I’m gonna be transparent here. I have felt something in my spirit for quite awhile. I’ve been having mild panic attacks and restless nights. I pray, I hang with only believers and take two bible studies a week to help me stay in the Word and learn more about God’s plan. I can’t put my finger on it but I feel we are definitely in end times. I do not trust the government or most people, unless they have proclaimed Jesus as their Lord, frighten me. My kids are egotistical and disrespectful. They try to intimidate me, but I just run to Jesus. The enemy is very active on earth. We must fight him thru Jesus. Blessings to all. ❤✝️❤️‼️
2 Tim 3:1-5 "But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God- having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people"
Satan uses fear, the opposite fear is faith... believers walk by faith 🙏 and victory ✝️ 🫡 lives hidden in Christ The world will marvel and follow after the beast
Sadly, I am like you but some professing believers have shown me more red flag than I would like to see. It's disturbing. Complaining when the pastor goes late preaching, not practicing what they preach. Please pray for me. I'll pray for you too. Besides maybe 2 or 3 other people, Jesus is the ONLY one I trust.
i dont want a wealth transfer, i want my body to be transerred to the presence of the Lord i cant imagine being comfortable in this world even if i had millions
@AbcDef-s7r Amen! The bible clearly tells us to not be earthly minded, but to keep our effections set on things above. I look forward to my glorified body too! Can't wait....
I personally believe that nothing happens without God allowing it so if he is allowing it he's going to try to teach us something from it I hope our eyes are open and our ears are ready to hear
The next lesson will be beyond our imagining. In Gods original calendar , still kept by the Essenes, tell us we are truly at the end of the sge of Protection.. He will now let events come to pass that will make humanity face consequences of decions made past and present. It is the time if Indignation. End of Age of Grace, and door opening in the blink of an eye. Prepare your heart, minds and spirit for this next phase for humanity.🥰
I had a dream on the 27th of September 2024 when i was in bed sick with 40°c fever (kidney infection) . The dream was short and precise, so in that dream I was in my town (i am from Switzerland) where there was a pandemic. Then God told me it was the last pandemic before the end and that they already started giving the MOTB during this pandemic. I was alerting people that the MOTB is here and they should avoid at any cost. In the dream itself God's voice told me that it was the last chance and the ones saved will be separated eternally from the ones condemned. I was so terrified when I woke up and the next day I was admitted to the hospital. The dream I had was not at all what was going through my mind that time. I hope and pray it's from the Lord warning us for the very end. The end is already here. Lord have mercy on us and help us to escape from this great tribulation coming 🙏
@mimilights yes I am ok now thank you 🙏. It was my second operation on the 29th September and on the 29th November, two months later I went through my 3rd operation and this time I had an outer body/nde experience which left me unreal for several weeks.
I pray daily for my daughter Amanda who has not accepted Jesus… yet 😢 she has MS and is very sick but the first thing I pray for her is for her heart to be opened to Jesus for with God all things are possible 🙏🙏🙏
Psalm 146.3 It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what man can do unto me. Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help. MARANATHA
I think some if think just cuz we trust in the one God is leading we are making him a god, not so ! We are trusting in God first and praying for the one He chose.
@@DavidYoungblood-wu9eb my thoughts too! Psalms 146:1-9 NIV “Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord, my soul. I will praise the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live. Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save. When their spirit departs, they return to the ground; on that very day their plans come to nothing. Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord their God. He is the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them- he remains faithful forever. He upholds the cause of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry. The Lord sets prisoners free, the Lord gives sight to the blind, the Lord lifts up those who are bowed down, the Lord loves the righteous. The Lord watches over the foreigner and sustains the fatherless and the widow, but he frustrates the ways of the wicked.” Psalms 146:1-9 NIV bible.com/bible/111/psa.146.3-9.NIV
It doesn’t work that way, ask for discernment rapture isn’t what you think and this guy is dangerously delusional. I guarantee God doesn’t speak to him.
Trump is one of them, he is playing the people! He is not of God so many of you will be disappointed! They are all in the same club Clinton,Bush, Biden, Obama, divide and conquer 😢
What I find very alarming are the 'Christians' who practice hate, unforgiveness, and judgement of and against fellow humans and believe that God wants them to. I believe in following Jesus and His ways.
@normatrent9920 Nobody that's a real Christian feels that way. You have to remember we are all sinners. There is a lot of darkness in the world nowadays. Instead of judging, try praying for all of those people. They need Jesus. 🙏😇❤️
Acts 2:17 And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams; (esv
It's January 9th right now, one hour till midnight. Needless to say, I'm getting quite tired of date setters and the platforms that promote them for profit... *cough, cough, Uplifted* People think they can excuse themselves from accountability by putting a question mark at the end of the date they're setting. Sorry, it doesn't work that way. Look to the bible for clarity on how messages from God were delivered in the past. God is not one to give a date with a question mark, and if we're really not sure about a date, it's best not to share one in the first place.
They’re not drones. They’re fallen Angel technology that likes to appear like they’re stars, but they’re not stars. Repent and believe in Jesus Christ while He can still be found! Acts 2:38 ✝️
fallen angels don't have patience , patience is a fruit of the spirit and there is no fruit in them. Why are these "fallen angels" preparing for ? why so much preparation in their behavior ,why are they trying to draw attention? 3-4 weeks past and they did no harm to earth. These are harvesters ,the angels , they are preparing for the rapture /harvest . Why you people attribute so much to the devil and his fallen angels .The devil is always hasting ,there is no preparation in his behavior pattern . If you knew the spiritual war that was raged against me you would not believe . And he is always hidden and working in the dark .God's angels are revealing angels and they are preparing the world for something bigger. Stop thinking that you figured all by yourself and pray for discernment and pray for enlightenment ,never lean on your own understanding. if 90% of people believe that they are fallen angels contrary to real angels , they are wrong because the Truth is never with the majority but with the few.
Not all of them are drones but , but I had seen them literally right above my head very low I know I could see them as I see my car it was skimming my tree tops basically that low I know for sure there drone justike what there using for weapons in middle East and Ukraine the rapture is near an I'm ready to go home to be with my savior Maranantha
Interesting because if the rapture happens then it will be full blown Great Deception stuff. Is Jesus returning to earth around 2000 years after His crucifixion/resurrection year? If so, imagine how soon the pretribulation rapture must be, and the tribulation will take 7years.
I live on the corner of a street with a small woods across from me. I either don't dream often or don't remember my dreams. Early this morning i woke up from a dream where i was on my porch and a kangaroo was hopping full speed away from the woods followed by deer, raccoons, and other animals. We don't have Roos in Indiana. Also, there were absolutely no birds or noise at all. Literally i take it as flee, follow the animals, have a bag and cats ready to go. Figuratively i do feel the Lord is trying to tell me to be ready?? Many years ago i had a dream I've never forgotten. I was alone and heard loud noises. I looked out the window and a tank was coming up the street blowing up houses and gunning down everyone trying to run. I ran outside and was frantically looking for somewhere to hide but there was nowhere to go. The time we have left here is extremely brief. Jesus is standing at the ready waiting for the Father to tell Him to go get His bride. I believe in my heart these are demons invading us.
