Je suis Tidiane , avec Baye Laye dans le Coeur mais Sindidi MaSha Allah! Lécouter me donne des frissons! Dieureudieuf Serigne Touba! Serigne Mountakha Yalla Nafi Yague lol té Weur! Amine! Lol moy Sénéga!
Dieureudieufti Cheikhe Akhmadou Bamba Khadim Rassoul❤️❤️🙏 Serigne touba cci xol❤️ Diarama Cheikhe Ibrahima Fall🙏👃 Kane comme mane mho guiss gueunel you nekk ci Sindidi❤️
Otoyopfyofototototoffoptofyyofffototoftofotofooffofoofototoftofotofootofftoyofofpyototooftoftofoyototoyoftooofotofootoffofotoyoyotofootototoftototofoffopftototoyoftotodooftoyfototooffotoyoftoftotoyoyoftoftooofoffofftofofotofoofofootofoofoyofofooyotoffoopffootoptofototofoftooyofyofooyoptodoyooftotodtoyototofoffoyootofoftopyoyotofooffooyotoyoyoyotofofffyoffoofftofoftoffyofffyoyoftopfyoftotoofofofooffoffyoftopftototoftotofoffyoffofofffyotoyoffoftootoyofooyotofoyoyofftototoyoftotootoyoftototoyofyototoftoyoptotofooffyootfffoyoytoftoyotoyofofftoyofftotoyoyoyofyotoftotofoyototofoofofoyotoootoffootoffffoffotofooofootoyofototoftoftotofooftoyoyfffftoyoyotofotoyoofoyofoyofooyoftoyotoyoyotofoftoyotoftototototofffpfdtototoyotootofoffofootofftofffoyototoffyoyoffoyoyoyototoffffoffootooyotoftotoyofoyototofooyoyofoofoootoyoftofooyoftotoffoyoyooyoyoftotoyoyootofyofftototoyofoofoftoftootoyoffofooyoyofyoptoyototootofotototoyoftootofotofofoyototoyoftoffftooyoofotoftoftoyotoftooyotoootofoototoooftofooftotooiofotofooyoofofoootoyofotooyofoofoyooooofooootootootoyoootooyoofoyofffoootoyofootofoofotofoyoto tt oto tt ofofyotofofoootoofo tt o tt ok Gg tooootoofo tt f tt fooooyoyo tt ofo tt oyo tt tootoyo tt toi tt f tt if tt oto tt tofooototofoyo tt ok tt tt tt o tt o tu yo tt tt o tt oto tt tt oto tt o tt oto tt ofyo tt oyoo tt oootoyyoto tt ofo tt o tt tt fooyo tt otofof tt ootootoyotoKyoto tt tt fofoofo tt o tt tt oftofo tt otoofto tt o tt tt to tt otototo tt yo tt ofoto tt oto tt ofo tt otofotofyom tt ooo tt toooootoyo tt tt oto tt o tt oftofo tt o tt to tt fo tt o tt if tt tt otooftofooo tt o tt toftootofo tt o tt otooo tt o tt foooto tt toffoftotofotofooo tt tt otofyooof tt ofoofoooto tt tt to Tryo tt tt tt o tt tt of tt tt tt ooto tt ofofmoto tt oo tt tt tt tt oto tt tofooo tt oo tu tt oftofof tt tofoooofoo tt tootofoo tt ofotoffooftofooofoo tt oo tt o tt tt tt tt oftofofoooff tt ooftoofooto tt otofoto tt tt tt to tt o tu fofofoffooof tt ofooofoofotoootofotoototofofooyoo tt ofof tt tt tt fooo tt fofo tt otofofofooofoo tt ofotofoop tt oo tt ofoofoo tt oofo tt fof tt fffotofofo tt tt ofyo tt ofotooyo tt ototoffotototofoofootofooooototofoofoto