as volunteers to other people to make his campaign. All he did for his campaign was probably to record himself for an hour so the volunteers could chop his video or record multiple short videos of him presenting his vision as a president.
Therefore, all tiktok reach and posters came from the efforts and donations of volunteers.
I don't like the guy either, he's delulu.. But let's say he would have declared non-zero campaign costs, making him "legal" in this regard. That wouldn't have changed in any way the election results. Other than that, he might be right not having paid any money from _his_ pocket. I'm not saying he is right, it just plausible deniability.
Good one 😂
a fost ales pe drept!!!! lasă-ma cu ce bani. etc! de abia aștept sa înceapă Nato războiul cu Rusia din Romania... sper sa te duci in prima linie
Did he learn English in the Soviet Union?
nu , la onu o invatat
@@bilicuLa " Oh, Nu!" 😅😅😅
Dumnezeu este cu noi și dreptatea va fi de partea noastră!!
Bine ar fi dar Iisus spune cu TOTUL altceva ! Îndrăznești sa-L contrazici ?
@@ludmilabejenaru4222 In sfintele scripturi este scris de Isus Hristos. Va dau pacea mea, aveti pacea mea .Amin!
Vezi ca Georgescu are numai simboluri pagane in casa
Dumnezeu nu e cu Georgescu. El este convertit la New Age.
Europe didn't mind somebody invading Czechoslovakia in the mid 20th century. It wasnt their war. Until it became theirs too. Invaders never stop
Were the slovaks shelling the germans ? There are some interesting docs at OSCE about the very few days before all started . Think why the front didn't budged at all 2 years in some interesting places while a quarter of the country got overrun .
The question raised permanently is if the Minsk II agreement / protocol has been respected, yes or no? Germany and France should answer that.
Same like Islam
I agree, invaders must be stopped.
USA invaded over 100 countries after the dissolution of USSR alone, not counting sponsoring unrest and coup d'etats, including Ukraine.
If the UN would have stopped USA invasions, a world would be a much safer place, and there would no war in Ukraine (among other places).
Apart from Romania, Ceaușescu strongly opposed the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia at the time.
80% of the vote for him but 80% of comments against him here. That's statistically very unusual. Can we have a serious conversation about serious matters without bots please. Hopefully that is something everybody can agree on.
We can see very clearly how he works on the back door the secret service.
Even if there are true supporters here, talking with them would be like talking to bots.
Indeed, there is something very fishy about his votes and voters
Full of bots here
All the comments against him is from the romanian secret service. The actual government corrupt that want to stop him from becoming president. They stop the election because everyone vote him and once he is president the actual guvernment cannot steal more .
With the logic “9 people decide for 19 million people” we can argue against absolutely every decision we don’t agree with, i.e 1 person(the president can’t decide for 19 million people, etc) Absolute insanity what comes out of this guy’s mouth!🤯
chirilă, vita incaltata, nu pricepi nimic, asa-i?
@ Iluminează-mă Domnia Ta, dar cu informații factuale te rog, nu cu discursuri simbolistice! Îți mulțumesc pentru timpul acordat, e o onoare!
No. When it comes to democracy and the right of the people to vote, 9 people cannot decide for 19 million. That is called totalitarianism, not democracy.
@@petrisorchirila1756 VITA, de Agenda 2030 știi?
@@petrisorchirila1756 ..dar de orașele de 15 min?
The comment section is filled with romanian intelligence bots
Obviously. The same Soros' pathetic farm bots who've also flooded all the Romanian YT channels lately... 😒
I agree. Easy to spot
well Georgescu's campaign was build with bots.
He claims to be a Christian but then he said that waters from Romanian rivers have healing powers and that we are going to talk through telepathy in a few years.
May God bless and help my country, Romania, and its people. Please, God, protect us from the hate we get and make us stronger and united. God, help us to do better and be better human beings. Help us to create beauty where there is ugliness and peace where there is war. Please, God, do the same for all the other countries on this planet. Amin ❤
@@uhwakeyes , GOD
@@uhwakewhat's so funny?
In Jesus name amin 🙏 ❤
Undele radio de la telefon, tu le vezi !?!?!?!
And even if there were links with Russia what’s the problem? Why are we not allowed to have links with Russia??
The pills where are the pills?
He is delulu, he really thinks that SUA didn’t let him win because he could stop the war in Ukraine :))
its not what he said. trup-jfk need him to win, but biden won't let him. da na, las ca stii tu mai bine
The west did it, and blamed it on russians. Our future generation will remember this.
