Hi Ricardo! Look, in my case, I have an entity called Core (1), in this entity is associated with Client ( * ) entity, so... I want to publish an Odata Service or API or Web service but I only want to publish information of one client, not of all my clients, How can I do that? If it was lik SQL, will be something like this: select * from where Cliente = client_ID
Hi I am a mendix certified intermediate developer. Please help me to crack the interviews , I attended the 10+ interviews but i am not selected. Please guide me.
Thanks for such great help. looking forward to more videos
Great job, keep doing it!
thank you for this!
Hi... Great! Can you please cover all REST API topics GET PUT DELETE and all
Hi @umamaheshpilli9380, it's already on the list of future videos to be released, stay tuned.
Hi Ricardo! Look, in my case, I have an entity called Core (1), in this entity is associated with Client ( * ) entity, so... I want to publish an Odata Service or API or Web service but I only want to publish information of one client, not of all my clients, How can I do that? If it was lik SQL, will be something like this: select * from where Cliente = client_ID
Please create video on POST api
Hi I'm mendix intermediate certified, please help me out in cracking my advance certification.
I am a mendix certified intermediate developer.
Please help me to crack the interviews , I attended the 10+ interviews but i am not selected.
Please guide me.
Hi @ramreddy8163, how are you going? DM on my LinkedIn so we can talk!
I'll ping you too.