Twin Flames 🔥 Shakti/Shiva Inverted Masculine/Feminine Energy! 🌞🌕

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ความคิดเห็น • 82

  • @angystathatou1997
    @angystathatou1997 ปีที่แล้ว +37

    💙🙏thank you so much, dear sister! This Shiva and Shakti story, really made me cry when I read it... It made so much sense... I do not know how I was guided to it... ( I come from Greece and have nothing to do with Indian culture) Parvati-Durga, a princess (2nd incarnation of Shakti) was determined to become Shiva's wife. At first she tried everything logical and maybe manipulative to win him over. Nothing , he did not wake up from his meditative state... She even asked the help of Kama (lust) but Shiva burned him down... After having done, done, done everything in her power, she just stopped ....and what did she do? She turned inside. She became equal to Shiva in meditation and fully determined (no second thoughts) she passed through numerous hardships but never in a moment did she give up the process of becoming her best self... Then, Shiva could not do otherwise but accept her as his equal... And they merged into 1... Two complete , into 1. Not two halves... Two strong and complete become 1! That is what (unconsciously) DM pushes us to do. To become equal in our true divine power... Then, noone needs the other, but together they become a fantastic, loving, strong power couple.... Yin and Yang multiplied and in tandum for the whole world to see and feel what love really is... Love and light to all!

    • @PabloskyS84
      @PabloskyS84 ปีที่แล้ว

      That's an incredible history @angystathatou1997 Im definitely going to look for it, since it's been an incredible journey for me as well, thanks for that empowering Truth of trusting and not doing. ...It has been a fight to heal and get in harmony with my masculine energy and it has taken me to a place I found impossible before all this... All best wishes 🙏

    • @elisabethgrund-schneider4223
      @elisabethgrund-schneider4223 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hi Angystathatou, this is all of Dravidian Tantric nondual origin. There are indicators of the same existing in the Protoindoeuropean cultures. It is the same with differing names. The big difference is, the Tantric/Vedic indoeuropean culture had two thousand years freedom of Western dominance and violence, the Celtic and then Germanic people not. The Muslim invasions only happened very late. If you take pain to investigate, even in Vedic traditions and European sources God is depicted as feminine-male, even further back as a Hermaphrodite, not as two halves stuck together but an integrated being.. Or they appear are twins! CG Jung et al. are a great more contemporay inexhaustible source for research and learning. That is as much as I know now.
      In the Chinese world Yin and Yang, which Natural Mystic uses a lot, Yang is the vessel , Yin the content, the energy. This again comes from the Dravidic Tantric Advaita culture. Yang without Yin is empty, Yin without Yang dissipates.
      I also do not agree with the female operating through a few percent of our potential ! I do not know the real ratio of female psychics to male ones. I have come across more female ones so far, but this could be due to the still inherent cultural suppression of us rooting in the subconscious being the powerhouse for our consciousness, our freedom, our life.
      The big advantage of Natural Mystic is the quality of her videos. This one I found misleading.She is not doing the less educated a favour with it. I think, she simply has not researched enough and dug deep enough. This is still within the old paradigm and the root for unnecessary conflict between DF and DM.
      I have experienced the same on our journey in every respect. Good luck to you.

    • @NaturalMystic-323
      @NaturalMystic-323  ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Yes, this story really puts this journey into perspective! ✨🙏🏼

    • @angystathatou1997
      @angystathatou1997 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@elisabethgrund-schneider4223 Natural mystic is doing a phenomenal job in helping with clarity. The existing clarity of the existing awareness Clarity changes through time, it broadens, because new downloads reveil more and more. In divine timing. For this moment I write this message, I find very few real divine feminins in you tube and Natural Mystic is one of them. Everyone is trying to help though. But real divine feminins have soothing voice and outpuring love. If you see older videos or photos of them you will see that they have transformed over time. They become more transparent and even more beautiful than when they were younger. But the clue, if you cannot see them, is the voice... Their voice changes too... It feels as if it is coming from deep within and has less metal, it feels watery-earthy ( true feminine vibes)... it is like a loving mother's voice and it fills you with calmness and comfort... Thank you for your detailed message. As It seems, it was all there, for thousands of years, all the knowledge, but we could not see... We could not see because knowgedge of spirituality and even religions is of minimum signigance in one's life if it does not become a living experience... And for the twin flames it is just that an ongoing living experience with multiple stages, that no previous knowledge or imagination can describe in words... Lots of love!

