Какой же великолепный голос!!! Таким голосом можно петь только о Любви... Ко всему... К женщине... К Жизни... К Вселенной!!! Голос, как подарок! Слушаю и наслаждаюсь
Один из лучших хитов в исполнении Джека Саворетти. Ох, как красиво! Страстный, талантлив, красавец! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤Спасибо, Джек! Невозможно не влюблиться😊❤!
This guy is amazing!!! I could listen to his music all day every day and never get tired of his voice. Im 55 and this is the first artist ever that has been able to give me that. Jack Savoretti, you are truly beyond talented🔥🔥🔥🔥💥
Love is on the line When the same mistakes are made Over and over and over and over again Love is on the line When jealousy fades And we no longer look back when walking away I know we still believe in love I can't believe we're giving up Oh, I wish that we were strong enough To remember how we were before we tried Oh, the night is never long enough To forget about the lonely nights we cried When our love was on the line All we ever did was fight It no longer matters who's wrong or who's right And after all this time, nobody wins There's only the memory of what we have been I know we still believe in love I can't believe we're giving up Oh, I wish that we were strong enough To remember how we were before we tried Oh, the night is never long enough To forget about the lonely nights we cried I can't believe it, baby I can't believe it's true I can't believe it, baby I can't believe it's happening to me and you I can't believe it, baby I can't believe we're through Oh, I wish that we were strong enough To remember how we were before we tried Oh, the night is never long enough To forget about the lonely nights we cried, oh oh Oh, I wish that we were strong enough To remember how we were before we tried (we tried, before we tried) Oh, the night is never long enough To forget about the lonely nights we cried, yeah I can't believe it, baby (I can't believe it) I can't believe it's true (I can't believe it) I can't believe it, baby I can't believe it's happening to me and you (I can't believe it) I can't believe it, baby (I can't believe it) I can't believe we're through Songwriters: Davide Rossi / Jack Savoretti / Pedro De Souza / Sebastian Sternberg
Apaixonada por essa música! Ouvi na Antena1 FM SP pela primeira vez esta semana e tô viciada nela! Hj, sábado, dia 27/07/19 já perdi as contas de quantas vezes dei play nesse vídeo! Maravilhosa! 😍♥😍♥😍♥😍♥😍♥ 👏👏👏👏👏👏 Jack é lindo demais! 😍
Αγαπητέ Κύριε Σαβορέτι ο ήχος της φωνής και της μουσική σας ταξιδευουν το μυαλό και την ψυχή μου. Συνεχίστε να μας χαρίζεται τα χρώματα του ουράνιου τόξου μέσα απο τα τραγούδια σας !!! Ελπίζω να ξαναέρθετε στη χώρα μας .. !! 🍀🌹🌻🌍
this sound has come to save our ears from so much bad things that we are forced to listen..thanks jack savoretti for recording this beautiful song i listen all day ..
This song was playing in a retail store lastnight while i was shopping and i had to find a private corner to cry my eyes out!!! HIs voice is amazing I really thought it was an older guy. I Googled the lyrics and found it and hearing it a second time - THIS MY JAM!!! Whoever wrote this - I thank you!
I know right 😘 Jack came in the seen some 12 years ago and I have been a fan ever since. Jack has to be one of the humble realist guy in showbiz in music industry! He’s got talents, songwriting playing instruments preforming, filling up stadium worldwide you name it Jack has it all!
Although I can't live a day without a music, this was my new discovery from youtube. Such a beautiful voice, your songs are just masterpieces ! I hope you to get more recognition in the future. Best wishes from a Lithuanian fan ❤ 🇱🇹
Demais, inclua o Brasil na turnê !!! Ouvi na Antena 1 e precisa ser mais divulgado por aqui, estamos carente de música boa e de qualidade. A voz realmente é divina, não canso de ouvi lo.
All we ever did was fight It no longer matters who's wrong or who's right And after all this time, nobody wins There's only the memory of what we have been I know we still believe in love I can't believe we're giving up....
I just discovered (now) one of my favorite singers of my life. He is so talented and charming. Their songs are kind of classical, romantic and [omg] sexy. And what a voice. I loved! From Brazil. 🥰
Pelo amor de Deus, venha para o Brasil, ou serei obrigada a ir para Inglaterra... o que é isso gente???? escuto todos os dias, no mínimo 39 vezes, é simplesmente maravilhosa, e todas as outras também são lindas. Que preciosidade!!! Que carisma!!! Que voz... que tuuudo!!
