Yes different, the idea of a kite loop is to loop with some pull, it's what makes them so addictive:) The heli loop is a way to soften a landing and slow yourself down, regain control and line tension - originally used when you're coming in hot from a kite loop as the kite circles behind you. Like throwing the parachute out the back of a drag car. That said, nowadays there's a lot of cross-over between a late loop, a down loop and a heli loop. One person's late loop or down loop is another's heli loop.
Don’t look at your kite when looping! You should be at the level that you can fly your kite blind. Better focus on what is below downwind of you and spot landing. The kiteloop should be done a before the apex of the jump, otherwise there is less line tension.
Thanks for the concern, but no need to worry. As explained in the video, it's a series, this is #7. So those following have plenty of looping experience and have already nailed the down loop jump transition, which also requires a good take off. They're ready. Nice car by the way:)
Kite loops are easy, just go big and fly a 7m to a 10m. So easy to learn in comparison to most handle pass tricks.
Is this different to a heli loop? Or is this really a heli loop?
Yes different, the idea of a kite loop is to loop with some pull, it's what makes them so addictive:) The heli loop is a way to soften a landing and slow yourself down, regain control and line tension - originally used when you're coming in hot from a kite loop as the kite circles behind you. Like throwing the parachute out the back of a drag car. That said, nowadays there's a lot of cross-over between a late loop, a down loop and a heli loop. One person's late loop or down loop is another's heli loop.
double loop or triple loop
Don’t look at your kite when looping! You should be at the level that you can fly your kite blind. Better focus on what is below downwind of you and spot landing. The kiteloop should be done a before the apex of the jump, otherwise there is less line tension.
Oh boy, dont follow this guide if you have never looped the kite. And dont follow the guide if you cant do a have decent load and pop either.
Thanks for the concern, but no need to worry. As explained in the video, it's a series, this is #7. So those following have plenty of looping experience and have already nailed the down loop jump transition, which also requires a good take off. They're ready. Nice car by the way:)