I had a dream around Christmas time. I saw this ladder going up from the ground until the skies. I started climbing the ladder. Sometimes I stopped and looked back to see the ladder is not shaking and then continue again. Then out of the sudden white lambs started to climb up the ladder, running past me. While I was still climbing and feeling scared and not confident about the ladder holding me, those lambs were running and jumping up like wind! I then knew inside me that the lambs were in fact Men and women. I then woke up. I am just writing this in case it helps any of you It certainly helped me…
All these things must come to pass for God's word to be fulfilled, stay prayed up keep serving God, and most importantly remember God wins and if God wins we are victorious with him 🙏 ❤️ 🙌🏻
Dream I had couple years ago was I was walking it was a beautiful evening I look up a nuclear blast and sound of a missile and in an instant all believers were caught up with Jesus ! A coworker shared she had the same exact dream!
It tends to happen that God overtakes the narratives the devil creates to turn it into parables for me. Likely because the devil cannot do the same thing against his messages.
Great point! I don't have a good feeling about all these "TH-cam Prophets" Every time I watch them it just feels so off! How people say and throw around the phrase "God showed me-God told me" I just can't understand how they take their personal experience into FACT.
I believe your right there’s a reason why God is preparing his people this country is in trouble I see it with the pride and arrogance in are leaders like nothing can happen to us .
God told me about him when I read thru the bible in 2023. Since then he has confirmed all he has shown me in that year and he continues to tell me what is coming. I knew something, that we needed to pray against, was coming Jan 1. The next thing is the cold. Please, pray against this storm and what is causing it. There is a cause. Look up polar vortex and what can cause it, then look at pics of things going off in Syria.
Many years ago I had a dream where stars were spinning, shooting across, dancing around changing colors. It was stunning. I kept telling people it’s the rapture. Then to my shock, across the sky the stars formed a message: brought to you by Disney. Now, years after this dream, I’m beginning to wonder about project blue beam, and if they are actually staging a fake rapture, while they go hide in “the rocks and caves”
Thank you for sharing your dreams. I had a strange experience a couple of weeks ago. I woke up in the morning saying out loud, "Don't trust Elon Musk." I wasn't dreaming, I wasn't speaking to anyone (I sleep alone.) It was weird. But I felt it was from the Lord.🤷
WOWWWW!! I LITERALLY JUST SAID THIS TO MYSELF YESTERDAY! I was scrolling or something but either way, I saw Elon Musk. I said to myself "I don't trust that guy" Seeing your comment to me, is conformation!
I got saved in 2021. About 3 months after coming to Jesus, I had an end time dream, which felt almost like a vision. In the dream, I saw Elon Musk, and all of a sudden he turned into a key 🔑 Echoing in my ear were the words "Elon Musk is the key" Everything went bright, and then I woke up. I just knew that Elon would be some kind of key in the end times.
You are 100% right on the ark about every single thing that you said. I asked the Lord for wisdom and these were the things that he gave me too. I do believe that we are raptured out of here sometime this year however if I'm wrong that's okay.
Rapture is not in the bible, the word is not in there anywhere. Why would you need to put on the armor of God if you are going to be gone during the hard times? Makes no sense to think people are out there in a hole in the ground to be taken at a later date/rapture. They are already gone back to the Father who created them. Now that is biblical, but not a rapture.
Strongs G353 'analambano'; definition: to take up to receive up, to lift up. Meaning: I take up, raise, I pick up, take on board, I carry off, lead away. Ana in Greek means "up" and lambano means to take or receive. Strongs H5927, alah means to go up or ascend. I hope this helps anyone who wants to look into this further. I don't pretend to know anything, I only place forward what the Holy Spirit brings to my attention. With this subject I always think of 1 Cor 15, first fruits and also the story of Philip and the eunuch in Acts. (Edit* I have seen some transliteration state transcend But 1 Cor 15 uses transformation or transfiguration) Many Blessings to all my brethren.
DT didn't get me for one second. But, and it is a big but, I believe God helped him win because through Him God will be doing His will for prophetic purposes.
We are not to put our trust in man, only in God. I also voted for Trump in the past but was a little leery at the time when I voted, but this last time I did not vote for anyone. I’m putting my trust in Jesus because he’s the only one that can fix this mess and he is taking his children away to be with him very soon. I just found and subscribed to this channel tonight. God bless! 🙏🕊️💕
We may not know the day or the hour but we do know the times and the seasons. Remember the parable of the fig tree. "Look at the fig tree, and all the trees; as soon as they come out in leaf, you see for yourselves and know that the summer is already near. So also, when you see these things taking place, you know that the kingdom of God is near".
Life is about to change drastically. It is not the end of the world. Use discernment and faith in God and a higher power to get through the difficult times that are coming.
I voted for him all three elections. When I just heard him say about making Canada estate, renaming the Gulf of Mexico and trying to buy Greenland, I got a horrible feeling that he just revealed who he really is. You can wrap that whole speech up in all kinds of flowery reasons and bows, but it sounds like someone power hungry. Stay prayed up people, fast and seek the Lord. I think we’re in for a ride. No one would’ve chosen.
I agree a great deal with much of what you said here. I have maintained since Trump recited the poem about the snake he was not talking about Hillary he was talking about himself. Lots of people are in for a surprise. Jesus is the only way 🙏
Just another some-something to consider, in the OT, the priests were instructed to give wave offerings. Now, when you hear a term like "first wave" the natural connotation is to believe it to be something sinister (as well it may be), but I wanted to toss out the wave offering thought in case we're looking for the wrong things. Pray that we're not deceived.
Wow. So this is interesting. In nov, I was woken up by the Father in the middle of the night and this is the conv that happened: Come and see my will (heard it twice) What is the 5th day of the month? (It's election day?) It was a day of division, but I am going to unite my people. (How?) With such a great outpouring of my Holy spirit (I'm so excited Lord, I cant wait to see it!) Yes, my children will walk again (Image of pregnant woman i know) Pray over her baby You are My favored (i am your favored lord?) Yes
Right after I gave my whole life to Christ I had heard people swooning over Trump whom I loved. I used to be on the Q anon board that researched things to the enth degree for Trump. I started hearing people day,"He is my Savior." This immediately did not set well in my spirit since I recognized it as being how peoplw would feel about the AC. I asked Father beforw bed if T___p was a false prophet. I awoke with my first vision dream. A big typed Q came forward in my left Eye. I hit my knees immediately repenting for trusting in a man more than God. I thought I was marked, and I wept. He wanted me to know what that felt like because that is what it would feel like. Father started giving me visions and dreams and words in my ear all the time eversince. That first vision was Jan 2020.
