Yemin 455. Bölüm | The Promise Season 4 Episode 455

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 13 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 421

  • @marilucasanchez6500
    @marilucasanchez6500 2 ปีที่แล้ว +58

    CAPITULO 455
    Parte 1ra: 😞
    Ayer recibieron con tanto amor a Gülperi en su casa, apenas unos minutos Yiğit le entregaría uno de sus dibujos como homenaje y nuevamente es atacada ferozmente por "su familia ".
    En el hospital cuando Emir lo e reclamó explicación a Savaş de lo que estaba haciendo, este le contestó que el no tenía autoridad alguna sobre Gülperi . Emir le pide a Savaş que cuál era su interés y este le dice que son familia y que no tiene que intervenir.
    Savaş es un personaje oscuro, llegó ofreciendo venganza, luego la defiende, permite que su madre la humille, quiere librarla de la cárcel y para ello le ofrece una nueva vida en Rusia y porque matan al hermano nuevamente la maltrata?
    Kasin lastimaba hasta dejarla destrozada el cuerpo de Gülperi y la convirtió en una esclava.
    Emir acogió en su vida a un "despojo humano", físicamente todavía sangraba de las heridas por latigazos, vivía aterrorizada, era incapaz de comer, sonreír, de mirar al rostro de un ser humano, no sabía sentarse en una mesa, sólo uno pudo auxiliarla: YIĞIT!!
    Hoy una madre es dominada por el dolor del asesinato de un hijo y todos se compadecen. Acaso no acaba Emir de pasar por el intento de un intento de asesinato de su hijo?
    Sin embargo, el dolor de la muerte pasa a un segundo plano, prima el dolor del odio, la sed de venganza, esa que llevó a Savaş a secuestrar a Yiğit y hacerlo parecer muerto para martirizar a Gülperi y a Emir.
    Las heridas recién sanadas de Gülperi están en carne viva, la maldición de Beyhan trastoca a Savaş.
    La familia de Emir no ha estado libre de gravísimos errores y pero la generosidad de un hijo borró el pecado y la culpa de la madre,
    Sin embargo, en nada ha pecado Gülperi y Emir lo sabe y en el fondo lo sabe Savaş.
    Lo único bueno que tiene el,secuestro de Emir y las mujeres es que liberaron a Gülperi del sentido de culpa porque en nada tenía vínculos con la familia de Beyhan, hasta que Savaş lo convierte en un asunto mafioso, de las únicas cosas buenas que hizo Tullay fue indicar que el secuestro de Emir debía ser tratado por la policía 👮‍♂️, pero ese no es el mundo en que se mueve Savaş y cada vez complicó aún más las cosas.
    Por eso la reacción de Emir de rechazar que Gülperi pidiera ayuda a Savaş, un hombre con ese estilo poco puede cambiar y el tiempo le da la razón a Emir, por eso se contuvo de matar a Sari Ismail. En una ocasión su padre Hikmet lo detuvo de matar a un hombre en una pelea que procuró para liberar la ira, "vas a manchar tus manos con sangre, te convertirás en asesino?"
    Pero claro, Savaş por padre tuvo a un asesino y por madre una desalmada, poco pudo hacer para ser distinto.
    Gülperi está totalmente quebrantada, Emir se debate entre salvaguardar a Yiğit y vigilar a "los huéspedes " No puede encerrarse con el niño dejando a Gülperi totalmente desamparada pero tampoco puede obligarla a rechazar a "su familia".
    Pobre Gülperi pobre Emir, aunque él lo intenta no puede lograr que reaccione. Sólo puede alcanzar que Gülperi se libere Yiğit, quien enseñará nuevamente a Gülperi a sonreír pa alejar los monstruos o.. una nueva canallada contra Emir, el amor de su niño o el temor de que amenacen a su amado la harán reaccionar y la princesa se volverá valiente y guerrera .
    (No olvidemos el cuento de Yiğit)
    CAPITULO 455
    Parte 2da: No me rindo.
    La bondad de Gülperi ha sido ultrajada por "su familia ", pero Cavidan la cuida, la defiende de Beyhan y Emir la defenderá de todos. Nadie, salvo Emir y Baran sabe todas las que ha hecho Savaş.
    Emir está dispuesto a todo por ayudar a Gülperi lo primero: no la presiona, lo a cubre con sus miradas pero no la obligará, en todo caso se someterá a lo que ella se someta.
    La leñera nuevamente es escenario de una hermosa escena de amor, Emir ve a su amada destrozada de dolor y no la mira desde arriba, se abaja para mirarla a los ojos, no la dejara compadecerse de si misma, la defenderá del monstruo fantasma que la asusta y atormenta.
    Anoche le contó a Emir que tenía miedo de perder a quien ama y quienes la aman. Hoy Emir con la autoridad que le da el AMOR le extiende su mano, no la dejará allí (cortaron la escena no vimos cuando Gülperi se levanta 😡)
    Emir no será indiferente a cualquier acción contra Gülperi....
    Quiere sacarle de la escena de bombardeo de odio y llevarla fuera con Yiğit, pero no acepta.
    Huele a tragedia, pero el AMOR es más poderoso que el odio.
    Perdón, hoy todo es gris,

    • @sandraherrera2247
      @sandraherrera2247 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Gracias Mariluca Sanchez muy emotivo tu analisis

    • @fellousnaima2099
      @fellousnaima2099 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Une très bonne analyse comme toujours bravo même avec de la tristesse mais on garde de l'espoir

    • @stelacouto3367
      @stelacouto3367 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Muito obrigado pela legenda ❤ ❤ ❤

    • @myriamschiavoni567
      @myriamschiavoni567 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Mil gracias❗❗👏👏

    • @yaimery3076
      @yaimery3076 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Es cierto que Hoy todo es gris, pero mañana será azul celeste. 💙 Bello y muy triste lo que escribiste. Muy buen análisis. Saludos 😭😥😍

  • @samiraomar7566
    @samiraomar7566 2 ปีที่แล้ว +36

    I loved the scene where emir goes to the shed and he kneels down with gulperi and the way they look at each other is everything ❤️. Emir is so sad seeing her sad, he hates seeing beyhan and savas mistreat her. I loved when he told savas he won’t let him and his mom treat gulperi this way and he won’t allow it in his house. Loved the part where emir puts the coat on for gulperi ❤️❤️that scene was beautiful he really loves her a lot. Todays ep emir has been sad because gulperi is sad but also he sees the pain in her eyes and he’s in pain because she’s in pain. That’s how you know they’re true lover whose hearts beats as one, because when one feels pain the other feels pain, when one is sad the other is sad, when one is happy the other is happy. When one doesn’t eat the other one doesn’t eat, when one is nervous the other one is nervous ❤️. They’re so beautiful together they also suit each other a lot

    • @mariyamargretjose
      @mariyamargretjose 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      What do u think abt the promo?? Doesn't seem interesting. I wish Emir was more comforting to Gul. It's just words now. Just like in the beginning of the season. He seems to have forgotten all the romance between them 😒

    • @migusiekijm9329
      @migusiekijm9329 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @mariya margret jose I think both Emir and Gulperi will do something today. I don't know if you remember, but in today's trailer, Melike tells Gulperi that she's worried because Gul doesn't eat anything and neither does Emir. I think Melike will influence Gulperi to talk to him.

    • @sammerhijazeen6043
      @sammerhijazeen6043 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      اوه وصف راىع ،👍👍👍نعم هكذا العشاق الحقيقيون ❤️❤️❤️🌹🌹

  • @turkanzulfiyye5458
    @turkanzulfiyye5458 2 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    Narin maşallah oyunçuluğun çok güzel. Kaş NarKem sehneleri daha çok olaydı ❤

  • @perlachan659
    @perlachan659 2 ปีที่แล้ว +74

    Traducción de las escenas de Gulmir
    Parte 1
    Beyhan: finalmente has tenido éxito, y es
    gracias a ti.
    Savas: mamá, está bien, detente.
    gulperi: mi tía
    Beyhan: No vengas a mí, todo esto pasó
    gracias a ti
    Emir a Savas: Mira, ella no puede ir a ningún lado como esto, déjala descansar si quieres.
    Beyhan está arrastrando las palabras: mi hijo, mi león
    Baran: Hermano llamé al doctor, él estará aquí pronto.
    Savas a Gulperi: Está bien, sal, el doctor esta viniendo, si mi madre te ve cuando despierte arriba si no será bueno.
    Gulperi sale de la habitación y Emir la ve desde la puerta de Yigit
    Yigit: ¿A papá le falta algo a la tía Beyhan? Es ¿Por qué gritó?
    Emir está mirando a Gulperi desde allí y ve que ella está llorando.
    Cavidan mientras Gulperi baja: Gulperi,
    ven hija mía, gulperi
    Melike: la madrugadora quedó devastada
    Cavidan: no ha terminado, el dolor es grande pero pesado
    Emir a Yigit: no hay nada de qué preocuparse, mi hijo, hay algo que los adultos necesitan hablar, eso es todo, así que vamos a ver qué pasa
    hasta que nos llames.
    Yigit: Iba a mostrarle la foto que yo
    hecho para ella
    Emir: la hermana Melike vendrá a ti, jugarás juntos y ella te traerá leche de cacao
    Gulperi está en el cobertizo y Beyhan grita y las palabras juegan en su mente:
    Todo esto sucedió porque tú, él se fue
    por tu culpa, maldito seas
    Savas al teléfono: capturar a Ismail, lo hará escapar del hospital y traer dinero
    Yigit: ¿Por qué no ha venido todavía la hermana Melike?
    Emir: pronto hijo
    Fidan: Sra. Beyhan, Sra. Beyhan, ¿estás bien? Me escuchas?
    Fidan a Savas: hay un cambio que podría conseguir peor, ¿no llamarías a Gulperi? Ella sabe qué hacer
    Savas: No hace falta, viene el doctor.