Nu sua, ci biden-soros, complexato
😂😂😂He and his supporters claimed that he is allegedly backed by RFK and USA😂😂😂
Mr. Calin Georgescu is the leader and always great simplifiers who can cut through argument, debate and doubt to offer a solution everybody can understand.
All of them should work towards Peace ✌️
Unless Putin stops the war he started we won't have any.
À conspiration theorist will say anything in an effort to convince. Blaming the "other" is their favorite strategy.
And he's suffering of this...
Agreed, but in this case the “ others” pretty much bankrupted Romania for the last 35 years, causing 6 million Romanians to leave their country. Myself included…
These things were said over and over by U globalists ..no conspiracy here..
Darling, the conspiracy theory slogan works on propaganda on US, in Romania we actually use our brain and don't join cults of belief, so if it looks like a duck and u claim it s a cat, going to actually come with the conspiracy theory that it s a duck and u re insane or lying.
Romanian people love him but he is a danger to the system and to all the corrupted politicians. We re living sad times. Romanian people won't let this thing go and we surely won't let this man go to prison
@Akkirarrobkko bullshit. He will be president 🎉🎉❤
He is a traitor and was voted only by gullible people.
We are a colony and is a reason for that... without ngo's and interests no one will get in the streats.
What a clown
usually we are calling others what we see in us
@mariarotar3498 ok, i dont use in my life stupid expresion like this one 😅
@@sorinmadalinghiata9528cu tot respectul atunci de unde nevoia de a insulta pe cealalta persoana daca nu gandeste ca noi
0:16 again. He closes his eyes and the face points down and as well the excesive blinking is a sign which tells that he is telling someyhing which make him unconfortably. And also his body posture betrays him. He is very tensioned!!
Pe noi nu ne intereseaza teorile voastre! Vezi-ti de treaba ta si curte ta! Daca nu intelegi ce am scris , foloseste google, ok?
@@kogaiononN nu-i teorie draga, sunt informații. Dar pentru capul vostru incapabil sa înțeleagă vreun argument rațional, e teorie. Vai de capul vostru
Nu stiu ce vezi tu dar eu il vad foarte calm si relaxsat
@@maria-9734da draga, doar votanții "doamnei" Lăsconi sunt "foarte capabili și raționali". Ai impresia că toți susținătorii lui Georgescu vorbesc prostii. Toți suntem boți, nu? După capul tau asta e democrația. Unde e libertatea de exprimare și respectul față de celălalt??? Votează cu o tută, treabă ta și lasă-mă pe mine sa votez cu cine vreau. Ai impresia că toți votanții lui Lăsconi sunt super smart? Eu as spune că toți sunteți foarte ușor de manipulat de televiziunile cumpărate de PSD, PNL și Usr. Ție chiar ți se pare Lăsconi un candidat pregătit și capabil?? Ea e ca o marioneta și asta își doresc cei care o promovează. Sa fie la fel ca Biden, să citească de pe prompter și să nu aibă habar de nimic.
I would be too if I would have to go on the global stage to speak about the massive breach of democracy that my country goes through ! If I am very passionate about something and I would need to defend it on the global stage I would be tensioned too!
The stand up comedy community is grateful for the endless material for the upcoming shows 😂😂😂
Romania is pro Europe ask any Romanian.
not quite......here is at least one that thinks otherwise, and has disciples....😐
@@voolkhan people that voted for him say that he's not anti European
30% of them, wake up
It is possible to be pro europe but against EU
yet we can deny that Georgescu showed us there are those who are anti-nato and EU.
I wanna see the change with this guy! I believe he can do it, he is the most transparent of every candidate. Sometimes he s saying spiritual things that are not understand by others. Hes best choice for Romania right now
It walks like a duck, it quacks like a duck, it swims like a duck. He's playing his audience fears and fantasies like a fiddle to amass awe and admiration. Different audiences, different fears and fantasies, hence so many contradictory declarations.
This guy is nuts 😂😂 Call the white coats to come and get hin😂😂
Ask him to provide his CV and to bring evidence for it!
He did bro
Maybe u shpupd see the evidence of mediocre Ciolacu his teacher said he was bad at school. Search in youtube
@@SorinaNita-l3w please provide some evidence, any link will help, thx!
The Romanian system is the evidence.
He worked in external institutions, representing the Romanian state.
If it wasn't true, the system would use that to denigrate him
@@SorinaNita-l3w still waiting ✌️😎 bro
Let romanian people to vote!😢
After all these years working and living abroad and he speaks such lousy English...
He lived for 10 years in Austria but nobody knows what he did there...and he also said Pepsi contains nanobots.
