he was the best there ever was. killer instinct, determination and always wanting to prove himself even though he already did. he was the true champion, always hungry.
He was the most evenly matched fighter for Rocky ..Because he truly could beat Rocky if not for his ego . Rocky did have him about to fall but the bell saved him , Apollo did enough on points to win, in part 2 he just had to get the ko and lost by one second , secret fight 3 .. Rock admits he lost to Apollo, Clubber destroyed Rock in fight one but Rock mind was on Mickey and had the worst corner man ever in Paulie 🤣🤣
He's my favorite character in all the series. I truly think he would've been able to beat Drago too if he took things seriously and actually prepared for the fight like Rocky did, but even if you take away that from him, even if you consider him to be the weakest rival Rocky faced, you need to acknowledge how noble he was for helping a man who bested him to regain his passion and reclaim his title
The fight between Apollo and Drago in Rocky 4 was never supposed to be anything serious. It was just a exhibition sparring match for fun. No blood was ever supposed to be drawn but Drago and his trainers took things way too far. They set a trap for Apollo and he walked right into it. That’s why at the end of the first round when Apollo was all bloody, his trainer Duke was horrified and was yelling at Drago’s trainers reminding them that it was just an exhibition match.
@@Eskimop16 I think so 2. But I like the look of Apollo Creed a lot more in Rocky 4 than Apollo from Rocky 2. Apollo Creed in Rocky 4 was more toned. Carl Weathers too said he trained a lot harder for Rocky 4 because Dolph Lundgren was so damn big. Stallone really screwed that fight up between Apollo and Drago in Rocky 4. Apollo should have put up a way better fight against Drago and lasted at least 7 or 8 rounds.
No he was the greatest like rocky said. He was way past his prime when he faced Drago and had been retired for years. He was near the end of his career when he fought Rocky. He would have beat drago in his prime on points if not knocking him out in the later rounds. Clubber was tailor made for Apollo. He would of destroyed him.
I think the biggest thing to take away with Apollo is his pride. He could have easily won the second fight if he would have just accepted a win by decision, but his pride wouldn't let him. He could have enjoyed his retirement with his family, but his pride would not let him. The only person who ever beat Apollo truly was himself.
If not for Carl Weathers, I don't think we would all be so fond of this character. The perfect man to play the role, he had the athleticism to look the part and knew first hand how the mind of a top athlete works and put it all together to put on a once in a lifetime (counting the series as a whole) performance.
Exactly as the problem will still be there tomorrow and you'll still procrastinate or worry until you deal with it. Or don't deal with it and it'll haunt you. The way Apollo shouts there is no tomorrow says all that in one sentence.
Apollo was easily the best fighter in the franchise. As Rocky said “He was the perfect fighter”. Had he taken Rocky seriously before he got his ribs broken and lost power Rocky ends at the first movie. I can say this, no one would have wanted any part of Apollo when he was 3-4 years younger and still building his legacy and still hungry
Rocky ends with the first movie if Apollo wasn't pushing Rocky for a rematch, he also pushed Rocky to get back to fight Clubber in 3 and then his death became the driving force for Rocky to avenge him in 4. Without Apollo none of the first 4 movies would've happened! Great character and in many way the one who pushed the Rocky franchise forward!
Character development in the Rocky franchise is one of the greatest in cinema history. Whether it's Rocky, Apollo, Paulie or a shy Adrian turning into a powerhouse, they all transform into a better version of themselves. Cant think of another franchise which does it better
Apollo is an incredible character bro. And the writing for him in 3 is goated and the way he stepped up for rocky after mick died (rip to a goat frfr) just cinema things tbh
Had to come back here to pay my respect to the GOAT himself rip to Carl Weathers January 14, 1948 - February 1, 2024 he as Apollo Creed is what motivated to start boxing and running. There is no tomorrow!
Apollo Creed was one of the most legendary characters. He was a good enemy in the first movie and the second. The second one showed how Creed wanted to beat Rocky but even though he lost he still had respect afterwards. The fact that he taught Rocky the eye of the tiger is just amazing. My favorite Rocky villiain of all time. Well not really a villiain. The most legendary Rocky character of all time. We can all agree wether we like him or not he is the most memorable character in the Rocky franchise.
