It matters because if our cardboard targets get caught up in the wind and you have to chase it, you want to be able to immediately transition to your stapler and go on hot pursuit.
I went through the State Police Academy in 1982 we had zero training on rifles. In 1988 they gave us Mini 14's with little training. After retiring and getting my first AR it is a steadily learning process. Being disabled (from work) it is hard to go to a training class and I can't thank you enough for sharing your wisdom here. God Bless you and your family!
I'm disabled as well. I felt you on the not being able to train thing. It sucks. I try to learn as much as I can from videos. Then, when I do go expend energy shooting, knowing I'm going to be in pain later, I'm better prepared.
I’m also disabled and chronically ill so I totally feel you on not being able to go to training classes. It’s just too much for me to do with how long it is and how much you do without any breaks. Like you I watch these videos and have been able to learn so much and I’ve gotten so much better.
I have my sling setup exactly like the first option you demo'd. Additional benefit of putting the forward attachment point just forward of the magwell is if youre wearing body armor, the shorter mounting point lets you shoulder it properly. Had to retrain a lot of young troopers who kept the sling on the far forward mounting point bc thats what they learned in basic, but the added bulk of their body armor meant the sling didnt have enough slack to present their muzzle to the target. So they could *carry* their rifle but they couldnt actually *aim* it. Speaks to practicing with your gear as its set up.
Thank you SO MUCH for uploading this video! I got my first AR15 and my first shotgun this year and I've been through several slings that sucked and had to constantly adjust. Within 10 minutes after getting the sling you promoted in this video out of the package from amazon, I got it to work the way you demonstrated it and immediately got back on amazon and got a second one for my shotgun. That sling solves so many problems for me.
I still have a strong memory of Day 1 of that class in Leesburg, FL. My sling kept getting between me and my shoulder pocket. Thanks for fixing me, John! Also thanks to Sam. Squared away dude and great trainer!
Agreed, Im no pro but I prefer to run the stock QD on the inside for that reason. I have tried it both ways and when on the outside it ends up getting pinched between the stock and shoulder.
@@afbigfish1 His setup with QD on buttstock actually works very well. I dunno how he pulled that off, but normally, the sling wouldn't get in your way when you shoulder.
I will say I seen this video and was immediately wanting the blue force sling he had. I got it in the mail in roughly 3 days, set it up, and holy crap is it nice!! Its really durable and also super comfortable as an added plus.
I also will add that when you have the sling setup like you do here where when the adjustment is tightened all the way it’s a bit of force to shoulder the rifle; you also get the benefit of better stability when you cinch down the sling. It acts like an old school shooting sling and provides some tension against your support hand. It’s noticeable how much it tightens up natural movement when aiming freehand. This is maybe not a big deal to some people at all especially since it’s not really modern doctrine but I like having the ability to make an unstable firing position more stable.
I just bought my Vickers, I love it. Even if you are a big man and have a vest on it still fits, lots of adjustment built in from the factory. Thank you for the recommendation.
I bought a sling that has a small section of bungee on it and I've come to like the simplicity of never worrying about the strap! I got it set up so its tight to my body when I'm not holding it but when I go to raise my rifle the bungee gives just enough slack that I don't need to loosen anything and it almost acts as a point of tension that drives the rifle rearward right into my shoulder. To each his own the most important thing is to practice with the gear you have!
I had never considered a sling to be anything more than a strap to hang it on my shoulder when walking. That's it. These slings are actually part of a combat system that enhance a warfighter's combat efficiency and effectiveness. Damn, how have I missed this all my life? lol
Yup same way. After the sand box so many vets came back and are sharing their knowledge with us now, on YT. Crazy how much you can learn online these days!
Hey brother I've been learning and self teaching for some years now on AR stuff. So when I was in the Army we were issued the M16. So it was the triangle for grip and iron sights, that was it. No picatinny rails or Mloc tacticool shit! As far as slings went....... Well you probably know the rest of the story on those as far as versatility goes, put it on your shoulder and that's what you got! Thank you brother for what you do for all of the folks out there and being a great brother in the fight for 2A freedom! I wish I could buy you a beer my friend and share a conversation. Im slightly selective of who I'd take a bullet for and............CONGRADULATIONS! YOU'RE THE NEW WINNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I haven’t had a sling on an AR in 50 years. However I’m waiting for a DD WPS AR and that comes with your sling so there we go. Although I’m now in my 70’s and don’t know how much humping I’m gonna be doing with my slung rifle. More like hiding behind, under or below some solid cover. Gonna cover my buddies till it’s over. If DD ever sends me my rifle, you should talk to them about production time.
Thanks man Im stupid dumb when It comes to anything AR besides handing over my credit card to buy it. Videos like yours; literally has me learning on the daily lol
Markus B neither stupid or dumb! You decided to buy the perfect weapon and you’ve decided you want to learn, all indicative of higher intelligence. I don’t know everything even though I’ve used the AR platform for over 20 years. My Grandfather taught me that we learn something new everyday. Keep learning!
I bought an AR maybe 6 years ago and it intimidated me when i tried to take it apart. Recently i finished an AR build and it was the best thing I could do to get to know the gun. I now know every part of my AR and how to break it down and change parts on it to upgrade it. Plus by building one you can pick and choose each part for your specific needs.
I love the V-Tac,it's really simple and effective once adjusted to your gear. 11 years with them now,in all weather and heavy winter gear,they work and stay in place. This is a great reminder for us. Thanks!
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better instructional video compared to most out there. The other "instructors" claim to be "badass super captain American duper mega special forces sniper combat seal team 6 veterans" who just fumble with their rifles and slings, where you seem to Bruce Lee it up. Very well done! Thank you!
ya know i was playing mgs 5 the other day and i remembered, i couldn't find out why snake, the main character, wore his rifle down on his left side like a sword, i thought it might have just been a thing the japanese director did to make it symbolically look like a sword, i didn't think about it making it easier to run, and since snake also has to work with vehicles, and horses for a majority of the time, side holstering would in fact make those interactions easier, sure back holstering would be the easiest, but after watching you transition from the side sling to front so quickly, i now understand the point, i should have known better than to have thought kojima didn't do his research
I'm a new AR owner & bought a single point sling when I purchased the AR. After watching your video I threw the sling out & buying a new sling. Thanks 🤘
I would love to try this sling. It looks awesome. But all the pulley and sling manipulations don't suit me. I spent a deployment in the Marines fighting in Ramadi as an 0311, and you often won't have time for all of that pulling jazz. Once shots are fired at you, you must immediately dive/move/crawl/face-plant to cover, return fire, and get ready to maneuver. Sometimes you will be the one starting the fight, but often you will only be reacting to it when it is given to you without warning. That's why I wore a 1 point sling while I was in the Corps. It is simple and will never snag on anything, regardless of what position you are in or how quickly you need to react. Yeah, they can hit you in the nads if you're "hands free," but that's why you always have atleast one grip on your weapon while you're anywhere near any potential of danger.