    • @perlachan659
      @perlachan659 2 ปีที่แล้ว +44

      Parte 2
      Fidan desciende
      Cavidan: ¿Qué dijo el médico sobre
      ¿La condición de la Sra. Beyhan?
      Fidan: el sedante que le dio está funcionando, ella está haciendo un poco mejor ahora.
      Cavidan: el dolor de perder un hijo no
      fácil, que mi Señor no pruebe a nadie con este dolor
      Fidan: tanta paciencia, que Dios te dé
      Cavidan: De todos modos chica, ocúpate de tus asuntos.
      No hagas esperar al Doctor.
      Fidan va a la cocina y viene Emir
      Cavidan: Emir, ¿viste a Gulperi?
      emir: ¿dónde?
      Cavidan: ella estaba en un estado miserable, yo Pensé que debería ir con ella, pero luego no lo hago. saben, las palabras de la señora que declaró se clavaron en mi corazón como un puñal. Aparentemente, esto trajo un gran remordimiento a la mujer.
      Gulperi sigue en el cobertizo, palabras de Beyhan a ella: todo paso por tu culpa
      Emir viene al cobertizo
      Emir: Te estás torturando a ti mismo, no lo hagas.
      Gulperi: No vengas, me merezco lo peor.
      Soy malo y mato a la gente que me rodea uno por una
      Emir: no mataste a nadie, no eres malo,
      pero que se sepa que todos encontraron
      lo que hiciste, no te culpes y a tu tia no sabe que ella esta diciendo
      Gulperi: mi tía, si no hubiera perdido la cabeza y vino aquí, esto nunca hubiera
      sucedió. Su esposo e hijos estarían vivos. y mi tía no tendría que pasar
      este dolor
      Emir: Pagaste el precio de su
      opresión. Sufriste bastante. mira, yo
      no dejaré que eso vuelva a suceder.
      Emir se pone de pie y extiende su mano para ella para tomar: Irás a casa conmigo
      Mira, no te dejaré aquí. no me iré
      aquí así. Si vas a vivir en dolor, quédate en casa, pero no aquí, no como
      esto, mira, si no vienes, no me voy
      volver a la casa tampoco.
      En la habitación de Beyhan
      Doctor: El calmante hasta la mañana,
      no te preocupes, ella puede tener una ligera confusión cuando se despierta, pero lo hará recuperar. Ella debe descansar bien y tomar algún medicamento, debería usarlos en
      tiempo sin perder horas
      Fidan: No te preocupes, le daré la
      medicina a tiempo.
      Doctor: Sr. Savag, ¿necesita algo?
      Baran: No, no, doctor, gracias.
      Suena el teléfono de Savas
      Hombre: tomamos medidas como usted ordenó estamos ir al hospital a buscar a ismail y nosotros irá al almacén después de que lo consigamos
      Savas: esta bien el cuelga el telefono
      Savas: Baran, quédate con mi madre.
      Baran: a donde vas hermano?
      Savas sale de la habitación y ve a Emir y
      Gulperi vuelven a la casa juntos
      Gulperi a Savas: ¿cómo está mi tía?
      Savas se marcha sin contestar a Gulperi
      y Emir va tras él
      Emir: espera, lo que le infligiste no fue
      ¿Es suficiente? Hah, ahora vas a soportar la culpa de tu hermano cuyo tiempo ha ven sin vergüenza
      Savas: Tarhun, no te metas en esto,
      no le preguntaremos cómo nos comportaremos.
      Emir: Dije que no lo permitiría, ¿verdad?
      Entiende, no dejaré que la atormentes más. más, y tú y tu madre, mejor
      ten eso en mente
      Cavidan: Emir, ¿qué está pasando?
      Savas: oren, este negocio no se quedará aquí

    • @perlachan659
      @perlachan659 2 ปีที่แล้ว +50

      Parte 3
      Cavidan: ¿Cómo está, Sra. Beyhan?
      Fidan: sigue durmiendo
      Caivdan a Gulperi: hija mía, tú no
      pareces bien, ella está durmiendo, así que vas a la habitación y descansa un rato. Cuando ella despierta, Fidan te lo hará saber.
      Fidan: por supuesto que lo haré
      Gulperi: no, no, Cavidan
      Beyhan: estoy en llamas
      Una vez que ve a Gulperi: ¡¡¡tú otra vez!!! soy inquieto por tu culpa
      Ella agarra a Gulperi por el pelo
      Cavidan a Beyhan: suficiente
      Beyhan: no puedo verte
      Baran: Fidan le da el sedante.
      Beyhan sigue sin tener ningún sentido
      con sus palabras
      Savas en el almacén esperando a sus hombres con ismael
      Ismail: oh O0o Wow wow Sava§
      Montenegro, me enviaste un militar,
      es una molestia Ah, por supuesto, estoy de acuerdo contigo. también. No tienes el coraje de ir a la cara enfrentarme sin tus hombres, no ¿tú? Dices que me quedaré y no lo haré estar bajo la palabra.
      Emir: madre, ha vuelto en sí,
      Supongo que ella está llegando tan lejos.
      Cavidan: depende de ti, la chica no puede ser un socio incluso en términos de personas debido a su tortura, no pedirá lo obvio,
      Gülperiy, esa mujer la hará sufrir
      Emir: lo se mama pero nunca dejare esto
      Cavidan: lo hace cada minuto. Cómo
      ¿lo será? Me pregunto si tomas Gülperi y
      llévala a un lugar por un tiempo, mi
      hija, su tía está jugando con ella, con su
      conciencia, la aplasta y tal vez a ti te escuche, puede tomar Yigit también.
      Emir: Lo manejaré de alguna manera, mamá, no preocuparse.
      Emir se levanta y le pone el abrigo a Gulperi mientras estaba afuera.
      Emir: Pensé que sería bueno conseguir
      lejos de ahí mucho, vamos! Yigit, tu
      y yo
      Gulperi: De ninguna manera, no puedo ir. no puedo dejar el dolor de la tía sola, preguntará por mí, ella me gritará, haga lo que haga, yo estaré de acuerdo y lo manejaré. no te preocupes, no te involucres

    • @myriamschiavoni567
      @myriamschiavoni567 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Mil gracias❗❗👏👏

    • @TCG_World
      @TCG_World 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Eres nuestra salvación Perla 🤩 muchas gracias!!

    • @sameneshamsuddin2451
      @sameneshamsuddin2451 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Thks dear 💐

  • @island_girl97
    @island_girl97 2 ปีที่แล้ว +78

    Hey everyone, just wanted to let you that tomorrow I will be gone most of the day so the translation of tomorrow's episode will be posted late tomorrow night. Working on today's episode.

    • @nelidarodriguez4674
      @nelidarodriguez4674 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Thank you so much!🙂

    • @marilucasanchez6500
      @marilucasanchez6500 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Gracias 😘 🙂 😘

    • @island_girl97
      @island_girl97 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      @@Natalka0. I am working on it right now

    • @mariacardo85
      @mariacardo85 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Take your time dear we wait, don't worry. You already do a lot in having the work you have and we thank you.

    • @migusiekijm9329
      @migusiekijm9329 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Thank you my dear ❤❤❤

  • @sameneshamsuddin2451
    @sameneshamsuddin2451 2 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    Today I cry together wif Gulperi,I think all her fans cry too,too sad to see her suffering..😭😭

  • @ayshaboujamaa8919
    @ayshaboujamaa8919 2 ปีที่แล้ว +35

    💐NARIN❤️KEMAL💐is the most beautiful couple, hope masal will be fine💕

  • @samiraomar7566
    @samiraomar7566 2 ปีที่แล้ว +26

    This episode was once again a beautiful episode filled with many many emotions. Gulperi really loves her aunt even though she’s being mistreated by her and blamed for her aunt’s son death. Emir looked like he was on the verge of tears when beyhan was insulting gulperi, emir hates seeing gulperi suffer and he’s fed up with beyhan. Gulperi is such a sweet girl who has the most innocent soul ever, she is taking up all this insult because she actually believes what her aunt said about her being at fault and she’s the reason why her son is dead and she brings bad luck. The part where gulperi was in the shed was sooo sad I started crying with her, and when emir came into the shed she told him stay away I’m a bad omen, they died because of me. Emir looked so sad 😞 seeing her this way, I loved how he reassured her. I loved also how cavidan was there for gulperi and comforting her, when beyhan pulled gulperi hair I got sooo pissed off, like this lady is really crazyyy

  • @ТаняИванова-щ7р
    @ТаняИванова-щ7р 2 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    Narin Masalı çok sevyor
    Kemalı da sevyor Narin çok
    Bravo Kemalı hiç bakmadın

  • @beeicecream
    @beeicecream ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I must say, it was great watching Savas dealing with Ismail. He scared Ismail to death hahahah