I concur with you ,I saw this on Saturday night an object like front on aeroplane emitting sparks and moving very fast with a round noise.Nothing is impossible with our God in Jesus name
According to most Christian interpretations, while the Bible does record many instances of prophetic dreams, most theologians believe that God does not use dreams as a primary means of communication in today's time, as the full revelation of scripture is considered sufficient, meaning that Christians should rely primarily on the Bible for guidance rather than seeking prophetic dreams; however, some still believe God may occasionally use dreams to communicate with individuals, but they should be interpreted with caution and always aligned with scripture.
I was saved at 17 years old baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit . I’m 52 years old now and I see visions and been having dreams for a while now. One dream about three years ago I was wide awake eyes closed and I saw a sunny sky and a white horse. I also had a dream recently before the drones sightings I was in a big building and all of a sudden this big UFO landed on the building, myself and the people inside were trying to hide, but the aliens came in so fast. We all tried to lay in the floor and play dead. The aliens well I think demons they were leaning close to our faces trying to see if We were breathing. Once they came to my face I screamed out I Believe in JESUS and they started talking amongst themselves saying She said She believe in JESUS and then I woke up. This dream meaning is that time is up if you on the LORD side stay if not Get on his side, because GOD is gathering his Children and the devil is claiming the unbelievers soul. Stay on the LORD side the separation is happening…🙏
Evil entities not for the good , There is no power, no king, and no lord, no entity 🛸👽 can oppose Him and win 🤷♀️ “At the name of Jesus every knee will bow-in heaven and on earth and under the earth” (Philippians 2:10, ),
The time is to repent now, our savior is coming soon and many will be shocked or can’t handle what is coming. So important that we be connected to the Father. ❤
As soon as you said "what's gonna happen that day" (Jan 9th) my neighbor sent a huge firework in the air and the BOOM almost made me drop my phone.😮😅😮 It's 3 Kings Day here in Puerto Rico. They celebrate the 3 Kings visit to baby Jesus here on the island.
We’re not to fear, however we need to pray without ceasing for the lost. If you can imagine the wrath of God when He regretted making man, and hit the earth with a worldwide flood that killed anything breathing, be even more aware of the total destruction that the 7 year trib will cause. Put your faith in Jesus Christ and He will deliver you from all of it. Love and blessings to all. Even so, Come Lord. We’re ready❤️✝️❤️‼️🔥
Well it is the 9th. As I write this, the day is just about over and it is about to be the 10th and other than regular news events, nothing happened that I am aware of.
I see a lot of wisdom n discernment in your eyes. I trust what u are saying. I've begun the year with prayer n fasting. I will definitely be praying in all this. Thanks for sharing!
I’m with you and have known about our Presidents for years! They are all playing a part in the world stage,they follow a script and use the occult to keep people believing their lies! It’s all nothing more than Masonic theater! The whole bunch of em are Lucifer lovin Freemasons,they are the untouchables but not for very much longer lol Jesus is goin to throw a wrench in their plans …Vengeance is His and it’s coming soon!
How do we explain several people being told by the Lord to pray for DJT's protection? Not defending anyone, but there's so much deception and confusion regarding that man.
Roman 8:31 What then shall we say of these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? Verse only applies to God's Chosen: the believers. It does not imply the United States.
I definitely got a bad vib,in my spirit when he showed up at a church during lockdowns and he was holding a bible upside down. The Bible had a cross on it and the cross was upside down. I was hoping it was just a mistake
Yes it is unfortunate but I think Donald Trump could be an antichrist remember in the Bible it says that the Antichrist would be able to deceive even God's chosen elect which means that the Antichrist will be able to deceive many Republicans. Half of the Democrats are not Christian believers so there would be no need for an antichrist to attempt to deceive them. Basically if the Antichrist comes he will most likely be a Republican and will deceive many Christians
@ I know who the neighbor was. He was a 33 degree Freemason. A Shriner. He used name Robert Farmer but he was actually son of attorney Dewey Cox,from Ranger,Eastland,TX. His name was Robert Cox. I’ll never get any justice.
Second moon??? I know a lot about Bible prophecy and there will be signs in the heavens but please tell me where I can view this second moon right now.
Forgot to mention, you cannot see the 2 V shaped objects in the storm under the clouds in the video. I only saw them in the pictures I was taking with my camera. Yes, I still have the pictures also. 😊
Amen and thank you for getting the information out there.When you mentioned the first wave I thought of the movie that Obama directed called "Leave the World Behind".Near the end the waves were explained. Happy New Year and God bless!🤗
This is my first time listening to you. I will be subscribing because you don’t pretend to have all the answers, but you stick to the Bible and it’s so refreshing to see Christians who aren’t fooled by Trump. Some of my favorite pastors think the “elites” are trying to take him out etc. He’s just another actor. Thank you for being honest about this.
I Believe you & have seen 2 V shaped objects in the sky in 2022. They were both black following each other. The 1 in front was larger than the 1 following behind. Thunderstorm at the time with purple lightening. I do have pictures & video as well of these objects. The video is posted on my TH-cam channel also. It has been very windy here the last 4 days winds up to 80 MPH never had wind that high here before.
I want it but only what I need out of it. It is from God and I never want to go beyond what is offered to me by his hand. I don’t want to be Adam. I would rather be Cain than an Adam.
I had a very vivid dream a couple of years ago, where I looked at the sky and it was full of drones, all flying together. There where so many, hundreds or thousands, all flying in the same direction. I could feel that they had a weapon on them and it terrified me. After a while they where close enough for me to see that every drone had an American flag on it. After seeing that I woke up. I'm not from the United States but from Europe and I have never been to the US. This dream was really weird and these days it pops up in my mind regularly.. 🤔 Edit: I posted this comment before I saw the picture you show at 4:09.. that blew my mind. That's how it looked in my dream, but there were a lot more. They where filling the whole sky. Mindblowing..
I also voted for DJT... but have had a feeling from the beginning that just can't put a finger on it... I do not believe he is the AC, and do believe God is using him, but to what end??? He will never humble himself, IMO. I've been praying to God for years about DT... had one "rapture" dream he was in. Just have a very uneasy feeling in my spirit. Jesus Christ is the only SAVIOUR! No man will ever be a "saviour." May God keep and protect all who seek Him 🙏🕊🙏
I think you are misunderstanding the real force of unease about Trump. He is the final Trumpet that signals the rapture. You’re feeling the evil ready to conquer in his absence.
Jamie Waldens channel talks of Biblical and politics. Ex military minister. He’s intense, be ready. But he connects dots and knows his stuff. Give him a watch. Excellent
Oh my gosh, Jamie Walden is the best pastor out there. No one that I know wants to gear what he gas to say but I believe him 100%. Most want their ears tickled
These orbs aren't new they've been here for a very long time . I seen one back in 2010 in broad daylight and they were present in ww2 and long before that
I seen that same thig. Not quite as many and there were military planes, 3 of them Flying upto the clouds while these many drones were in the blue sky and it seemed they were following a grid of some sort that had been drawn in the sky... Thats it , pretty much a picture rather than a moving dream....God Bless America , keep a hedge of protection around, especially your ecclesia....Thank You Lord. Also Father please wake more up, May they begin to seek your face and repent...Amen
I had and still have the same check in my spirit regarding the one coming to power. However, God raises and lowers kings to places of power. Daniel 2:21 God has put us here for such a time as this.