FINALLY got my Slingster 2 point padded sling ordered after months of out of stock messages. Little by little getting things up to speed and ready to go. It’s never too late to take the first step.
A sling is one the most important pieces of equipment for a rifle, and it’s the cheapest. Could you imagine falling or tripping while holding a rifle without a sling? With a sling you know for a fact that the gun won’t be out of reach.
Thank God I got good information The best thing is a two in one so you can do a one point and a two-point. I ended up custom making one out of two different slings it works extremely well. They also sell some that are already dual use
Slings are an ever evolving thing, especially in my case. I went from a single point Blackhawk, which was completely impractical, to traditional M-16 nylon 2 point, to my current sling, which is a 30+ year old canvas commo bag strap, attached to a QD endplate and the front sling swivel. It's passable, but not ideal. Ideally, I'd have a QD mount in place if the front swivel and the adjustable sling used in the video.
I like that sling... I was doing stunts on a film in New Orleans and they had Sonny Puzikas as a consultant . He taught us some pretty cool moves he learned when he was KGB.The one I remember most was this sling slide thing where you change hands as you go around corners .
I love the Haley Strategic D3 Sling. It has the capability to be a 2 point and a 1 point sling. Also I prefer the receiver end plate mount for better maneuverability. But everything John said is on point! Love it!
If are using a a two point sling with QD mounts, you can transition shoulder to shoulder without swimming out of it, IF, you put the rear sling QD swivel on the right side of the stock and the front QD swivel on the left side of the handguard.
Ferro Concepts: The Slingster Can’t recommend this sling enough. Just got back from a deployment where I ran a VTAC sling, which previously was my go to. But I bought the Ferro Concepts Slingster on a whim, and I’m never going back!
100% agree. I love the BFG for the AK, but for the AR, the Slingster is my go to. Can't go wrong with either of those sling choices tho (BFG, VTac, Slingster)
Thanks, great vid, very helpful on the shoulder position. I put a Magpul MS1 with a Magpul GI Sling Swivel on the M-Lok handguard on a Del-Ton training rifle for an inexpensive solution.
Best video I've ever seen on proper sling use, this gentleman is incredibly helpful, clear and precise. Got me completely straightened out..thank you!!!
@yes. If you didnt know you wanted to be sold a sling by clicking the sorry for you. The man is doing reviews on what he likes for slings. And if you were paying attention (take a breath) you would note that it was only on the qd mount one it did That. Side note if hes only doing videos to get paid can you explain to me why he does videos about his family and what they are up to? Because i do some of the same things with my family and you dont get good reactions when talking to the average person and that seems like hes a terrible salesman or a good guy.........probably both lol (sorry john). Dont mean to be contentious its just that is a harsh thing to say about someone you dont know that they are only in it for the money. Ive known quite a few military guys and they didnt get the money lol so i think he was in for the right reason and has stayed in the community for the right reason. Take his opinions for what they are worth.....a combat ranger. Then go buy his hats and shirt and shop sportsman guide and use code warpoet and will get 5% faster on your draw time.
I was 99% when I set up my QD Vickers and honestly, I thought about connecting it to the opposite side of the stock but thought it wouldn't work right. So, rather than cutting in to my neck, it's now pulling the stock in to my shoulder. I grew up hunting and slings were just super basic and easy, but an AR has so many pointy stabby things that my usual cross the back muzzle up style wasn't cutting it. Thanks man, works great. Also, stocks really make a difference. Big ass cheek rests make this way a bit uncomfortable, but it works. Time to get a skeleton stock.
On sling looseness/tightness, Make sure and practice your transitions and handgun reloads with your rifle slung too. I find it takes some tweaking to get the sling to exactly where I like it, in terms of looseness, to where when I stow my carbine, it's not getting in the way of my pistol mags on my belt. It becomes even more cumbersome with something like a plate carrier or chest rig (though you may be better off drawing your pistol mags from there, but once again, make sure your gear isn't obstructing you). Once I find exactly how loose I want my sling, you can cinch down the rear most buckle so that you create a reference point that you can't go past when loosening your sling. That way it always goes to the same point every time. If you're a bigger dude and you need the maximum amount of slack in your sling, you can also use some electricians tape as a stop point. Really wrap it thick so you've always got some spare tape on you. Remember the point of the gear is for it to help you, not get in your way. So make sure everything you do has a purpose and that that purpose makes you more efficient. Gear should work for you, not against you.
This is one way to do it. I tend to lean toward the Travis Haley school of thought on slings. He has a great video on how and why, but I wont be rude and link it here.
Thanks for the heads up. I took a look at the video and it was one of the most comprehensive videos I have ever seen on sling use. I will put the link because WPS isn't about ego, it's about the skills to make one a better man and warrior.
Travis Haley's method is definitely something to consider. I'm ordering one of the slings for a future rifle build to see which I prefer. The true 2pt or the hybrid.
Not a fan of the D3, especially for $100. I've had it for more than a year, was actually using it yesterday, and it just doesn't wow me. I'm going to be buying a new one in a couple of months, probably go with BFG or Magpul.
Hello, I'm a Navy Vet & haven't had an AR in my hands since I was discharged in 1998. About 5 days ago I purchased my first AR as a civilian. Pumped about shooting it and adding simple but limited accessories to it. Thanks for the sling advice, well made video, THANKS, Sean
Ok finally a vid that demonstrates what ive been looking for...all of my ar-15s were slingless until recently..I got the blue force and kinda pricey but I like them....I knew the sling should be snug when shouldering the rifle but quickly learned that I can reload and hit bolt release but the sling is too tight to pull charging handle all the way to the rear..I’m like wtf 😢 a lot of videos don’t explain it but you saying “swim” out of the sling makes sense cuz that works and it’s the only way to do it without releasing slack in the sling..thanks
HUZAH ! Slings was one of the first videos I watched on your channel. Been running this since that first video (was never swayed by the single point boys). Magpul or Blue Force Gear / Vickers are two that are great.