В этом году я открыла для себя великолепное творчество Джека Саворетти!! Джек, спасибо что ты есть!!!!❤ Космический талант! Легенда!❤ Желаю тебе и твоей прекрасной команде огромного умпеха в 2024 году! С Новым Годом!!! С Новым Счастьем!!!❤
Pretty good song! Each part this songs as a flash in my life, I remind when I was married. My wife didn't understand our lives. I fought in my job, coz' I 'm a teacher an then, desires my presence everyday and she was obessive, she wanted control my own, but I give up and today I'm sigle. I fall down in my sorrow, but I know, onde day, She will anderstand what she had done. We were on the line... Today, no one elses!
Ооооо ,а я о Вас узнала после Российской саксафонистки Анастасии Высоцкой это она познакомила с Вашим творчеством Россию.Вы супер.Ваша музыка прекраснаааааа
The emotion builds up slowly and you end up singing along, the feet start stomping....great message, fantastic vibe. Thank you Mr Savoretti for all that flavour!🤗🙏💐
Essa musica eh PERFEITA!! a voz dele, a letra, o violino, a batida,TUDO eh incrível!! Uma das minhas musicas favoritas com certeza e deveria ser a de muitos!!!❤️❤️
Im 59 and just recently came scross this amazingly talented man he melts my❤ ❤❤❤😂
@JackSavorettiofficial yes i have and hope to have many more years listening to your amazing vioce and talent x
Браво!!!!! Красавчик ❤счастлива, что услышала Ваши песни!!! Это просто космос !!! Спасибо за имоциии❤слушая Ваши песни хочется жить!!!
Русня іди нахуй
Wow! I’ve never seen so many comments in different languages from all over the world. If the song touches so many hearts, it means something😉
.. ....
. .,....., ,,... ,, .....,.............ю,...... ..........ю...... .... ............................. ........ ...... ........... ... ..... ................. . .... ... ... .... . .....................ю........ ............
Какой же великолепный голос!!! Таким голосом можно петь только о Любви... Ко всему... К женщине... К Жизни... К Вселенной!!! Голос, как подарок!
Слушаю и наслаждаюсь
здесь территория добра и любви❤
Согласна, англичанин с итальянскими корнями ❤❤❤❤голос потрясающий
Я уже 2 день слушаю , не могу наслушаться 😍😍😍😍
@@Марина-ш7ф5ъ ❤
Безнадежно влюблена в голос Jack Savoretti.....в его страсть исполнения.
I’m 84 I think he is a great singer and musician I a m a fan now
Que bien que te gusta la musica te deja jovem.
The gravel in his voice reminds me of the gravel in my knee from the man that ran me off the road when I was.14
He Is Italian and never Heard of him here in Italy,ohave round him here on you tube..I love his music
Beau timbre vocal, Belle chanson,je n'ai jamais entendu ses chansons.❤❤❤
«На кону любовь»🤍
Потрясающе исполнение невероятной песни👏👏👏🔥🔥🔥
Искусство не имеет национальности! Джек, ты прекрасен! Нам повезло жить в одно время с тобой! Твои шедевры изумительны! 🇷🇺Привет из России! ❤
Росияни перестаньте убивать детей и мирных жителей в Украине .
фу, раша
Потрясающий итальянец!!! Голос сильный, колоритный, с хрипотцой! Сражает наповал! Слов не понимаю, но эмоции вполне понятны. Талантище!
Про любоффф))!!!
@@nadezhdatolpa3121 ха-ха-ха ага все песни про любовь! 😁
Que lingua é essa??? Jesus...🤔😂
@@anelyseberg9891 😁 Russian
Я сегодня услышала в магазине первый раз и влюбилась в эту песню. Сразу шазам включила, что бы узнать кто поёт. Песня просто 🔥🔥🔥
I can listen to this song over en over again
Один из лучших хитов в исполнении Джека Саворетти. Ох, как красиво! Страстный, талантлив, красавец! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤Спасибо, Джек! Невозможно не влюблиться😊❤!
@@BC-ru8zd 🎯
This guy is amazing!!! I could listen to his music all day every day and never get tired of his voice. Im 55 and this is the first artist ever that has been able to give me that. Jack Savoretti, you are truly beyond talented🔥🔥🔥🔥💥
Me too x
Yes!!! ♥️♥️he’s my FAVORITE singer!!
Every day morning rutine...all his albums...is like the morning coffee strenght 10... Love it!
Просто какое-то чудо! Голос, мелодии, энергетика! В последнее время, нам этого не хватает.
