I hope they will crash into a bollard or an heavy obstacle while riding on pavements. Do not forget they could hurt or even kill someone leaving their home or jogging/ walking at the street corner.
@@axyis9775 yea yea that’s not what I said, supermotos or mx bikes are great for fleeing, they’re really nimble compared to supersports and you can take them offroad to a certain degree.
Jag gillar hur ni glider i mina områden, och eran förvirring när ni försökte köra ut ur Vega var fan helt, ni kanske inte behövde köra ihjäl kärringen men annars bra video!
It's all fun and games, until they catch you and then you cry to daddy and everyone else is to be blamed. Classic. Seen it myself. Little kid was acting like he owns everything with his pit bike, riding up and down and he stopped, tried to hide from a cop, but he was already spotted. Oh the tears...... It was so funny😄
LOL, I would of kept going and went, whoops, look where u are going. That bitch better move lmao, like where's the evidence? She's not gonna get insurance if they ride away lmao
I am a tuned moped driver myself, having no respect for police. But I don't put other people nor myself at risk driving through streets and traffic like that, yeez.
I put snutjag on google translate and it said its swedish, somehow this all makes sense now, theyre not going as fast as the finnish jonnes and theyre not listening to gangsta rap while riding
har ni körkort? torr ni händer om ni krockar? blir era föräldrar glada? är det ens lönsamt att bryta mot lagen? och varför tog ni inte mc kort? då får ni åka 130km utan problem
ja i det här fallet va det lönsamt för annars hade det inte blivit något mc kort, föreldrarna blir ledsna, ja vi har körkort för moppe, vi skadar oss om vi krockar, ja vi har redan börjat med mc kortetr :)
dom hade en chans för att i början av video när vi åker förbi snutendå hade dom en mc snut där som precis innan hade stoppat våran kpmis å beslag tagit hans moppe, de därför vi gjorde detta. hade dom startat mc snuten så hade vi fått det jobbigt men vi hade förmodligen klarat de endå :)
They didnt get arrested, they had no license plates. And you cant get arrested if the cops can't prove it's you riding the moped. At least in Sweden where this is filmed.
Atleast don't ride as fast in the narrow corners with pedestrians. Elsewise great content!
It's not cool when you're putting pedestrians at risk by hurtling around blind corners.
I hope they will crash into a bollard or an heavy obstacle while riding on pavements. Do not forget they could hurt or even kill someone leaving their home or jogging/ walking at the street corner.
@@alexbanzai4560 håll käften
@@tedandersson9214 nej du
@@weada2326 låt ungarna ha kul istället för att sitta inne å spela fortnite och få en puckel rygg
@Ted Andersson ok boomer
And next week in the news: two men die in horrific crash with mopeds
nah, that aint gonna happen
Al Kaholic+ Scooter crash*
No way these are fast enough to kill them if they crash. Just end up in wheelchairs for the rest of their lives maybe
@@MrOhWhatTheHeck 0:47
@@MrOhWhatTheHeck stfu, sorry that U can't have fun like this in your life LOOOOOOOL
Not cool to ride on paths where people walk, especially when their narrow.
shut up, seriously
95% of the time true but sometimes when your running it's the best option
Shi cops shouldn't have chased him then
in Finland we have a saying "skootteri on lälläripyörä" which means "a scooter is a wussybike"
But a pain for cops to keep up and capture, the same way a fly is hard to catch. Really nimble and agile. I'll take the wussy bike =]
@@Gideon-300 have you ever tried keeping up with a supermoto? Those are the definition of nimble and fast..
@@Zjudoransj supermoto?🙉😂 Try a fucking 1000cc not that shit
@@axyis9775 yea yea that’s not what I said, supermotos or mx bikes are great for fleeing, they’re really nimble compared to supersports and you can take them offroad to a certain degree.
@@Zjudoransj ok
Hi, can I use your video in my new compilation?
I will give you full credits in video and description.
0:27 haha älskar skrattet där, ser så jävla kul ut!! XD
hahah :P
detta får mig att längta till sommarn
ah vi saknar också sommarn :/ :)
Jag gillar hur ni glider i mina områden, och eran förvirring när ni försökte köra ut ur Vega var fan helt, ni kanske inte behövde köra ihjäl kärringen men annars bra video!