I'm currently running the Frank Proctor sling on mine and so far I am liking it. It's really light weight and can be attached with no extra equipment needed
Hey Johnboy. I have used the original Colt sling, the VTac, Vickers, the Ferro Concepts Slingster, magpul, a couple, of other single, two and even H&K three point. Personal preference is so important. Vickers, ok but nylon was very rough and stiff. Possibly because of high cotton content. Larry developed it to keep it from melting if it laid on a hot barrel. The VTac, I like it very much but the tail was a no go. The slingster is stiff and pad was almost non existent but the adjustment was right on time. They all have Plus and minuses. So being a McGuyver Poet I took a slingster and looked at the routing. I realized if I cut the V TAC stitching and reversed the routing through the metal slide I had a very soft easy use sling with the benefits of the two. Soft nylon, good padding, easy to shorten and lengthen and no long tail. I am a picky guy and hate an un comfortable sling. Keep preaching that good word brother, Semper Paratus.
Hey guys something I've done is started keep a journal. It's not something I write in daily but when I have some thoughts I want to put down or something important that I want to leave for my daughter to read in case I'm not there for her down the road. My line of work is fairly dangerous and that's a real possibility for me. That way my daughter can have an opportunity to get to know me as a person if I'm not there for that event.
Yeah Mike. My house was actually broken into night before last (nothing was taken luckily just property damage) and that really hit home that you just never know and life is dangerous. I don't want to be a stranger to my own daughter and want her to know who I am, even if I'm not there to show her. That and it's a good way to put things on paper and think them through.
At first I thought you were going to talk about keeping a journal for ideas for Tactical Training and equipment, but then you touched on a much more important point. Great thought!
@@arena_rock_man9030 hey that's not a bad idea either lol. I didn't really think of that. I work in state corrections and it's getting excessively dangerous everyday. So it's really important for me to have something that can be given to my daughter (and any other children that I have) so they can know their dad as a person, not just as a dad. My father passed away when I was a small child and I never got that chance.
Thank you for the advice , I have been trying to choose different ways to mount a magpul qd mount to my 11-87 with a pistol grip stock . Watching you explain different ways to use one and where to mount was very helpful . Thanks again
I have a sling at home it’s tan and has a slightly padded section of cross braided 550 cord, two point and tightens/ loosens with a pull tab it also has quick disconnects. Love it. It’s on my 10.5 coyote tan ar. Love These style slings.
So, would that be corrected by switching the QD connector to the other side of the butt stock? I’m totally new to AR’s and don’t have a sling yet but it seemed like the first strap (or maybe the way it was connected to the rifle) was more ergonomic and the connection style to the butt stock seemed sturdier.
Nice short, good video John. This is exactly where I’ve landed on setting mine up, sort of a fusion of various things I’ve gotten from classes and various upper level carbine trainers over the years. Great to have it all summarized in one simple, concise video. Request: can you share your thoughts on LPV optics for a civilian home/truck/urban/suburban defense carbine? Scopes/features you like, usage vs red dot in CQB and midranges (100-400m), etc. Thx in advance. Peace & love
Man - where were u 19 years ago when I started carrying a rifle. Had to experiment to learn all this stuff myself. The only thing I would add is when I know I'm gonna be in the action - cause I like to "party" too - I use the slings and QD mounts that let me go to a single point. I like the easy of transitioning around corners and cover. But if I'm just moving and grooving with the weapon - two point attachment is the only way to go IMO. Climbing walls and running is a two point sling action only. Unless castration is your goal, cause smacking your junk with a 8lb-12lb weight on a single point is no Bueno Thanks for the video WPS.
I spent 26 years in the Army. I think it’s a matter of personal preference what you want on your firearm. I’m old school, keep it simple. All that extra hardware gets tangled up in the weeds. A 2 point sling is all I need and iron sights. If things get serious optics can go south quick. Technology can go back to the Stone Age.
I feel the same way. Always preferred straight up irons because that's how I learned, but the practicality found in a tighter zero with an added reticle after co-witnessing is attractive as well. Plus etched reticles can be used if technology fails
"1-pt slings designed to slap you in the nuts"... you are correct, sir! (sprinting) KA-THWAP! "Thank you madam, may I have another!" :P Actually, through my 30+ years experience, I found the "Israeli carry" (aka "Jerusalem shuffle") using a Magpul, Vickers or other sling that will pull tight when slung around the back, works PERFECT! You can transition position seamlessly from a carry to shoot position with ease. The "combat carry" shown in this vid (sling over right shoulder, slung in front [like you demo @1:16] works best in a threat environment. However, in a non-threat environment, the "Jerusalem shuffle" with the rifle slung over left shoulder, pulled tight into body, is a lot less threatening. Also, EITHER allow that "sexy shoulder transition" once you roll the arm under and go around the neck (I call it "mule harnessing") into a combat position - easy! I LOVE this vid... I teach ALL my students to carry a carbine with a sling either on the range or "checking perimeter" at home (and in my case, mowing the lawn, going out to the mailbox, drinking beer in back yard, etc) or wherever... the "outside the Green Zone Baghdad", "ready L" shit is NOT kosher in civilian environments and may attract unwanted LE attention but a rifle/carbine slung along the back is a lot less threatening. Learning how to use and maximize your sling techniques to provide both comfort, non-threatening carry and accessibility is a critical skill to learn. Great vid JL!
...the irony that a man would think a feminist movement is about himself, and not about empowering women. Pretty typical though. The 'stares into abyss' part, was cognitive dissonance in real time when he realized it didn't really work as a joke. But chuds view women as property, so I'm sure it landed for some of his audience. As a 'joke,' it only works if you think feminism is about hurting men. Feminism helps men as well. This is one of those times where you should actually do some research, and not "do your own research" aka what y'all say to a lib so you still have the appearance of keeping up with the conversation.
I like to attach rear of the sling to back of the receiver. It allows for transition to other shoulder without swimming your arms out of the sling. Just loosen the pull tab and you have enough slack for the shoulder transition.