2025 feels like a benchmark year like 2001, 2020. It seems like these times will keep getting closer and closer to each other. They have a lot to get done by 2030. Dwave founder says these beings will come back in 2030 and they have to be prepared by the time they get here. All these people openly admit these things that they are doing, but then our media says that's just foolish conspiracy theories. Then people just listen to them. I don't understand how people can be so blind, but it might be because they don't have the holy Spirit and have spirits deceiving them ,unbeknownst to them. Pray they begin to see, great deception is coming.
I know I'm in the end times... Many things over the last 25 years have woke me up to the body described in Thomas 56... But no one wants to talk about this let alone COMPREHEND.....
I am a believer in Jesus and I do pray and sometimes I think I pray too much. For the past few years I have been struggling in life and faith. It’s been really tough especially with the health of my loved ones and my own health. While at the same time dealing with life problems. It’s been everyday some new problem will come along and now I have depression, anxiety, and paranoia. From all the videos on TH-cam that are saying Jan 6th don’t go outside or don’t be alone and others with different dates is making me so scared. I’m so afraid right now my anxiety is high. I have to go outside tonight and now after seeing some videos I’m scared now. I don’t know what to think! 😬😳😥😟😧
Don't be afraid, make yourself right with Christ and you will have nothing to fear. And remember fear comes from satan But when we trust and believe the word of God Through Christ, we have nothing to fear. Anytime fear comes to mind Just keep thinking Jesus for your protection. Keep thinking Jesus For the hedge of protechin and safety That he has placed around you. Jesus will see that you are protected no matter what happens in the world Amen.
We are past that date now and everything is still ok. I’m 61 and at least in my lifetime I can tell you that news happens every day. In fact there are entire industries built around it. Not every event is of biblical consequence. I do believe we are near the end times, don’t get me wrong, but don’t allow yourself to get distressed by everything you read or hear.
@spiritlake9 Tune it out, all of these people claiming to hear from God are false prophets and Satan is the one using them to cause confusion. Just put your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ only and start reading and studying his word, that is where we get our discernment and comfort.......God bless
Ive felt something deep in my soul that something evil is coming and i keep getting told im just a paranoid veteran and no one takes me seriously. I hate feeling like i cant do anything but wait.
I haven't prayed yet, but my immediate instinct was that it would be the first wave of the invasion of the guys in the sleeper cells around the country.
I’m gonna be transparent here. I have felt something in my spirit for quite awhile. I’ve been having mild panic attacks and restless nights. I pray, I hang with only believers and take two bible studies a week to help me stay in the Word and learn more about God’s plan. I can’t put my finger on it but I feel we are definitely in end times. I do not trust the government or most people, unless they have proclaimed Jesus as their Lord, frighten me. My kids are egotistical and disrespectful. They try to intimidate me, but I just run to Jesus. The enemy is very active on earth. We must fight him thru Jesus. Blessings to all. ❤✝️❤️‼️
Your not alone
2 Tim 3:1-5
"But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God- having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people"
Satan uses fear, the opposite fear is faith... believers walk by faith 🙏 and victory ✝️ 🫡 lives hidden in Christ
The world will marvel and follow after the beast
Sadly, I am like you but some professing believers have shown me more red flag than I would like to see. It's disturbing. Complaining when the pastor goes late preaching, not practicing what they preach. Please pray for me. I'll pray for you too.
Besides maybe 2 or 3 other people, Jesus is the ONLY one I trust.
@ yes, I will pray for you. God knew we would go thru this. Hang on to Christ. We don’t have long to wait. ❤️✝️❤️
i dont want a wealth transfer, i want my body to be transerred to the presence of the Lord
i cant imagine being comfortable in this world even if i had millions
Amen! The bible clearly tells us to not be earthly minded, but to keep our effections set on things above. I look forward to my glorified body too! Can't wait....
Notice that when they say bitcoin is all time high distraction and deception also all time high? Whats the correlation
I personally believe that nothing happens without God allowing it so if he is allowing it he's going to try to teach us something from it I hope our eyes are open and our ears are ready to hear
Very good point. ❤
The next lesson will be beyond our imagining. In Gods original calendar , still kept by the Essenes, tell us we are truly at the end of the sge of Protection.. He will now let events come to pass that will make humanity face consequences of decions made past and present. It is the time if Indignation. End of Age of Grace, and door opening in the blink of an eye. Prepare your heart, minds and spirit for this next phase for humanity.🥰
Yes, I hope so as well. Whether we are ready or not to hear or see it is happening and it has been for a little while now Godspeed.
Very True.. You are 💯 right! Stay in prayer, 🙏🏽
I had a dream on the 27th of September 2024 when i was in bed sick with 40°c fever (kidney infection) . The dream was short and precise, so in that dream I was in my town (i am from Switzerland) where there was a pandemic. Then God told me it was the last pandemic before the end and that they already started giving the MOTB during this pandemic. I was alerting people that the MOTB is here and they should avoid at any cost. In the dream itself God's voice told me that it was the last chance and the ones saved will be separated eternally from the ones condemned. I was so terrified when I woke up and the next day I was admitted to the hospital. The dream I had was not at all what was going through my mind that time. I hope and pray it's from the Lord warning us for the very end. The end is already here. Lord have mercy on us and help us to escape from this great tribulation coming 🙏
@@imtisenlamilluzzo949 r u okay now. That must have been so frightening ❤️✝️❤️‼️
@mimilights yes I am ok now thank you 🙏. It was my second operation on the 29th September and on the 29th November, two months later I went through my 3rd operation and this time I had an outer body/nde experience which left me unreal for several weeks.
Thank you for sharing, I'm sorry you went through that, may the Lord bless you beyond abundance in 2025❤
Ty for sharing and I hope you are feeling better. Jesus help us to be reafy.
Few days ago in a dream I saw a vision, there is a syringe and the grey Dragon.
That's all I saw without any explanation
I pray daily for my daughter Amanda who has not accepted Jesus… yet 😢 she has MS and is very sick but the first thing I pray for her is for her heart to be opened to Jesus for with God all things are possible 🙏🙏🙏
I am praying that your daughter turns her life over to God so she is saved and will be admitted into Heaven
Give her 10 000 D vitamin
Psalm 146.3 It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what man can do unto me. Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help. MARANATHA
I think some if think just cuz we trust in the one God is leading we are making him a god, not so ! We are trusting in God first and praying for the one He chose.
But the son of man is Jesus,so what do you mean exactly.
@@DavidYoungblood-wu9eb my thoughts too!
