Sure these are great 'easy' looks if your hair is already clean and heat styled and looks great anyways, I'm looking for 'showered two days ago and I've been wearing a hat all day what the hell do I do with my hair' looks 😂
Leslie Morales I thot I was the only one, I can't ever do French braids cuz my layers stick out then any time I put my hair up in a bun or ponytail it's so damn heavy it falls down😩
First up - amazing woman. Seriously 15 hair do's!? My arms were getting sore just watching you. But secondly. All this 'back to school' styling I keep seeing. Goddamn I'm so relieved I went to school when hair styles weren't a 'thing' anyone cared about really. Uniform and a pony tail. Done. I'm exhausted just watching!
i mean make up,hair styles, and wearing clothes that you like is just a form of expression its kinda fun some people dont do it to look better for someone or better than someone. Im not insulted or like mad about what you say im just kinda saying (i dont wanna sound rude) plus i kiindaaa agree with you some of these girls go to school over dressed sometimes or they dress like they are wayy older than what they look like
I'd just be a tangled mess of hair, bobby pins and elastics if I try this. I swear the only thing I can do is put my hair up in a ponytail. Because my hair does not want to work with anyone. xD
keiłana _ I have long, thick hair too, and my mom can braid it and do really cute things to it. I'd love to try different things with my hair to look different and cute and have all the kids at my school say: wow, I love your hair! It's so cute. That's why I want to stock up on headbands, rubber bands, Bobby pins, and other hair accessories.
My hair goes down to my butt and is so thick it’s such a pain but I love it. My mum is really good at hair and she can do all sorts of braids but I can pretty much just do a ponytail and that’s it. It’s pretty much impossible for me to have a bun though. For ballet I need a bun and it always falls out after like half an hour ugh
My hair is the short and wavy type , it doesn't look good when it's lied down so I always do ponytails . I tried to do other hairstyles but they look ugly on me so I just give up .
lilac shadow360 please dont use hair blower I used to blow dry my hair and it becomes realy really messy and knotty but now I dont use it I just dry it witj a towel and leave it out and now my hair is really really soft and shiny:):):)I hope you WONT use hair dryer anymore
I have blonde hair and if my hair isn’t completely matte it looks like I havent showered in months. If I used this gloss I’d look like I spent a month marinating in cod oil
I would totally try the bow one but people in my school would think it looks cool so they would touch it and pull on it and mess it up. I swear I go to school with a bunch of 5 year olds 😂
don't worry my friends call me immature I'm not I'm perfectly fine but I wouldn't do that plus I live with a 5 year old and she doesn't even do that more like my 9 month old baby brother
I have one problem: because of my faceshape (square and very wide) every single hairstyle that doesn't have hair framing my face makes my face looks ridiculous. Does anyone have any tips on good hairstyles for my facetype?
1. Pull out a lot of baby hairs and strands to shape your face if you want to put your hair up 2. Keep your hair down and style it with straightening or curling and to make it easier you can put your hair in pigtails and take it out in the morning, it gives a beachy look and I think it look good with your head type
I love your cheerfulness I wish I had a friend or friends like that and I loved all of the hairstyles so much and I'm going to try many of them btw you seem like a wonderful friend :D
True, though I despise the style. I don't see the goodness in that. Plus, I asked some of my male friends, and they thought that it was retarded. Can't wait for that trend to die!
Glossips get bangs! It seriously helps! But don't ever get blunt bangs! Get side swept they make your face look less round! I have that problem too that's why my hair is always down!
Is it just me or everytime I cover my hair-tie/rubber band with a piece of hair it falls out in like 2 minutes as soon as I start moving around and doing stuff? Is there a reason why?
Don't you mean a French lace braid? Because in a Dutch braid you do a French braid but you take the strands under rather than over to make it look more 3D.