  • @samiraomar7566
    @samiraomar7566 2 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    The way boran and fidan and cavidan had to help gulperi when beyhan was pulling her hair, this lady is crazy she literally blames gulperi the entire time now she’s like Tulay when Tulay went nuts trying to kill everyone and herself. It looks like cavidan told emir it would be nice for yigit gulperi and him I loved how she said it, because she’s rooting for gulperi and emir to be together but also she knows gulperi has suffered a lot and is still suffering. Emir eyes this entire episode was on gulperi and looking for her, he was sooo occupied on her and he looked so depressed too just seeing her sad. Loved loved the way he puts the coat on for her, like he really really loves her a lot. Gulperi loves emir a lot and that’s why she told him not to interfere because she doesn’t want him to get hurt and I think she sees how crazy her aunt has gotten. Emir just wants to be there for her and I think even though she told him not to be upset but not to get involved also, he won’t I think like tomorrow’s ep something will happen that will push emir to have him and gulperi remarried. He won’t only do it to protect her but also because he’s deeply in love with gulperi❤️

    • @migusiekijm9329
      @migusiekijm9329 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I totally agree with you, I even wrote about it in your other comment. In today's trailer, Melike tells Gulperi that he is worried about her because she eats nothing, and neither does Emir. I think Melike will make Gulperi decide to talk to Emir, I think these events will make Emir and Gulperi decide to talk about their mutual feelings. Something will happen in today's episode and it will make their relationship even deeper. Lots of people blame Gul for blaming herself for that she's don't defending herself against Beyhan. She is like that, the events in her life have made Gulperi feel guilty all the time. She told Emir that she felt great to have Cavidan hugged her, that she had recently felt this way when her grandmother was still alive. It was her own family that made this young girl feel guilty all the time for all the bad things that happen to her familie. Gulperi told Emir not to be angry with her and not to get involved because she was afraid for him. It was Emir who helped her recover from many traumas, she trusts him like no one else, but she feels guilty, it's normal after the experiences she has had. ❤❤❤ Gulmir ❤❤❤.

    • @elsiedlembula3130
      @elsiedlembula3130 ปีที่แล้ว

      😢😢😢you put it so beautiful and filled the parts where i didnt understand as a non-Turkish viewer/Fan. Thank you so much

    • @elsiedlembula3130
      @elsiedlembula3130 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@migusiekijm9329 i get you and I understand perfectly what you mean❤❤ Gulperi grew up with this. They put her in that world😭😭 some people do grow a thick skin but for some...they crumble. They see themselves worthless affecting their mental state and withdraw from the world😭😭its a painful thing really. I can relate

  • @yaimery3076
    @yaimery3076 2 ปีที่แล้ว +45

    "Narkem Scenes Translation "455 ( Part 1)
    Kemal to Narin: We put me on the gas, I don't know it's different right now, as if nothing happened.
    Narin: Okay from the others..kemal is calling Masal..
    Ozan: You didn't turn it on, everything will come out to you. Masal tries to answer the phone but Ozan don't let her do it.
    Masal: Baba!!! Kemal: Masal my girl. Hello!! Kemal to Narin: It's closed, this time it's closing,
    Masal to Ozam: This time you're making a dead end across the street, leave it on your phone with my father. Let me talk without.
    Ozan to Masal: Listen to me, I will tell you everything. The telephone is ringing again.
    Masal to Ozan: I don't want to listen to fairy tales, stay away from me.
    Kemal to Narin: God he. Ozan: What a coffee. He's calling me now.
    Masal: I told you, if you let me pick up the phone, it wouldn't be like this OK, he won't be comfortable without hearing your voice.
    Kemal: Is on, is on. "Texts Message: Is on bring, I'm not doing anything don't.
    Masal to Ozan: turn it off, I'm telling you, it will be bad.
    Ozan: Come back, this is one for sale, I went to the place and it happened to me.
    Kemal to Narin: Come on.
    "Police Station ".
    Kemal: We first called,The phone was hectic and said not to take it.
    Narin : I'm afraid that she will do do it. Please help us find our daughter.
    Necati: Don't worry, we'll take action. As we will try to find the phone signals for both of them. I'll come here right now..
    Kemal to Narin: We'll find our daughter, it won't hurt even the hair of her.

    • @yaimery3076
      @yaimery3076 2 ปีที่แล้ว +18

      "Narkem Scenes Translation " ( Part 3)
      Sheriye to Minuver: Has had enough of the Hospital food.
      Minuver: Then what does it taste like, what salt water.
      Sheriye: Does not like this dessert,, the letter you have to eat somewhere in your mind, now.
      Minuver: What happened, Miss, did something happen? There's rice, but it's like I was cut off from my feet, but since morning, you've been looking here, it's like a big piece of rock has come and sat in the middle of it, it's a motor problem again.
      Minuver: I don't understand God God I hope. It's okay. You're okay.Are you okay.
      Sheriye: Thank God.
      Ozan to Masal: Masal, Masal. Look I'm really sorry I didn't want it to be like this.
      Masal: I'm on leave my dear. Ozan: OK. OK calm down whatever you want, but be careful about tomorrow.
      Kemal gets a call from Necati giving him Masal's location.
      Masal is playing death when Ozan walks in and he said: Masal how are you doing Masal? And she hit him in the head with a stick. Ozan's falls to the floor and Masal escapes to the forest.And she is bleeding a lot.
      Ozan: He's gone for good pleasure He's gone. Ozan is gets up and runs after her.
      Ozan: Where did you go

    • @yaimery3076
      @yaimery3076 2 ปีที่แล้ว +18

      "Narkem Scenes Translation " (The last part)
      Kemal to Narin: Is here if the phone says Sinan's finally. Narin: complete .Kemal: That people didn't answer Sorry. That phone was working. Sorry, sorry kid
      Masal to Ozan: Let me go. Ozan: Stop, stop, stop calm down. I won't call you a fairy tale. Please stop
      Masal's bleeding on the floor and Ozan said: Taman you just have to apply presión. Masal: I need to go to the Hospital right away .
      (I don't understand this part)
      Ozan: Let's go
      Narin to Kemal: What happened is there any news.
      Kemal: has anyone seen or not there is no one left as if she earth has split into you and finally.
      Narin: I wish you didn't let me wish I had listened to you right now.
      Kemal: Don't blame yourself for this to happen..
      Narin: OK you will only hurt you.
      Kemal: No You said that there will be nothing with a story, you will have a daughter, it comes to our waist. We.
      "The End ".

    • @torach4478
      @torach4478 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Thanks you so much 💮🏵💮💮💮🌸🌷🌹

    • @alkasaini5090
      @alkasaini5090 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Thank you so much dear

    • @migusiekijm9329
      @migusiekijm9329 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@yaimery3076 thank you my dear 🥰

  • @tanseelou806
    @tanseelou806 2 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    Kudos to Masal for attempting to escape. Reminded me of little Masal trying to escape her mean father. 👍😍

  • @tanseelou806
    @tanseelou806 2 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    Loved Kemal’s reassuring hug to Narin. It’s just what she needed. ❤️

    • @julawikki
      @julawikki 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Finally he did it!
      I wonder what will they see in ozan's house.. The scene in trailer. Any guesses?

    • @Summerlilly2022
      @Summerlilly2022 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      The trailer left us hanging!
      Masal will not be found so easily, will she?
      Finally Narin s vulnerability was seen today and immediately Kemal composed himself to calm her down. Sweet!

    • @tanseelou806
      @tanseelou806 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@julawikki I think they see blood on the floor but no sign of Masal or Ozan

    • @julawikki
      @julawikki 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@tanseelou806 and they probably will find her scarf with blood on it and will be scared that something happened to Masal

  • @nrgizmuradl4820
    @nrgizmuradl4820 2 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Narin seni çooox özledik ❤

  • @samiraomar7566
    @samiraomar7566 2 ปีที่แล้ว +24

    Y’all have to understand from gulperi’s point of view. It’s not easy for her to stand up against beyhan as much as I would love for her to stand up and tell her enough. Gulperi has been abused for her entire life until she met emir and yigit they brought her happiness in life they’re the reason why she’s so strong and brave. She has been told her entire life she was nothing and that she’s brings bad omen and she brings misfortunes by her aunt and uncle. Of course she would believe what her aunt says to her especially if she hears it many I mean many times. You guys think it’s so easy for a person who’s been abused for a long long time, gulperi felt like she didn’t deserve to be loved, she even told emir she was afraid to fall in love because she would lose her loved ones. Beyhan and Kasim installed this mentality inside gulperi that it’s her fault and that everything bad that happens is her fault and gulperi had no one to stand up for her and she had no loved one there for her. I realized I shouldn’t get frustrated with her not speaking up because honestly it’s not easy for gulperi, she’s too sweet and such an innocent soul. She loves her aunt no matter what and cares for her aunt, even after being insulted gulperi still cares for her and wants to be there, gulperi will always love her aunt even though her aunt has deeply rooted hatred for her. Now I see why emir is deeply in love with gulperi because she a sweet soul but also she radiates her outer and inner beauty to everyone no matter what and that’s why emir truly loves her not just because of her beauty but because of her kindness.