    • @shobhapriscilla6013
      @shobhapriscilla6013 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @anonymous-vr8ex
    @anonymous-vr8ex ปีที่แล้ว +25

    I'm so thankful for the TH-cam platform and you fellow Divine Feminines for putting what we go through on the twin flame journey into perspective. It's a real ,beautiful connection experience only by one's soul.

    • @equiaf33f35
      @equiaf33f35 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      But I don't think this is a beautiful journey sweety ..all this pains and severe depression 😅oh okk its beautiful though you get awaken the more God bless u more and more ❤

  • @zefferss
    @zefferss ปีที่แล้ว +10

    You know it's interesting, when you describe the dynamic between DM and DF. In my own experience during our relationship I was always pretty talkative and outgoing, wanting to dominate the conversation and always try to elevate things and drive things. My counter-part being, (DM and female and me being DF and male) would be quiet and a bit soft spoken and not always really stepping outward all the time.
    But ever since our 3d separation I've become rather quiet, kind of on my own and introverted with a lot of self-introspection and fairly slow to speak. I have a practical analytical point of view looking for facts and evidence and backing up what I say and questioning things. But I used to speak a lot more, be extroverted and outgoing with a lot of people being attracted to me, especially in the work place. Always being social and driving social interaction all the time.
    But I would always deflate at home and want my introverted alone time to balance it all out and be on my own. I just think it's interesting that I can look back and see that I was very do do do, give give give, push push push, hype hype hype type energy. And I think my DM was always maybe intimidated or just struggling with all that outward energy. I was always trying to elevate us to higher ways, to be better, to grow, to expand, to love and do well.
    And I think really I can see a bit of a dynamic because I even say to myself nowadays how I used to always want to be the center of attention or try to be like the social butterfly, and now I'm like, (yeah I don't want attention, leave me alone, let me just not talk for a week and I'm good by myself) LOL. Like no, I don't want attention, I just wanna raise my energy and vibe in my own space.
    But of course like anything, it's all about balance in life, and outside the TF connection dynamic it's key to strike a solid balance in living. I mean of course this is going to shift as the paradigm shifts and I eventually step into that DF goddess energy and what my life purpose is.
    Anyways, I want to say I really appreciate your work and all you've been doing, not trying to sell coaching or some course with this journey. :)

  • @Libra05888
    @Libra05888 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    I just discovered you tonight. I believe Spirit guided me to your insightful messages. Your explanation has answered several of my questions in the first two readings i have listened to tonight. Thank you for sharing your gifts and spiritual insights with us. Sending love and blessings to you and everyone here. 🙏💗🌈 🌻 💗

  • @missmita5596
    @missmita5596 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I saw the comment and i think I resonate with her.. I see people get mad and constantly worry about whether they are doing it right.. On the contrary this journey is all about letting go of doing and realizing that I am not the doar. This journey is doing itself without our help.. Complete surrender is the key what I realized so far...

  • @muthumanikandan1594
    @muthumanikandan1594 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    im from india tamilnadu but i learn from westerner wonderful job u r doing keep it up
    god bless you
    thankyou God,universe,angels,divine,guru

    • @NaturalMystic-323
      @NaturalMystic-323  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thank you! I'm so glad to have your support from India ❤️ Much Love! 😊

  • @ANDROID697
    @ANDROID697 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Sri Radhe Krishna.