I dont think he was portrayed as a "villain", although he was a bit of a jerk by using Rocky just as a publicity stunt, and some racist jokes he makes about Rocky being italian...he was extremelly cocky, but I dont think he was ever shown as "bad" in the first two movies, where he is the antagonist.
You’ve really got to give it to Sly, the greatness and scope of this entire story and it’s characters. The writing, combined with the casting is perfection. Apollo is an adrenaline shot into the veins of this franchise. GOAT’d character portrayal.
"Is Apollo Creed the greatest of all time?" Hell yeah he is and thank you for doing a video on my favorite character in the Rocky/Creed franchise Stryfe. Apollo was never perfect but that's okay because every one has some flaws. I was never okay with calling him a villain because he wasn't even close to it, sure he antagonized Rocky but nothing there was remotely evil. I think that even if Apollo prepared harder to the fight with Ivan, he still wouldn't have won but he would be alive. If there is one thing I think he should have done is to step down after the 1st round with Ivan and eat his ego when he can still stand.
@@jamiecrisp7273 "Maybe death was best for him" sounds horrible. Apollo didn't deserve to die! It wasn't about not getting old, you don't understand the character. Apollo was a fighter with pride in himself, his family and his country. The presence of Ivan alone made him feel like he is defending his country when fighting him. Although he told Rocky not to throw the towel no matter what in both versions- If you watch the theatrical version of Apollo vs. Ivan Rocky is hesitating. If you watch the director's cut version, we can see Rocky ready to throw it right away, he just wasn't fast enough. Either way he carried the guilt on him despite not being guilty.
story wise him growing up and maybe the pressures he faced growing up in LA in the 1960's outside the ring would be sweet, but how can it be readjusted with him being 46-0 and never knocked down ? that going to mean his fights will be so one sided ( entertainment wise ) Rocky/Creed movies means someone taking a L / getting dropped . Ko'ed then rematch, heck Dame got laid out so sweet they never had a 10 count ( first time in any the movies )
As much as I'd love to see it, there would be no opponent thrown his way that would make us feel like a challenge considering we already know Apollo was undefeated... dood!
Great video! I’ve had these same thoughts on Apollo, glad to see I’m not the only one. People are always surprised when I say Apollo is the goat in the rocky universe
I think anyone who put some thoughts into this whole series and didn't watch just couple Rockys or just watched it once and never again, has to come to the conclusion that Apollo is the goat. If we had no information about his previous life, there could be some discussion whether he was worthy champion. But we do know that he came from some "underground" gym in LA, became champion and knocked down 40+ opponents before fighting Rocky. And we also know that Rocky knocked down Clubber in 3rd round by adopting Apollo's style and having him in his corner. And it's funny that this series shows Apollo's slow downfall and we never see him in his prime, yet we all fell in love with him and many of us realized he's the best anyway.
17:25 That's a very interesting take i never thought of. Like Apollo said "ain't gonna be like last time" meaning that he wouldn't accept another decision win even if this time it would've been a clear one. Apollo already had his career and was ready to pass the torch to Rocky.
Me neither. Now I feel like it was better for him to pass the torch than having the same exact situation where he won but didn't beat him. It never sat well with me that he would just collapse when he was the first who tried to stand up. But now it makes so much sense, that he glances at Rocky and sees that he's also gonna stand up and then he just decides that it's not worth it anymore. Now I think that it was Apollo's decision and not that he couldn't stand up.
Good stuff man. I disagree on your assessment on why Apollo lost in rocky 2 though. I believe Apollo simply lost because of his pride...not because Rocky had more heart. Like u said-- Apollo was way faster and still more skilled. It was his pride that had him stand toe to toe with Rocky a little too much. He could have easily done what some fighters have been known to do in the past--- if you are winning by a landslide on points, all you have to do is coast, and "run" so to speak, for the remaining 1, 2, or even 3 rounds. Apollo of course didn't want to do that...didn't simply want to win on points. He wanted to embarrass Rocky and knock him out and totally redeem himself for the previous fight with Rock( even though he still technically won the 1st fight) Like Apollo said- "I won but I didn't beat him"
Apollo Creed is the GOAT. Over 10 years undefeated until the second fight with Balboa. The speed, the technique, the brash charisma. He's the Ali of the Rocky Universe.