      @LUCYBANTHA 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Estoy de acuerdo contigo, una persona que por tantos años sufre de esa violencia fisica y psicologia le es dificil hacer cambair su mentalidad, todo el avnce que emir habia logrado con ella como en un instante casi casi vuelve como al principio

    • @samiraomar7566
      @samiraomar7566 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      @@LUCYBANTHA she’ll recover, I don’t think she’s at the same spot as she was in the beginning. She’s strong I know gulperi will stand up for herself it’ll take a bit more time for her, we just have to be more understanding of gulperi because she’s been through a lot even when they were married emir couldn’t protect her all the way because beyhan would continue, even when gulperi stood up for herself beyhan still continued to insult her. No matter what gulperi says and does to stop beyhan, beyhan won’t stop at all, the only why she’ll stop is to be honest her dying that’s it, she won’t change she’s purely evil and has a deep hatred for gulperi. She’s definitely jealous of gulperi and I feel like she has something to do with gul mom being slandered

    • @anabrito4442
      @anabrito4442 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Por isso a necessidade de um tratamento psicológico

    • @azizazokoeva4551
      @azizazokoeva4551 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @island_girl97
    @island_girl97 2 ปีที่แล้ว +60

    Gulmir translation
    Parts 1 - 4 done
    Beyhan: you've finally succeeded, and it's because of you.
    Savas: mom okay stop
    Gulperi: My aunt
    Beyhan: Don't come to me, all of this happened because of you
    Emir to Savas: Look, she can't go anywhere like this, let her rest if you want.
    Beyhan is slurring words: my son, my lion
    Baran: Brother I called the doctor, he will be here soon.
    Savas to Gulperi: Okay, you go out, the doctor is coming,if my mother sees you when she wakes up if won’t be good.
    Gulperi leaves the room and Emir sees her from Yigit's doorway
    Yigit: Dad is aunt Beyhan missing something? Is it why she shouted?
    Emir is watching Gulperi from there and sees that she is crying.
    Cavidan as Gulperi comes downstairs: Gulperi, come my daughter, Gulperi
    Melike: the morning girl was devastated
    Cavidan: it's not over, the pain is great yet heavy
    Emir to Yigit: there's nothing to worry about, my son, there is something that the adults need to talk about, that's all, so let's see what happens until you call us.
    Yigit: I was going to show her the picture that I made for her
    Emir: sister Melike will come to you, you will play together and she will bring you cocoa milk
    Gulperi is in the shed and Beyhan's screams and words are playing in her mind:
    All of this happened because you, he is gone because of you, damn you
    Savas on the phone: capture Ismail, he will escape from the hospital and bring money immediately
    Yigit: Why hasn't sister Melike come yet?
    Emir: soon son
    Fidan: Mrs. Beyhan, Ms. Beyhan are you okay, do you hear me?
    Fidan to Savas: there is a change she could get worse, wouldn’t you call for Gulperi? She knows what to do
    Savas: No need, the doctor is coming

    • @sandraherrera2247
      @sandraherrera2247 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Thanks 🌴💟👏🏽👍

    • @sandraherrera2247
      @sandraherrera2247 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Thanks Island Girl 🌴👍💟

    • @gillyanecosta2838
      @gillyanecosta2838 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      2 segundo parte, por favor

    • @island_girl97
      @island_girl97 2 ปีที่แล้ว +43

      Part 2
      Fidan comes down
      Cavidan: What did the doctor say about Mrs. Beyhan's condition?
      Fidan: the sedative he gave her is working, she is doing a little better now.
      Cavidan: the pain of losing a child not easy, may my Lord not test anyone with this pain
      Fidan: such patience, may God give you patience
      Cavidan: Anyway girl, mind your business Don't keep the Doctor waiting.
      Fidan goes to the kitchen and Emir comes down
      Cavidan: Emir, did you see Gulperi?
      Emir: Where?
      Cavidan: she was in a miserable state, I thought I should go to her, but then I don't know, the words of the lady who declared were stuck in my heart like a dagger. Apparently, this brought a great remorse to the girl.
      Gulperi is still in the shed, Beyhan's words to her: all happened because of you
      Emir comes to the shed
      Emir: You're torturing yourself, don't do it.
      Gulperi: Don't come, I deserve the worst. I am bad and I kill people around me one by one
      Emir: you didn't kill anyone, you're not bad, but let it be known that everyone found what you did, don't blame yourself anymore, your aunt doesn't know what she's saying
      Gulperi: my aunt, if I hadn't lost my mind and came here, this would never have happened.
      Her husband and sons would both be alive and my aunt would not have togo through this pain
      Emir: You paid the price of their oppression. You suffered enough. Look, I won't let that happen again.
      Emir stands up and extends his hand for her to take: You will go home with me
      Look, I won't leave you here. I won't leave it here like this. If you're going to live in pain, stay at home, but not here, not like this, look, if you don't come, I won't go back to the house either.
      In Beyhan's room
      Doctor: The sedative until the morning, don’t worry, she may have a slight confusion when she wakes up but she will recover. She should rest well and take some medicine, she should use them on time without wasting hours
      Fidan: Don't worry, I'll give her the medicine on time.
      Doctor: Mr. Savaş, do you need anything else?
      Baran: No, no, Doctor, thank you.
      Savas' phone rings
      Man: we took action as you ordered we are going to the hospital to get ismail and we will go to the warehouse after we get him
      Savas: okay
      He hangs the phone
      Savas: Baran, stay with my mother.
      Baran: where are you going brother?
      Savas leaves the room and sees Emir and Gulperi come back into the house together
      Gulperi to Savas: how is my aunt?
      Savas leaves without answering Gulperi and Emir goes after him
      Emir: wait, what you inflicted on her wasn't it enough? Hah, now you're going to bear the guilt of your brother whose time has come without shame
      Savas: Tarhun, don't get involved in this, we will not ask you how we will behave.
      Emir: I said I won't allow it, do you understand, I won't let you torment her any more, and you and your mother, better keep that in mind
      Cavidan: Emir, what's going on?
      Savas: pray, this business won't stay here
      to be continued

    • @sandraherrera2247
      @sandraherrera2247 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@island_girl97 thanks again for the translation really appreciate it

  • @beeicecream
    @beeicecream ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Behan keeps saying my husband and sons and crying about them and want revenge.. The thing is no one forced your husband and sons to run after Gulperi all the way to Istanbul to try to kill her.

  • @tanseelou806
    @tanseelou806 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    For a moment there I thought Ozan will not go unconscious… phew 😅 he did.

    • @taislaoliveira6796
      @taislaoliveira6796 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Eu também ele demorou para cair 😅🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

    • @elsiedlembula3130
      @elsiedlembula3130 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @dadiduda718
    @dadiduda718 2 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    Savas is not mad at or blames her. What she did was more than enough. He wants her to take a rest. The doctor will arrive soon. Savas knows she is a stubborn goat. That is why he is harsh to make sure she gets out now. If his mother wakes up she will swear nonsense toward her.

    • @marilucasanchez6500
      @marilucasanchez6500 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Savaş no se salva de ser un miserable. El conoce que Gülperi es inocente, y aunque quiera protegerla de la ira de Beyhan la hace presa de la maldición de Beyhan.

    • @MarcelaSosa
      @MarcelaSosa 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Exactly like Emir has act so many times, but they looooove and justify Emir , and only see wrong in Savas ¬¬

    • @kk-bz1nu
      @kk-bz1nu 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Beyhan tem que sair da série e não maltratar mais gulpire chega de tristeza mais na vida de gulpere e emir e sua família

    • @anabrito4442
      @anabrito4442 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @Mariluca Sánchez Savas é um miserável insuportável como a mãe dele, ainda vai se meter em sérios problemas como os irmãos e a culpa vai ser da Gulperi

    • @elsiedlembula3130
      @elsiedlembula3130 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@MarcelaSosa but remember who saved Gulperi when Savaş and his mother left her out in the cold while they were dinning inside a restaurant. Emir came to her. Who's been there for Gul all her times of misery by her own so called family..Emir..the list goes on. I know his anger issues. When he discovers that he's done wrong he repents..not by saying sorry but The Emir Way❤❤❤❤❤

  • @saadetturanli3077
    @saadetturanli3077 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Beyhan hanim insallah hic uyanmazsin herkes kurtulur

  • @mohaindmohaida1533
    @mohaindmohaida1533 2 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    Yemin 👏👏👏👏

  • @missbananenzuckersu1308
    @missbananenzuckersu1308 2 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    SETENAY Süer maşallah prenses kızımız çooooook güzel bir oyuncu şansın bol olsun mutluluklar dilerim

    • @shahid762
      @shahid762 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Setenay beautiful girl💓

    • @taislaoliveira6796
      @taislaoliveira6796 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Setenay é linda 💜💜

    • @masomehmohammadzadparvin4589
      @masomehmohammadzadparvin4589 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2


    • @missbananenzuckersu1308
      @missbananenzuckersu1308 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@masomehmohammadzadparvin4589 SETENAY Süer i çekemeyenler catlasın patlasın süper oyuncu bence

  • @introBeth
    @introBeth 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I'm back, been away for quite a while. Since I've heard that this series will finally come to an end, after the sufferings of Emir since Season1, can we have him a happy ever after please?

  • @shikhagarg3720
    @shikhagarg3720 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Emir is alwaya ready to save her protect her ,but not for romance.

  • @mariacarmenmoraru5901
    @mariacarmenmoraru5901 2 ปีที่แล้ว +29

    💔💔💔💔I'm sorry for Gulperi also for this episode of course I liked Emir .....It's so hard to be happy in this movie................💕💕💕

    • @taislaoliveira6796
      @taislaoliveira6796 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      EMIR estava arrasado vendo Gul sofrer 🥺🥺

    • @mariyamargretjose
      @mariyamargretjose 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@taislaoliveira6796 Emir shd convince her to go somewhere else. Beyhan is totally unhinged....

    • @anajakovljevic9540
      @anajakovljevic9540 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      So hard !

    • @anabrito4442
      @anabrito4442 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Pra hj foi um dos piores episódios. Tanta violencia!!
      Violência fisica contra Masal, violencia psicológica contra Gulperi. Sem falar de Savas e Ismail. A princípio eu até dei uns pontos p Savas, mais isso não resolve nada, é um círculo vicioso, no próximo episódio mais violência!! Gostaria mto de ver yemin até o fim,mas não sei se consigo. Não pretendo ver outra série dessa Naz.