Я в восторге! Одна из любимых песен ...Привет из России! 💓
Love is on the line
When the same mistakes are made
Over and over and over and over again
Love is on the line
When jealousy fades
And we no longer look back when walking away
I know we still believe in love
I can't believe we're giving up
Oh, I wish that we were strong enough
To remember how we were before we tried
Oh, the night is never long enough
To forget about the lonely nights we cried
When our love was on the line
All we ever did was fight
It no longer matters who's wrong or who's right
And after all this time, nobody wins
There's only the memory of what we have been
I know we still believe in love
I can't believe we're giving up
Oh, I wish that we were strong enough
To remember how we were before we tried
Oh, the night is never long enough
To forget about the lonely nights we cried
I can't believe it, baby
I can't believe it's true
I can't believe it, baby
I can't believe it's happening to me and you
I can't believe it, baby
I can't believe we're through
Oh, I wish that we were strong enough
To remember how we were before we tried
Oh, the night is never long enough
To forget about the lonely nights we cried, oh oh
Oh, I wish that we were strong enough
To remember how we were before we tried (we tried, before we tried)
Oh, the night is never long enough
To forget about the lonely nights we cried, yeah
I can't believe it, baby (I can't believe it)
I can't believe it's true (I can't believe it)
I can't believe it, baby
I can't believe it's happening to me and you (I can't believe it)
I can't believe it, baby (I can't believe it)
I can't believe we're through
Songwriters: Davide Rossi / Jack Savoretti / Pedro De Souza / Sebastian Sternberg
Love is on the line ❤❤❤
Apaixonada por essa música! Ouvi na Antena1 FM SP pela primeira vez esta semana e tô viciada nela! Hj, sábado, dia 27/07/19 já perdi as contas de quantas vezes dei play nesse vídeo! Maravilhosa! 😍♥😍♥😍♥😍♥😍♥
👏👏👏👏👏👏 Jack é lindo demais! 😍
por favor onde encontro a tradução?? eu imploro.
@@Jojoh1931 eu li seu comentario pensei que era meu kkkkkkkkkkkkk, minha opniao é igual a sua.
Спасибо Джек! Спасибо за талант и творчество! ❤
Боже,какой же Он классный 🙏 конечно же подписка! Исполнитель с большой буквы 💕💕💕
Αγαπητέ Κύριε Σαβορέτι ο ήχος της φωνής και της μουσική σας ταξιδευουν το μυαλό και την ψυχή μου. Συνεχίστε να μας χαρίζεται τα χρώματα του ουράνιου τόξου μέσα απο τα τραγούδια σας !!! Ελπίζω να ξαναέρθετε στη χώρα μας .. !! 🍀🌹🌻🌍
Эта песня сделала моё утро!!! Всем привет из Питера! Потрясающий голос🔥🔥💯
Сейчас такой музыки не хватает. Романтика,чувства, эмоции, супер!!!
Musica perfeita, arranjos, voz e melodia, aquela pequena pausa na musica antes do refrão, sensacional, simplesmente impecável, PERFEITA.
E a voz rasgada, grunge, muito boa
Realmente perfeita
Страсть в каждой песне.Влюбилась поуши!!!💋💋💋♥️♥️♥️♥️💐💐💐💐👍👍👍👍
Jack Savoretti's a treasure. Wonder why he hasn't gone main stream, just one of those unexplainable mysteries. LOVE HIM.
Язык музыки интернационален. Мне хватило всего. Музыка, молодой голос, пульсирующий ритм, зажигательные эмоции. Вы просто супер!
The heart on this man is unbelievable . God bless him
Удачи Тебе в жизни!!! И привет от всего бывшего СССР!!! Балуй нас дальше своими шедеврами. Низкий Тебе поклон)))
это можно смотреть и слушать бесконечно!!! Просто восторг! Джек, твоя музыка это лучшее, что я слышала за последнее время! Творческих успехов!!! ❤
Боже, что за голос!, песня! Обожаю твои песни. Какие классные музыканты, помогают доносить твоё творчество до сердец всех людей на планете.
Great 80-90s vibe, with most attractive raspy voice, we all missed such music in recent years, keep it up, Jack!
Шикарный голос, шикарный мужчина! ❤ Привет из Сибири❤
Просто шикарная песня👏😍💃мелодия🎶голос🤩💯слова👍конечно сам исполнитель🧔💥 всё совпало в этом,,,,, спасибо большое 🎉
I loved this song from the first second. A wonderful voice ❤️
Джо Кокер ушел,его не заменить! Но этот исполнитель достоин восхищения,голос прекрасен!!!!!
this sound has come to save our ears from so much bad things that we are forced to listen..thanks jack savoretti for recording this beautiful song i listen all day ..
absolutely.. thank God! i just start listening to his music today.. and boy am i glad!!