Apollo Creed, Grief Carga, Dillon, Chubbs, even look back to Death Hunt with Lee Marvin and Bronson. Carl Weathers can adapt to anything and is the most believable boxer in movie history. He’s one of the most under rated actors to come out of the 20th century, a league above Stallone and doesn’t get the credit he deserves.
Apollo was the best all round boxer in the series , drago had power , as did clubber lang but thats all they had , apollo had everything exept age he was just about at retirement age in rocky 1, it would of been great to see an apollo movie when he was coming up through the ranks and winning the title
"I'm gonna drop em like a bad habit"- Apollo 🤣 My nick name for Apollo is "Cassius" cus he the G.O.A.T no doubt. Apollo was amazing, it broke my heart when he died because I loved his character. He had style, swag, charm and the physicality to truly make him like the greek god he's named after. He made the movie better, Rocky better and Sly better because he came back in way better shape for the sequels. Great video Bro!✌🏾
That was 1 🔥🔥🔥 of a video my guy! 💯 I’ve been a Rocky fan since I was in middle school & I really appreciate the franchise & respect how the Creed spin-off pays homage & parallels the OG Rocky Films while creating their own legacy in this modern era. 💯 I’m my opinion I will say that Apollo was the greatest of all time because he had that warrior mentality, knew how to get into & under his opponent’s skin & minds, he had the skills & hands 2 back it up, & he was a true showman. 💯 When I think/thought about that I realized that those 3 factors set Apollo apart. I remember the scene in Creed 2 where Buddy Marcel told Adonis @ Bianca’s concert & I quote “The belt ain’t enough, U need a narrative, something that sticks 2 the ribs.” “Your dad…he knew that.”
Apollo is one of my fav characters of all time. I love his personality, panache, and heart as a person. I remember reading that Carl Weathers said training for the movies was too bad because of his football training, he was used to it. He was used to the discipline. I think he was sold somewhat short in the Drago fight. But either way, a hell of a character, fighter, and friend. ❤ 🥊
the scene where Duke is watching Rocky on Tv is foreshadowing later on in the title fight, Rocky hits the frozen beef with devastating power, making Tony very concerned, re watch the scene the angles they always showing is exposed ribs.. round 14 Rocky is dropped and calls Apollo in and ducks Creed's attack and lands two swift punches , when the round ends Apollo tells Duke in their corner, " Broke my ribs "
Apollo creed is definitely one of my favorite characters. What I didn’t like is rocky four was they made it so that Apollo was somewhat in a digression. Yet Rocky was able to elevate to superhuman levels. I always wanted Apollo creed Eluveitie. But they always in a start contrast of where one was elevated, or had the ability to elevate, but it always made the other in some form of digression. In comparison. I felt like the training that Apollo creed receive from Rocky was not very good and not super affective. Because if he had train and become stronger through to offer training then he definitely not only what he’s not have died, he would’ve at least give it to Victor Drago a much better fight even if when he was out of the realm of possibility, it should’ve never been out of the realm of possibility simply because you were elevated become a super human love a wider. Rocky is a super fighter but it seems like they wanted to keep Apollo at a lower level never actually crossing over into the threshold of superhuman fighter.
@14:44 please correct that info. Chuck stepped on Ali's foot, hit his chest as he was trying to step back and released his foot. That was no KD...It was showed in the newspapers the other day, the dirty move pulled (one of the hundreds by Chuck) and Ali did a whole TV segment with Cosel on Wide World of Sports showcasing every single dirty move and counting them on screen. Chuck's only merit is that he cheated his way to 15th round.
Question to any Rocky fan, I can't believe as much as Apollo knows about the fight game; that He also must have seen or knew, that Rocky was fighting boxers that were over there prime and an easy win for Rocky. The fact that Clubber Lang knew this , makes me also think Apollo Creed knew this as well, I wonder why Apollo didn't call Rocky out on this point as well ? ??