  • @fellousnaima2099
    @fellousnaima2099 2 ปีที่แล้ว +23

    Vraiment je suis très triste et désolée de voir encore dans cet épisode que cette pauvre Gulperi n'a pas droit au bonheur à chaque fois qu'elle commence à voir le bout du tunnel il y a un malheur qui arrive et on lui fait payer cher que tout est de sa faute on dirait que cette écrivaine veut nous démontrer que malgré toutes les voix qui critique la maltraitance des femmes elle continue de nous prouver que les femmes maltraitée n'ont pas droit au bonheur et à l amour 💘 mais je reste confiante

    • @marilucasanchez6500
      @marilucasanchez6500 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Este capítulo te muestra un rostro muy trágico de la historia de una mujer, pero del amor y apoyo incondicional de un hombre.
      No pierdo la esperanza serán felices.

    • @RadmilaIdimum
      @RadmilaIdimum 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      J'apprécie que les enfants de sexe féminin, et plus tard les femmes, de la classe inférieure soient maltraités en Turquie. Par rapport aux familles riches, où les filles sont respectées et envoyées à l'université, les classes inférieures torturent, maltraitent, battent et tuent ou vendent des filles mineures pour beaucoup d'argent. Il est intéressant que les scénaristes et les réalisateurs mettent l'accent sur ce moment dans presque toutes les séries. Les filles et les femmes riches font ce qu'elles veulent, tandis que les pauvres subissent la torture et n'ont pas le droit d'aller à l'école. Je pense que l'État devrait le contrôler, car je crois que ce n'est pas le cas dans cette société moderne. Et ces vengeances en série, un désastre. C'est sans doute pour qu'ils attirent un grand nombre de spectateurs ! Salutations de Serbie...
      Ценим да се у Турској злостављају женска деца, а касније и жене, из ниже класе. У поређењу са богатим породицама, где се девојке поштују и шаљу на факултете, нижи слојеви муче, злостављају, туку и убијају или продају малолетне девојчице за много новца. Занимљиво је да писци и редитељи, у готово свим серијама, истичу овај моменат. Богате девојке и жене раде шта хоће, док сиромашни трпе тортуру и не смеју да иду у школу. Мислим да држава то треба да контролише, јер верујем да није тако у овом модерном друштву. А ове серијске освете, катастрофа. Ово је без сумње тако да привлаче велики број гледалаца!
      Поздрав из Србије...

  • @nayro7
    @nayro7 2 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    I think Gulperi is hopeless. no matter how much they try to empower her and how much they love her she is so weak and loves hurting herself and letting people hurt her and blame her. she doesn't value herself or her life at all. after everything if she's still like that how can she be a wife or a mother example for yigit?!

    • @darlenepaul2630
      @darlenepaul2630 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      It takes a long time for someone who has been abused to change their thinking that they deserved this punishment even though they have nothing to do with what happened. Definitely not deserve the cruelty given her.!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope Gulperi turns into a bull and shoves the old lady witch onto her butt, while she escaped the room!!!! 👍😀💜💕 Maybe Yeight will see it and help her escape. 😊💖

    • @sandraherrera2247
      @sandraherrera2247 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@darlenepaul2630 that will be a possibly Yiguit will save her hopefully

    • @nayro7
      @nayro7 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      @@darlenepaul2630 but it has been a long time already.. it was understandable when she first came of course and when they reappeared in her life, but now all progress is gone! It's astonishing how she actually believes that witch is right and she's a bad person who deserves after everything emir & his family did and how they love her and showed her her worth. And from the teaser next episode is even worse i think she gets in a depression episode. This season should be close to it's ending when is her character & mindset gonna change? 😅 They can't just suddenly do it

    • @carmennicolette11
      @carmennicolette11 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@darlenepaul2630 I don't want Yigit to see this! will be very scared. I think Baran will save her. He'll be back in time from the kitchen

    • @alicebiazzi8258
      @alicebiazzi8258 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Gulperi precisa ser mais forte e aprender se defender,abrir a boca e chora menos

  • @samiraomar7566
    @samiraomar7566 2 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    Emir’s attention and his eyes were entirely on gulperi he really hates seeing her upset, I saw he got teary eyed after what beyhan was insulting gulperi with the most disgusting things ever. I loved how emir couldn’t even focus on anything else but gulperi. Like emir is pisses off with beyhan and savas insulting and mistreating gulperi but also he’s done with them disrespecting his woman. Gulperi I felt so sad when she was getting her hair pulled by beyhan like she’s been through a lot. Beyhan is an ass I hate her a lot, she gotta go asap. She just hates gulperi a lot and continues to blame gulperi for everything, this isn’t about revenge I feel like beyhan is extremely jealous of gulperi but also she has some deep rooted hatred for her which I think when she looks at gulperi she see gulperi’s mom, maybe gulperi looks exactly like how her mom looked when she was younger? But todays ep was good I loved it alot because we once again see how much gulperi and emir love each other ❤️

    • @mariyamargretjose
      @mariyamargretjose 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      But Emir shd do more than just talk. He shd have hugged her. Her heart is breaking nd it would be good for her to cry in his arms.

    • @elsiedlembula3130
      @elsiedlembula3130 ปีที่แล้ว

      This is so sad😭😭😭beyhan is beyond repairs even hell is not good enough for her 😢😢terrorizing a person from childhood to adulthood mist embarrassingly infront of her husband and family. Savas doing nothing to protect Gulperi from the hellfire of his mother. I doubt that Savaş really loves Gul cos he wouldn't allow his mother to do what she does to Gulperi😔😔she's can burst your cerebral vein

    • @elsiedlembula3130
      @elsiedlembula3130 ปีที่แล้ว

      I would be scared to marry in that home of Beyhan. I feel for Fidan. she would howl her from dusk to dusk even if she chooses to move out to her own home she'll follow. The earth is nit a good place with beygan breathing to your face every chance she gets

  • @rosariomorenohidalgo1327
    @rosariomorenohidalgo1327 2 ปีที่แล้ว +23

    Cuando va a mandar Gulperi a tomar viento fresco a su tia. Nazmiye dale ya un subidon de tención a la madre de Sava que se vaya ya de la serie. Como se puede maltratar a si a una mujer cuando en todo el mundo queremos la igualdad y se lucha por el maltrato tanto fisico y psiquico de la mujer. Nazmiye todavia no se ha enterado ?????

    • @anabrito4442
      @anabrito4442 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Concordo totalmente com você

    • @annaprzybyszewska3433
      @annaprzybyszewska3433 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Właśnie ten serial jest wybitnie o tym jak traktowane są kobiety w świecie. Mężczyzna Pan i władca a kobieta ciągle mam za, swoje .

    • @suzim3981
      @suzim3981 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @alicebiazzi8258
      @alicebiazzi8258 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      nunca vai descobrir,é mais psicopata que os personagens

    • @shirleysantos3788
      @shirleysantos3788 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Essa mulher Nas qlq coisa deve ter e ser sangue de repitil😱 friiiiaaaaa😱 sem noção do q é o AMOR e tudo o quem com o AMOR ♥️

  • @tanseelou806
    @tanseelou806 2 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    Please Sheriya abla has to be ok. We need happy moments in Kemal household.

  • @yaimery3076
    @yaimery3076 2 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    Qué mala es esa Beyhan!!! Por Dios!!! Es cierto que el dolor de perder un hijo debe ser terrible, pero eso no le da derecho de seguir humillando, maltratando y blasfemando contra la pobre Gul.Sra Beyhan sus hijos y su esposo eran tan o más diabólica que usted. Le hicieron la vida de Gul un inferno y ahora como siempre una vez recae toda la culpa sobre Gul. La verdad no me dio ninguna pena el dolor que Beyhan está sintiendo porque la vida le está dando lo que se merece. Qué bueno que Cavidan estaba presente en el momento para defender a Gul. Eso me gustó mucho. Puedo entender que Gul está traumada porque vivió un pasado horrible con su familia y es muy difícil para una persona poder salir de todo eso y por eso ella se sigue echando la culpa de todo, cuando es inocente. Puedo 3ntender y comprender a Gul hasta cierto punto,pero lo que no puedo entender es por qué Gul no se defiende de la arpía de la Tía? Porque es su Tia y le debe respeto. Perdón, pero todo tiene un límite en la vida Como es posible que defiendas a tus seres queridos como una leona y sin embargo ella no es capas de defenderse ella misma. Basta de tanto maltrato hacia una mujer. Es hora de que te pongas en pie y te defiendas por ti misma. Esa escena final donde esa mujer la quiere tirar por el balcón está terrible Vamos a ver quién la salva .Será Emir o Cavidan ? Por otro lado Emir no toma una decisión. Anda sentado en la oficina pensando y pensando en lo que hará y que al final no hace nada. Es hora de que dejes de pensar en las musarañas y le pidas matrimonio a Gul. Es hora de que avances ya. porque Gul necesita que le des el lugar que le corresponde en esa casa. Hoy las escenas de Gulmir tampoco llenaron mis expectativas..Ya veré mañana. Buenas noches a todos.

    • @anabrito4442
      @anabrito4442 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @yaimeri faço minhas as suas palavras. Boa noite

    • @nancyrobayo5266
      @nancyrobayo5266 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Bravo bravo, yo ya no digo absolutamente nada, porque lo hiciste por todas te felicito, que tengas un buen descanzo buenas noches y bendiciones 👏👏👏 🤗🙇‍♀️

    • @mariyamargretjose
      @mariyamargretjose 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I don't think emir will propose her right now. The situation is bad nd Gul is depressed, also it doesn't seem the right moment. But Emir shd definitely do everything to comfort her nd be with her. Sitting in the office thinking doesn't do any good. He won't know anything that's happening in the house if he locks himself in the office...