+Annabel Kuiters I'm guessing u don't know the struggle like me and Nadin, French braiding your hair dry and really curly that's a no cause it will get all tangled but if u do it wet yea it works but then when your hair is wet it looks long and straight but then about 10 minutes later it's curly and looks short. That's why I straighten my hair every night
the first video i have ever watched by laura lee and since then i have been a fan and 4 years later i need some inspiration for my hair and i came back to this video!!!!!!!!!! love yo lauraaaaaa leeeeeee
I love the hair styles with the headband and you put your hair under headband in the back! its amazing! I'm going to try the French braid into the regular braid :D
+Jalyn Garcia Nobody is ugly. Don't say that to yourself... If you think they don't look good on you, just try other video's and hairstyles. I have really annoying hair for this kind of hairstyles, but other styles look better on me. You just have to try new things.
you have the short baby hairs on the back of your neck like me!!! (right below the hair) I was so insecure about it until I started watching you!!! ❤❤❤❤
+Kitty Lover The comment section isn't for if someone "asked" you or not. It is where you speak your mind in a polite way or in good judgement. Don't know why people don't understand that.
Leave her alone. I don't see you making any videos, you don't even post your picture, let alone make videos that millions of people watch and learn from every day. Thank you Laura for your awesome videos, you are one of my favorites. I don't think this new generation was taught "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."
+Janners I have an opinion, I like to say it and I am sorry if it afends you or anyone else. If I could I would post tons of hair videos and teach tons of kids how to FRENCH BRAID and do tons of other braids. BTW, I dont pictures cause I care about my adentatey.
I did that hairstyle with the bandana and I wore it to school before it ended and I got in detention for a whole week for wearing my hair like that😢😢😢 WHY
Sure these are great 'easy' looks if your hair is already clean and heat styled and looks great anyways, I'm looking for 'showered two days ago and I've been wearing a hat all day what the hell do I do with my hair' looks 😂
omg lmaooooo😂😂😂😂😂
Lol Same!!
+Gabby Does things bbj
+Gabby Does things ujjhj
+Gabby Does things yj
Where's my girls that have thick hair and can't do anything with it?? 😪🙋🏻
justve read ur comment .... hi im over here 😭😭
😂😂👋👋 my hair thick medium with layers so im more screwed with da lil hairs commin out 😩😩😪
Leslie Morales I thot I was the only one, I can't ever do French braids cuz my layers stick out then any time I put my hair up in a bun or ponytail it's so damn heavy it falls down😩
First up - amazing woman. Seriously 15 hair do's!? My arms were getting sore just watching you.
But secondly. All this 'back to school' styling I keep seeing. Goddamn I'm so relieved I went to school when hair styles weren't a 'thing' anyone cared about really. Uniform and a pony tail. Done. I'm exhausted just watching!
With no makeup, and no comparisons of who wears their uniform better! Old school days were great in that way.
Claire Spicer Preach it, sister!
Hello again "Erin"!
i mean make up,hair styles, and wearing clothes that you like is just a form of expression its kinda fun some people dont do it to look better for someone or better than someone. Im not insulted or like mad about what you say im just kinda saying (i dont wanna sound rude) plus i kiindaaa agree with you some of these girls go to school over dressed sometimes or they dress like they are wayy older than what they look like
Stop that bull about girls your age didn't care about looks, my mom and many other women did just as girls today, not everyone's like you guys
*"if none of these hairstyles work for you, you can simply put a blue wig on and go to school"*
Honestly it felt like this was a promo for the Tara products
It definitely was
Carol Perdomo it was 😂😂
Who else has thick, poofy and always tangled hair that makes this impossible ?
me 😭😭😭
+CakeMaster me, I just go through having to straighten it😭
"You just gotta french braid it" me: how the hell do u French braid
Lilz MD me too
Lilz MD tru 😂
Lilz MD 😅😅😅😅😂😂😂
When u have black hair and none of the braid shows.... 😭
Misaki Mai I did my sisters hair yesterday and I did braids it took so long.
We have black hair and you couldn't even see the braids😩😩
Misaki Mai i feel you
Misaki Mai ikr
Ikr oh well my dance 😔
Euina .x relatable af
hello to those who have curly frizzy hella hair
yep XD
hello. ;)
Caryl Garcia mehhh. ;-;
Caryl Garcia me
Dang girl werent your arms hurting by all that hair work . . Props 👏 because i get tired at my first ponytail or whatever lmao .