That's a good question. The only logical explanation that would make sense ist that Apollo didn't follow Rocky's career at first. When reaching out to Rocky, he mentioned that he felt the same hurt hat Rocky is now, and that he didn't even want to talk to his family about it. Could be a future video idea!
Maybe there wasn't no major contenders in Rocky era as champion to fight. Clubber was only the Real raw talent in the game and Mickey new that. More likely Apollo knew that too. Creed probably didnt touch on that because Rocky beat him so he knew Rocky was a great fighter regardless even if he just fought has beens.
He’s my favorite character of the series. To be honest he’s the main reason I love the movies 😅 Apollo is the best boxer, Rocky just had an unbreakable spirit at his best
The director's cut of Apollo vs Drago is better than the one showed in the movie, Apollo fights back instead of being massacred, Apollo underestimated Ivan, not trained enough like in Rocky II
I think it was telling how rocky told adonis that time was the thing that really helped him win rocky 2s final fight. He knew that Apollo was no longer at his best. An Apollo Creed at his physical peak would never have lost that match and they all knew it
Love your videos.. Love that Stitch is in all 3 creed films.. love these movies still sort of struggling with creed 3 a little . Still wish they had addressed Creeds other kids some how.
Thank you! Yeah I'm glad they finally at least mentioned them in Creed III, but I feel like they should've had some onscreen interaction. Perhaps the Creed films focused more on Adonis for his own journey, but I think that was a bad call
One thing about these trainers, where was the crew that Rocky had 1-2 ? The black guy and the one dude who was in the corner in the first Clubber fight, Rock replaced them with Paulie 🤣🤣 I understand Duke for the 2nd Lang fight and every fight after including the final one vs Dixon .. but those two where with Rock and Mick for over ,12 fights
There should have been a prequal speaking of Creed's life and we missed the moment with Michael B Jordan as Adonis instead of him telling the story of his young life. Would have been something.
Creed 3's introduction that they share a cinematic universe with real life fighters Ali and Foreman will kind of blow a prequel up, did he defeat them ? he was 46-0 and plus Joe Frazier claims Creed ducking him when he enters the ring in the original Rocky
@@305unleashedgraphix3 writers can work out the losses and politics. Ali, Foreman, and Frazier all had losses in their column sooooo. Stick Creed in a slot and call it a day.
@@ThatGuy-zt6po brah I am with it, if they would let him fight real life fighters but to say he can fight Foreman or Ali and not get dropped , heck no !!
@@305unleashedgraphix3 Absolutely, but we all know how it end for Apollo so let the baby have his bottle. When you die in front of James Brown you lost the crown. You don't want my Adrian being the actual reason Clubber lost. Let's just say she was the insurance policy that gave him weak legs. Problem was it also gave her Adonis. Apollo was such a good friend to Rock and his legacy he took the boy on and saved Rocky's legacy by claiming Adonis was his, but the real truth was Adonis is Adrian and Clubber Lang's son. Rocky made good on a death bed promise to train Adonis and don't be a hater and then she died. Opening scene for Creed IV where it becomes Clubber, I'M YO DADDY FOOL!
Abolutely!! Rocky 3 is by far my favorite Rocky movie and I love all of them except for Rocky 5. When watching Rocky 3 one gets the feeling that Apollo could have stepped into the ring and whipped either Rocky or Clubber! In the final race on the beach you can see both men have physiques that couldn't look better if they were chiseled from stone!
Can we get a video on The Dukes and how they guide their fighters? Duke Sr.'s "Apollo was like my son" rap in Rocky IV is probably my favorite scene in the franchise.
Duke Sr. is such great character. His speech is everything. Also, Dukes are the only father/son duo that either of them are in each Rocky/Creed movie. There is no Apollo or Adonis in Rocky 5, 6 and there is no Rocky or Robert in Creed 3.