    • @migusiekijm9329
      @migusiekijm9329 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @Yaimery I totally agree with you, very good comment 👏👏🥰🥰❤

    • @migusiekijm9329
      @migusiekijm9329 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @Yaimery big hug for you. Grettings ❤❤❤

  • @endzim1889
    @endzim1889 2 ปีที่แล้ว +29


  • @violetamercanova1797
    @violetamercanova1797 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Çok üzüldüm Gulperi'e 😢😢😢😢😢neden hep onu kabatli yapıyor bu beyhanim....hiç rahat bırakmıyorlar Gulperi'i

    • @alicebiazzi8258
      @alicebiazzi8258 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      quem é essa velha?porque tá na mansão de Cavidã infernizando a todos e humilhando Gulperi?

    • @anabrito4442
      @anabrito4442 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @Alice Biazzi essa terrorista é a tia da Gulperi uma louca q não soube criar os filhos e q agora culpa Gul por TD q acontece a eles

    • @alicebiazzi8258
      @alicebiazzi8258 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@anabrito4442 mal amada,não tem que ficar hospedada na mansão de Cavidã, nem parente é e quê manda em todo mundo

  • @olivia_martins1950
    @olivia_martins1950 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Com uma sogra dessas, eu já desistia do casamento! Meu Deus! Mulher mais vingativa que não reconhece todas as maldades que fez, bem como a família!

  • @nevenkababic3876
    @nevenkababic3876 2 ปีที่แล้ว +24

    Emir Gulperi Beautiful ❤

  • @rome5639
    @rome5639 2 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    Emir gulperi love wow best couple ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @ayeshasohail8898
    @ayeshasohail8898 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Savas Karadag!❤❤❤

  • @martavera7878
    @martavera7878 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Gulperi de algun modo ha desarrollado el Sindrome de Estocolmo (El síndrome de Estocolmo es una respuesta psicológica. Ocurre cuando los rehenes o víctimas de abuso crean vínculos con sus captores o abusadores. Esta conexión psicológica se desarrolla a lo largo de los días, semanas, meses, o incluso años de cautiverio o abuso.
    Con este síndrome, rehenes o víctimas de abuso pueden llegar a simpatizar con sus captores. Esto es lo contrario del miedo, el terror y el menosprecio que se podría esperar de las víctimas en estas situaciones) Es por esta causa que Gulperi ahora se siente culpable por las cosas malas que les sucede a las personas que abusaron de ella.
    Ahora que por fin Emir acepta sus sentimientos hacia Gullperi, sufre por la tristeza de ella y trata de solucionar todo este problema para protegerla a ella.😮‍💨😌😔😇🥰💝💖💗💓💞💕💥💫💫💫👋👋👋. Tristemente Savas se ha enamorado de Gulperi, pero el comprende que es un amor imposible. Sin embargo a su manera tambien trata de protegerla

  • @musarratnawaz766
    @musarratnawaz766 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Masal story will now overlap the bad apprehensions about Teper ( ozan) as he is just in revenge of his father Levent death but that is this issue along with Ismail move this story forward..

  • @fernande1172
    @fernande1172 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Gulperi is really a glutton for punishment. She knows her aunt cannot stand het, yet she insists on taking care of her. Thr result is that Beyhan becomes enraged.

  • @shahid762
    @shahid762 2 ปีที่แล้ว +30

    Setenay beautiful gulperi💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹

  • @tanseelou806
    @tanseelou806 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Emir save Gulperi this minute!!! Where are you? Emirrrrr!!!

    • @mariyamargretjose
      @mariyamargretjose 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Emir won't hear you. He's in this office thinking.......

    • @tanseelou806
      @tanseelou806 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@mariyamargretjose 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @mariyamargretjose
      @mariyamargretjose 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@tanseelou806 first he have to stop spending his time in his office. Only go there if he has some work.

  • @samiraomar7566
    @samiraomar7566 2 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Gulmir ❤️❤️

  • @suzim3981
    @suzim3981 2 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Não entendo porque Gulperi se sente culpada. É bem capaz que ela deixe Emir e vai morar na casa de Savas pra cuidar da tia. Ah... assim não dá! Reaja Gulperi, pô!

    • @anabrito4442
      @anabrito4442 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      A Gul precisa de tratamento psicológico c urgência

    • @MarcelaSosa
      @MarcelaSosa 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@anabrito4442 Gül y Emir, Emir tampoco avanza....

    • @anabrito4442
      @anabrito4442 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @Marcela sosa é impressionante como não avança a relação do Emir e Gul,qdo parece q vai acontecer alguma coisa aparece um problema e eles se colocam de lado

    • @MarcelaSosa
      @MarcelaSosa 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@anabrito4442 sep, no tienen un segundo para compartir en paz q ya pasa algo malo y no solo no avanza sino q retrocede😩

    • @anabrito4442
      @anabrito4442 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @Marcela sosa verdade. Tá bem cansativo. Nunca mais assisto uma série da Naz

  • @anabrito4442
    @anabrito4442 2 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Que cena mais triste da Gul no depósito de lenha😭

    • @sandraherrera2247
      @sandraherrera2247 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5


    • @MarcelaSosa
      @MarcelaSosa 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      demasiado triste 😢😢😢

    • @anabrito4442
      @anabrito4442 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Será q a Gul pegou a mão q o Emir lhe estendeu?🤔

    • @MarcelaSosa
      @MarcelaSosa 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@anabrito4442 Capaz, no sé, estaba muy traumatizada, pero al menos le hizo caso y entraron a la casa. Para mí sí le tomó la mano😌 elijo creer 😅

    • @marilucasanchez6500
      @marilucasanchez6500 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Volvió al principio cuando ante el terror de Kasin se escondía en esa posición, pero Emir estuvo genial ..

  • @qonc5331
    @qonc5331 2 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    İnşallah Narin yene Masalı sağ salamat bular.❤

  • @achalanilmini9953
    @achalanilmini9953 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Good episode 👍

  • @samiraomar7566
    @samiraomar7566 2 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    Emir ❤️Gulperi

  • @martinadoria8163
    @martinadoria8163 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    He was also should ask forgiveness to yigit for rejecting yigit when he was a baby

    • @tanseelou806
      @tanseelou806 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      He was in grief stricken for his beloved Reyhan- how can you judge him like that.

  • @zinabkeshta5653
    @zinabkeshta5653 2 ปีที่แล้ว +15


  • @creusafeliciano2954
    @creusafeliciano2954 2 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    Guperi não consegue ser felis em nenhum capítulo dessa novela..que absurdo.essa narradora só gosta de violencia

    • @alicebiazzi8258
      @alicebiazzi8258 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Seher e Yaman tbém sofrem em Emanet, a Naz não deixa os casais serem felizes

  • @christinafan4476
    @christinafan4476 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I wish sheriye was my housekeeper she’s an excellent cook

  • @Scarlett...76
    @Scarlett...76 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I think that Savas is going crazy too like beyhan, he's mad about Gulperie in Love to her🥺💔...only he always breaks The rules of law but he cant be different because he is from mafia.. Savas is from dark ,cruel world

  • @halinasobczyk7900
    @halinasobczyk7900 2 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Rayting za odc 454 z dn 19 lipca Total 1,14 AB 0,52 ABC 0,71 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @bozenajaron526
      @bozenajaron526 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      coraz gorzej .

    • @nataliaczapiewska768
      @nataliaczapiewska768 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Dziękuję za Rayting ,bo na kanale UN jest podany jeszcze niższy ,chyba że się pomylili .

    • @halinasobczyk7900
      @halinasobczyk7900 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@nataliaczapiewska768 witam. Mnie się wydaje, że z tym rayitingiem to coś kombinują jo też widziałam Total 0,87

    • @halinasobczyk7900
      @halinasobczyk7900 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      @@nataliaczapiewska768 z ilością subskrybentów Setenay też coś kombinują bo trzy dni temu miała 7, 5 tys, przedwczoraj już jej dołożyli 2,5 tys czyli miała 10 tys a wczoraj jej kupili 3,5 tys i miała 13, 5 tys obserwujących. Czyli gwiazdę z niej robią na siłę.

    • @halinasobczyk7900
      @halinasobczyk7900 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@marygonzalez2133 💖🎈💞❤️♥️

  • @suzim3981
    @suzim3981 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Tem algum colega que pode fazer a tradução para o português ou espanhol? Agradeço muito

  • @Liv-qf9mt
    @Liv-qf9mt 2 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    The best thing in this episode is yigit's haircut 🙂

    • @tanseelou806
      @tanseelou806 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      It’s about time. I was wanting him to get that hair cut a while back.

    • @anajakovljevic9540
      @anajakovljevic9540 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Ne znam sta da kazem..Vidim da ste se smorili tesko.. Neki Vas ne razumeju ali ja znam o čemu govorite .. Ovo nije ono što želimo da gledamo ..Pokusavam da razumem Gulperi ..Navikla je da povija glavu pred svojima ..Uvek im je bila teret , sluskinja ..Kad je resila da ode od kuće , sve je krenulo po zlu.. Istina je da je Kasim hteo je da je ostavi na miru kad je poverovao u njihov brak ali ga je Tulaj navukla .. Naravno da je Gul nevina , ali kako je ubediti ? Emiru je zao nje ,ne zna kako da joj pomogne ..Mislim da će to sto je Ismail ostao u zivotu biti crni oblak iznad Gul i Emira , a mozda i za Savasa ... Nemam pojma ... Boze , jeste videli ovde neke komentare nasih ljudi ? Sacuvaj Boze ! Hajde sto su nepismeni , nema veze ,ali onakav prostakluk i primitivizam ,to je strasno...