Cinndy _6711 ha ha ha it was a all day filming sesh! lol
Cinndy _6711 lmao i agree i was like damn i wouldve paused the video to rest haha
Soo true hahah .. Same here
I'd just be a tangled mess of hair, bobby pins and elastics if I try this. I swear the only thing I can do is put my hair up in a ponytail. Because my hair does not want to work with anyone. xD
Arre Mnemosyne LOL rely
CWow Yes, I'm that talentless and unfortunate. xD
Arre Mnemosyne
Arre Mnemosyne my hair doesn't even let me a do a ponytail man 😂
Simply leticia Let us all gather to mourn for our non cooperative hairs. xD
i literally cant do any of this with my thick, long hair. all i can do is put my hair in a ponytail, bun, or a braid.
keiłana _ I have long, thick hair too, and my mom can braid it and do really cute things to it. I'd love to try different things with my hair to look different and cute and have all the kids at my school say: wow, I love your hair! It's so cute. That's why I want to stock up on headbands, rubber bands, Bobby pins, and other hair accessories.
My hair goes down to my butt and is so thick it’s such a pain but I love it. My mum is really good at hair and she can do all sorts of braids but I can pretty much just do a ponytail and that’s it. It’s pretty much impossible for me to have a bun though. For ballet I need a bun and it always falls out after like half an hour ugh
Your lucky u don’t have kinda thin hair so u can barely do these bc it looks weird
That’s more than I can do lmao
I completely agree and that is why my go to is 2 Dutch braids
Thanks for this! Although, I do online school so no one will see these gorgeous hairstyles, haha! I'll definitely wear these when I go out though!
I like your icon ! c:
+explodingmendes I like yours
+Haley Johnson +explodingmendes both of yours😍
Most of these didn't work for me bc I have super long thin hair 😩😩😩
Sophia xd I could only do 2 !
Sophia Xu same
Fucking saaaaame
SAME OMG glad I wasn't the only one lol. These hairstyles would only make my hair look thinner than it already was 😂😂
lucky girl
Step 1: Have beautiful long and straight hair.
Who is watching this in 2018??? 😄
Anyone??? Am I the only one😂
Yes you only you Its 2019 okay
jesicca t MEEEE
jesicca t me
The only hairstyle I use is a ponytail 😂👌🏼
Same. I always try something new but i always fuck up and i just give up 😂😂😂
+nAil polish freAk I don't get how people can do hairstyles so easily! 😂😂
same! I put it in a ponytail or a messy bun that looks like poop.
My hair is the short and wavy type , it doesn't look good when it's lied down so I always do ponytails . I tried to do other hairstyles but they look ugly on me so I just give up .
Ikr XD
Aside from being totes adorbs...your videos provide awesome advice.
Thanks 😻
+Laura Lee (laura88lee) do you reply regularly? (this vid is great!!!!) :D
I agree!!☺☺☺
she's not even "totes adorbs" she is just very very pretty
Omg your arms had to be DYING lmao but all of these were so pretty! I'm seriously about to go try them all haha
Maria Christina SAME
Maria Christina tare
Maria Christina fqwqqq
I blow dryed my hair after going in the shower and my hair is a mess, IM PRETTY SURE I COULD PASS AS A LION, A FREAKING LION
lilac shadow360 please dont use hair blower I used to blow dry my hair and it becomes realy really messy and knotty but now I dont use it I just dry it witj a towel and leave it out and now my hair is really really soft and shiny:):):)I hope you WONT use hair dryer anymore
I'm watching these amazing back to school hairstyles but then again I probably just go to school with the messiest hair ever so :)
is you're profile pic Dylan o'brien OMG
Dylan omg
Did you know guys look the messy look, such as the messy ponytail, or the messy bun.