I just bought an AR-15 with the same Blue Force sling. I’m glad I watched this video. Now I can set it up properly; because it sure wasn’t to begin with by the previous owner!
John, don't make me feel like I wasted my money on my Magpul gen4 sling. It has a slide "buckle" not a pull tab, but it works for me. Now, to get the adjustment set in the right direction. Need to watch the vid some more. Thanks for the tips!
I tried what you suggested. I borrowed the M2 from the armory, put it on a one point sling made of 550 cord and 100 mph tape. I shouldered it, then let it drop. What i found out is that 1SG hates when you break into the armory.
Hey John, why doesn't anyone advocate for Magpul anymore? I have used Magpul gear for years now (just recreation/home defense, not duty or mil). But from my experience, they have been good. I know they caught allot of slack for leaving Bolder, CO. and not staying there to fight and advocate for the 2nd Amendment, and it seems like after that, no one speaks Magpul anymore. From my perspective as a civilian and former LEO back in the late 2000 decade, I feel like Magpul was like gen 1 for all you operator dudes in the civilian market. So why no love?
Thanks for the great advice John. Just bought a LWRCI IC DI M-LOK 5.56 in Burnt Bronze. Can’t wait to get it set up and get to the range. Great advice on the sling. I’ll be ordering one ASAP. Thanks again
I use the vickers sling on my AR's and I mount the butt end like you done with the second sling you showed. It allows me to transition shoulders without choking myself.
Just ordered your new WPS sling for an upcoming class with in Sept. That sling looks amazing. I'm replacing a decent magpul sling, but the adjustment tab on the magpul is crap (sticks and requires the exact right angle to loosen etc). I'm stoked! Lonsdale,MN with the Gnome!!!! LFG.
No way man use sigle point you go hands on trust me someone train will kill you with your sling got to be able to unplug asap! Well with my 5 tours combat 3 different conflicts this what i seen hands on i would never tie my own noose around myself!)
@@raymondjgeorge2607 well dude, we have differing opinions and that's OK. My experiences 15 straights months in a combat zone aren't worth zero simply because you also have time in combat zones.
I would say how you wear your sling also depends on what you need to do. You may need to have the rifle on your back for practical or legal purposes (in front could be considered brandishing) but still be accessible. In that case, switching which end of the sling goes over the shoulder vs. under can allow you to keep your hands off it but still be able to reach back and rotate it under your armpit and into position at a moment's notice.
It matters because if our cardboard targets get caught up in the wind and you have to chase it, you want to be able to immediately transition to your stapler and go on hot pursuit.
Maximus Joseppi
Train on cardboard for the day it’s not cardboard
@Ellison Rodgers I wouldn't risk it. Stay vigilant
@Ellison Rodgers Not if you’ve placed a shot to the cranium!
I love the smell of cardboard in the morning. Smells like victory.
Just good stuff.
I went through the State Police Academy in 1982 we had zero training on rifles. In 1988 they gave us Mini 14's with little training. After retiring and getting my first AR it is a steadily learning process. Being disabled (from work) it is hard to go to a training class and I can't thank you enough for sharing your wisdom here. God Bless you and your family!
Thank you for your service sir.
I'm disabled as well. I felt you on the not being able to train thing. It sucks. I try to learn as much as I can from videos. Then, when I do go expend energy shooting, knowing I'm going to be in pain later, I'm better prepared.
I’m also disabled and chronically ill so I totally feel you on not being able to go to training classes. It’s just too much for me to do with how long it is and how much you do without any breaks. Like you I watch these videos and have been able to learn so much and I’ve gotten so much better.
Thank you for you LEO service! 👍🏻
No longer are you minutes away from a citizen when seconds count.
You know youre a badass when the ad before your own video is your own ad.
Bro that's some funniest shit rite there...if I could give u 5000 likes I would...
@@kippnovak9833 I’m trying to get on that level on badassery! Ya feel me?! 😂
I have my sling setup exactly like the first option you demo'd. Additional benefit of putting the forward attachment point just forward of the magwell is if youre wearing body armor, the shorter mounting point lets you shoulder it properly. Had to retrain a lot of young troopers who kept the sling on the far forward mounting point bc thats what they learned in basic, but the added bulk of their body armor meant the sling didnt have enough slack to present their muzzle to the target. So they could *carry* their rifle but they couldnt actually *aim* it. Speaks to practicing with your gear as its set up.
As someone who is a new firearm owner, I appreciate videos such as this, they are a huge help
yeah I agree
Thank you SO MUCH for uploading this video! I got my first AR15 and my first shotgun this year and I've been through several slings that sucked and had to constantly adjust. Within 10 minutes after getting the sling you promoted in this video out of the package from amazon, I got it to work the way you demonstrated it and immediately got back on amazon and got a second one for my shotgun. That sling solves so many problems for me.
I still have a strong memory of Day 1 of that class in Leesburg, FL. My sling kept getting between me and my shoulder pocket. Thanks for fixing me, John! Also thanks to Sam. Squared away dude and great trainer!
We were there for the pistol classes right after you. John and Sam rock! Learned so much that weekend.
John did classes in Leesburg? Where?
@@randomuserofprogram This private range, Ares Arms off 44 west of Haines Creek. It was unimproved then but we had great classes!
It actually looked like the QD option got in the way to me. Keep up the great work. You rock!
Agreed, Im no pro but I prefer to run the stock QD on the inside for that reason. I have tried it both ways and when on the outside it ends up getting pinched between the stock and shoulder.
@@afbigfish1 His setup with QD on buttstock actually works very well. I dunno how he pulled that off, but normally, the sling wouldn't get in your way when you shoulder.
@@hoppinggnomethe4154 he knows he scrued up could see it in his face lol
I will say I seen this video and was immediately wanting the blue force sling he had. I got it in the mail in roughly 3 days, set it up, and holy crap is it nice!! Its really durable and also super comfortable as an added plus.
I also will add that when you have the sling setup like you do here where when the adjustment is tightened all the way it’s a bit of force to shoulder the rifle; you also get the benefit of better stability when you cinch down the sling. It acts like an old school shooting sling and provides some tension against your support hand. It’s noticeable how much it tightens up natural movement when aiming freehand. This is maybe not a big deal to some people at all especially since it’s not really modern doctrine but I like having the ability to make an unstable firing position more stable.