  • @sda141
    @sda141 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I just love the way you teach. Namaste 🙏

  • @jv0006
    @jv0006 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I’ve been so confused about the inverted energies because in my personal experience everything has been a conundrum. This brings so much clarity!

    • @NaturalMystic-323
      @NaturalMystic-323  ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi, yes... having clarity about this journey can be so comforting ❣️ when we understand what is actually going on, we can stop blaming ourselvef and our other-self ✨🙏🏼

  • @karpsmanik2477
    @karpsmanik2477 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Awesome video 😍 gist of all theories in a nutshell ❤ certain topics like love, energy, connect 💖 may not be proved rather felt by hearts 💕💯 it talks about unity and completeness instead of individuals

  • @cassy610
    @cassy610 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Yesterday My Twin Was Sending Me Songs To Open Up My Heart And I Could Not , Because There Are Still Karmic Parasites In My Reality Matrix So I.m Not Feeling Safe Thus I Can.t Open Up , I Told My DM To First Remove The Karmic Maggots From My Energy Field And Then I Will Feel Safe To Open Up My Heart , I Have Not Felt Sexual In Years Due To Complete Brahmacharia❤ ❤❤

  • @Chosen9038
    @Chosen9038 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This video really helps me on patience. After all one of most important lessons is to let go and surrender and the energies will unfold naturally.

  • @PhysiotherapyforRockstars
    @PhysiotherapyforRockstars ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Your insights and words came at the exact perfect needed time for me. Thank you 🙏🙏 A healed surrendered DF rediscovering her proper feminine flow energy ❤🔥

  • @danders8968
    @danders8968 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I thank you soooo much for posting these two videos.. I just stumbled on the merge one this morning early.. And it had me in tears.. It is explained so well for the way my mind and emotional make up is.. That I finally feel able to surrender and settle completely into the journey.. I have had my own downloads on the different polarities.. but the way you explain it.. The Sun and the Moon energies,, put all the puzzle pieces together.. and helps me to understand why I am to be alone on this journey while my twin needs to be with other people to do his awakening and growing and expanding.. And I always thought I was masculine at first,, It didn't dawn on me that he was more in the feminine energy.. Everything makes sooo much sense now and why the journey is soooo physically taxing at first,, and what it is,, we are really resisting.. Anywho,, Just wanted to let you know,, how much beautiful power these two videos have.. They are gonna give peace to a lot of twins.. I wish I could send to my Divine Masculine,, but I got intuitive message not to.. Its just sooo freeing to have more of a instruction template as to what is going on and why.. thank you, thank you thank you... Much love and Light..

    • @Sharkha9
      @Sharkha9 ปีที่แล้ว

      Could you share with me your understanding of "df=moon=alone awakening/dm=sun=other people awakening"? Or your insight on this? Idk why is that, but sometimes i would almost envy my dm's outward focus even though the inward focus that is my part of the journey is really powerfull (in a good way) and important...🤣🤷‍♀️

    • @Sharkha9
      @Sharkha9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      i mean in the 3D, of course, in 5D i am not probably bothered about anything and i accept things as they are... 😅

    • @NaturalMystic-323
      @NaturalMystic-323  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You're so very welcome 💗 I'm so glad people are resonating with the information and that it's actually helpful 🙏🏼✨

  • @badpoetry33
    @badpoetry33 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Very interesting… I would add though that not everyone experiences it to this degree or with this level of clarity. We both took turns ghosting. During our bubble phase, he took the lead, made plans, and communicated his desires for us, I was in my feminine energy and laid back but receptive and let him lead, while dating other people. I know another TF female who had a lot more confusing push-pull dynamic in her connection as well. I am DF but more independent-avoidant style and used to being pursued, so I think there are other factors there than can create a more complex and dynamic energy exchange, and understanding that my journey didn’t fit a template would have made it less confusing (because I never could understand exactly where I fell)….!