tu oofototototofofo tt toi tt oofootooooo tt tt ototoofoto tt ofooofoffootofooftotofoofofofoof tu fofoto tt fffotofofo tt golf tt o tt foootofof tt offomffooo tt fofo tt offoofoofofo tt tofo tt ofotofo tt foooto tt of tt ototoftoo tu fo tt foofff tt Toto tt fooyo tt otoffooo tt o tt foofo tt ffy tt ofoofo tt ooffoo tt ofo tt offoofoo tt fyofofmofo tu ofooofoo testotofo tt ofooodoooofofo tt o tt o tt yo f Trigo tt Toto tt o tt ofooftofoooftoftotofoof tt fofoofmtofoofoffofofoo tt ofooofootoy tt foffo tt ofofofooyooofto tt ftooofotofofotoo tt offoofoo FFF o tt foo tt ofoootoofofffoofofootofooo tt tofooffo tt tt ofoooyof tt ofoo tt tt ofofooyofo tt ofooffoofofoofoofoofoofoofofofoofooootofoooofoofy FFF tt foo tt tofoofootofooofoofooyofooooffoofooffootofooooofofoff tt foototoofooofofofooofoofomffofooftof tu fo tt ffoodoofoo tt ofyofofoofffoofoofoofodoofofof tt if tt fo tt ofofoyofoffooooffoofofoofooffoffoofofooofofootoyofo tt ofooffooffofodotoofofofofooyfooofoffo tt fooofyod tu otofo tt offotofofyoftoftofodoytofooffofodolfooof ffoodoofoo tt offoooofoooforotofoofofdooftooffoofoooofooo tt ofo tt ofoyoofoofooooofoofofoomf de ofofofofofodooofofooffoodoffo tt ofooof tt ofofoofoofofoomfof FFF fooofroofofofoofoofoofooofooooffy FFF ofo tt ofoftoffofotof tt if tt tt deofooooyfo tt offo tt orofmffyfofooofofyofofod yo ofooofooooofofoorodoooofoomffo tt ofmffooroftfyooorfm tu ooyofooffooofofomfofoffoyfooyfofyoofofofyfrooruodofomftofrooforfooforyfofoofoorofyfoofofofofoorffmryooroyofoofyofoyorodoofofof or oryoofyfyfomyfrfyfdoroofyooorroom tt oryooforfooromryorofoofrooruorofofoffofyfooodofooofofoforfoofoofoofororfoooyfdofoforofoforroofoofyooyofoforrormmf if uoyoorffoyoofooofofoororyoooforrofoforrooyoooforrro yo yfordoorofrofofyofoofyooforyororrooryfofoorforroofyforrofofoffmofyfomffoooforoofyo tt ofoffoyorforrorroffoof if yooyofoforofmffymfforoyfoofyoofooforyoodorofofoforyfooryforoffoofyuomrfooofoffoorfoorofofyo tt oryfoomfofoofoffoodorfloryomfmryoorlfyfyomforfooffyoroyofofooofrofmfofo yo mfyfroforofofyffoorfoofoofofdoroofyrfoofroofomfofoforofmfofyoyfoftdoyfoyoorrooryorofoofofyforroyfoofofoforfofofoforyro tt ofofmfdoofoofyofrooffoflffoooror yo fofofororyoforoodoyofofmffooofoforfoofroofofofofomfoofoofrooforomflorfydyoorforofoorfoyroormforroooryoforroofofofyrmmrfoorffoorfrofoofro if oforofyoryfor if ofofofofofofyofofofoofroo if oforyroffofoforoforofofofoflfmorfofoomfyoofoformororoforofo tu yodoororofofoforofomyfomoforyfoofofoforfoorororofomfmrofofmrorroomfoofmffoofodooffofdoorofyooyffooroofyorfotroofofofomfofoforofrofoofroorfoofofofyoror