    • @sandraherrera2247
      @sandraherrera2247 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      He looks soooooooo cute 🦁

    • @Liv-qf9mt
      @Liv-qf9mt 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@anajakovljevic9540 Ono sto me smara je taj njen snishodljivi karakter koji su joj namijenili. Svjesna je da su joj na pravdi boga ubili oca i majku ni krive ni duzne, a njoj su uspjeli da nametnu kompleks krivice maltene sto je ziva. I ovi nazovi pisci joj ne daju mira, sto bi se kod nas reklo - jad je jadu dodaje😁. Ne podnosim to neprestano cviljenje - malo otresitosti i ponosa bi popravilo utisak. A i Emir se udrvenio - mogao bi je bar u ovakvoj situaciji zagrliti, a ne samo "ajde, daj šapu". Ponadasmo se poslje onog njenog zagrljaja - uzalud. Ne znam...

    • @dadiduda718
      @dadiduda718 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      He goes to the same saloon with his grandmother Cavidan. He is cute like his grandmother.

  • @marinabanijas9906
    @marinabanijas9906 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11


  • @kristine_chzarhinemadlen
    @kristine_chzarhinemadlen 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Here we go kidnapping scene again 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯

    • @sandraherrera2247
      @sandraherrera2247 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Nobody was in the park to see masal kidnapping not even the vendor person

    • @kristine_chzarhinemadlen
      @kristine_chzarhinemadlen 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@sandraherrera2247 yes it's because only Ozan go to the vendor and buy something and Masal was left in the car then she found that Ozan and Oktay is one person 🥺

    • @sandraherrera2247
      @sandraherrera2247 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Yes we start from 0 Again

  • @mariyamargretjose
    @mariyamargretjose 2 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    I wish there were more scenes of Gulmir. But we have to bear beyhan's temper for a few episodes.....

    • @anajakovljevic9540
      @anajakovljevic9540 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Is this what we wanted to watch ? Beyhan , Savas , probably Ismail again .. Who else ? Tulay ,maybe ? How far are we now from Emir"s courtship in the kitchen before ?

    • @elizenel8438
      @elizenel8438 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@anajakovljevic9540 years away

  • @sandrapayano1387
    @sandrapayano1387 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Love Emir love ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏

  • @samiraomar7566
    @samiraomar7566 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    About to watch the ep, was busy today but super excited to see this episode❤️

  • @Adelina-ct8id
    @Adelina-ct8id 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Por favor ponla en español❤❤

  • @Palomam.52
    @Palomam.52 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Traducción en español , gracias.

    • @ildikotothne4200
      @ildikotothne4200 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Dominika. 455.Leírás
      Beyhan tiene un ataque de histeria. Todo será culpado de Gulper. Que él tiene la culpa de todo. Que perdió a su familia por su culpa. Se lleva a la mujer a su dormitorio y se llama al médico. La mala actitud de Beyhan hacia Gulperi se contagia a Savasi. Él también comienza a maltratarla. Lo que ve. En una conversación privada, le exige respeto a Gulperi. Viene un médico. Dice que una mujer enferma debe curarse si se cuida. Además de Beyhan, están Sawaś, Kos, Fidan y muy a menudo Gulperi. Toda la familia está preocupada por su salud. Después de otra ola de agresión de Beyhan Gulperi, se dirige a su celda. esta destruido Chavidán lo ve. Le aconseja a Emir que lo lleve a algún lugar por unos días para que pueda alejarse de todas las desgracias, sufrimientos y acusaciones injustas que lo rodean. A Emir le gusta esta idea. Le ofrece a Gulperi ir con Yigit, pero Gulperi se niega. Ella cree que en realidad es responsable de todo el sufrimiento de Beyhan y se niega a alejarse de ella a pesar de tratarla mal.
      Sawaś ordena que Ismail sea capturado y llevado a un almacén. Él la tortura allí y luego la entrega a la policía.
      Cuando Kemal se da cuenta de que su hija ha caído en manos del asesino, se enfurece. Él la llama a ella, luego a Ozan. Ozan no la deja contestar el teléfono. Kemal le dice: no se atreve a lastimar así a su hija. Ozan lleva a Masal a su casa. Los jóvenes pelean mucho allí. Masal dice que su padre nunca podría ser un asesino, y Ozan afirma que usó sus conexiones para librarse de los cargos. Masal de repente lo golpea con el palo y luego sale corriendo. Sin embargo, Ozan logra alcanzarlo. La condición de la niña está empeorando. Él está sangrando.
      Bayhan recupera la conciencia y acude a Gulperi para vengarse de todos los males.

  • @martinadoria8163
    @martinadoria8163 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Emir should also know how much of a devil his mother

    • @masomehmohammadzadparvin4589
      @masomehmohammadzadparvin4589 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      به تو قول میدم که بیهان از امیر و جاویدان 💯 بهتر و با وجدانتره.
      فصل اول و دوم این سریال و بعد هم سوم و چهارم گویایی حقیقت بود و هست.

  • @shamimasultana2118
    @shamimasultana2118 2 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    Liked Emir didn't let behan go out of the house so that gulperi stayed infront of them in this house... gulmir awesome ❤

    • @anajakovljevic9540
      @anajakovljevic9540 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      She blames herself for Beyhan"s pain..Emir can"t do anything..She doesn"t hear him.. Gul deeply believes that she is guilty and she wants to punish herself..She will not eat ,she will not defend herself. ..I have no idea what happens .. I said once ...In the race with NAsmie , we always fall behind..Hug ,my dear !

    • @lucytenorioangulo3334
      @lucytenorioangulo3334 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@anajakovljevic9540 It takes time to get over a lifetime of abuse, but I know she'll make it, I trust.

    • @anajakovljevic9540
      @anajakovljevic9540 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@lucytenorioangulo3334 I tust ,too but I have no idea how.

    • @shamimasultana2118
      @shamimasultana2118 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@anajakovljevic9540 dear Ana, we are addicted of this drama now😄...can't judge to see gulmir together ❤️...that's why what Mrs. Nazmiye writing we are absorbing😄....
      Gulperi can't come out from her childhood memory. When she met Emir...she thinks Emir's family faced a lot of problem because of beyhan is blaming her for their mishaps...and gulperi is thinking all of them are right..she thinks she is the main problem for every she has no will to defend herself.

    • @masomehmohammadzadparvin4589
      @masomehmohammadzadparvin4589 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      از جاویدان خطرناکتر و وحشی تر نیست و از امیر هم بی وجدانتر و خیانت کارتر نیست.
      این سریال از اول تا اینک گویای حقیقته.

  • @marinarivera4139
    @marinarivera4139 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Ya me cansa tanta sumision de Gulpieri ante esta maltratadora, no es posible! Ella ya tiene las armas sicologicas que Emir le ha dado, esto es masoquismo, debe ser tratada por un psiquiatra.

  • @sulejmahasanovic3624
    @sulejmahasanovic3624 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Vi mislite daste mlogo zanimljivi ovim maltretiranjem glumica

  • @aditikatariya8745
    @aditikatariya8745 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Beautiful episode

  • @creusafeliciano2954
    @creusafeliciano2954 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Queria saber o pq.nap é considerado o Brasil...pra esse país..vejo que n gosta muito de nós. Pq não traduzir a novela em português

    • @shirleysantos3788
      @shirleysantos3788 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Terá q ser algum turco q mora aí no Brasil a fazer as traduções... Por boa vontade e se tiver tempo disponível
      Tem q perguntar nestes posts se há alguém com essas características para fazer as traduções 🤔🙄

  • @samiraomar7566
    @samiraomar7566 2 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Gulperi ❤️Emir

  • @creusafeliciano2954
    @creusafeliciano2954 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Lá na cadeia a Guperi tá melhor cuidada do que nesta csas ..lá ao menos tava livre do perigo

  • @danielesalvatierre8701
    @danielesalvatierre8701 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Essa tia já tá fazendo hora extra por aí. Credo, q mulher horrível.

  • @sujathasridharan8245
    @sujathasridharan8245 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    What is gulperi problem?she is holding all of them responsible. Aunt always insults her.curses her.still she wants to serve her.and is crying

  • @haneyuzun9112
    @haneyuzun9112 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Yeter artık Gülperi Emirle git artık anlayamiyorum bu gülperiyi ben bile pes ettim ama ama Emir pes etmedi

  • @marleniflorescueva881
    @marleniflorescueva881 2 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    Tengo mucha pena que a SAVAS lo volvieron malo a la fuerza.malos escritores productores etc, etc

    • @marilucasanchez6500
      @marilucasanchez6500 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Todavía tengo esperanza que esté haciendo un montaje para defender a Gülperi de la ir de Beyhan.

    • @masomehmohammadzadparvin4589
      @masomehmohammadzadparvin4589 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      بیهان از امیر و جاودان بهتره.
      فصل اول و دوم این سریال گویای حقیقته.

  • @abbasova1286
    @abbasova1286 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Gülpəri bu qədər tupoy olma ətim tökülür vallah. O kaftar sənin nəyidir axi. ?

  • @sehlaaliyeva2361
    @sehlaaliyeva2361 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Kemal və Əmir hec konuşmuyorlar məyər akrabalıg bitdimi?

