Speed limit changes: END of a DUAL CARRIAGEWAY (CAR RULES)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 15 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 9

  • @magsarellaja6715
    @magsarellaja6715 26 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    Helpful video

  • @admaneb
    @admaneb 26 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

    Black car using all the road, making progress.

    • @john1703
      @john1703 25 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Is a Mercedes this time. It might equally be a BMW or Audi.

    • @donfink7063
      @donfink7063 25 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @admaneb, His offside wheels get very close to (if not on) that hatched area. "Driving without due care and attention." Or in simple English "Driving like an impatient twat! Is that how you choose to drive, by any chance?

  • @DGQ1Q2
    @DGQ1Q2 25 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Overtake, 3 rules must comply "1.- Is safe to do it? 2.- is it legal? 3.- is really worth it.? The black vehicle, the driver confuse speed vs progression. that overtook was stupid. no comply with 1. and 3. it can be legal, it does not mean is safe to do. And those kind of driver is better have them in front. And improve the gap. and be ready to help them when they have a RTC. Good video thanks. very educative.

  • @daveytn
    @daveytn 25 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    So in my van (a plain basic small as you can get Vauxhall Vivaro) this for me is a 60mph (dual carraigeway) into a 50mph (single carraigeway) because my van is regarded as "a goods vehicle not exceeding 7.5t".
    However, if i drive a different van at work which is identicle in every way (except having a cell in the back - as its a police cell van) it can do 70 on the dual carraigeway, and 60 on the single, simply because "it has windows in the rear".
    Its the one rule i absolutely do not agree with regarding speeds as its so much utter bollocks.
    How can my plain white van with no windows be limited to 10mph under the national speed limit on all roads except a motorway, yet the same van with windows, can do full national speed limits?
    The two vans are mechanically identical. Same engine. Same wheels. Same brakes. Same tyres.
    But my windowless van is somehow deemed dangerpus to do 70 on a dual carraigeway but not a motorway?!??!

  • @wrightwoodwork
    @wrightwoodwork 27 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Yeah you need to watch out for the kamikaze overtake brigade or the people. I know of people who've had head on crashes because of people try to get past at the end . These type of roads are highly dangerous. In the summer time you have people dithering at 40 then when the dual carriageway starts it's foot down get past them. Which is fine until the road runs out except the person overtaking is thinking I don't want stuck behind thus person again. These roads watch your mirrors like a hawk especially at the end and don't act with the attitude they shouldn't be overtaking so I'm going to prevent the overtake. If an accident does happen you can still be held partly to blame . When you could easily of fixed the situation instead of being stubborn.

  • @SethiozProject
    @SethiozProject 26 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    speed doesn't kill, dumb people do! that black car is perfect example and this advice is wrong. why should you let them in? it's as good as saying that if someone tries to leave store without paying, then you should let them. that's bad advice.
    you shouldn't start road raging, but you shouldn't let them in either. don't crash into them on purpose, but don't give way either. honk at them and keep driving normal. if they start acting irratically, then get out of the way, but ALWAYS send the footage to police! don't let those jerks get away with bullying you off the road, that is NOT acceptable behaviour!
    personally what makes me angry, is that those people don't even think. so what that you over took like 3-10 cars? how much time will it save you? maybe like 10-15 seconds? if you do this all day, you might win 1-3 minutes in 10 hours of driving, but while doing so, you significantly increase the risk of an accident. those people need to ask themselves "IS IT REALLY WORTH IT?"

    • @kieranbeecroft8414
      @kieranbeecroft8414 25 วันที่ผ่านมา

      And that makes you the dumb person that kills
      You should use all the carriage way. Black car does.
      You should be courteous as the narrator of video advises.
      If you do what you suggest that forces black car to make an risky manoeuvre as they have no other choice (break hard, swerve, drive into hashed area, something else) and you don't know what they are going to do, so it puts YOU at risk.
      Don't be a dumb person. Let the guy in. It costs you maybe 3-5 seconds, and makes you feel smug knowing you are a better and safer driver!