Psalms 146:1-9 NIV
“Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord, my soul. I will praise the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live. Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save. When their spirit departs, they return to the ground; on that very day their plans come to nothing. Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord their God. He is the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them- he remains faithful forever. He upholds the cause of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry. The Lord sets prisoners free, the Lord gives sight to the blind, the Lord lifts up those who are bowed down, the Lord loves the righteous. The Lord watches over the foreigner and sustains the fatherless and the widow, but he frustrates the ways of the wicked.”
Psalms 146:1-9 NIV
I HAVE HEARD THE LORD say THE Mark OF THE BEAST IS CLOSE. I have had rapture and trib dreams . JESUS is right at the door.
Yeah but the word close or soon is numb now because it's used so much!
@@BlockahJesus was at the very beginning and will be at close
Coming back as the Lord of Lords and King of Kings
When? When you think not
Cindi Powell Remnant Woman ✝️ channel Rapture dream "Alit Book" 📒th-cam.com/video/5miJIDfFJGE/w-d-xo.htmlsi=kLAOkePpP9ETSwmS
Cindi Powell Remnant Woman ✝️ channel Rapture dream "Golden Yellow Stars ⭐️ Rising "th-cam.com/video/_qZOy85MaMM/w-d-xo.htmlsi=FWvVfbyC8T1FTR5Q
Trust in Jesus Christ
Elijah Mohammed
Praying that no one will be deceived!!!
I love what L.A. Marzulli said; when they come down, we go up.
Amen that’s what is going to happen 🙏🤲🤲
It doesn’t work that way, ask for discernment rapture isn’t what you think and this guy is dangerously delusional. I guarantee God doesn’t speak to him.
True I'm all for it!!
They also come from the sea. They have always been in the earth just hidden.
Trump is one of them, he is playing the people! He is not of God so many of you will be disappointed!
They are all in the same club Clinton,Bush, Biden, Obama, divide and conquer 😢
What I find very alarming are the 'Christians' who practice hate, unforgiveness, and judgement of and against fellow humans and believe that God wants them to. I believe in following Jesus and His ways.
@normatrent9920 Nobody that's a real Christian feels that way. You have to remember we are all sinners. There is a lot of darkness in the world nowadays. Instead of judging, try praying for all of those people. They need Jesus. 🙏😇❤️
Exactly... We are called to LOVE
Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.”AMOS 3:7
And He is!
Some believe this is for the old testament time period.
@@ValerieIrvinthe Spirit of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy
when the rapture comes they will say the aliens took us.
Yes 🙌
God can do that, why not, He is in control of everything 😊
That is what I believe too
Acts 2:17
And in the last days it shall be, God declares,
that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh,
and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
and your young men shall see visions,
and your old men shall dream dreams;
It's January 9th right now, one hour till midnight. Needless to say, I'm getting quite tired of date setters and the platforms that promote them for profit... *cough, cough, Uplifted*
People think they can excuse themselves from accountability by putting a question mark at the end of the date they're setting. Sorry, it doesn't work that way.
Look to the bible for clarity on how messages from God were delivered in the past. God is not one to give a date with a question mark, and if we're really not sure about a date, it's best not to share one in the first place.
They’re not drones. They’re fallen Angel technology that likes to appear like they’re stars, but they’re not stars. Repent and believe in Jesus Christ while He can still be found! Acts 2:38 ✝️
fallen angels don't have patience , patience is a fruit of the spirit and there is no fruit in them. Why are these "fallen angels" preparing for ? why so much preparation in their behavior ,why are they trying to draw attention? 3-4 weeks past and they did no harm to earth.
These are harvesters ,the angels , they are preparing for the rapture /harvest .
Why you people attribute so much to the devil and his fallen angels .The devil is always hasting ,there is no preparation in his behavior pattern . If you knew the spiritual war that was raged against me you would not believe . And he is always hidden and working in the dark .God's angels are revealing angels and they are preparing the world for something bigger.
Stop thinking that you figured all by yourself and pray for discernment and pray for enlightenment ,never lean on your own understanding. if 90% of people believe that they are fallen angels contrary to real angels , they are wrong because the Truth is never with the majority but with the few.
They are government technology, nothing else
Some are drones, some are demonic. It is on us, through the Holy Spirit, to descern what is what.
Not all of them are drones but , but I had seen them literally right above my head very low I know I could see them as I see my car it was skimming my tree tops basically that low I know for sure there drone justike what there using for weapons in middle East and Ukraine the rapture is near an I'm ready to go home to be with my savior Maranantha
Interesting because if the rapture happens then it will be full blown Great Deception stuff. Is Jesus returning to earth around 2000 years after His crucifixion/resurrection year? If so, imagine how soon the pretribulation rapture must be, and the tribulation will take 7years.
I live on the corner of a street with a small woods across from me. I either don't dream often or don't remember my dreams. Early this morning i woke up from a dream where i was on my porch and a kangaroo was hopping full speed away from the woods followed by deer, raccoons, and other animals. We don't have Roos in Indiana. Also, there were absolutely no birds or noise at all. Literally i take it as flee, follow the animals, have a bag and cats ready to go. Figuratively i do feel the Lord is trying to tell me to be ready?? Many years ago i had a dream I've never forgotten. I was alone and heard loud noises. I looked out the window and a tank was coming up the street blowing up houses and gunning down everyone trying to run. I ran outside and was frantically looking for somewhere to hide but there was nowhere to go. The time we have left here is extremely brief. Jesus is standing at the ready waiting for the Father to tell Him to go get His bride. I believe in my heart these are demons invading us.
I had a dream around Christmas time. I saw this ladder going up from the ground until the skies. I started climbing the ladder. Sometimes I stopped and looked back to see the ladder is not shaking and then continue again. Then out of the sudden white lambs started to climb up the ladder, running past me. While I was still climbing and feeling scared and not confident about the ladder holding me, those lambs were running and jumping up like wind! I then knew inside me that the lambs were in fact Men and women.
I then woke up.
I am just writing this in case it helps any of you
It certainly helped me…
@@Jojoyou628 ❤️✝️❤️
Could mean that you need to keep your focus in the lord and not rely on worldly things but on God himself. God bless.
Be not unbelieving, but believing
Like Lot’s wife. Don’t look back. He’s got you!!
All these things must come to pass for God's word to be fulfilled, stay prayed up keep serving God, and most importantly remember God wins and if God wins we are victorious with him 🙏 ❤️ 🙌🏻
It’s time for the church to rise with great revival, Miracles and healing to save souls before the rapture!! 🙏🏻
Dream I had couple years ago was I was walking it was a beautiful evening I look up a nuclear blast and sound of a missile and in an instant all believers were caught up with Jesus ! A coworker shared she had the same exact dream!
Watch the 90 yr old Norwegian woman's prophecy given in 1968.
Jesus Christ is the King of Kings ❤ Amen 🙏
He is the only King
Be careful, the Devil is a deceiver. We all have dreams, don't be too quick to run to judgment after having a dream.. Weird things appear in dreams.