I just bought my Vickers, I love it. Even if you are a big man and have a vest on it still fits, lots of adjustment built in from the factory. Thank you for the recommendation.
I bought a sling that has a small section of bungee on it and I've come to like the simplicity of never worrying about the strap! I got it set up so its tight to my body when I'm not holding it but when I go to raise my rifle the bungee gives just enough slack that I don't need to loosen anything and it almost acts as a point of tension that drives the rifle rearward right into my shoulder. To each his own the most important thing is to practice with the gear you have!
I had never considered a sling to be anything more than a strap to hang it on my shoulder when walking. That's it. These slings are actually part of a combat system that enhance a warfighter's combat efficiency and effectiveness. Damn, how have I missed this all my life? lol
Yup same way. After the sand box so many vets came back and are sharing their knowledge with us now, on YT. Crazy how much you can learn online these days!
Hey brother I've been learning and self teaching for some years now on AR stuff.
So when I was in the Army we were issued the M16. So it was the triangle for grip and iron sights, that was it. No picatinny rails or Mloc tacticool shit! As far as slings went....... Well you probably know the rest of the story on those as far as versatility goes, put it on your shoulder and that's what you got! Thank you brother for what you do for all of the folks out there and being a great brother in the fight for 2A freedom! I wish I could buy you a beer my friend and share a conversation. Im slightly selective of who I'd take a bullet for and............CONGRADULATIONS! YOU'RE THE NEW WINNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4:50 "none of that stuff's getting in the way" as the stuff clearly gets pinched between the stock and shoulder.
Right? Like he even clearly noticed it. I'm almost thinking it was just a poorly executed joke at the end.
I haven’t had a sling on an AR in 50 years. However I’m waiting for a DD WPS AR and that comes with your sling so there we go. Although I’m now in my 70’s and don’t know how much humping I’m gonna be doing with my slung rifle. More like hiding behind, under or below some solid cover. Gonna cover my buddies till it’s over. If DD ever sends me my rifle, you should talk to them about production time.
Thanks man Im stupid dumb when It comes to anything AR besides handing over my credit card to buy it. Videos like yours; literally has me learning on the daily lol
That's all of us buddy. Even the most experienced shooter can still improve if he's willing to learn.
You are not stupid or dumb young Markus. :)
Agreed. It saves us money by spending it wisely the first time on good equipment
Markus B neither stupid or dumb! You decided to buy the perfect weapon and you’ve decided you want to learn, all indicative of higher intelligence. I don’t know everything even though I’ve used the AR platform for over 20 years. My Grandfather taught me that we learn something new everyday. Keep learning!
I bought an AR maybe 6 years ago and it intimidated me when i tried to take it apart. Recently i finished an AR build and it was the best thing I could do to get to know the gun. I now know every part of my AR and how to break it down and change parts on it to upgrade it. Plus by building one you can pick and choose each part for your specific needs.
You mentioned the two best slings in the biz, and showed to best way to set them up. Two thumbs up.
I love the V-Tac,it's really simple and effective once adjusted to your gear. 11 years with them now,in all weather and heavy winter gear,they work and stay in place. This is a great reminder for us. Thanks!
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better instructional video compared to most out there. The other "instructors" claim to be "badass super captain American duper mega special forces sniper combat seal team 6 veterans" who just fumble with their rifles and slings, where you seem to Bruce Lee it up. Very well done! Thank you!
ya know i was playing mgs 5 the other day and i remembered, i couldn't find out why snake, the main character, wore his rifle down on his left side like a sword, i thought it might have just been a thing the japanese director did to make it symbolically look like a sword, i didn't think about it making it easier to run, and since snake also has to work with vehicles, and horses for a majority of the time, side holstering would in fact make those interactions easier, sure back holstering would be the easiest, but after watching you transition from the side sling to front so quickly, i now understand the point, i should have known better than to have thought kojima didn't do his research
I'm a new AR owner & bought a single point sling when I purchased the AR. After watching your video I threw the sling out & buying a new sling. Thanks 🤘
I would love to try this sling. It looks awesome. But all the pulley and sling manipulations don't suit me. I spent a deployment in the Marines fighting in Ramadi as an 0311, and you often won't have time for all of that pulling jazz. Once shots are fired at you, you must immediately dive/move/crawl/face-plant to cover, return fire, and get ready to maneuver. Sometimes you will be the one starting the fight, but often you will only be reacting to it when it is given to you without warning. That's why I wore a 1 point sling while I was in the Corps. It is simple and will never snag on anything, regardless of what position you are in or how quickly you need to react. Yeah, they can hit you in the nads if you're "hands free," but that's why you always have atleast one grip on your weapon while you're anywhere near any potential of danger.
Op hawk and op horea still there
FINALLY got my Slingster 2 point padded sling ordered after months of out of stock messages.
Little by little getting things up to speed and ready to go. It’s never too late to take the first step.
I was totally lost trying to put one together, ended up modeling mine after yours. Thank you so much, it works great!
That's what I did too👍 watched how his was set up. Then practiced with it to see how to adjust it.
Just picked up the Vickers sling! Built tough and easy to set up and use. Thanks for the recommendation John! Party on!
And now 4 years later you have your own sling. Which is sold out at the moment
For AR newbie like me, this video provides a lot of much needed information in a short time. Minor complaints not withstanding.
Peeps still tell me no need for sling. "Don't plan on that type of fight". I respond that's the point dude. You are in the bad guys battle plan too!
Hard to digest with a hole from your own gun in yo chest.
Your peeps are lame, ditchem'!
A sling is one the most important pieces of equipment for a rifle, and it’s the cheapest. Could you imagine falling or tripping while holding a rifle without a sling? With a sling you know for a fact that the gun won’t be out of reach.
Thank God I got good information The best thing is a two in one so you can do a one point and a two-point. I ended up custom making one out of two different slings it works extremely well. They also sell some that are already dual use
Slings are an ever evolving thing, especially in my case. I went from a single point Blackhawk, which was completely impractical, to traditional M-16 nylon 2 point, to my current sling, which is a 30+ year old canvas commo bag strap, attached to a QD endplate and the front sling swivel. It's passable, but not ideal.
Ideally, I'd have a QD mount in place if the front swivel and the adjustable sling used in the video.