This is going to be a very long, so I’d like to apologize in advance. First and foremost, GREAT video! I’m going to give You My thoughts on Apollo, but before I do, I want to say in terms of the rematch, the biggest reason Apollo dominated nearly the whole fight was probably because Rocky was fighting as a righty. Had he fought as a southpaw, He likely would have given a much better fight. I also don’t know what good that strategy did because as per usual, Rocky blocked punches with His face the whole fight and looked like a complete mess in the end. I’d also like to point out as a side note that although it made for great theatre, Rocky did not have to beat the count of 10 at the end. He fell from the thrust of his punch. He was not hit. That fall would have counted as a slip. Theoretically. he would have sat there and waited to see if Apollo would have gotten up. Now that being said, Apollo has become My favorite character as well. Here’s why. While many see it as the rise of a champion (Rocky Balboa), I also saw it as the falling of a champion, but yet revelation of a warrior (Apollo Creed). Clearly He took Rocky too lightly and it changed His world. Apollo was all smiles up until Rocky knocked him down that first time. Apollo got up and was basically pissed off until he helped Rocky beat Clubber. The aftermath of that shows Apollo in His pool with His dogs seemingly at peace for the first time in a while. However, this was his transitional period. His life as a boxer was done, but it was now the revelation of His character as a warrior. We saw what happened in part 1. He took Rocky too lightly and got knocked down. In part 2, He could have won that fight EASILY but as He said He didn’t want to win, He wanted to BEAT Him. He didn’t even ask for a third match, which he would have been more than entitled to, and most likely would have won.. because he was more than just the belt. He wanted to be the best. He wanted to know that he put Rocky away. Sure he could have outboxed Him 10 times out of 10. But he couldn’t knock Him out even once. That’s why I particularly like the part you mentioned about how he looks over at Rocky during the 10-count like “this freakin guy is gonna get up there is no stopping Him” and he gives up. He gave up because he couldn’t put him away. That leads me to Rocky 3, which I think is the most understood movie of the franchise. Of course, you can look at it superficially that clubber Lang was just unlikable and Apollo wanted to help Rocky and they develop a friendship or if you wanna call it a Bromance or whatever over it. And that’s fine and that’s all well and good. However, I really think Apollo’s motivation was to avenge himself. Clubber Lang easily did inside of two rounds. What Apollo could not do in 30..He knocked Rocky out.. the only time it ever happened in the entire franchise. Not even Drago who killed someone in the ring was able to knock Rocky out. But anyway, here he is feeling even more irrelevant yet again. Clubber was disgusted by Apollo creed. He shoved away his hand when Apollo try to extend it in a handshake and just called him a chump or whatever. I really think the message right there was that he had no respect for him for having lost to Rocky. You could even see the look of disgust in Clubber’s face right before he delivered the knockout punch to Rocky, he kind of paused and looked at him as if to say, is this really it? This is the big bad wolf? Give me a break. There are some that speculate, that clever was the fan who sent hate mail to Apollo saying “ how much did you get to carry that bum for 15 rounds? You are a disgrace to your people.” so in my mind, Apollo knew exactly why Kluber had that attitude towards him. Apollo got back at him, and the only way that he could have at that time, by doing it through Rocky. So he was doubly motivated. Of course, he wanted to get back at clubber Lang for disrespecting him, but he also needed to prove to himself, and to everybody else that Rocky was the best, because that’s who beat him. Rocky going out like that basically would render Apollo irrelevant, so not only did he train him and got credit for how much better rocky became, but he avenged his own loss in a way. He was very methodical. As you said much like Muhammad Ali, he was very intelligent. So of course it came across like he just befriended Rocky and it was a great story line that they became friends but he had a plan. As he said, “this is business.” so now after Rocky wins, Apollo is feeling a lot better, because he at least to a certain degree got back in the spotlight, and has sort of a victory. So he’s at peace with this, at least for the time being, and here comes Ivan Drago coming over from Russia calling out the number one American fighter we have, not Apollo creed, but Rocky Balboa. So once again, Apollo is angry. You could see his face changed in the pool, and he looked exactly like he did after Rocky knocked him down for the first time. Because Innoway, he’s been knocked down yet again. He just did all he could to get himself back on top, and restore his relevance, and here he is again being rendered