  • @masomehmohammadzadparvin4589
    @masomehmohammadzadparvin4589 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    بيهان 💖 يكى از هزاران ظلمها و توهينها و خيانتهاى امير و جاويدان رو به ريحان و زينب را ياداورى ميكنه.
    ريحان گفته بود روزى خواهد امد كه من شما را رها خواهم كرد، ولى وجدانتان شما را رها نخواهد كرد.
    اين كولي بى سر و پا و جنگلى فقط يك مترسگ ايكبيرى هست.

  • @marisolperez2813
    @marisolperez2813 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Porfavor traducción en español gracias

  • @josefaaguacil2168
    @josefaaguacil2168 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Vaya una tía más mala y loca como no la hacen desaparecer de la serie ya sobre tanta maldad que se la lleve el hijo a su casa

    • @sandraherrera2247
      @sandraherrera2247 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Exactamente Josefina me tiene muy molesta Emir insistio que descansara pues tenia crisis nerviosa. Pero es hora de irse. Ahora los de la crisis son todos en la casa especial Gulperi y Emir que frustracion

    • @anabrito4442
      @anabrito4442 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Acho q o Emir falou p ela ficar na mansão por que sabe q a gulperi iria p casa do savas também

  • @abdallahosama2751
    @abdallahosama2751 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    اين انت ياميرنا...وترجمتك

  • @kadriyetaskan9441
    @kadriyetaskan9441 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Bu dizi için 454. üncü bölümde final diyorlardı 455 seyrettik sözünüze de güvenilmiyor artık

  • @stellatabori5623
    @stellatabori5623 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ever since I start waching this from the beginning turhan family never have Pease in this house it's veary sad for this people ever to be happy they always blame each other I fill sad for emir and Guldpery this old lady is so bad even Gavinder I don't forget what she did to Rehayn how awful I'm surprise that emir is still holding in one Pease that he is still holding has mently survive all this veary strong minded not everybody is that strong guldpery is so beautiful but her mental state is getting weak I hope she stay strong ,with emir help ,l can't imagine to be in that house.

  • @eliernawati1323
    @eliernawati1323 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Savas dibalik seram wajahnya tapi lembut hatinya 😍

    • @mutiarameliana9171
      @mutiarameliana9171 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hello... Salken,.. ternyataa ada penyuka yemin jg yaaa..! Iya Savas spertinya suka sama Gulperi..

    • @eliernawati1323
      @eliernawati1323 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@mutiarameliana9171 salam kenal mba ,tapi gulperi hanya membenci savas ,karna hati gulperi hanya ada emir 😃

    • @mutiarameliana9171
      @mutiarameliana9171 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@eliernawati1323 tinggal di mana,. Jkt atau luar kota?

    • @eliernawati1323
      @eliernawati1323 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @Mutiara Meliana saya di taiwan mba

    • @sutirahsutirah1689
      @sutirahsutirah1689 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Tampan dia, mbak... Bawaan kalem tapi tindakan manstab 😆

  • @richelleguleng4652
    @richelleguleng4652 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Pls help me to understand because I'm still in season 2..what happened to rayhan why she's not here already in this episode ..I'm to much curious pls answer me..thank you

    • @emilykonadu9896
      @emilykonadu9896 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      She die when given birth to yigit

    • @christinafan4476
      @christinafan4476 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Reyhan died while giving birth doctors warned her her pregnancy would kill her and she could no longer bear children so reyhan sacrificed her life to give emir a son

  • @nevenkababic3876
    @nevenkababic3876 2 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Gulmir 🦋🦋🦋🐞🐞🐞

  • @ZaidAlbakaa
    @ZaidAlbakaa 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    ليش مينزلوا مدبلج مثل باقي الاجزاء

  • @katralnada7930
    @katralnada7930 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    الا يوجد ترجمه بالعربي تعبنا ومحد فاهم شيء

    • @yassinehamza3712
      @yassinehamza3712 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      للاسف لا يوجد

  • @nevenkababic3876
    @nevenkababic3876 2 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    Gulmir Yemin super seriya.🙏

  • @saletoviciren4027
    @saletoviciren4027 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Gülperi kann nur weinen,ich kriege die kriese

  • @isabelpereira3704
    @isabelpereira3704 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Ponham a tradução nem que seja em espanhol

  • @stellatabori5623
    @stellatabori5623 ปีที่แล้ว

    Emir get married and then you will protect guldpery oll the time from that mistreatment from that lady what she is doing .emir you will have more power to protect your beautiful guilbery.

  • @shahid762
    @shahid762 2 ปีที่แล้ว +23


  • @vioricatiterlea3436
    @vioricatiterlea3436 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Încheiați odată pentru numele Lui Dumnezeu, circul ăsta grotesc cu Gulperii, nu realizați că munciți în propria defavoarea, m-am saturat de figura lui Gulperii, și de neputința ei, ajunge, e suficient ce o lungii așa la nesfârșit cu eroarea asta, nu aveți reyting dar vă lungii, încheiați și începeți Sezonul 5,6,7,cu revenirea lui Reyhan, Emir, atunci va fi atracția lumii nu Gulperii, atunci să vedeți reyting, s-au nu vreți să performanți ca în S1, 2, vreți să stați în cenușă, dacă asta vă este plăcerea să stați prăbușiti, stați la pământ poate vă este confortabil așa, ce să mă opun eu dacă așa vă place! Succes cu Gulperii mai departe într-o prăbușire continuă!
    Emir Reyhan =lov=Yemin S5, faceți un efort pentru publicul, care va ridicat la înălțime pe toți, și echipă și actori!
    Eu nu l-am văzut pe Emir, in S3,4, măcar zâmbind,de râs nu mai spun, pe chipul lui nu sa citit fericirea, cum a fost fericit cu Reyhan, pe chipul lui sa citit tristețea, ca și la noi fanii lor, tristețe, tristețe, tristețe,și atâta tristețe dăunează sănătății!
    Mai faceține și bucurii, să fim fericiți cu toții,asta vrem și puțină fericire , să ne mai descrețim frunțile, am stat încruntați destul! Ajunge!
    Că să ai performanță,trebuie să ai cu cine! Dacă ai cu ce, Dar n-ai cu cine degeaba, s-au am cu Ce, dar n-am in Ce, tot în zadar!

    • @radojkagregoric4411
      @radojkagregoric4411 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Dacă nu vă plac serialul și actorii, nu-l priviți. Fiecare acționează în funcție de rolul său. Cum a fost Reyhan în sezonul 1? Ea nu a spus nimic, doar s-a plâns. La urma urmei, a plecat și a plecat și nu a făcut Și ar trebui să se întoarcă acolo unde nu-i mai aparține.

    • @halinasobczyk7900
      @halinasobczyk7900 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Gulperi 0000000000 0000000 0

    • @nancyrobayo5266
      @nancyrobayo5266 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@radojkagregoric4411 same b.s., with these miserable anti-Gulmir fans, don't think for a moment they're gonna stop watching as a matter of fact they'll watch until the end, is ok let them criticize and say whatever they want to, after all we already had to endure their stupidity and nonsense for the last 10 months, what's a little more time, 🤣🤣 as long as you, I and all other Gulmir Fans are happy that's all it matters right!!! 😉

    • @vioricatiterlea3436
      @vioricatiterlea3436 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@radojkagregoric4411 Privesc S4, pentru Emir nicidecum pentru Gulperii, i-mi place interpretarea lui atât, în rest nimic și Reyhan în S1 cum spuneți, că numai a plâns, este adevărat, dar ce putea să facă altceva, ea fiind singură inpotriva lor 3,Emir, Cavidan, Cemre, ea nu a avut pe nimeni aliat, și lui Hykmet u-i spunea nimic știindul bolnav, de fapt ea nu a spus nimănui ce îndură cu ei 3, fiindcă nici Emir ei nu ia dat crezare niciodată, el fiind mințit și manipulat de Cavidan, a fi inpotriva lui Reyhan, și totuși fiind singură ia înfruntat cu vitejie, așa cu replici tăioase, de îi lăsa fără cuvinte!
      Ea a luptat singură cu ei în tăcere, a avut o tactică demnă de ea!

    • @vioricatiterlea3436
      @vioricatiterlea3436 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@radojkagregoric4411 @ Gulperii este un nimeni, și nimic, nimeni nu a mai auzit de ea până acum, și nu se va mai auzi de ea, după ce se termină Yemin S4, pentru ea a fost un privilegiu să fie partenera lui Emir, atât, alt rol nu va mai obține în alt film, atât ia fost, datorită prestației ei, ea nu sa implicat în nimic, doar Emir sa implicat în problemele ei de-a o salva de clanul ei de colorați!
      Ducă-se cât mai repede!

  • @carmencabrera4590
    @carmencabrera4590 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Por favor traducir al español

  • @lauratocaci1980
    @lauratocaci1980 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3


    • @getoffmyleg-87
      @getoffmyleg-87 ปีที่แล้ว

      Beyan is really annoying with her incessant desire to take revenge for an absurd cause.

  • @christinafan4476
    @christinafan4476 ปีที่แล้ว

    If you miss reyhan so much watch sol yanim (my left side) drama series

  • @christinafan4476
    @christinafan4476 ปีที่แล้ว

    Masal should have run to neighbors n call for police n call her dad instead of running into isolated forest

  • @elzbietakaczorowska7117
    @elzbietakaczorowska7117 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Jak ja ich uwielbiam sa wspaniali w swoich rolach ogladam wszytkie odcinki niesamowite brawo pozdrawiam