+Janel Crawford year so anybodys definite
Ur profile pic is my life😻❤️💯
Your hair is amazing, I wish my hair was like yours
Thanks... yours is pretty awesome too XD
+Becky Walsh you look super pretty
Cosette Yavon thank you very much, that comment made my day :)
No problem
These type of videos make me actually want to brush my hair😂
OMG! Lol same 😂😂
+TheGirlWithTheGlasses I actually brushed my hair after watching this video.......
Me too I have got the brush in my hand lol
When you don't have bobby pins...
I can relate..
Madison Harvey yah same
I get like 300 Bobby pins and I lose them in a day
I feel so bad for you...
Sydney Elyse Nussbaum thank you
I literally couldn't do any of these hairstyles...... Im so pathetic
Jeiddy Sanchez don't worry, I'm so pathetic I can't even curl my own hair.
Jeiddy Sanchez i had a breakdown becuase i couldn't do anything with my hair even these simple ones it just eithers looks bad or doesnt work :C
DerpyMyth at least I'm not the only one who does that😂😂
Jeiddy Sanchez same
Tara Williams yay 😂
Damn girl 15 u go girl I can't even film one lol
Lol same!
***** Lol ikr
i love thees adorable hair styles
+Priscilla Martinez thank you :)
me too
+Laura Lee (laura88lee)thanks so much laura i love these hairstyles and they look so damn cute and are easy to do
Dies anyone else think that the gloss just makes it look greasy?
Krista Domek My fucking hair is the worst. Halp
I have blonde hair and if my hair isn’t completely matte it looks like I havent showered in months. If I used this gloss I’d look like I spent a month marinating in cod oil
was about to say that
The one before The Blue Wig is kinda like Ariana Grande !!! And with that hair you looked like her a bit !! (I hope that wasn't a insult )
Heyits Emily i like Ariana Grandes hair!
Same you looked really good with it !! 😍
Heyits Emily Lol I read this comment before I finished watching a was like
_Blue wig??? Dafuq!?_
Lol yeah watch till the end or none of the comments make sense
I did
omg they're all so cute and effortless!!!! I'm outta school but I def need cute & quick hairstyles!!!
Same here!
babyruth9899 😀
Honestly, this is the only hair tutorial video I actually liked! Good job! xx
I love binge watching you! Absolutely perfect 💖
I would totally try the bow one but people in my school would think it looks cool so they would touch it and pull on it and mess it up. I swear I go to school with a bunch of 5 year olds 😂
But definitely added it to my favorites 👍
😂same. I hate it when people do that
don't worry my friends call me immature I'm not I'm perfectly fine but I wouldn't do that plus I live with a 5 year old and she doesn't even do that more like my 9 month old baby brother
I have one problem: because of my faceshape (square and very wide) every single hairstyle that doesn't have hair framing my face makes my face looks ridiculous. Does anyone have any tips on good hairstyles for my facetype?
Yess exactly my problem 😭
1. Pull out a lot of baby hairs and strands to shape your face if you want to put your hair up
2. Keep your hair down and style it with straightening or curling and to make it easier you can put your hair in pigtails and take it out in the morning, it gives a beachy look and I think it look good with your head type
I think some settle side bangs would really frame your face, even when it's down and up :)
Learn to contour your face so that you're more confident with your beautiful self.
It's even worse if you have a cowlick on your hairline :/
I usually just wear my hair down because I'm self conscious wearing anything else tbh
im literally trying do these but can't even do a single one!
Why do I try?
Same, my hair styling skills are non existent😂
same I suck at hairstyles
Same ):
ugh relatable when I watch French braid tutorials I try cos I think it looks easy but I fail miserable
i know how you feel
Her hair is just PERFECT😍
There are a lot of original ideas in this video, really liked it
+Madeline White thanks :)
+Laura Lee (laura88lee) these are pretty and easy i ❤ all of them
I love your cheerfulness I wish I had a friend or friends like that and I loved all of the hairstyles so much and I'm going to try many of them btw you seem like a wonderful friend :D
Thanks love 💋
You can take my friends 😂
+Poorvaja Venkateswaran lol😂
The bun half updo is very popular at my school 😂
Not at my school I only saw one person wearing the style
True, though I despise the style. I don't see the goodness in that. Plus, I asked some of my male friends, and they thought that it was retarded. Can't wait for that trend to die!