yo roofoforfomfyforooyrofyfoororofororfororoffoofofofoyfmfofrooforroofofofofyfooofrooffooforofoofoormfmforfooforfofofromfofyffofofooryfoofofroofmfyflofofooroofofofoffoofofroffôyfoofoofyfoofoffooforofofordooryforofforofoforfoororofoffooforroooryfofmffoorfyffoofoyfofofofofofofofofoforoffooforoforofofofofororoyfoofoforofoorofofofmfmfomffoofoforfmfoforf tt 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lylyoylltlylloylllllylilyyllllyyllllyllllyllllllliyllllllllylllyllllloylllllylyllyylliltlllllllyltlllylytlyllyllyliylllllytllylylylylylllylyiylllllylllllllyyilylllyllllll lliyiyllylllliylllylylylyyllllllyllll il lyylyliylllyllllllliylllllllyllyiyll llllllllllyyliyyllyl yyiilyylllylylllyllylylll ils iylylliyllyllylylt tt à tt ityitl lyiyiyliyllllyil je tlllloylliylll il yllylii tu yylllylillliyl in illlylyl ils Une yyilyi tt à yiilt ki l'y tt yilyy lt jllylyltl lyilyiyyyyyuy ll ityiy if y tôt Rio Titi JO d'hiver if uoyoorffoyoofooofofoororyoooforrofoforrooyoootyulutytiyiyi yyiilyylllylylllyllylyu un intérêt utiy yitttyyi cc uiiitit iy uiiitit i uiiitit ici ytôi ooo i uiiitit iii uiiititti un yiilt iylylliyllyllylyluuu iii iii de un truc tti uiiitit t iciytitttiiu t iii uiiitittiiu tu u tututtu tt if yyuy je tyiiuu iitiuuttttit tt 6.bbbbbbbbbbbbbn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn b nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn n nnn. Nnn n'nnn..b nous nnn nnn bien nnn yrbn j'y nn nnn. J j'j..btbr.b je. Nnn,t.t.t.r..t.t nnn .tt..r.. N' Tt.rt.t.t.4.rt.y.
Je suis Tidiane , avec Baye Laye dans le Coeur mais Sindidi MaSha Allah! Lécouter me donne des frissons! Dieureudieuf Serigne Touba! Serigne Mountakha Yalla Nafi Yague lol té Weur! Amine! Lol moy Sénéga!
Euskeuy machallah dieureudieuf serigne touba kenla amoul morom mbacke diarama mam cheikh Ibrahima fall lamp serigne mountakha mbacke yallah nafi yague lol ta wer mbacke waw len gor yallah nalen serigne touba fay si barke khasidayi Allahou ma amine machallah dieureudieuf
Dieureudieuf Serigne touba dieureudieuf Serigne touba dieureudieuf Serigne touba khol sedna alekhamedou lilah bima yalla défé may mouride
I’m just
Gueneula sante yalla🙏❤️
Baaraka Laahu fiikum
Jàng mi set ànd ak pastéef...Na léen Boroom Tuubaa dolliy ngëram, boole nu ko, barke Sindiidi, Kun Fayaķóon.
Innal Laaha mahanaa
Deureudiefeti Mame Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba(Khadimou Rassoulilahi) Alhamdoulilahi thi lignou YALLAH defal gnoune sénégalais yi ak mbolem djoulite.