irrelevant. So he bypasses Rocky and takes on the fight. Now he’s in a position where he knows he’s definitely not winning the fight, and most likely won’t even survive it. When he tells Rocky not to stop to fight, no matter what, obviously, that means I would rather die on my sword then quit. Rocky could not even believe what he was looking at. As tough as Rocky was, he never had the same warrior spirit as Apollo. Rocky was a warrior for sure, but she needed to be challenged or motivated. Apollo had to continuously haunt him to get him mad. Mr. T had to hit on his wife right in front of him at his retirement ceremony. Drago had to kill His friend. That’s the stuff that gets Rocky out of bed. But Apollo was self-motivated. The fact that he knew he was probably not going to come back safely after that round and he looked at his wife and gave her a wink and a half a smile, and even as he was getting pulverized continuously yelling NO about throwing in the towel, this was the most unbelievable look inside of a man’s character in a movie that I could remember. He had been trying to overcome that knocked down from Rocky, his entire career and life ever since it happened and much like at the end of Rocky 2 when he looked over at him getting up, as you said he gave up, this is kind of what happened in part 4… he knew he was going to die, and he still went out the way he wanted to. It’s just a level of champion and warrior that not even a champion could identify with, much less a regular person. Most people go into survival mode at some point. A guy like him doesn’t know how to go into that mold. It’s kill or be killed. A lot of people argue that killing him off the franchise was a terrible idea, but I think it made his character even stronger. Anyway, if you had the patience to read this entire thing, I sincerely thank you. I enjoyed the video and shall watch more.
I like you analysis. I agree. Apollo was Ali. That death scene in 4 was epic. At the time, it left the audience baffled since Apollo was a strong supporting character for the prior 3 films. If in real life, it would have been like Ali getting beat to death in the ring.
RIP brother Carl Weathers great actor may God bless and keep you. You are missed brother I know you are entertaining up in heaven stay golden. This brother help make the Rocky franchise what it is today God bless you brother Carl wish you were still here😢💔.
Apollo Creed is literally the backbone of the series and that’s why after Rocky 4 the series fell off until creed came out, because even though Apollo isn’t physically inside those movies at least part of him is thankfully
This video was well done! And Apollo was definitely the better fighter! I myself, didn’t appreciate the character until my adulthood after re-watching the movies through adult eyes…
I like how the Creed movies confirmed that Apollo was the better fighter, and the best fighter in the franchise, because, lets face it, Rocky wasnt skilled, what Rocky had was the determination to never quit, which made him beat Apollo in Rocky II, but considering we got confirmation Apollo won the match at the end of III, Apollo still won 2 out of 3. He was also a smarter fighter than Rocky, a better showman, and a pretty good businessman. Is a shame that because of money issues, Carl Weathers stopped being involved with the franchise after IV, because Apollo might be the second most important character in the entire franchise.
17:26 Apollo looks over at Rocky and realizes he cannot beat Rocky, he'd have to kill him to win. With that said in the Rockyverse, Apollo Creed is the best boxer in the world. However Rocky is the best Fighter.
The best friend you could ever have is the one that drives you to be better....sometimes they seem like an enemy.....don't mistake rivalry for hatred...
I felt sorry for Apoollo in Rocky 4 He is like the once reveared prom queen who was undesputited number 1 but father time had taken that away and they could not face it. He tried to kid him-self that time had not overtaken him. He said he never felt better. But it was 9 years past his prime. No matter what he felt he was no undoubtly not at his prime. With so much skill, fame and wins he could not face the fact his time was over....As sad as that was I do wonder what would have happened to Apollo had he not have died in the fight with Drago? He didn't seem capapble of growing old
Imagine an Apollo fight being promoted by George Washington Duke. The charisma at the press conference would be amazing. Tbh I think Duke avoided Apollo because not only did he already have good management with Tony but he was too smart to be taken advantage of. Notice he waited until Apollo was out of the picture to begin trying to get rocky to fight for him?
Would have been nice to see Apollo vs Rocky in SF3 for the title with Apollo winning in UD. Then we see the rise of Ivan Drago up through the ranks like Clubber Lang did in Rocky 3. Drago vs Apollo with Apollo paralyzed in a coma after the loss. Then Rocky fights Drago as the in the actual Rocky 4. Then Apollo learns that Rocky avenged him, and eventually dies with a peaceful smile.