  • @Jia56peacelover
    @Jia56peacelover ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I love and resonate with your content, the soothing voice and experience. Keen to know your personal twinflame journey.

  • @oOAngelZLipZOo
    @oOAngelZLipZOo 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    The only youtuber who has actually been able to capture this experience without dogma... thank you!! 😭😭🫂🫂

    • @NaturalMystic-323
      @NaturalMystic-323  10 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @oOAngelZLipZOo
      @oOAngelZLipZOo 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@NaturalMystic-323 yay thank you for replying! I do have one question since i found your channel... you mentioned bringing the Divine masculine's energy up into my higher chakras when we sexually connect (or any other forms I recieve my twin!) and I am just kind of lost how to do this... do you have any advice? I have definitely tried to make it go higher and its like it does but not entirely... like theres a filter stopping it if you will or it only goes up to the heart... Thanks!

    • @DREA7DREA7
      @DREA7DREA7 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      So true!

  • @adampearce69
    @adampearce69 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Very strange truth has come to light after watching this... I am DF. Met my DM 2.5 years ago. Never knew or seen her before that. The normal stuff happened, Met, sexual, my Sexual energy doubles in intensity, great for 6 weeks then bam! She friend Zoned me, ran away, Blocked me on Social Media. I dropped my energy then she popped back up after 1 month like nothing had happened. Come together again, BAM! she runs, blocks etc... happened about 4 times. I have massive breakdown, start seeing Number Syncs and her name, car, family members name bloody everywhere I look etc, Crying everyday for 2 weeks straight then every few days for about 6 months. I stumbled into the word 'Twin Flame' as I never heard it before and it explained perfectly what was happening with me and this random Woman I was crazy obssesed and in Love with. Bit more balanced now. I sometimes doubt that its real and I am DF... but this video confirms alot for me in particular the part about DF being awake in the top 3 chakras but dormant in the bottom 3... and vice versa for DM... 15 years ago (12 years before I even heard the word Twin Flame and met her) I randomly had a Chakra massage and assessment done in a shop. I recall the lady saying my top 3 Chakras were open but bottom 4 were blocked, she even said it was rather strange.

    • @NaturalMystic-323
      @NaturalMystic-323  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Wow! Thank you for sharing that!! What an awesome confirmation 🔥

    • @adampearce69
      @adampearce69 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yeah it blows me away. Still seems unreal sometimes... its nice when little confirmations like that come in. I cant speak for her (my DM) and her chakras etc... though. This just more confirms my position as a DF. My DM still hates it when I discuss Twin Flames with her and even more hates it when I say she is the DM... (hurts her pride I think ). being locked into a 'Twin Flame' for life is suffocating to them. But when I drop it and not talk about it and say 'Well maybe my Real Twin is out there somewhere or your real Twin is out there too'... she gets all insecure, weird and comes back 🤣@@NaturalMystic-323

  • @comealong2day
    @comealong2day ปีที่แล้ว

    I love the way you mix different universal beliefs, because that is how I personally practice my own . I resent individual groups of religion who refuse to respect others. We all may have something positive to share with humanity, no matter what "label" is used. Love @ Light to all Twin Flames ❤🔥🔥🌜🌛

  • @kavyame..
    @kavyame.. ปีที่แล้ว

    Thankyou ❤ its calming to know u are out there, someone like me who understands.. like an elder sister for some guidance.. I appreciate u alot 🌸

  • @roxanemiller4129
    @roxanemiller4129 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you for connecting these dots

  • @pictink
    @pictink ปีที่แล้ว

    This makes so much sense.

  • @notearz76
    @notearz76 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thanks to you both for this perspective. It clears up a great deal of confusion.