Machallah khèweul rèck ak tawfèkh diadieuf Serigne Touba
Je suis talibe cheikh m'ai j'adore se hasida mame mborom touba
Al hamdoulilah sante bou serigne bou mak by ❤️♥️👀❤️♥️
Dieureudieuff Serigne Touba amoull mourom kén d'où Serigne Touba amoull mourom kén la diarama mame cikhe Ibrahima fall
Dieureudieuf serigne Touba ☝️☝️☝️🇸🇳🇸🇳🇸🇳
Heskeuy macha allah yalla na yalla takhawulen barkeb s touba
Je ne peux pas cesser d'ecouter ce merveilleux et sublime khassida mashallah
J'aime beaucoup Serigne touba
Vous n'êtes pas le seul à aimer Xadimou Rassoul nous sommes des millions et des millions à aimer Cheick Ahmadou Bamba moudj AK xewel amen
Nekh na si xoll serigne mountakha yalla nafi yage loll te mou Ande ak werr
Amine way
Macha-Allah Mbacké Balla Aïcha Boury Yallah dolii yok sen lëer sii daradjey Seydina Mouhammad Psl Amine inshallah 🕊🕊
Machalla yalla na gnou yalla fayale Serigne TOUBA MAME BAMBA ESKEUY ❤️
Mo meuneu bindë dh . Dieureudieufé borom touba
Diredief serigne touba
Dieureudieuf Serigne Touba Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba Khadimou Rassoul.
Ma challah tawfkh RK serigne touba kéne la
Hoo sama xol sédana bilahi dieuredieuféti mame borom touba bouwér
Dieureudieuf sama tourando.u dôme sante na désigne touba
Macha Allah jërëjeféti cheikh Ahmadou BAMBA Khadim Rassoul
Dieuredieufte serigne touba khadimou rassoul amoul morom ☝️🙏 te moroman tewoul
Aladji Faye
Dieureudieuf serigne touba amoul morome beug serigne touba rek dieureudieuf mame cheikh Ibra FALL
Dieureudieuff Serigne Touba Mbacke Amoulo Morrome.
Dieureudieuf SGn Cheikh Ahmadou bamba
❤❤❤❤ Dieureudieuf serigne touba amoule morome Sunus waddi Akhemadou Bamba khadyme rasoule serigne Mountakha Mbacke yaguefi Mbacke té weer amineeee loleeeeeee Dieureudieuf xassidayies machalla amenasolo Dieureudieuf ❤❤
Dieureudieufti Cheikhe Akhmadou Bamba Khadim Rassoul❤️❤️🙏
Serigne touba cci xol❤️
Diarama Cheikhe Ibrahima Fall🙏👃
Kane comme mane mho guiss gueunel you nekk ci Sindidi❤️
💝💗💓🥰 machallah khôl sedd na lol yalna yalla seddal kholou dioulit yep
Macha halla dieuredieufeute serigne touba mbacke diarama mame cheikh ibrahima fall lampe babil mouridina
Dieuredieufety cheikhouna cheikhoul Khadim Macha alla
si tous les senegalais l ecoute ne se reste une fois par jour khol yi neka ben. sindidi dama ko beugue. dieuredieuf serigne touba
Otoyopfyofototototoffoptofyyofffototoftofotofooffofoofototoftofotofootofftoyofofpyototooftoftofoyototoyoftooofotofootoffofotoyoyotofootototoftototofoffopftototoyoftotodooftoyfototooffotoyoftoftotoyoyoftoftooofoffofftofofotofoofofootofoofoyofofooyotoffoopffootoptofototofoftooyofyofooyoptodoyooftotodtoyototofoffoyootofoftopyoyotofooffooyotoyoyoyotofofffyoffoofftofoftoffyofffyoyoftopfyoftotoofofofooffoffyoftopftototoftotofoffyoffofofffyotoyoffoftootoyofooyotofoyoyofftototoyoftotootoyoftototoyofyototoftoyoptotofooffyootfffoyoytoftoyotoyofofftoyofftotoyoyoyofyotoftotofoyototofoofofoyotoootoffootoffffoffotofooofootoyofototoftoftotofooftoyoyfffftoyoyotofotoyoofoyofoyofooyoftoyotoyoyotofoftoyotoftototototofffpfdtototoyotootofoffofootofftofffoyototoffyoyoffoyoyoyototoffffoffootooyotoftotoyofoyototofooyoyofoofoootoyoftofooyoftotoffoyoyooyoyoftotoyoyootofyofftototoyofoofoftoftootoyoffofooyoyofyoptoyototootofotototoyoftootofotofofoyototoyoftoffftooyoofotoftoftoyotoftooyotoootofoototoooftofooftotooiofotofooyoofofoootoyofotooyofoofoyooooofooootootootoyoootooyoofoyofffoootoyofootofoofotofoyoto