It's all fun and games, until they catch you and then you cry to daddy and everyone else is to be blamed. Classic. Seen it myself. Little kid was acting like he owns everything with his pit bike, riding up and down and he stopped, tried to hide from a cop, but he was already spotted. Oh the tears...... It was so funny😄
aint no way you are happy that a kid got caught by the police for driving a bike
@@sjoerdjeuh3590 He was pain in thew butt, he got what he deserved.
Cool story bro wow
lär ju
Suomalaisiaki näkee tääl
De är varför man älskar Sverige
keep uploading i really enjoyed this vid 😂😂
thanks man
The lady walking on the path, had no reason to move. If i was her i would stay in the way so i could get hit and get my insurance!!!
LOL, I would of kept going and went, whoops, look where u are going. That bitch better move lmao, like where's the evidence? She's not gonna get insurance if they ride away lmao
so u could have avoided it but u choose not to cuz ur broke af
They can just hit her and ride away, no cameras and no plates
Look at Thier reaction to the cops They would have just ran idiot 🤦
Typiskt svenskar😂😂
jajemensan haha
Amazing YT älä mitää😂
Denmark is worse
Trukchter Wailjle pelkkii peppureinoja
When they do this in my area, i would hunt for them. Mommy would miss them ... for ever!
I am a tuned moped driver myself, having no respect for police. But I don't put other people nor myself at risk driving through streets and traffic like that, yeez.
Hoppas ni drar er o får sitta i rullstol resten av livet, såna som ni som gör olyckor
Hey Grisjag, cool video, is it okay to include it in our future compilation? Credited as always!
omg i know you!!
i bet
Vad använder ni för rör och vad toppar era moppar? :)
don't ride full gas when running, my engine blew mid police chase.
Jesus a little bit disrespectful with the pedestrian
0:31 vilket sött skratt ;D
hahah aa
Hahah jävla kötthuven, kung film fortsätt med sånna😂👍
haha taack :PP
Putting others' lives at risk is not cool. Be smart and make better choices.
riktigt bra video, hoppas på mer
aa äntligen någon som inte dampar på hur vi kör hahah
This is why motorcyclists have no respect for scooters
I put snutjag on google translate and it said its swedish, somehow this all makes sense now, theyre not going as fast as the finnish jonnes and theyre not listening to gangsta rap while riding
been nearly 10 years since your last vid.. yall still alive?? XD
0:26 my shit that Sound .
And how fast are those Yamaha slider go ? Like 90-100 kmh
we have tuned them so we can do stunt so the top speed is nott the best but its about 75/80km/h
Södertörns Stunt Crew (SSC) oh okay what is the setting
Potatolumoc settting haahaha setup?
Nitryd Swedish shut up 😂😂😂
trust me get one of those talking devices to talk to yuour bro
so when theres police yall can say to each other now go right/left etc.
har ni körkort? torr ni händer om ni krockar? blir era föräldrar glada? är det ens lönsamt att bryta mot lagen? och varför tog ni inte mc kort? då får ni åka 130km utan problem
ja i det här fallet va det lönsamt för annars hade det inte blivit något mc kort, föreldrarna blir ledsna, ja vi har körkort för moppe, vi skadar oss om vi krockar, ja vi har redan börjat med mc kortetr :)
MC kort är så jävla dyrt, och man måste va 16.
Where can i get on of those spedometers that you have
These guys can escape good😂😂😂
helvete vad fort dem går!. hur har ni trimma dem så att dem går så fort ?.
fan vad alla klagar! haha det va ju najs!
ååh hade varit så kul om snorvalparna krocka i nån stolpe o delades på mitten :(
eyy kom t länna så ska vi se vem som delas på mitten
This sucks you never crash and get hurt, better luck next time.
Such a loser
Looks werry much like Garret Taylor's son and friends runnin around in Länna and Skogås .. WTF !!!