Because it does. Do your research
@bobiam1991 what kind of nanobots, blue or black?
@@bobiam1991 nanoparticlals mate, it's something veeeeery different than nonobots. Either he is a bit misinformed, either he's doing all this Consp T-ies to win more people on his side. He's not far from truth in some things he says, yet he's not right either and there are lots of fishy things about him, I can agree with that.
@@madwolfadvertising107 he's also praised the legionary movement, has been seen around people praising and supporting the legionary movement in Romania, and some other mercenaries he's been seen around with. This guy has so many huge red flags it's absolutely insane how some people are aware of them and they still choose to not see them. But I guess some are also not as informed on who he really is and believe everything piece of news coming out that's against him is wrong or fake
send him to jail
Asta cu engleza lui Iliescu a fost la Onu director?
măcar putea minți și el mai credibil🤣
Nu a lucrat la ONU 😂😂 E doar una dintre minciunile pe care acest individ le-a propagat in media. Un impostor.
It’s a very smart guy who what to demascate the corruption !!!!!
😂😂😂😂Ce a făcut? Noi romanii știm PREA BINE de corupția din tara și știm ca aceasta hidra TREBUIE DECAPITATA dar acest om apărut din spuma marii NU prezintă GARANȚII !!!
how the hell he wants to stop the corruption when he literally is the definition of corruption
No, he is stupid, he has no midea what he is talking about and want to bring Romania 50 years ago.
This guy is very patriotic!
Hi's the first one after many decades who openly discussed about his endeavor to regain his nation's dignity. That's why people voted for him and adore him because they grew sick of the increasing gap between social classes where tgose who work hard hardly make end meets.
He is very patriotic. I ll like many countries to have a president like him. He is also very smart . Romania love him 🎉
It would be true if he was born in Rusia. :))))
The guy is a charlatan.
Calin Georgescu Major!! 🙏🙏
"NATO becoming an offensive organisation" - Russian propaganda word by word.
Avand in vedere ca sprijină in continuare un război, fara a încerca macar sa aduca cei doi lideri la masa pentru a discuta, se mai poate spune ca este o organizație cu caracter defensiv?
@laur93enz read the Budapest memorandum my friend.
@@wooptoo Deci sa înțeleg că dacă o țară o ataca pe alta, sprijinul continua...până când? Până nu mai are cine sa moara?😅
@@laur93enz Tocmai asta se pare ca se discuta in momentul de fata. De asemenea s-a mentionat in nenumarate randuri ca alegerea de asezare la masa negocierilor va depinde de cum doreste Kievul sa continue. Daca cred ca mai pot face fata atunci NATO ii va sustine in continuare, daca se doresc tratative atunci se vor purta tratative. Hai sa nu mai mancam cacat si sa intelegem o data pt totdeauna ca russia=bad, west oriented=alot less bad.
NATO bombed about 13 countries 😂 illegally
Great show!
Completely deluded.
This "person" has nothing to do with Romania, and romanians. He is a fake person. He does not represent Romania. I am a romanian, and I can not be identified with this misytake of AI age. This man is "nothing"
Un om foarte inteligent și il dorim Președintele nostru.Vrem să scăpăm de vânzătorii de țară, nu-i mai suportă poporu pe acest Guvern!
Un șarlatan
It’s amusing that in 2000, Romania seemed to have more democracy than it does now. Back then, an extreme right-wing candidate (Vadim Tudor) and Ion Iliescu made it to the second round of elections. The elections were held, and Ion Iliescu won. Now, these elections were canceled after initially being validated, even after people in the diaspora had already started voting. It seems that democracy in Romania only works sometimes.
He cheated his way in this elections
No, the elections have been cancelled when it was proved that Russia really influenced these elections.
I guess it's better sometimes then never.
Calin Georgescu: "I don't care about the war in Ukraine."
Also Calin Georgescu: "I want the war in Ukraine to stop."
Is clear as crystal, he doesn't care😢
what is hard to understand?! he is not interested in defending Ukraine. But he wants peace!
@@Ghs-n1t😂😂😂russian peace
@@IbelievethereforeIamDar ce vreți de fapt? S-au rezolvat toate problemele interne ale României, curge numai lapte și miere în țară, populația o duce nemaipomenit de bine și hai sa trimitem ajutoare în Ucraina. 😐
@@cameliaparaschiv149sau….. hai sa nu trimitem ajutoare, ne bucurăm ca Rusia ne ajunge vecin, il alegem pe Georgescu care vrea sa ne scoată din nato, si vine Rusia sa ne denazifice si pe noi
"on brink of becoming Romanian president"
Yeah, no, he's out of the race for good.