tt oto tt ofofyotofofoootoofo tt o tt ok Gg tooootoofo tt f tt fooooyoyo tt ofo tt oyo tt tootoyo tt toi tt f tt if tt oto tt tofooototofoyo tt ok tt tt tt o tt o tu yo tt tt o tt oto tt tt oto tt o tt oto tt ofyo tt oyoo tt oootoyyoto tt ofo tt o tt tt fooyo tt otofof tt ootootoyotoKyoto tt tt fofoofo tt o tt tt oftofo tt otoofto tt o tt tt to tt otototo tt yo tt ofoto tt oto tt ofo tt otofotofyom tt ooo tt toooootoyo tt tt oto tt o tt oftofo tt o tt to tt fo tt o tt if tt tt otooftofooo tt o tt toftootofo tt o tt otooo tt o tt foooto tt toffoftotofotofooo tt tt otofyooof tt ofoofoooto tt tt to Tryo tt tt tt o tt tt of tt tt tt ooto tt ofofmoto tt oo tt tt tt tt oto tt tofooo tt oo tu tt oftofof tt tofoooofoo tt tootofoo tt ofotoffooftofooofoo tt oo tt o tt tt tt tt oftofofoooff tt ooftoofooto tt otofoto tt tt tt to tt o tu fofofoffooof tt ofooofoofotoootofotoototofofooyoo tt ofof tt tt tt fooo tt fofo tt otofofofooofoo tt ofotofoop tt oo tt ofoofoo tt oofo tt fof tt fffotofofo tt tt ofyo tt ofotooyo tt ototoffotototofoofootofooooototofoofoto tu oofototototofofo tt toi tt oofootooooo tt tt ototoofoto tt ofooofoffootofooftotofoofofofoof tu fofoto tt fffotofofo tt golf tt o tt foootofof tt offomffooo tt fofo tt offoofoofofo tt tofo tt ofotofo tt foooto tt of tt ototoftoo tu fo tt foofff tt Toto tt fooyo tt otoffooo tt o tt foofo tt ffy tt ofoofo tt ooffoo tt ofo tt offoofoo tt fyofofmofo tu ofooofoo testotofo tt ofooodoooofofo tt o tt o tt yo f Trigo tt Toto tt o tt ofooftofoooftoftotofoof tt fofoofmtofoofoffofofoo tt ofooofootoy tt foffo tt ofofofooyooofto tt ftooofotofofotoo tt offoofoo FFF o tt foo tt ofoootoofofffoofofootofooo tt tofooffo tt tt ofoooyof tt ofoo tt tt ofofooyofo tt ofooffoofofoofoofoofoofoofofofoofooootofoooofoofy FFF tt foo tt tofoofootofooofoofooyofooooffoofooffootofooooofofoff tt foototoofooofofofooofoofomffofooftof tu fo tt ffoodoofoo tt ofyofofoofffoofoofoofodoofofof tt if tt fo tt ofofoyofoffooooffoofofoofooffoffoofofooofofootoyofo tt ofooffooffofodotoofofofofooyfooofoffo tt fooofyod tu otofo tt offotofofyoftoftofodoytofooffofodolfooof ffoodoofoo tt offoooofoooforotofoofofdooftooffoofoooofooo tt ofo tt ofoyoofoofooooofoofofoomf de ofofofofofodooofofooffoodoffo tt ofooof tt ofofoofoofofoomfof FFF fooofroofofofoofoofoofooofooooffy FFF ofo tt ofoftoffofotof tt if tt tt deofooooyfo tt offo tt orofmffyfofooofofyofofod yo ofooofooooofofoorodoooofoomffo tt ofmffooroftfyooorfm tu ooyofooffooofofomfofoffoyfooyfofyoofofofyfrooruodofomftofrooforfooforyfofoofoorofyfoofofofofoorffmryooroyofoofyofoyorodoofofof or oryoofyfyfomyfrfyfdoroofyooorroom tt oryooforfooromryorofoofrooruorofofoffofyfooodofooofofoforfoofoofoofororfoooyfdofoforofoforroofoofyooyofoforrormmf if uoyoorffoyoofooofofoororyoooforrofoforrooyoooforrro yo