Nu är ju frågan varför mcpolisen som står bredvid bilen i början inte följde efter
We call these mopeds chicken chasers
Haha, gillar att snuten ens försöker, dom har inte en chans
dom hade en chans för att i början av video när vi åker förbi snutendå hade dom en mc snut där som precis innan hade stoppat våran kpmis å beslag tagit hans moppe, de därför vi gjorde detta. hade dom startat mc snuten så hade vi fått det jobbigt men vi hade förmodligen klarat de endå :)
Haha, såg inte hojsnuten, blir jävligt knivigt om man får en så efter sig. Har själv aldrig stött på nån mc polis när ja kört
äsh de ba å köra
Sluta dröm, mc hade tagit er alla dagar i veckan för ni kan inte köra för 5 öre
kom å testa oss då, kan lova att min polares 7åriga syster kör bättre än dej
Att man kör sådär är bara extremt efterblivet
Where did you buy your jeans and hoodi
ni hade säkert inte ens snutjag de va säkert ba en v70
Next time post it without music please
cant wait to get scoter at 16 i justed turned 15
@Camille Phillips Why dont you get a supermoto, something thats actually nice to ride
whats that speedometer called?
ni är med i theattackmasters video SCOOTERS VS POLICE - [Part 6]
vet ;) han frågade om han fick andvända videon, följ vår vanliga kanal (ssc)
What's the model?
Polisen kommer till skolan o tar er senare ba
hur snabbt går dom?
what is the name of this moped?
Scooter isn't a moped.
You are endangering everyone around you. This is so selfish, but at least you had your fun...
Moped monsters. Bravo.
15 år och kungen av vägarna xD
fan ni kör ju förfan galnare än mig XD
haha knas :P
Pas nu på drenge, man lever kun en gang.
This is not cool, grow up man.🤦♀️🤦♀️
why you point youre hand always to left or right
welche roller sind es
You are lucky, but what if police watch this video.😬
what are they gonna do?
@@zeprix1 kill,u
@@anonymous_4you 💀💀💀
Name of the speedometer
Worst "chase" ever seen tbh.
Nicee !! Whats song plizzzz
exakt sån moppe du har ska ja köpa om 1 år:)
i just buy 150cc derbi X-Treme and max speed is 100mph so not bad
sounds great :)
Ik u got arrested after this when they found ur bikes it always ends like this...
They didnt get arrested, they had no license plates. And you cant get arrested if the cops can't prove it's you riding the moped. At least in Sweden where this is filmed.
fyfan vad cringe när man åker scooter lol.
Engelse weten niet wat popo is eh
speak enlgish so someone can understand what your saying
and its not englad its sweden idi
we are from sweden not english
Police in the UK is worse than Dutch police and I lived in both countries
va är det för låt??
that's quick for a 70
what bike is that?
where you bought the odometer?
its orginal on a yamaha slider
Setupppp ? Går gött?
Ni kommer krocka så småningom så som ni kör...
Weird Music?
Hello, can I have your video to its collections"Police chase compilation", the link will point in the description and annotation)))
Are these guys from sweden
what is the name of the song, pls help me guys
Mikal Anglevik Infrared by Lucian ft jordan corey
Thank you😊 Viktor Olshon
Lägg ut fler videos!!!
ska försöka :)
bro gotspare lives
when you're on the run for some police ghosts fake shit
yeah your right the police was fake it was actually no cops at all i photoshoped everything... :|
slösa inte på polisens tid....
Wat is de top dan?😲
Vet någon var man kan fåtag på en sådan hoddi som han har
jag köpte den på twostroke, här e länk dit
kan länka vart jag köpte den :)
Gör nåt vettigt med era liv
lär ju inte gå 45. XDD lol
jodåå ;)
okey da! XDD
kolla rubriken
the first cop we passed just took our friend thats why we did this
Kul tills ni kör på nån
can someone report this to the police if anyone can recognize where this is?
Jawlan M Na
Ni är så jävla kung haha
yall fucking crazy... i love it ;P
hahah looking for snutjag
svenska där va
conduite dangereuse
Too much gta lmfao
Har ni trim?
Visst ser jag att ni har jävligt kul men visa respekt mot övriga trafikanter och låt inte moppekulturen få en negativ stämpel!? :)
i click video expecting to see mopeds and all i see are toilets on wheels..