He is coming like a budget hero , Romania deserves better
There’s been a resurgence of dormant KGB tactics, with Russian influence spreading across European countries and beyond, targeting nations with strong democracies. These coordinated efforts align with Putin’s directives, striking simultaneously in Ukraine, Syria, Mali, the Central African Republic, and even democracies like France, Romania, Germany, the US, Georgia, Moldova, and the UK.
In Romania, this influence has been particularly insidious. Over the past 30 years, the education budget has been systematically slashed, creating a generation ill-equipped to critically engage with complex issues. Many young people struggle with basic comprehension, making them susceptible to misinformation and propaganda. Social media has become a key tool in this strategy, with Romanians among the world’s top consumers of platforms like TikTok, while the government invests the least in education. The result? A population increasingly informed by short, superficial content instead of in-depth understanding.
This erosion of critical thinking is part of a larger attack on Romanian democracy. Reports suggest that certain individuals, strategically placed within key Romanian institutions, have been working against the nation’s interests. One such figure may soon face consequences for treason, with arrests rumored to follow as early as Monday. If no action is taken after these elections, it will raise serious questions about the country’s sovereignty. Are we truly Romania, or are we becoming an extension of Russia?
Sunt cetățean român , totul împotriva acestui om este o minciună …i-au oprit curentul și căldura , e urmărit non-stop și se încearcă cu orice mijloc excluderea lui . Au pornit cu adevărat o campanie de denigrare …dar dacă întrebați 10 români pe stradă 9 îl vor susține sigur . De acea au anulat și alegerile
To be seen
Standing with Calin Georgescu. Democracy and the will of the people must prevail. What the politicians have done shows a tremendous lack of respect for the people of Romania. May God intervene and put things right according to His will.
Good he went to foreign news press and he refuses to go to most important Romainian radios or tvs. (I know, corruption, but not of them are corrupt)
those legacy media u talk about, they never invited him
🇷🇴♥️😎Calin Georgescu!
This man should be in a mental institution.
Being proficient at least in English should be a pre-requisite for any presidential candidate, no matter the country. How TF is this guy (or any other guy) supposed to represent the Romanian people in international affairs if he sounds like he's just downloaded duolingo?
I would like to point out, because it might not be obvious in context, but Mr. Georgescu is not representative of Romanians. He simply capitalized on the weak crop of presidential candidates, which left a lot of people undecided. Rather than engaging in debates and interviews, his (legally questionable) campaign was focused on the last moments before the polls opening, leaving little time or material for adequate background research. Many Romanians later regretted their initial vote for him. He does not speak for us.
Cred ca nu sunteți bine informat. A fost în dezbaterile de la televiziunea națională ( Tvr1), dezbatere la care au lipsit primii 5 candidați multmediatizati pe televiziunile particulare ( antene, Digi, ProTv). La DigiTv a fost invitat cu un singur alt contracandidat. Când a întrebat realizatorii, respectiv pe domnul Prelipceanu de ce se face discriminare între candidații la președinție și de ce nu sunt invitați în dezbaterea finală care avea loc în lunea următoare, I s-a răspuns ca așa vor ei și ca asa au hotărât colegii lui. Prima parte a acelei emisiuni a fost transmisă pe TH-cam. A doua parte a emisiunii n-a mai fost de găsit pe TH-cam. Oare de ce?!
Nu era problema sa se voteze in turul doi daca oamenilor le pare rau ca l-au votat.
Acest om este un vechi securist, crescut in familia securistă ceaușistă, este un manipulator, care s-a urcat pe nemultumirile poporului. Are in spate conserve KGB din România. Daca cineva urmareste tot ce a declarat de-a lungul timpului vede ca se contrazice. Nu am mai trait o asemenea dezinformare de la Revolutia din 89.
MINTI CU NERUSINARR ,, Probabil TU ESTI SI FACI PARTE DIN SISTEM ,,, EU IL VOTEZ ,,, e inteligent si sigurat nu va fura ca toti alti. , 🇷🇴🇷🇴💪💪
He was though representative for a big part of Romanians who voted for him and placed him on 1st place for the 2nd round of election. ✌🏻
well, this didn't age well
Why? It is still going on.
@@teodora7219 he won't be allowed to run again for elections
Yes, in Romania democracy only works when serve the masters from west. Voting and democracy is a joke in this colony.
This person is not the choice of all romanians. I wonder if anyone noticed that he doesnt say anything about those that didnt vote for him and acts like he knows whats best for everyone. His english is embarassing, his mystical discourse sounds better in romanian,thats why ppl waiting to be saved from their frustrations follow him blindly.