Yup hes being deceived
It tends to happen that God overtakes the narratives the devil creates to turn it into parables for me. Likely because the devil cannot do the same thing against his messages.
Dreams from the Lord are very vivid and scriptural.
Great point! I don't have a good feeling about all these "TH-cam Prophets" Every time I watch them it just feels so off! How people say and throw around the phrase "God showed me-God told me" I just can't understand how they take their personal experience into FACT.
He is definitely #not deceived about what God is revealing to him about Trump...
Pray for David, Bridgette, Scott, Gary, Regina, Sarah, Jared, Stephanie, Tim, Josh, Kayla, Veronika and Chris
The fog makes a good screen for blue beam
Especially fog with aluminum...
I think it's safe to say, " they're not our friends."
The United States of Mystery Babylon is in trouble
True! Hold on to God!
I believe your right there’s a reason why God is preparing his people this country is in trouble I see it with the pride and arrogance in are leaders like nothing can happen to us .
Not so much mystery Babylon anymore.
God has told Unknown Prophet that He does not call USA mystery babylon, we have called it that.
We were told to live everyday expecting Jesus to rapture us.
Always be ready!
God told me about him when I read thru the bible in 2023. Since then he has confirmed all he has shown me in that year and he continues to tell me what is coming. I knew something, that we needed to pray against, was coming Jan 1. The next thing is the cold. Please, pray against this storm and what is causing it. There is a cause. Look up polar vortex and what can cause it, then look at pics of things going off in Syria.
In my opinion Donald Trump is not a Christian man. He is also promoting Elon Musk who I find as very dangerous person!
Ok I don't agree with you but that's my opinion. I think Trump has become a christian man. I don't find Musk dangerous. How is he dangerous?
Keep your opinion to yourself
I don't agree with you but that's my opinion. I think Trump is a christian man now. How is Musk dangerous?
Nero wasn't either, yet God said He will use His servant Nero...
@@Bshiddy Keep your opinion to yourself.
Many years ago I had a dream where stars were spinning, shooting across, dancing around changing colors. It was stunning. I kept telling people it’s the rapture. Then to my shock, across the sky the stars formed a message: brought to you by Disney.
Now, years after this dream, I’m beginning to wonder about project blue beam, and if they are actually staging a fake rapture, while they go hide in “the rocks and caves”
Thank you for sharing your dreams. I had a strange experience a couple of weeks ago. I woke up in the morning saying out loud, "Don't trust Elon Musk." I wasn't dreaming, I wasn't speaking to anyone (I sleep alone.) It was weird. But I felt it was from the Lord.🤷
He does provide some cognitive dissonance doesn't he..at one time seeming pro humanity while at the same time actively working against us
I was scrolling or something but either way, I saw Elon Musk. I said to myself "I don't trust that guy"
Seeing your comment to me, is conformation!
When he laughs it sounds ominous
He is the death. And trump will usher him in. No one will see it
Coming. Even Trump.
I got saved in 2021. About 3 months after coming to Jesus, I had an end time dream, which felt almost like a vision.
In the dream, I saw Elon Musk, and all of a sudden he turned into a key 🔑
Echoing in my ear were the words "Elon Musk is the key"
Everything went bright, and then I woke up.
I just knew that Elon would be some kind of key in the end times.
You are 100% right on the ark about every single thing that you said.
I asked the Lord for wisdom and these were the things that he gave me too.
I do believe that we are raptured out of here sometime this year however if I'm wrong that's okay.
Rapture is not in the bible, the word is not in there anywhere. Why would you need to put on the armor of God if you are going to be gone during the hard times? Makes no sense to think people are out there in a hole in the ground to be taken at a later date/rapture. They are already gone back to the Father who created them. Now that is biblical, but not a rapture.
@@longhaireddr Read 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 The word rapture isn't in the bible, but the catching up is. Same thing.......
Strongs G353 'analambano'; definition: to take up to receive up, to lift up.
Meaning: I take up, raise, I pick up, take on board, I carry off, lead away.
Ana in Greek means "up" and lambano means to take or receive.
Strongs H5927, alah means to go up or ascend.
I hope this helps anyone who wants to look into this further.
I don't pretend to know anything, I only place forward what the Holy Spirit brings to my attention. With this subject I always think of 1 Cor 15, first fruits and also the story of Philip and the eunuch in Acts. (Edit* I have seen some transliteration state transcend But 1 Cor 15 uses transformation or transfiguration)
Many Blessings to all my brethren.
The full Armor of God, Eph6, are our weapons for the spiritual warfare that goes on every day of a person's life (time).
DT didn't get me for one second.
But, and it is a big but, I believe God helped him win
because through Him God will be doing His will for prophetic purposes.
If you were in Trump’s shoes, you would be overcome by the darkness.
@@justice8718 and you wouldn't?
Im not driving. It isnt necessary for me to see everything, only to trust the driver.
We are not to put our trust in man, only in God. I also voted for Trump in the past but was a little leery at the time when I voted, but this last time I did not vote for anyone. I’m putting my trust in Jesus because he’s the only one that can fix this mess and he is taking his children away to be with him very soon.
I just found and subscribed to this channel tonight. God bless! 🙏🕊️💕
Same. We need King Yeshua ASAP!
We may not know the day or the hour but we do know the times and the seasons. Remember the parable of the fig tree. "Look at the fig tree, and all the trees; as soon as they come out in leaf, you see for yourselves and know that the summer is already near. So also, when you see these things taking place, you know that the kingdom of God is near".
Life is about to change drastically. It is not the end of the world. Use discernment and faith in God and a higher power to get through the difficult times that are coming.
I voted for him all three elections. When I just heard him say about making Canada estate, renaming the Gulf of Mexico and trying to buy Greenland, I got a horrible feeling that he just revealed who he really is. You can wrap that whole speech up in all kinds of flowery reasons and bows, but it sounds like someone power hungry. Stay prayed up people, fast and seek the Lord. I think we’re in for a ride. No one would’ve chosen.
Th a/c is building his kingdom and he will magnify himself above all...............
Not necessarily, he could be doing it to build up protection against the NWO. I am not saying he is, but he could be.
Praying for Decernment and direction in these days
I agree a great deal with much of what you said here. I have maintained since Trump recited the poem about the snake he was not talking about Hillary he was talking about himself. Lots of people are in for a surprise.
Jesus is the only way 🙏
I'm not concerned. God has my back
Yes, I heard that , "It is finished " from the Lord❤ thank you very much, God bless you!❤
Just another some-something to consider, in the OT, the priests were instructed to give wave offerings. Now, when you hear a term like "first wave" the natural connotation is to believe it to be something sinister (as well it may be), but I wanted to toss out the wave offering thought in case we're looking for the wrong things. Pray that we're not deceived.
I think it's the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and an illumination of our conscience.
Wow. So this is interesting. In nov, I was woken up by the Father in the middle of the night and this is the conv that happened:
Come and see my will (heard it twice)
What is the 5th day of the month? (It's election day?)
