A day at job fair |part time,full time kastalu 😂😂☺️ in Newcastle upon Tyne, United kingdom

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 25 ธ.ค. 2024
  • Hi all, it's all about job fair which is happened in Newcastle upon Tyne, different kind of recruiters came to this job fair like(IT,Civil,medical,NHS,Home office,Digital marketing.. etc) and they got different kind of jobs like part time,full-time and professional jobs and apprenticeships(internships) in their companies, I am providing list of mails and websites down here ,you can check and apply for those jobs based on your background.
    @durham university techup(visit uni website)
    #newcastle #alluarjun #cricket #comedy #brami #infinitum #pavankalyan #maheshbabu #pusparaj #ramcharan #jobseekers #jobsearch #jobvacancy #jobnews #newcastle #newcastleunited #newsupdate #newcastleunited #tiktok #tiktokviral #yoitubeshorts #yiutubeindia #youtubechannel

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