My mom got SO mad at my dad for letting me listen to his Cheech & Chong records many years ago when I was very small. I didn't get ANY of the jokes until some years later, but I used to giggle with joy at their records (and later -- again much to my mom's wrath -- the movies). To this day, out of nowhere, Cheech's "Basketball Jones" will float through my mind and make me smile. Imagine my delight when Carl busted out with it at the same time I did just after he said "basketball corn." 💖
the logos on point but off center mateee
My mom got SO mad at my dad for letting me listen to his Cheech & Chong records many years ago when I was very small. I didn't get ANY of the jokes until some years later, but I used to giggle with joy at their records (and later -- again much to my mom's wrath -- the movies). To this day, out of nowhere, Cheech's "Basketball Jones" will float through my mind and make me smile. Imagine my delight when Carl busted out with it at the same time I did just after he said "basketball corn." 💖
Hell yeah
This makes me want to upgrade to the video tier...
I got a basketball corn, oh baby, oo-oo-ooh
ha ha that'sFLAGRANT