It was a day of division, but I am going to unite my people. (How?)
With such a great outpouring of my Holy spirit
(I'm so excited Lord, I cant wait to see it!)
Yes, my children will walk again
(Image of pregnant woman i know) Pray over her baby
You are My favored (i am your favored lord?)
Right after I gave my whole life to Christ I had heard people swooning over Trump whom I loved. I used to be on the Q anon board that researched things to the enth degree for Trump. I started hearing people day,"He is my Savior." This immediately did not set well in my spirit since I recognized it as being how peoplw would feel about the AC. I asked Father beforw bed if T___p was a false prophet. I awoke with my first vision dream. A big typed Q came forward in my left Eye. I hit my knees immediately repenting for trusting in a man more than God. I thought I was marked, and I wept. He wanted me to know what that felt like because that is what it would feel like. Father started giving me visions and dreams and words in my ear all the time eversince. That first vision was Jan 2020.
I believe that DT is the a/c
My feelings are the same about Trump. I have an unsettling feeling, but I do believe God is intentionally using him.wether good or bad.
The people wanted a king, so God gave them Saul
The man of perdition
I concur with you ,I saw this on Saturday night an object like front on aeroplane emitting sparks and moving very fast with a round noise.Nothing is impossible with our God in Jesus name
Yes I've noticed a stillness in the mood of the Nation
Thank you for putting yourself out there by sharing these revelations. We have to stay in prayer. Blessings!
According to most Christian interpretations, while the Bible does record many instances of prophetic dreams, most theologians believe that God does not use dreams as a primary means of communication in today's time, as the full revelation of scripture is considered sufficient, meaning that Christians should rely primarily on the Bible for guidance rather than seeking prophetic dreams; however, some still believe God may occasionally use dreams to communicate with individuals, but they should be interpreted with caution and always aligned with scripture.
I was saved at 17 years old baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit . I’m 52 years old now and I see visions and been having dreams for a while now. One dream about three years ago I was wide awake eyes closed and I saw a sunny sky and a white horse. I also had a dream recently before the drones sightings I was in a big building and all of a sudden this big UFO landed on the building, myself and the people inside were trying to hide, but the aliens came in so fast. We all tried to lay in the floor and play dead. The aliens well I think demons they were leaning close to our faces trying to see if We were breathing. Once they came to my face I screamed out I Believe in JESUS and they started talking amongst themselves saying She said She believe in JESUS and then I woke up. This dream meaning is that time is up if you on the LORD side stay if not Get on his side, because GOD is gathering his Children and the devil is claiming the unbelievers soul. Stay on the LORD side the separation is happening…🙏
I agree that it's all scripted, each playing their part. Thanks for sharing, brother. God is in control 🙌
Evil entities not for the good , There is no power, no king, and no lord, no entity 🛸👽 can oppose Him and win 🤷♀️
“At the name of Jesus every knee will bow-in heaven and on earth and under the earth” (Philippians 2:10, ),
God bless you, American People! I pray for your safety. ♥Greetings from Germany.
The time is to repent now, our savior is coming soon and many will be shocked or can’t handle what is coming. So important that we be connected to the Father. ❤
As soon as you said "what's gonna happen that day" (Jan 9th) my neighbor sent a huge firework in the air and the BOOM almost made me drop my phone.😮😅😮 It's 3 Kings Day here in Puerto Rico. They celebrate the 3 Kings visit to baby Jesus here on the island.
Im glad viewers are aware of these things.And share enteresting impute.So keep giving life..all life.
We’re not to fear, however we need to pray without ceasing for the lost. If you can imagine the wrath of God when He regretted making man, and hit the earth with a worldwide flood that killed anything breathing, be even more aware of the total destruction that the 7 year trib will cause. Put your faith in Jesus Christ and He will deliver you from all of it. Love and blessings to all. Even so, Come Lord. We’re ready❤️✝️❤️‼️🔥
I feel the same way about the 9th for some reason. Never have had a feeling like that before.
I guess we'll find out soon 🙏
Well it is the 9th. As I write this, the day is just about over and it is about to be the 10th and other than regular news events, nothing happened that I am aware of.
I agree with you about Trump! 🎯
Look at Maralago....shake hands with Pan, then go in and bow to Apolo
What politician isn't two faced?
Yes Sir I dreamt the same thing a week ago that he changed his face, and i also voted him, i feel that things are not going to be alright.
Agree 💯
I see a lot of wisdom n discernment in your eyes. I trust what u are saying. I've begun the year with prayer n fasting. I will definitely be praying in all this. Thanks for sharing!
Seek Christ for discernment in all of this thank you brother look forward to seeing you at the table soon in the clouds.
Thank you for sharing.
This is my first video to watch of yours, and it was captivating.
I agree with you on Trump and Elon (Hebrew meaning 'oak tree'! Lots of Christians don't want to hear that Trump is the great deceiver.
I’m with you and have known about our Presidents for years! They are all playing a part in the world stage,they follow a script and use the occult to keep people believing their lies! It’s all nothing more than Masonic theater! The whole bunch of em are Lucifer lovin Freemasons,they are the untouchables but not for very much longer lol Jesus is goin to throw a wrench in their plans …Vengeance is His and it’s coming soon!
I think hes 'a' deceiver but not 'the' deceiver.
I thinks he's one of the beast that gives power to the true anti messiah. I think elons the one 🤔
A guy who has said live over and over that Jesus is lord is gonna be the great deciever?
How do we explain several people being told by the Lord to pray for DJT's protection? Not defending anyone, but there's so much deception and confusion regarding that man.
Roman 8:31 What then shall we say of these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? Verse only applies to God's Chosen: the believers. It does not imply the United States.
I definitely got a bad vib,in my spirit when he showed up at a church during lockdowns and he was holding a bible upside down. The Bible had a cross on it and the cross was upside down. I was hoping it was just a mistake
Yes it is unfortunate but I think Donald Trump could be an antichrist remember in the Bible it says that the Antichrist would be able to deceive even God's chosen elect which means that the Antichrist will be able to deceive many Republicans. Half of the Democrats are not Christian believers so there would be no need for an antichrist to attempt to deceive them. Basically if the Antichrist comes he will most likely be a Republican and will deceive many Christians
Just proves who he really is.......the a/c
@ I know who the neighbor was. He was a 33 degree Freemason. A Shriner. He used name Robert Farmer but he was actually son of attorney Dewey Cox,from Ranger,Eastland,TX. His name was Robert Cox. I’ll never get any justice.
Great video.. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and concerns. I am praying day and night.
The second moon is here till the 9th January.
What 2nd moon???
@@judymarch2003 There was a second moon for a few weeks till the 25th of November and is in this orbit until the 9th of January. You can google it.
Second moon??? I know a lot about Bible prophecy and there will be signs in the heavens but please tell me where I can view this second moon right now.