I like that sling... I was doing stunts on a film in New Orleans and they had Sonny Puzikas as a consultant . He taught us some pretty cool moves he learned when he was KGB.The one I remember most was this sling slide thing where you change hands as you go around corners .
I love the Haley Strategic D3 Sling. It has the capability to be a 2 point and a 1 point sling. Also I prefer the receiver end plate mount for better maneuverability. But everything John said is on point! Love it!
If are using a a two point sling with QD mounts, you can transition shoulder to shoulder without swimming out of it, IF, you put the rear sling QD swivel on the right side of the stock and the front QD swivel on the left side of the handguard.
Ferro Concepts: The Slingster
Can’t recommend this sling enough. Just got back from a deployment where I ran a VTAC sling, which previously was my go to. But I bought the Ferro Concepts Slingster on a whim, and I’m never going back!
100% agree. I love the BFG for the AK, but for the AR, the Slingster is my go to. Can't go wrong with either of those sling choices tho (BFG, VTac, Slingster)
Got that as well after watching Lucas Botkin at Trex Arms. Great sling!
Thanks, great vid, very helpful on the shoulder position. I put a Magpul MS1 with a Magpul GI Sling Swivel on the M-Lok handguard on a Del-Ton training rifle for an inexpensive solution.
Instructions not clear.
Hanging from rifle sling off balcony....send help.
ChrisPewKreme LMAO! 👍
Best comment ever!
Bro you need a quick detatch sling. Hit the clip. It's gonna release you lol. Get ready for the fall XD
Dont remember having a sling on the bayonet course lol !
Still funny a year later.
Best video I've ever seen on proper sling use, this gentleman is incredibly helpful, clear and precise. Got me completely straightened out..thank you!!!
u guys saw that sling square between the stock and his shoulder at the end and my dude is just like " :/ eh"
That was Sam's rifle.
yeap... made me immediately feel like he was just being a salesman at that point... disappoint.
@yes. If you didnt know you wanted to be sold a sling by clicking the sorry for you. The man is doing reviews on what he likes for slings. And if you were paying attention (take a breath) you would note that it was only on the qd mount one it did That.
Side note if hes only doing videos to get paid can you explain to me why he does videos about his family and what they are up to? Because i do some of the same things with my family and you dont get good reactions when talking to the average person and that seems like hes a terrible salesman or a good guy.........probably both lol (sorry john).
Dont mean to be contentious its just that is a harsh thing to say about someone you dont know that they are only in it for the money. Ive known quite a few military guys and they didnt get the money lol so i think he was in for the right reason and has stayed in the community for the right reason. Take his opinions for what they are worth.....a combat ranger. Then go buy his hats and shirt and shop sportsman guide and use code warpoet and will get 5% faster on your draw time.
He just messed up and had the QD mount on the wrong side of the stock (it was setup for lefties) and didn't realize until he had moved on.
LOL! I was thinking the same way. However, I won't take anything away from the guy's good tips and reviews overall. :-)
I was 99% when I set up my QD Vickers and honestly, I thought about connecting it to the opposite side of the stock but thought it wouldn't work right. So, rather than cutting in to my neck, it's now pulling the stock in to my shoulder.
I grew up hunting and slings were just super basic and easy, but an AR has so many pointy stabby things that my usual cross the back muzzle up style wasn't cutting it.
Thanks man, works great. Also, stocks really make a difference. Big ass cheek rests make this way a bit uncomfortable, but it works. Time to get a skeleton stock.
Finally, we are back to the useful information and tid bits that matter.
Watched this years ago, great refresher! Like your new sling too.
On sling looseness/tightness, Make sure and practice your transitions and handgun reloads with your rifle slung too. I find it takes some tweaking to get the sling to exactly where I like it, in terms of looseness, to where when I stow my carbine, it's not getting in the way of my pistol mags on my belt. It becomes even more cumbersome with something like a plate carrier or chest rig (though you may be better off drawing your pistol mags from there, but once again, make sure your gear isn't obstructing you). Once I find exactly how loose I want my sling, you can cinch down the rear most buckle so that you create a reference point that you can't go past when loosening your sling. That way it always goes to the same point every time. If you're a bigger dude and you need the maximum amount of slack in your sling, you can also use some electricians tape as a stop point. Really wrap it thick so you've always got some spare tape on you.
Remember the point of the gear is for it to help you, not get in your way. So make sure everything you do has a purpose and that that purpose makes you more efficient. Gear should work for you, not against you.
Got an AR for Black Friday and John uploads about slings today. Good timing. Rock on Warrior Poets
This is one way to do it. I tend to lean toward the Travis Haley school of thought on slings. He has a great video on how and why, but I wont be rude and link it here.
Thanks for the heads up. I took a look at the video and it was one of the most comprehensive videos I have ever seen on sling use. I will put the link because WPS isn't about ego, it's about the skills to make one a better man and warrior.
I just took John's rifle class in Florida, the location in this video. His thoughts on slings are clear, simple and make sense.
Preference I think is the true key between the two.
Travis Haley's method is definitely something to consider. I'm ordering one of the slings for a future rifle build to see which I prefer. The true 2pt or the hybrid.
Not a fan of the D3, especially for $100. I've had it for more than a year, was actually using it yesterday, and it just doesn't wow me. I'm going to be buying a new one in a couple of months, probably go with BFG or Magpul.
Hello, I'm a Navy Vet & haven't had an AR in my hands since I was discharged in 1998. About 5 days ago I purchased my first AR as a civilian. Pumped about shooting it and adding simple but limited accessories to it. Thanks for the sling advice, well made video, THANKS,
This video helps so much! Never been able to get my MS4 just right until now, thank you!
Ok finally a vid that demonstrates what ive been looking for...all of my ar-15s were slingless until recently..I got the blue force and kinda pricey but I like them....I knew the sling should be snug when shouldering the rifle but quickly learned that I can reload and hit bolt release but the sling is too tight to pull charging handle all the way to the rear..I’m like wtf 😢 a lot of videos don’t explain it but you saying “swim” out of the sling makes sense cuz that works and it’s the only way to do it without releasing slack in the sling..thanks
HUZAH ! Slings was one of the first videos I watched on your channel. Been running this since that first video (was never swayed by the single point boys). Magpul or Blue Force Gear / Vickers are two that are great.