yfordoorofrofofyofoofyooforyororrooryfofoorforroofyforrofofoffmofyfomffoooforoofyo tt ofoffoyorforrorroffoof if yooyofoforofmffymfforoyfoofyoofooforyoodorofofoforyfooryforoffoofyuomrfooofoffoorfoorofofyo tt oryfoomfofoofoffoodorfloryomfmryoorlfyfyomforfooffyoroyofofooofrofmfofo yo mfyfroforofofyffoorfoofoofofdoroofyrfoofroofomfofoforofmfofyoyfoftdoyfoyoorrooryorofoofofyforroyfoofofoforfofofoforyro tt ofofmfdoofoofyofrooffoflffoooror yo fofofororyoforoodoyofofmffooofoforfoofroofofofofomfoofoofrooforomflorfydyoorforofoorfoyroormforroooryoforroofofofyrmmrfoorffoorfrofoofro if oforofyoryfor if ofofofofofofyofofofoofroo if oforyroffofoforoforofofofoflfmorfofoomfyoofoformororoforofo tu yodoororofofoforofomyfomoforyfoofofoforfoorororofomfmrofofmrorroomfoofmffoofodooffofdoorofyooyffooroofyorfotroofofofomfofoforofrofoofroorfoofofofyoror yo roofoforfomfyforooyrofyfoororofororfororoffoofofofoyfmfofrooforroofofofofyfooofrooffooforofoofoormfmforfooforfofofromfofyffofofooryfoofofroofmfyflofofooroofofofoffoofofroffôyfoofoofyfoofoffooforofofordooryforofforofoforfoororofoffooforroooryfofmffoorfyffoofoyfofofofofofofofofoforoffooforoforofofofofororoyfoofoforofoorofofofmfmfomffoofoforfmfoforf tt 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Nnn n'nnn..b nous nnn nnn bien nnn yrbn j'y nn nnn. J j'j..btbr.b je. Nnn,t.t.t.r..t.t nnn .tt..r.. N'
T.t tt j.tjjtttjjt.
Dieureudieufe serigne Touba mbacke amoul morom machallah
Santé Serigne touba rek kassida yi nekhna lool ci khôl yi alhmadoulilha Dieuredieuf serigne touba diarama mane ckhiek Ibrahima fall lampe fall akassa
Machallah baraka llahou fik koum
Merci Mama Bamba de faire de mon grand père musulman
Tihoye sargine tuba kene la
Jerefati serigne touba amoul morom
Dieuredieuf Serigne Touba diaraw lak Mame cheikh Ibra fall
Un i
Machalla na lén yalla samou li nékhe na lou ll sakhe
Dieureudieufeuti Serigne Touba
Sante serigne touba bou bakh
Yalla nagnou yalla defal diamm🤲🤲
Serigne touba amoul morom bilay sama xole bé toy kene dou wadji 😪😪😪
Dieuredieuf serigne touba❤❤❤❤❤
Sant borom touba rek moniou war Ahmadou borom irham diami al warra
Machallah❤❤ Serigne Touba ken dou mom
beug serigne touba rekk diekh si mom takk bilakhi lii nekhna loll
Dieureudieufé serigne touba ✌ 💓 💯
Alhamdoulilal dieredieufe serigne touba dieredieufe yagg bakh
akassa machalla yallana baté yeup werr barckep xasidayii
Serignebi amoul morome
Dieurédieuf serigne touba Amoul morom diarama mame cheikh ibrahima fall alhmdoulah
Alkhamdoulilah sante borom touba
Dieureudueuffe khadim rasaoull borom touba
Amine ya rabbi dieureudieuf serigne touba
ndeysane dath bii nèxna lool ci xoll mnchala
thiey seringe touba kène la ❤❤😭😭😭😭😭
Dieureu djeffa SERIGNE TOUBA 🙏🏾🙏🏾
Wax ko tiakw
Thieuy way yalla na nous guissek sérigne Touba ak cheikh Ibra Fall yawmalkhiyam lakbr❤❤❤❤
Machallah Dieuredieuf Serigne Touba c'est mon khassida préféré
Akassa mouride dieuredieufety serigne touba
sall a11111111¹111111aaaaam9ooooo9om9o
Manchallah dieureudiafé Sergine touba
Dieuredieuf Serigne Touba
Dieuredieuf borom Touba
li serigne touba niane thi xassida gui di sindi di yalla nangu !!!