Forgot to mention, you cannot see the 2 V shaped objects in the storm under the clouds in the video. I only saw them in the pictures I was taking with my camera. Yes, I still have the pictures also. 😊
Amen and thank you for getting the information out there.When you mentioned the first wave I thought of the movie that Obama directed called "Leave the World Behind".Near the end the waves were explained.
Happy New Year and God bless!🤗
Jesus knows what is about to take place and what is about to happen
the bride has made herself ready.
@@lukavega777 who is the bride we itself
@@lukavega777 hello
@LakshithaElla hello 👋
@@lukavega777 what did u mean when u told the bride has made herself ready ..can u explain it to me
This is my first time listening to you. I will be subscribing because you don’t pretend to have all the answers, but you stick to the Bible and it’s so refreshing to see Christians who aren’t fooled by Trump. Some of my favorite pastors think the “elites” are trying to take him out etc. He’s just another actor. Thank you for being honest about this.
I Believe you & have seen 2 V shaped objects in the sky in 2022. They were both black following each other. The 1 in front was larger than the 1 following behind. Thunderstorm at the time with purple lightening. I do have pictures & video as well of these objects. The video is posted on my TH-cam channel also. It has been very windy here the last 4 days winds up to 80 MPH never had wind that high here before.
The Bible speaks of the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the righteous.
I want it but only what I need out of it. It is from God and I never want to go beyond what is offered to me by his hand. I don’t want to be Adam. I would rather be Cain than an Adam.
I had a very vivid dream a couple of years ago, where I looked at the sky and it was full of drones, all flying together. There where so many, hundreds or thousands, all flying in the same direction. I could feel that they had a weapon on them and it terrified me. After a while they where close enough for me to see that every drone had an American flag on it. After seeing that I woke up. I'm not from the United States but from Europe and I have never been to the US. This dream was really weird and these days it pops up in my mind regularly.. 🤔
Edit: I posted this comment before I saw the picture you show at 4:09.. that blew my mind. That's how it looked in my dream, but there were a lot more. They where filling the whole sky. Mindblowing..
God isnt done with America.
Partly because the enemy is showing their face.
Also:Stay close to Jesus/God.
Thats where we stay.
Govtis out of it!!! Trust GOD ALONE!!!
I also voted for DJT... but have had a feeling from the beginning that just can't put a finger on it... I do not believe he is the AC, and do believe God is using him, but to what end??? He will never humble himself, IMO. I've been praying to God for years about DT... had one "rapture" dream he was in. Just have a very uneasy feeling in my spirit. Jesus Christ is the only SAVIOUR! No man will ever be a "saviour." May God keep and protect all who seek Him 🙏🕊🙏
I think you are misunderstanding the real force of unease about Trump.
He is the final Trumpet that signals the rapture. You’re feeling the evil ready to conquer in his absence.
I believe you're right on. I've heard and seen some things about him that don't sit right. Time will tell
Jamie Waldens channel talks of Biblical and politics. Ex military minister. He’s intense, be ready. But he connects dots and knows his stuff. Give him a watch. Excellent
Oh my gosh, Jamie Walden is the best pastor out there. No one that I know wants to gear what he gas to say but I believe him 100%. Most want their ears tickled
@@stephensawer6425 Hi, did you know that you can edit your own comments? Just click on the 3 dots and you will see edit.....God bless
I totally agree with you about S. Greer.
These orbs aren't new they've been here for a very long time . I seen one back in 2010 in broad daylight and they were present in ww2 and long before that
I also had a dream about five years back, Big & Little ships all over our skies. I seemed super worried in my dream.
I seen that same thig. Not quite as many and there were military planes, 3 of them Flying upto the clouds while these many drones were in the blue sky and it seemed they were following a grid of some sort that had been drawn in the sky... Thats it , pretty much a picture rather than a moving dream....God Bless America , keep a hedge of protection around, especially your ecclesia....Thank You Lord. Also Father please wake more up, May they begin to seek your face and repent...Amen
I had and still have the same check in my spirit regarding the one coming to power. However, God raises and lowers kings to places of power. Daniel 2:21
God has put us here for such a time as this.
2025 feels like a benchmark year like 2001, 2020. It seems like these times will keep getting closer and closer to each other. They have a lot to get done by 2030. Dwave founder says these beings will come back in 2030 and they have to be prepared by the time they get here. All these people openly admit these things that they are doing, but then our media says that's just foolish conspiracy theories. Then people just listen to them. I don't understand how people can be so blind, but it might be because they don't have the holy Spirit and have spirits deceiving them ,unbeknownst to them. Pray they begin to see, great deception is coming.
I surrender and love God Amen 🙏 🙌 ❤️ ♥️ 💖 ✨️ 🙏
The drones are the locust described in revelations that cover the earth like into horses with breastplate of iron
Interesting 🤔
No. The real ones will be far worse in their pain.
The prophecies in the book of Revelation haven't begun yet. The seals will be the first and that starts the 7 year tribulation........
I know I'm in the end times... Many things over the last 25 years have woke me up to the body described in Thomas 56... But no one wants to talk about this let alone COMPREHEND.....
I am a believer in Jesus and I do pray and sometimes I think I pray too much. For the past few years I have been struggling in life and faith. It’s been really tough especially with the health of my loved ones and my own health. While at the same time dealing with life problems. It’s been everyday some new problem will come along and now I have depression, anxiety, and paranoia. From all the videos on TH-cam that are saying Jan 6th don’t go outside or don’t be alone and others with different dates is making me so scared. I’m so afraid right now my anxiety is high. I have to go outside tonight and now after seeing some videos I’m scared now. I don’t know what to think! 😬😳😥😟😧
Don't be afraid, make yourself right with Christ
and you will have nothing to fear. And remember fear comes from satan
But when we trust and believe the word of God Through Christ, we have nothing to fear.
Anytime fear comes to mind Just keep thinking Jesus for your protection. Keep thinking Jesus
For the hedge of protechin and safety That he has placed around you.
Jesus will see that you are protected no matter what happens in the world Amen.
@@brianwilson4449 very nice comment you left. We need more ppl like you in the world! God bless You!
We are past that date now and everything is still ok. I’m 61 and at least in my lifetime I can tell you that news happens every day. In fact there are entire industries built around it. Not every event is of biblical consequence. I do believe we are near the end times, don’t get me wrong, but don’t allow yourself to get distressed by everything you read or hear.
Tune it out, all of these people claiming to hear from God are false prophets and Satan is the one using them to cause confusion. Just put your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ only and start reading and studying his word, that is where we get our discernment and comfort.......God bless
I believe your Trump dreams, I have felt the same in my spirit🕊️🕊️🕊️
Ive felt something deep in my soul that something evil is coming and i keep getting told im just a paranoid veteran and no one takes me seriously. I hate feeling like i cant do anything but wait.
I haven't prayed yet, but my immediate instinct was that it would be the first wave of the invasion of the guys in the sleeper cells around the country.
I guess they didn’t have the same instinct?
Thank You for sharing