I'm currently running the Frank Proctor sling on mine and so far I am liking it. It's really light weight and can be attached with no extra equipment needed
"Created by feminist" might be the funniest line..great video
" This is my rifle, this is my "junk." If you don't know the difference by now........ But yeah, I laughed at that comment as well.
#FemTacGear...strong enough for a man, but made for a woman
They can sling their prophylactic from a single point...
I laughed out loud all by myself when he said it
Even females laugh at this one. And I’m biased, so maybe a bit of a feminist. It’s ok - a man created the underwire bra - payback? Maybe.
Still a great video 5 years later. Quick and to the point.
Heart of a warrior, and soul of a poet
Hey Johnboy. I have used the original Colt sling, the VTac, Vickers, the Ferro Concepts Slingster, magpul, a couple, of other single, two and even H&K three point. Personal preference is so important. Vickers, ok but nylon was very rough and stiff. Possibly because of high cotton content. Larry developed it to keep it from melting if it laid on a hot barrel. The VTac, I like it very much but the tail was a no go. The slingster is stiff and pad was almost non existent but the adjustment was right on time. They all have Plus and minuses.
So being a McGuyver Poet I took a slingster and looked at the routing. I realized if I cut the V TAC stitching and reversed the routing through the metal slide I had a very soft easy use sling with the benefits of the two. Soft nylon, good padding, easy to shorten and lengthen and no long tail. I am a picky guy and hate an un comfortable sling. Keep preaching that good word brother, Semper Paratus.
Hey guys something I've done is started keep a journal. It's not something I write in daily but when I have some thoughts I want to put down or something important that I want to leave for my daughter to read in case I'm not there for her down the road. My line of work is fairly dangerous and that's a real possibility for me. That way my daughter can have an opportunity to get to know me as a person if I'm not there for that event.
Amen to that. Don't be a mystery to your kids when you're gone people.
Nathan, it’s an excellent idea Brother, you never know when you walk out the door...........
Yeah Mike. My house was actually broken into night before last (nothing was taken luckily just property damage) and that really hit home that you just never know and life is dangerous. I don't want to be a stranger to my own daughter and want her to know who I am, even if I'm not there to show her. That and it's a good way to put things on paper and think them through.
At first I thought you were going to talk about keeping a journal for ideas for Tactical Training and equipment, but then you touched on a much more important point. Great thought!
@@arena_rock_man9030 hey that's not a bad idea either lol. I didn't really think of that. I work in state corrections and it's getting excessively dangerous everyday. So it's really important for me to have something that can be given to my daughter (and any other children that I have) so they can know their dad as a person, not just as a dad. My father passed away when I was a small child and I never got that chance.
I picked up a Blue Force Vickers years ago. Good sling. I'm rocking a Ferro Concepts Slingster today.
Love my SOE two point to single point, just in case I feel the need two get hit in the junk.
Nothing like having that sweet sweet feeling of getting your nuts knocked in half by the muzzle. Lol
Thank you for the advice , I have been trying to choose different ways to mount a magpul qd mount to my 11-87 with a pistol grip stock . Watching you explain different ways to use one and where to mount was very helpful . Thanks again
Thanks John, that explanation was exactly what I needed.
I have a sling at home it’s tan and has a slightly padded section of cross braided 550 cord, two point and tightens/ loosens with a pull tab it also has quick disconnects. Love it. It’s on my 10.5 coyote tan ar. Love
These style slings.
Looks like that vtac sling got in the shoulder pocket John lol
Yep! Oh irony!
Not my rifle setup, so I’m not overly irritated...but still...irony coming in hot
It's not working!... 😢
He's right you know.
So, would that be corrected by switching the QD connector to the other side of the butt stock?
I’m totally new to AR’s and don’t have a sling yet but it seemed like the first strap (or maybe the way it was connected to the rifle) was more ergonomic and the connection style to the butt stock seemed sturdier.
@@rildain76 Im in the same boat as you are man, I was hoping for an explanation on that too haha
Cool flash suppressor on that first rifle. Brings back the good ol' days with my M-16. Thanks for the info.
Nice short, good video John. This is exactly where I’ve landed on setting mine up, sort of a fusion of various things I’ve gotten from classes and various upper level carbine trainers over the years. Great to have it all summarized in one simple, concise video.
Request: can you share your thoughts on LPV optics for a civilian home/truck/urban/suburban defense carbine? Scopes/features you like, usage vs red dot in CQB and midranges (100-400m), etc.
Thx in advance. Peace & love
Man - where were u 19 years ago when I started carrying a rifle. Had to experiment to learn all this stuff myself. The only thing I would add is when I know I'm gonna be in the action - cause I like to "party" too - I use the slings and QD mounts that let me go to a single point. I like the easy of transitioning around corners and cover. But if I'm just moving and grooving with the weapon - two point attachment is the only way to go IMO. Climbing walls and running is a two point sling action only. Unless castration is your goal, cause smacking your junk with a 8lb-12lb weight on a single point is no Bueno Thanks for the video WPS.
I spent 26 years in the Army. I think it’s a matter of personal preference what you want on your firearm. I’m old school, keep it simple. All that extra hardware gets tangled up in the weeds. A 2 point sling is all I need and iron sights. If things get serious optics can go south quick. Technology can go back to the Stone Age.
I feel the same way. Always preferred straight up irons because that's how I learned, but the practicality found in a tighter zero with an added reticle after co-witnessing is attractive as well. Plus etched reticles can be used if technology fails
John keeps me humble. Never stop learning
"1-pt slings designed to slap you in the nuts"... you are correct, sir!
(sprinting) KA-THWAP! "Thank you madam, may I have another!" :P
Actually, through my 30+ years experience, I found the "Israeli carry" (aka "Jerusalem shuffle") using a Magpul, Vickers or other sling that will pull tight when slung around the back, works PERFECT! You can transition position seamlessly from a carry to shoot position with ease. The "combat carry" shown in this vid (sling over right shoulder, slung in front [like you demo @1:16] works best in a threat environment. However, in a non-threat environment, the "Jerusalem shuffle" with the rifle slung over left shoulder, pulled tight into body, is a lot less threatening.
Also, EITHER allow that "sexy shoulder transition" once you roll the arm under and go around the neck (I call it "mule harnessing") into a combat position - easy!