  • @nhull55
    @nhull55 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You explained this so well. Thank you💫

  • @valariecymbalski3186
    @valariecymbalski3186 ปีที่แล้ว

    Very insightful. I cant thank you enough to help me comprehend. Thank you. Love and blessings to you for helping me understand the process of TF journey

  • @victoriasigal
    @victoriasigal 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Ooo. You know, I’ve had dark (men who work for the evil) try to pull me down to the masculine, over and over again. Mainly happened with my own half brother 😒🙄 , and the last guy I dated.
    It’s very sad. And in the spiritual realm I hear “be a man” shouting at me from him. He’s working for evil darkness! I can’t believe there are so many men who WANT to be feminine.
    Instead of calling it inverted masculine I call it lesbian 😂. Because that’s literally what the spiritual realm says. If a man is in his feminine energy and he’s attracted to women then he is a lesbian and by default his masculine energy could be considered gay(not always but half of the time)This is a sign of both energies being wounded also a sign of trauma and misidentification of one’s self. This is also a sign of someone needing extreme Self love.

  • @PS-33
    @PS-33 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you for your videos it guid us so well in this journey..
    And one thing that make this special it's your soothing voice ❤❤

  • @fannierivera2483
    @fannierivera2483 23 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Thank you for explaining everything. Because i am still confused about it even though I'm giving him time

  • @RyanButt-jc6qz
    @RyanButt-jc6qz 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you for posting all these wonderful videos. Most of this is all so new to me but im hungry for information. I am pretty sure i am a devine masculine as a man but second guess myself. I may be the devine feminine. I have no qualms about this if its the case. I am comfortable with who i am. The part of the journey i struggle to relate to is i am the "chaser" and my devine femenine is the "runner." This really throws a wrench in the works for most of the videos. I am the more spiritual twin from an outside perspective but she has definitely lead the charge toward awakening. I had fallen away from my spiritual path and back into addictive patterns as of late and this has lead to the separation. I am now fiercely back on track and cutting all the crap from my life as if by autopilot. Im finding out new things daily that dont serve me and cutting them fast. I have however been questioning at times weather or not this is even a twin flame journey cause all the content from all creators focuses on the DM being the runner. I am lead to believe this is a tf journey due to all the synchronicities. Like crazy ones at crazy times. During seperation I felt i had to go on a very long hike that i had been on with my df in the past. I was listening to music as a bear deturrant and the moment i arrived at the place where she and i camped when we had done the hike, our song came on. I broke down rite there of course and had a strong cry. Was very cathartic. Fast forward to a few days ago i was with her (we are still separated but she had to get some stuff from my house and vehicle) and these two men who werent related but were wearing the exact same cloths and towing the exact same luggage were walking down the side walk. My DF pointed them out to me and was like "hey check it out they are twinning." Add this to several dozen angel numbers a day that appear at times when im contemplating things. I believe we are on a tf journey.
    Im not positive why i posted all this lol. Perhaps its cause i seek confirmation that its possible for the general atructure to be skewed a bit at times? The rest all seems to be exactly on point. She has awoken first. I was an assistant to her awakening here in the 3d. She is taking on a spiritual mission. I am now awakening and taking on a spiritual mission of my own. I am convinced this is a tf journey. Ive never felt like this before. Its amazing really. When the seperation first happened i was terrified, lost and empty. Now a few months later i feel like everything is on track. This is just an experience we need to partake in. I have a sense of knowing that its all gonna work out somehow. I try not to specualte the path that god has for us as im almost never right. Its usually way more adventurous than i could come up with lol.
    Anyhow. Thanks for all who are reading this. To any DMs that are the chaser i hope i have given you folks some hope too. Not alot of us out there from the sounds of it.

    • @NaturalMystic-323
      @NaturalMystic-323  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Hey, I really enjoyed reading your message 😊 there is always flexibility in this journey! Each pair of twins are having a unique experience 💞 running and chasing is a rather minor differences as both twins usually end up running and chasing anyway 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️ you can't go too wrong as this whole process is guided! ✨🙏🏼

  • @travelchannel304
    @travelchannel304 ปีที่แล้ว

    Not loud enough the content today. Very Junging how you've pulled this together.