Everyone in my school like has been straightening their hair since 5th grade and I'm like wot I just started styling my hair tf
+Puffer Fish I know the girls hair is so plain and straight xD
Looking for hairstyles for picture day!! 🔥👍🏼
Where's my curly hair squad👌🤗😂😂
This is one of the only truly easy hair tutorials on TH-cam
uhh. I have a face that was designed using a compass, so it's ROUND, anything I'd do here, will make me look like a balloon face. 😅
Glossips get bangs! It seriously helps! But don't ever get blunt bangs! Get side swept they make your face look less round! I have that problem too that's why my hair is always down!
Glossips same😔😔
Sucks for you
Already have plenty but I’m guessing you don’t?
Omg old Laura is a mood
Is it just me or everytime I cover my hair-tie/rubber band with a piece of hair it falls out in like 2 minutes as soon as I start moving around and doing stuff? Is there a reason why?
me too. It's fucking annoying
+Commenter84 ikr- for me it either falls out or looks like shit
You're supposed to pin it on the underside of the hair tie
i do that and it doent hold at all
You could try spraying it with hairspray before you tie it in your hair, or you could add some texturising spray to your hair to give it some hold 😊
I think someone should tell her that's not how you French braid 😂😁
I hope she's doing this on purpose 😬
+Valerie Woods It's aq half french braid I think
I know right
+Valerie Woods yesss i was like..." dude thats not how u french braid..."
well, she probably was doing a dutch braid, if u know what that is LOL!😁
Does anybody else realize she's not French braiding right?
Yeah it's Dutch
+HeyitsKat it's probably because she's left handed, I do that too
+HeyitsKat it's not just a Dutch braid she also isn't adding more hair every time she does a braing link think. she adds hair like every 4th time
+HeyitsKat it's a Dutch French braid, it's just that she's taking hair in every forth stitch
Don't you mean a French lace braid? Because in a Dutch braid you do a French braid but you take the strands under rather than over to make it look more 3D.
that hairbow style is super cute!!
But my hair is so curly...
You can still do a lot of them with curly hair!!
+Annabel Kuiters I'm guessing u don't know the struggle like me and Nadin, French braiding your hair dry and really curly that's a no cause it will get all tangled but if u do it wet yea it works but then when your hair is wet it looks long and straight but then about 10 minutes later it's curly and looks short. That's why I straighten my hair every night
Omg same it makes me depressed
Too bad the bandana one won't work in my city since schools see it as gang representation :(
That's so fucking dumb 😒
Yup same here 😑
At my school we can't wear Nike clothing because in a different country it's a gang sign😤
Same omg!
+Sakina Sehgal I Know Yu Can't Even Wear Certain Colors Without Reppin A Gang 😭😭😩 That's How It Is In NY 😂😂
Did any one else with thick hair start laughing when she said "little elastic"😂
Avery Robertson me
Omg I literally love all of these hairstyles from the the past I have learnt nearly every hairstyle and you inspire me
If my hair was straight ........ 😩
straiten it then do these
I know right 😞😒
My hair is curly...I like it
+Jessica Juden I wanted to have heatless hair ideas, so by straightening it to do this, it would defeat my main goal!! Lol
Ugh de struggle!! Lol
"Look how shiny my hair is!" Yeah... AFTER SPRAYING A GALLON OF GLOSSER ON YOUR HAIR🙄😂
Maxene Bala it looked like she put oil lol
I'm sorry but she put sooo much on it made it look greasy XD
Lmao yess 😂
she means how shiny it made her hair! think about things before you comment them!