I LOVE this vid... I teach ALL my students to carry a carbine with a sling either on the range or "checking perimeter" at home (and in my case, mowing the lawn, going out to the mailbox, drinking beer in back yard, etc) or wherever... the "outside the Green Zone Baghdad", "ready L" shit is NOT kosher in civilian environments and may attract unwanted LE attention but a rifle/carbine slung along the back is a lot less threatening. Learning how to use and maximize your sling techniques to provide both comfort, non-threatening carry and accessibility is a critical skill to learn.
Great vid JL!
TYSM, im in Australia and got a gelblaster Mp5 and a sling, had 0 clue what i was doing till i watched this
“Designed by a feminist”
*stares into the abyss*
Yeah.....Party on
Have a sub bro
...the irony that a man would think a feminist movement is about himself, and not about empowering women. Pretty typical though. The 'stares into abyss' part, was cognitive dissonance in real time when he realized it didn't really work as a joke. But chuds view women as property, so I'm sure it landed for some of his audience. As a 'joke,' it only works if you think feminism is about hurting men. Feminism helps men as well. This is one of those times where you should actually do some research, and not "do your own research" aka what y'all say to a lib so you still have the appearance of keeping up with the conversation.
@@Flippwn1 you are either a really good troll or need to learn how to take a joke.
@@Flippwn1 found the feminist. Get real for a second. It was about empowering women, now it’s a radical cult of anti men nonsense.
@@Flippwn1 holy fuck shut up. All of your other comments on other vids make me wanna jump in a volcano fuck bro
I like to attach rear of the sling to back of the receiver. It allows for transition to other shoulder without swimming your arms out of the sling. Just loosen the pull tab and you have enough slack for the shoulder transition.
The oh crap face at the end. Priceless. Lol. Great video man.
I just bought an AR-15 with the same Blue Force sling. I’m glad I watched this video. Now I can set it up properly; because it sure wasn’t to begin with by the previous owner!
I see comments here but I do not see any thumbs up, come on guys smash that thumbs up. Another great video as always
Thank you👏After watching other videos, this is the one that did it for me. You sir, have earned another subscriber and loyal follower.
Anyone else just click like automatically when they see a WP video pop up?
For sure! You always know it is going to be insightful coming from John.
Of course
Eddie Simmons most assuredly, every video is gold!
Yep every time
I'm an airsofter but alot of your videos are relevant especially the sling videos and sidearm placement/ holster videos.
That's what I say every time I see a zombie "woah! right there". LOL
Thanks for the video brother
John, don't make me feel like I wasted my money on my Magpul gen4 sling. It has a slide "buckle" not a pull tab, but it works for me. Now, to get the adjustment set in the right direction. Need to watch the vid some more. Thanks for the tips!
What is your weapon light? Wow I was the first thumbs up...... which only means I need to get outside and shoot something, anything!
Karl Hester looks like an m600 surefire
@@islas357 Thanks!
Karl Hester that’s a surefire scout
I tried what you suggested. I borrowed the M2 from the armory, put it on a one point sling made of 550 cord and 100 mph tape. I shouldered it, then let it drop. What i found out is that 1SG hates when you break into the armory.
4:50 none of that is in the way, as the buckle is jammed into his shoulder. hahahaha
Got the Vickers awhile back. Love it and all my rifles will soon have it. Thanks for the info.
Hey John, why doesn't anyone advocate for Magpul anymore? I have used Magpul gear for years now (just recreation/home defense, not duty or mil). But from my experience, they have been good. I know they caught allot of slack for leaving Bolder, CO. and not staying there to fight and advocate for the 2nd Amendment, and it seems like after that, no one speaks Magpul anymore.
From my perspective as a civilian and former LEO back in the late 2000 decade, I feel like Magpul was like gen 1 for all you operator dudes in the civilian market. So why no love?
Helpful video. I could not visualise how the 2 point sling would wear, now it makes sense.
4:50 - "nunna that stuffs gittin in the way" ... as ALL that stuff gets in the way... its impertinent to watch closely. hahaha 👍
@@bigdsnake2001 nice
Thanks for the great advice John. Just bought a LWRCI IC DI M-LOK 5.56 in Burnt Bronze. Can’t wait to get it set up and get to the range. Great advice on the sling. I’ll be ordering one ASAP. Thanks again
Grey Wolf67 is that what he has? Rifle looks sick.
love the intro, reminds me of mike from grand thumb and lucas for t-rex arms, keep up the good work :D
I use the vickers sling on my AR's and I mount the butt end like you done with the second sling you showed. It allows me to transition shoulders without choking myself.
Blueforce slings Rock!!
Didnt expect you here.
Minnesota Guy I don’t know why? I’m subscribed to all the bad ass channels.
Finally someone who understands 2 point slings. I run a VTAC and have 0 issues with it.
"Get good gear."
Yay for that.
Just ordered your new WPS sling for an upcoming class with in Sept. That sling looks amazing. I'm replacing a decent magpul sling, but the adjustment tab on the magpul is crap (sticks and requires the exact right angle to loosen etc). I'm stoked! Lonsdale,MN with the Gnome!!!! LFG.
Whoo hoo still getting notifications!!!
Very awesome content as always. Thanks for this and have been using the SG code since!
3:14 "Sexy shoulder transitions". 😂 👍🏼
You're such a cool dude. Enjoy your videos, very informative and trusted. Last night I ordered a Vickers sling, my first sling.
Best discussion I've seen regarding slings. All good points. Thanks
I had a single point sling work fantastically well during my time in the sand, but these days I think I would roll with a two point.
No way man use sigle point you go hands on trust me someone train will kill you with your sling got to be able to unplug asap! Well with my 5 tours combat 3 different conflicts this what i seen hands on i would never tie my own noose around myself!)
@@raymondjgeorge2607 well dude, we have differing opinions and that's OK. My experiences 15 straights months in a combat zone aren't worth zero simply because you also have time in combat zones.
@@raymondjgeorge2607 single points are a thing of the past
I would say how you wear your sling also depends on what you need to do. You may need to have the rifle on your back for practical or legal purposes (in front could be considered brandishing) but still be accessible. In that case, switching which end of the sling goes over the shoulder vs. under can allow you to keep your hands off it but still be able to reach back and rotate it under your armpit and into position at a moment's notice.