Супер!Нет слов, это можно слушать бесконечно! Браво!!!🔥❤️🤗
There’s something about the combination of Jack’s lyrics, music, voice and arrangements that is so catchy. The video send me over the top...
Шикарная песня. Спасибо что она мне попалась на глаза.
This song was playing in a retail store lastnight while i was shopping and i had to find a private corner to cry my eyes out!!! HIs voice is amazing I really thought it was an older guy. I Googled the lyrics and found it and hearing it a second time - THIS MY JAM!!! Whoever wrote this - I thank you!
I know right 😘 Jack came in the seen some 12 years ago and I have been a fan ever since.
Jack has to be one of the humble realist guy in showbiz in music industry! He’s got talents, songwriting playing instruments preforming, filling up stadium worldwide you name it Jack has it all!
мне ютуб предложил данную компанию 1,5 мес назад, до этого вообще не слышала про него🤔...
Jack ты лучший!!!! Голос, музыка, мелодия все от души🔥🥇🌺 Успехов Амиго!!!!
You've been in my life for a very long time and I can't do without your voice I'm obsessed every day❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
I AM strong enough, are you strong enough too, my heart (Jack)? 😍💪 // Thanks for sharing!
I do listen to his music all day and almost every day, much to my husbands amusement. Thank you Jack yet again. Xx
Although I can't live a day without a music, this was my new discovery from youtube. Such a beautiful voice, your songs are just masterpieces ! I hope you to get more recognition in the future. Best wishes from a Lithuanian fan ❤ 🇱🇹
Голос потрясающий,очень притягательный и харизматичный.Слушаю как под гипнозом.Meravigliosa,bravissimo!!
Ah o que seria de nós sem antena 1?? essa rádio é demais só toca música boa!! 🖤
De onde é essa rádio, irmão? Parece ser como a Tempo FM, aqui em Fortaleza. Rádio de extremo bom gosto!
@@SuperEden33 Ela é de São Paulo, mas deve ser igual essa aí de Fortaleza tbm, acho que só muda o nome talvez, mas realmente só toca música boa!!
Eu descobri pela Alpha FM (de São Paulo tb.). Ela vai na mesma linha da Antena 1.
Rádio Atlântida do RS, tocou e eu fui pesquisar
Lovely song...
Touching lyrics..
Can't decide between the voice n looks..
Full package...
Love the singer n the songs... ❤🤩
, спасибо большое за Ваш Талант , Счастья и море Успехов
Absolutely magic song and such a beautiful masculine voice! Listening over and over!
Demais, inclua o Brasil na turnê !!!
Ouvi na Antena 1 e precisa ser mais divulgado por aqui, estamos carente de música boa e de qualidade.
A voz realmente é divina, não canso de ouvi lo.
Ouvi em uma rádio quando estava em Fortaleza ,copiei e agora não canso de escutar!
Canta muito mesmo o Jack 👋👋👋👋
Não me canso de escutar também! 😍
eu o conheci pelo anuncio no youtube, ele tem outras muito boas tbm!
Eu tb 👏👏👏🥰🥰🥰
Gente,que homem é esse??😍😍
Que música é essa??❤❤❤
Estou apaixonada!!!❤❤❤❤😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
Essa mus é um conjunto da obra!! Belíssima!! Ultrapassa as estrelas!!🍹💫😍🥰💖💘 Q voz! Q charme!😊😅
Голос, Божественен! 🙏😍💋💋💋💋😍💘
All we ever did was fight
It no longer matters who's wrong or who's right
And after all this time, nobody wins
There's only the memory of what we have been
I know we still believe in love
I can't believe we're giving up....
39 seconds into this song and already love his voice. Hooked
I love the raspiness of his voice 😍 All of his songs are wonderful, what an artist! ❤️❤️❤️
I just discovered (now) one of my favorite singers of my life. He is so talented and charming. Their songs are kind of classical, romantic and [omg] sexy. And what a voice. I loved! From Brazil. 🥰
They're fantastic! ❤
Pelo amor de Deus, venha para o Brasil, ou serei obrigada a ir para Inglaterra... o que é isso gente???? escuto todos os dias, no mínimo 39 vezes, é simplesmente maravilhosa, e todas as outras também são lindas. Que preciosidade!!! Que carisma!!! Que voz... que tuuudo!!
В этом году я открыла для себя великолепное творчество Джека Саворетти!!