Corect me If im wrong but didnt he say he think the war in ukrain is false and around the 2 minute mark he says he wants to stop the war
yeah, it is exactly what he said😂
Până și băieții care lucrează în depozit în Anglia vb mai fluent engleza decât el.
Lasconi nici atät
“This cannot be accept”😂😂😂
The biggest liar in politics. Today he says one thing and tomorrow he contradicts himself.
stop yapping
Lying bots...don't give them attention.
This person is constantly making false and misleading statements and is totally intransparent with regard to his past activities, employment, sources of living and financing of his presidential campaign.
It seems that someone finally found the "Ceausescu bank accounts".
Nope, people are just watching too much tv
Try again bot. Your messages are so repeating its pathetic
Hi voters hail him as a smart person who speaks english very well. His english is just as good as his logical fallacies.
He is a fake
No, he is a deep frozen mole, of the sovietic sort, like a ridicol backward time travel to the 50 - ies !
These Russian appeasers have a talent for lying without any expression on their faces
He sounds delusional from what I have heard, just my opinion..
The rat has been declared with zero funds for the campaign.
I'm from Romania and I am so happy this men never got to be our president. Thank God!!
agreed. I was a fraid I might have to leave but now I can stay here for now.
The powerful do what they want, while the weak do what they are told.
I have the right to vote even if I would vote the more criminal person in the world it's my vote I have the right to vote
Călin Georgescu prezident!❤❤❤
he apparently is "fluent" in 6 languages. at this level of "fluency" i could be fluent in at least 8 to 10 languages, considering that i can only count and state my name😂😂
In fairness he is fluent in English 😃
Doesn’t mean he is not delulu
Romania is EUROPE and EU !!!
Europa the last battle
"...this is not accept..."
Please take this man and put him in jail
Càlin Giorgescu președinte 🇮🇹🇫🇷🇷🇴🏴🇧🇪🇩🇪💪
Așa arată o engleza vorbită zilnic timp de 17 ani la UN?. Hai sa fie realiști😢
Pentru tine conteaza cum vorbeste engleza sau conteaza despre ce vorbeste?
@@sucalaadonis8960 😅😅😅mai grav
Sa fie realiști!
Funny 1:16, "dictature" vs dictatorship. I believe he speaks better in russian.
@@boiaandrei5519 in anii 70 se invata rusa si franceza la scoala. Mai mult ça sigur a invatat si practicat engleza adult, in viata profesionala. Romana o vorbeste foarte bine. Si engleza la fel dat fiind ça se exprima liber, fara note si casti in urechi. Nu mai fiti rauviotori, ganditi! Poate preferati romana si engleza lui Ciolacu sau Lasconi.
He is a little bit crazy, search his videos and interview from the past!
he's not just a little bit, he's crazy af😂😂
Iliescu reloaded 😂.
Good riddance is what it was to get rid of him , an absolute imposter and a cunning person, he’s not to be trusted. Things happen for a reason. He’ll probably end up locked up in jail for treason after he was caught red handed serving the Russian Secret service’s interests . That’s the change we’re all seeing , he got caught and now vigilance is at its highest level….rightfully so
ABSOLUTELY FALS. Soros people are whant him out of game as they see on him the real threat. All gangster in politics are scare of him. Good bless him. He is not a puppy as all others is the trhu leader Europe don't want to be. Globalist don't want trhu leader, they need pupy easy to control. Is not one of them. They are scare of him. Bless on him.
I am waiting to see the irrefutable truth about his ties with Russia. For now, I am NOT taking any side, just waiting to see the proof. Aside from empty words from mainstream entities, there is no proof. Not going to lose my logical thinking over words, his or his opponents.
Haa 😅😅poti sa inventezi ce vrei EU AZI ÎL VOTEZ 💪💪🇷🇴Georgescu presedinte
@ vezi sa nu intarzii, e cu program redus azi la sectia de votare dar au cateva sectii cu program prelungit special facute pentru voi , ortacii lui georgica, toate deschise la DIICOT . Au inceput sa va culeaga de peste tot, e doar inceputul , stati linistiti statul nu mai doarme, ati vrut sa treziti constiinta romanilor adevarati, uite ca ati reusit, bravo , in sfarsit vedem arestari , audieri si speram si niste pedepse pe masura, le meritati . E o nemernicie si o tradare de tara ce ati vrut si ati incercat sa puneti la cale, veti plati acum
Propaganda that he is a conspiracy throist 😂😂😂 he literally said that water is not H2O and Pepsi contains nanochips
CG President! 🇷🇴