Amiiiiiiiine barkep serigne saliou amiiiiiiiine
Machalla dieuredieff a serigne touba
Dieureu deufeuti chékhol khadim
Fama Diagne dieureu deufeuti
Dieureudieuf Serigne Touba amoul morome diarama Mame cheikh Ibra fall
Ahmadou Bamba Dieureudieuf ❤
dieredieuf borom Touba yalnagnouy guena beug khassida yi 24h/24h amine
Amine way sii doley cheikhoul khadim akassa
Amine dieureudieuf faty cheikhoul khadim
Sama Xassidas Préféré Sindidi Yalna gneup am diam
aka moma nekh sindindi
Amine waye mbacke bala Aïcha
Machalla minal khadiim Ila khadiim
Sante serigne Touba rék
Dieureudieuf serigne touba khadim rassoul diarama mame cheikh Ibrahima fall baboul mouridina
skey diaredieufe serigne touba khadim rasol
serigne touba
Machala dieuredieuf serign touba
Dieuredieuff Serigne Touba
Victoiire de Serigne Touba santetii serignebii
Machallah Serigne Touba kassé rek
Kép kotttt donggggg
مشاء الله تحية لكم من المغرب
نردّ إلى جنابكم العزيز تحيّة مشيّع بتبجيل واحترام
فإن بين السنغال والمغرب علاقة عميقة فى الدّين والأُخُوّة
0c ok çn no mesmo BB novo com
Serigne Touba amoul morome
Akassa Yalla Adio yeupp fadiou si doley Mame Fallou Mbacke
Ndeysane dagno ame lou kene amoul mouy borom touba Mbacke ak Mame cheikh ibra fall Yalla nagnouw geune yoqou ba yeuque ko doley Mame Fallou Mbacke faté wouma kene
Papa ndong yalla n'a yang
Thi borom Touba ken d’où mome Yalla naniou co Yalla guena fayale
Yag yok wer Amine si barkep BOROME TOUBA jajeuf
I really love the mourid prayings!
Sindini rek si khôl machala dath yeup nio neekh ❤️❤️❤️
dieuradieufè Cheikhoul Khadim
Diaradef serigne touba
Sama khassida dieuredieufé S. Touba
Ma cha Allah mourids liguey bi amatina solo lool
Akassa thiey serigne touba kéne dou mome
Dieuredieuf Serigne Touba..amulmorome
Oh😍kholl séddatina
khana sakhoo dieureudieuf Serigne touba
Ooooo mane khasidayi bou amoul wone si adina hawma fougnou dieume
machalla serigne touba rek
Dieureudieufety Serigne Touba kene dou ahmadou bamba
Serigne touba amoull morome
Amine way barkeb borom Touba
Yalla nalen yalla faye💌💌🙏🙏