Джек, спасибо что ты есть!!!!❤
Космический талант! Легенда!❤
Желаю тебе и твоей прекрасной команде огромного умпеха в 2024 году!
С Новым Годом!!! С Новым Счастьем!!!❤
Охрененно ! Голос, аранжировка и стихи. И на стиле 70ых 😎☝
Amo essa música
Amo sua musica❤
Descobri essa música através da rádio Antena 1, muito boa!
eu tambem
Haha, eu também.
Eu também kkkkkkk
Eu tbm
Me somo ao grupo: eu também rsrsrs
Genteee essa música é um vício! 😍😍😍😍😍
Maravilhosa, eu não me canso de ouvir! 😍😍😍😍
Venha para uma turnê no Brasil por favor! ❤❤❤❤
Rosimar Cabral de Oliveira verdade 🥰
Qdo termina, tá lá meu dedinho no replay.kkkk
Boa tarde Rosimar linda Canção.
Sem falar no que esse danado é sexy....meu Deus...😍😁🤗💕
Achei que era só eu.
Just one word - WONDERFUL ♥️
I'm sure this man doesn't have a bad song. All of them a true masterpiece !
Pretty good song!
Each part this songs as a flash in my life, I remind when I was married. My wife didn't understand our lives. I fought in my job, coz' I 'm a teacher an then, desires my presence everyday and she was obessive, she wanted control my own, but I give up and today I'm sigle. I fall down in my sorrow, but I know, onde day, She will anderstand what she had done. We were on the line...
Today, no one elses!
Love, love, love this song! And his voice, his presence , he has it all! Love u Jack, you are amazing!
Голос потрясающий, ты просто огонь... влюбилась..талант
The Elvis from our days ... another great work of art.... thank you so much for this
Love song ❣️ beautiful boyyyyyyy!!!!!!
Greece here.......🇬🇷
Yeah....love this voice
Потрясающе ❤ до мурашек…спасибо за это❤❤❤
Ооооо ,а я о Вас узнала после Российской саксафонистки Анастасии Высоцкой это она познакомила с Вашим творчеством Россию.Вы супер.Ваша музыка прекраснаааааа
Да!!!! Класссссссс!!!!!
The emotion builds up slowly and you end up singing along, the feet start stomping....great message, fantastic vibe. Thank you Mr Savoretti for all that flavour!🤗🙏💐
Conheci Jack Savoretti na Antena 1. Como sempre só musica de qualidade. Amo !!!
Дуже талановитий виконавець.
А ця пісня просто шедевр❤🎉
My dad, who passed away last year, really loved this song... It will always make me think of him...
Искренне сочувствую Вашей потере... сил Вам😔
What a fantastic voice. Wish you all the best Jack. Thank you for this song, the rhythm and his measure and the feelings... thank you Jack.
❤Cos niesamowitego ale głos .. ukojenie dla duszy można słuchać godzinami .... Cudowny!!!!
What a Great song !!!!! What an Amazing voice !!!!!
Какая потрясающая композиция! Я растворяюсь в ней, я в центре, вокруг меня эта песня. Хочется нежности, любви, плавлюсь от этого! ❤
Вот это энергетика❤❤❤
Your voice, that music, epic...makes the sadness so romantic!
What an amazing song.... His voice is everything to my ears! So classy, so elegant, so soothing, so seductive!
Oh, ya!
Класс!!! Вы сделали моё утро!!!!! Удачи!!!!!!
Meu Deus...que perfeição ...voz.. música..👏👏👏❤️❤️❤️
❤️❤️❤️ как все прекрасно: голос, исполнение, харизма!
Da....from England
Um homem tão lindo, tão talentoso, tão charmoso e fazendo parte da minha playlist. Amooo!
Мамочки, как же это мурашисто!
согласна 🤪🤪🤪
Essa musica eh PERFEITA!! a voz dele, a letra, o violino, a batida,TUDO eh incrível!! Uma das minhas musicas favoritas com certeza e deveria ser a de muitos!!!❤️❤️
Как же здорово он поет эту песню💕
....даааа , итальянцы они такие :-):-)
Elegance, what we call his songs for 👍🏻
I really adore his voice and his way to create songs that touch the mind and the heart. So beautifully and honestly.!!!!
KATE NEOS NEOS,You look gorgeous 🌹🌹🌺,hope you are with a good man!!
Conheci esta música pela Antena 1. Demais mesmo!
Самая крутая песня о любви,за последнее время,моё...
Oh, Savoretty, my hearts❤💞💔 lovely, lovely. So magic😊
Obrigada Antena 1. Essa música já virou hino na minha vida 🤩🙏