  • @sabrinanascimento5248
    @sabrinanascimento5248 ปีที่แล้ว

    I feel him energetically touching my shoulder now.

  • @ann-britttjernqvist4291
    @ann-britttjernqvist4291 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you for important explanation of this journey. And as far as I can see are religion spirituality and science showing the same thing, they are too merging. No separation. ❤

  • @gracemcnamara4470
    @gracemcnamara4470 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thankyou for sharing your Light and Insights with us cheers xx

  • @amyiseman8430
    @amyiseman8430 ปีที่แล้ว

    Beautiful. Thank you

  • @nsareen22
    @nsareen22 ปีที่แล้ว

    Please make some videos on crystalline body and what’s its importance in this journey.

  • @Deepa0309
    @Deepa0309 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    😂😂ss when ever I saw him I felt he was more feminine.😊

    • @ayuodagiri1577
      @ayuodagiri1577 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Mine too!! The energies need to flip 😅 flipping-ing hehe

  • @dhwanipalany3021
    @dhwanipalany3021 ปีที่แล้ว

    I’ve really come to enjoy your videos, perspective and insights. The energy inversion completely makes sense. I’d love for you to do a video on soul creation.
    At present I’m feeling a sense of deep inner peace experiencing a shared being with everyone and everything. Been on journey for 2.4 years now and it’s a process. None of it happens overnight and it’s a continuous commitment to finding the truth of oneness.
    I’m very keen to know your perspective on this. Are we two bodies and one soul expressing negative and positive polarities in a body each? Or are we both polarities in each body balancing both energies as an over soul? I think universe reproduces is in a whole…however as a felt experience I totally relate to this video. When I met my DM again us meeting felt totally orchestrated by divine. I was in heavy masculine energy and he felt more in feminine energy. I was always the over achiever due to my conditioning/ programs etc. As separation occurred and I was sitting in my discomfort of coming face to face with my insecurities my path started shifting. I signed up for yoga teacher training and started to do serious inner work of taking ownership of every experience and everything that was unfolding in my life. This journey feels like a gods gift and for a long time for me it oscillated between feeling like a curse as I ( identified with mind and body) missed him so much versus blessing because I as a soul was truly stepping into the best version of me every level.
    Last 2 months I feel I’ve finally settled into a stable energy and feel at one with all beings and TF will always feel special but then I got to a point where love just is as eternal beings we just are. It’s not that I don’t have moments or triggers but it becomes so much easy to navigate back to home base.
    Further to shiva shakti concept there’s similar concept of Purusha ( unmanifest) and Prakriti ( manifested world) however they are one. As soon as you shift your perspective from duality to singularity I feel it becomes way less about TF and more about an internal state of being embodying the divine truth. It is magic that we are ONE and experiencing one consciousness through infinite forms.

  • @equiaf33f35
    @equiaf33f35 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thanks ❤❤❤

  • @lunarseas6144
    @lunarseas6144 ปีที่แล้ว

    Just FYI, Taoism is pronounced as if the "T" were a "D." Please pardon my matter-of-fact nature, in bringing this to your attention. My intention is only to educate -- for your future mastery. I honestly wouldn't care to mention it otherwise. . . . I definitely noticed the inversion. I just decided to keep working on playing the feminine role and let him figure out what that meant for him. Thank you. Your videos offer a feeling of relief & insight, after all that we have collectively been through.

  • @sabrinanascimento5248
    @sabrinanascimento5248 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thanks for your information.😂❤

  • @karitschida9226
    @karitschida9226 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I’m looking for guidance. My DF counterpart has been stuck in this sexual energy the entire time we’ve been connected (almost 8 years) . That’s where I was when we first met and it was so intense. I will be honest and say I’ve only met him in person for maybe 20 min sitting in my car. He refuses to open up and share anything. I have opened myself completely and he never’s so weird to feel so connected with someone you don’t even know. I really try to just focus on myself because I’m so happy in my life and I know that’s what I need to do.I just wish I knew of a way to shift the energy. It feels like he will never share himself. I’m just hoping maybe someone else has a similar experience. It’s so frustrating.

