We MUST C A R R Y Revelation---to Provoke--Spiritual Activity---that Will manifest the PRESENCE of GOD-to others...AND the enemy--knows--if your carrying rev. --- cuz revelation inside you--will transform--* accelerate the growth of HIS people
When we face-adversity--or crises--theory will NOT help you---Unless we have GOD...How much word of God--do you--OBEY?? Or demonstrate& live in it ?? ALL IN the Practice--of it--- Will be the applied POWER & Strength of the rev. of His words.
We need to truely---Understand--W H A T Sets apart-- those Believers---WHO MAnifest--the POWER of GOD----from those WHO dON'T???? --- its the Revelations---given to us by GOD.... our generation is desperate--Not only to hear a message-----BUT TO SEE the POWER of G O D DEMONSTRATED !!!! What are are excuses---for NOT MANIFESTING HIS POWER??? ?? Believers--passive F A I T H .......I believe
No knowledge is really yours, until you practice it,---& live it. theory is only information. but under citcumstances- how much theory--we KNOW---Do we put into effect??
YES--John 14: 16-17 Jesus says---I Will ask the Father---& HE WILL give you A N O T H E R --- HELPER--to be with you--FOREVER--even the S P I R I T !! Greek word for A N O T H E R----means ANOTHER of the SAME K I N D --- of the SAME KIND as H I M S E L F !!! A N O T H E R--Personal COMFORTER-- their during the Early ministery--helping disciples. And OUR Personal COMFORTER--the HOLY SPIRITWho WILL be WITH US--throught out---our entire lives!!! Hallalujah!
God says--- having Great Knowledge of HIS WORDS__wonderful---but Only with the mind--can become sparked with Pride.... sadducess knew their doctrine-- commandments--& the writtings---( they had the letter ) but not the spirit (Heart ) for if they would had Spirit--they would had recognized JESUS--the one who reveals,,the word--& mANIFESTS--- IT---WITH H I S P O W E R.... YES
KNowledge--& comprehension--difference IS VERY HUGE!!! Mark 12: 24 the Sadducess priests of the temple---FOND OF RELIGION--Constantly challenging JESUS--with all Their KNOWLEDGE---of the scripture---trying to make HIM fall---into traps--to discredit HIM---HOWEVER--Jesus WISELY ( wisdom) answered them--with YOUR MISTAKE IS THAT YOU DON'T KNOW THE SCRIPTURES--YOU D O N ' T KNOW the P O W E R of G O D
YES--to Rule--in the midst of I AM our enemies--I AM Listening
We MUST C A R R Y Revelation---to Provoke--Spiritual Activity---that Will manifest the PRESENCE of GOD-to others...AND the enemy--knows--if your carrying rev. --- cuz revelation inside you--will transform--* accelerate the growth of HIS people
volume better!!! Thanks : )
When we face-adversity--or crises--theory will NOT help you---Unless we have GOD...How much word of God--do you--OBEY?? Or demonstrate& live in it ?? ALL IN the Practice--of it--- Will be the applied POWER & Strength of the rev. of His words.
We need to truely---Understand--W H A T Sets apart-- those Believers---WHO MAnifest--the POWER of GOD----from those WHO dON'T???? --- its the Revelations---given to us by GOD.... our generation is desperate--Not only to hear a message-----BUT TO SEE the POWER of G O D DEMONSTRATED !!!! What are are excuses---for NOT MANIFESTING HIS POWER??? ?? Believers--passive F A I T H .......I believe
DIFFERENCE--between---Full of mind ( the letter of scripture )--- but---EMPTY OF REVELATION ( rheme from God )
low volume : ( very hard to hear : (
Volume very low : (
volume little low
No knowledge is really yours, until you practice it,---& live it. theory is only information. but under citcumstances- how much theory--we KNOW---Do we put into effect??
YES--John 14: 16-17 Jesus says---I Will ask the Father---& HE WILL give you A N O T H E R --- HELPER--to be with you--FOREVER--even the S P I R I T !! Greek word for A N O T H E R----means ANOTHER of the SAME K I N D --- of the SAME KIND as H I M S E L F !!! A N O T H E R--Personal COMFORTER-- their during the Early ministery--helping disciples. And OUR Personal COMFORTER--the HOLY SPIRITWho WILL be WITH US--throught out---our entire lives!!! Hallalujah!
God says--- having Great Knowledge of HIS WORDS__wonderful---but Only with the mind--can become sparked with Pride.... sadducess knew their doctrine-- commandments--& the writtings---( they had the letter ) but not the spirit (Heart ) for if they would had Spirit--they would had recognized JESUS--the one who reveals,,the word--& mANIFESTS--- IT---WITH H I S P O W E R.... YES
KNowledge--& comprehension--difference IS VERY HUGE!!! Mark 12: 24 the Sadducess priests of the temple---FOND OF RELIGION--Constantly challenging JESUS--with all Their KNOWLEDGE---of the scripture---trying to make HIM fall---into traps--to discredit HIM---HOWEVER--Jesus WISELY ( wisdom) answered them--with YOUR MISTAKE IS THAT YOU DON'T KNOW THE SCRIPTURES--YOU D O N ' T KNOW the P O W E R of G O D