Mischa Pattinson why don't you do that she was just trying to get some laughs
I'm a boy but I love watching theses to see how much u girls try
Not all girls do lol 😂
+Sophia Ryu lol yea I either brush mine out or put it up in a ponytail and I'm like.....I'm done....xD
I just like have really thick hair so when I do do my hair I put it in either a messy bun or ponytail cause ain't nobody got time to do all that
Are you trying to say that it's a bad thing for people to want to try nice hairstyles😂
the first video i have ever watched by laura lee and since then i have been a fan and 4 years later i need some inspiration for my hair and i came back to this video!!!!!!!!!! love yo lauraaaaaa leeeeeee
When you don't know why you are watching hair tutorials when you know you will never be able to do these hairstyles😂
Love your name
+Becky Henderson you wrote that like, twice in a row
KawaiiGeekz haha Yep
im not even gonna try these bc ik im gonna take 30 min for each lolol
honestly, same
lol ikr
Every single time....
OI EXO binch got caught , same tbh I still have scene bangs bc my foreheads fucking ewe
The bandana hair look looks like one of the hairstyles that aria had off of pretty little liars
Yo it's does😂
+Laurenn.Chancyy what does ikr mean
Ikr means I know rigth
ikr means I know right
My favourite one was the bow. I'm have been now doing that a lot for school now. Thx for all the amazing videos xxx
whats the difference between back to school hairstyles and regular hairstyles...? :/
Genevieve J they tend to take less time and stay in longer because you have to get to school and don't have time to do stuff that takes forever
Genevieve J u
Genevieve J the name ,duh?
My hair is too thin to braid :( When I braid it's really tiny and it just looks like nothing from far away.
first of all hi pham. second of all try pulling apart the braid a little bit. like tugging at the sides just enough to loosen them. :)
very very over acting
Sammeee! If I tug at it to make it bigger it just falls apart!
Verity just, not too much, and try to make it super loose, it's kinda hard though.. but try
Guess I have to get a blue wig 😅
You're not alone
Same, that's what I thought xD
+Angel Larson So tru! 😆😂😄
My definition of French braiding:
Tangling your hair up
Like if you agree
Do some for curly hair! love these
most of these didn't work for me because my hair is so fucking thick, can you make a video of hair tutorials for girls with thick hair plz
* Dani * me too I nearly cried
checkout my chanel comment down bellow and subscribe so I can give you wanted ok
* Dani * I do too
My hair is so thick and some what short but i also have short bangs off to the side
these were made for thick hair! did you even watch the video?
Im sorry but the shining spray she used just made her hair look oily
I thought so too.
+Joseline Reynoso same
I know right!
2:32 my phone was buffering on the right moment 😂😂 i love this video!!! subscribed ✅
Do you know how hard it is too open a Bobby pin with braces
+Amy McGee yaz. it's just so sad ;-;
I hope it is not too painful😥😥
I know! It's so hard and annoying 😭
U're video is my favorite of all videos i've seen
+oualae ferhane thanks :)
i know right
+oualae ferhane same!
Ip 00o
It's really hard as my hair is sooooo thick! On the walk to school, they usually fall out...
+LifeAsAri K that's my hair right there
me too.
you have literally the most gorgeous hair I've ever seen
All I heard from her was
Thickening cream
Thickening cram
Thickening cream
Hair shine
Hair shine
Hair shine
Brianna Huerta yup
Brianna Huerta and cute
Khushi Shah Bobby pin yeah? 😅
Grease grease grease
the bow was cute
Laura= all of these hair styles are super simple
Me= I cant even braid my hair 😭😭😭
I love the hair styles with the headband and you put your hair under headband in the back! its amazing! I'm going to try the French braid into the regular braid :D
am i the only one who thought she french braids weird?? or maybe I've been doing it wrong this full time???
Justbeingme❤ she's Dutch braiding or 'cornrows' not French
Jenna Smith aww okay
Jenna Smith it's just because she said french braid so i assumed that's what she was doing obvi lol
Yes she was doing it all wrongs
Who else scrolls through the comments while watching the video?
me !
Exactly how I found this comment 😂
+Kimmi Cherri Same
What if you are ugly and none of them look good on you 😢😢😢
+Jalyn Garcia Nobody is ugly. Don't say that to yourself...