  • @Deepa0309
    @Deepa0309 ปีที่แล้ว

    I had this doubt

  • @shonaaliciasmithers7403
    @shonaaliciasmithers7403 ปีที่แล้ว

    Would you agree that one the goals of the journey and our embodiment of both masculine and feminine energies is to find balance between both polarities as individuals and eventually as a couple?
    Such helpful content on your channel. Thank you!

    • @NaturalMystic-323
      @NaturalMystic-323  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yes, absolutely!!

    • @shonaaliciasmithers7403
      @shonaaliciasmithers7403 ปีที่แล้ว

      I have unfortunately been unable to find Angie's comment.

    • @shonaaliciasmithers7403
      @shonaaliciasmithers7403 ปีที่แล้ว

      Would you recommend any particular sources of information pertaining to the balancing out of the polarities of same sex counterparts?

    • @NaturalMystic-323
      @NaturalMystic-323  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@shonaaliciasmithers7403 Hi, energetically one of you would be carrying the DF and the other the DM so, it's kinda the same thing energetically ✨

    • @shonaaliciasmithers7403
      @shonaaliciasmithers7403 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@NaturalMystic-323 That makes good sense.

  • @sabrinanascimento5248
    @sabrinanascimento5248 ปีที่แล้ว

    I just texted him now.

  • @Unearthingwithbeebs
    @Unearthingwithbeebs ปีที่แล้ว

    So if I’m understanding this correctly: when you meet your true twin flame your energy flips?
    Before I meet this guy (I had multiple catalyst with soulmates) I was still in a very giving and masculine energy. When I met him… well I felt myself soften and switch into my feminine energy. I started open ming myself up to receiving and surrendering to life.

    • @NaturalMystic-323
      @NaturalMystic-323  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hi, everyone's journey is unique but, yes... at some point DF enters her divine, feminine, goddess energy ✨🌷💜

    • @Unearthingwithbeebs
      @Unearthingwithbeebs ปีที่แล้ว

      @@NaturalMystic-323 thank you so much. This is really helping. You’re videos are really helping me understand this journey better. You have a great way of explaining everything in simplified terms

  • @jennie01320
    @jennie01320 ปีที่แล้ว

    I Love all of your videos! thank you so much for your insight! But, how do you know if you are divine feminine or masculine especially taking this inverted energy into account? I've gone back and forth thinking I'm both.

    • @NaturalMystic-323
      @NaturalMystic-323  ปีที่แล้ว

      DF awakens first, and goes through the process before DM

    • @jennie01320
      @jennie01320 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@NaturalMystic-323 so if he was aware of me first and waited for me to become aware of him and then he sort of let go and moved on, so to speak, and then I became aware of him and went to him astrally or energetically in some way (Still not sure what happened there) then he followed me back and knew who I was and how to come to me because he had been there with me before but I didn't notice, then he's the fem? but I don't feel like the masculine...except sometimes maybe? this is so so confusing. We had a shared dream many years prior where we both were activated, our heart chakra, his was painful and he couldn't look me in the eye, when he woke up it stayed with him and sent him into a dark night for years. My activation was euphoric and I don't recall a dark night? not distinctly anyway.

  • @purnakash9166
    @purnakash9166 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hi angel, I'm in harmonious union already with my twin in 5d...currently I'm having pain in throat do you know any reason for this pain or I need to see doctor

    • @NaturalMystic-323
      @NaturalMystic-323  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I would recommend seeing a doctor but also to remember/understand that we are experiencing physical purging into the new earth/5d