If you think they don't look good on you, just try other video's and hairstyles. I have really annoying hair for this kind of hairstyles, but other styles look better on me. You just have to try new things.
Don't say that! Everybody's beautiful in someway :3
Don't say that! Everybody's beautiful in someway :3
Don't say that! Everybody's beautiful in someway :3
you are really pretty don't say that✌
Wow, these hairstyles are amazing! Thanks for making such a food video for girls who want to try different hairstyles. I really appreciate it.
That moment when it goes from "nice shine" to "I haven't showered in a month"
lol i was thinking the same thing
I have that friend who has like 15747486 bobby pins in her hair
We all have that one friend
***** LOL
+WoahItsShaniyax saaame
I am that friend 😂
tbh i lose all mine in my im not a boy my name is joeline...joel 4 short
You are so pretty and I love ur hair 👍👍👍
Ahh omg who's part of 1D fandom ✋
Kamill Lope mee!!!
Panda Bear Horan Too bad u can't see my hair
The half up bow is so cute!!!
They make it look sooo easy but it's hard for curly hair
you have the short baby hairs on the back of your neck like me!!! (right below the hair) I was so insecure about it until I started watching you!!! ❤❤❤❤
That's not a french braid
thanks bill
Ok I Guess If Ya Think So ..
Btw Did Someone Asked U If It Is Or Not Uh ....
+Kitty Lover The comment section isn't for if someone "asked" you or not. It is where you speak your mind in a polite way or in good judgement. Don't know why people don't understand that.
+reagan thomas no its not
+Kitty Lover no one asked her, she is speaking her opinion. just like you are right now
This is seriously the best “hairstyles for long hair” video I’ve seen.
"This is gonna be easy"
*starts to do a french braid*
XD im watching dis on deh last day of summer dx
+Nicole Allen ikr
+Nicole Allen loool same!! tommorow is the first day of school
yehet XD >
***** lmao kkk >
Tried to catch fog yesterday
ill see myself out
I guess you could say it was a bit of an unclear finish...
My awkwardness in a nutshell!
+Maddie McKeown okay, I liked that one
+JessieMcnally :)
+Aly Millane um just because they said a joke that was cheesy doesn't mean they are high😂
Laura Lee, your hair is gorgeous!!
IT IS SO MESSY, NO NOTHING! She has some good hairstyles but awful execution of them. Her French braid makes me wanna SCREAM!!
The French braid isn't even right
+Cally Cheng Your right it isn't. She says French braid when she is doing a normal braid...
Leave her alone. I don't see you making any videos, you don't even post your picture, let alone make videos that millions of people watch and learn from every day. Thank you Laura for your awesome videos, you are one of my favorites. I don't think this new generation was taught "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."
+Janners I have an opinion, I like to say it and I am sorry if it afends you or anyone else. If I could I would post tons of hair videos and teach tons of kids how to FRENCH BRAID and do tons of other braids. BTW, I dont pictures cause I care about my adentatey.
And.... I am sorry if my coments have hurt anyone's feelings. Truely.
Step one: have amazing colored voluminous manageable healthy hair :D soo easy!
Sorry if being rude but do you have thick or thin hair? Because I have VERY thick hair xD.
Meanwhile I have VERYYY THIN HAIR :'( we all got our problems XD
I have think hair too like VERY think hair
Very thick hair. All my friends are jealous and I don't know why
+Hi There I know right
Laura looks so good with half up hairstyles. When I try, I look like a potato.
who's watching this in 2017
FUZZY BEAR meeeeee!!!!!!
all the bun ones I am so using subscribed
I did that hairstyle with the bandana and I wore it to school before it ended and I got in detention for a whole week for wearing my hair like that😢😢😢 WHY
bet you looked cool tho
+Andrea Ong I did!
that's not fair
+mynamesaleigha glover ikr I got so mad I wanted to scream at the whole world😂😂😠😠
its hair at the end of the day. You have some crappie school. mines dead strict about jewellery and shirts being tucked in
Love your hair styles