Rocky is essentially a punching bag. I mean zero disrespect. Rocky is the heart greatest. Bar none. That said, having taken so many punches from so many greats, you simply can't dismiss Rocky's opinion due to kindness or humility. If we've learned anything from Rocky Balboa, it's that what he says is true. Even if it's only what he "believes" to be true. When Rocky says Apollo was the greatest and that Apollo is the "perfect" fighter, I believe him. He he had a knack for telling the truth even it sometimes was polite and uplifting. He truly believed Apollo was/is the best. I, for one, agree.
Great vid! Apollo is 47-2-0 in the Rocky films. First fight didn’t train but still won. Rematch came in best shape & lost bc he didn’t listen to Duke’s last round strategy. Lost to Drago bc too old. So from that perhaps Apollo was at the tail end of his career for those three fights. There’s footage of Apollo fighting contenders in the Rocky documentary but never used in the original. Even if he beat Drago that wouldn’t have got him ranked to fight Rocky for the title. And don’t think they would’ve bc of their friendship. Apollo was incredible & my second fav, but even against Clubber it would’ve been like Tyson vs Holmes. Watch it you’ll see what I mean.(Older boxer vs big time boxer puncher in prime). Again enjoyed your vid!🥊🥊🐴🇮🇹
Well I think that even Apollo in Rocky 3 would beat Clubber when Rocky knocks him out in 3rd round by adopting Apollo's style. And he's still in great shape as we can see from the training montage. And there is no question that Apollo in his prime would take Clubber down.
Why do you think Apollo Creed is the greatest?
02/02/24 - RIP Carl Weathers
Because he the most skilled he has the best resume and arguably the best prime ain’t nobody is like him in Rocky/Creed Verse
Because he’s the best! How long did he defend the title before he lost it to Rocky? I heard that it was a ridiculous amount of time like ten years!!!
he was the best there ever was. killer instinct, determination and always wanting to prove himself even though he already did. he was the true champion, always hungry.
He was the most evenly matched fighter for Rocky ..Because he truly could beat Rocky if not for his ego . Rocky did have him about to fall but the bell saved him , Apollo did enough on points to win, in part 2 he just had to get the ko and lost by one second , secret fight 3 .. Rock admits he lost to Apollo, Clubber destroyed Rock in fight one but Rock mind was on Mickey and had the worst corner man ever in Paulie 🤣🤣
It was has Champion arrogant attitude that made you hate and love him
“You fight great, but I’m a great fighter.” -Apollo Creed
That says so much about him.
Apollo has skill, while Rocky has will.
I think if dame hadn’t gone to prison he could have been better than apollo
@user-ep2we5ig1cDING DING
@user-ep2we5ig1cDING... DING!!!!! 🥊🥊👊🏾💪🏾
He's my favorite character in all the series. I truly think he would've been able to beat Drago too if he took things seriously and actually prepared for the fight like Rocky did, but even if you take away that from him, even if you consider him to be the weakest rival Rocky faced, you need to acknowledge how noble he was for helping a man who bested him to regain his passion and reclaim his title
The fight between Apollo and Drago in Rocky 4 was never supposed to be anything serious. It was just a exhibition sparring match for fun.
No blood was ever supposed to be drawn but Drago and his trainers took things way too far. They set a trap for Apollo and he walked right into it.
That’s why at the end of the first round when Apollo was all bloody, his trainer Duke was horrified and was yelling at Drago’s trainers reminding them that it was just an exhibition match.
Apollo from Rocky 2 could've given Drago a run for his money
@@Eskimop16 I think so 2. But I like the look of Apollo Creed a lot more in Rocky 4 than Apollo from Rocky 2. Apollo Creed in Rocky 4 was more toned. Carl Weathers too said he trained a lot harder for Rocky 4 because Dolph Lundgren was so damn big.
Stallone really screwed that fight up between Apollo and Drago in Rocky 4. Apollo should have put up a way better fight against Drago and lasted at least 7 or 8 rounds.
No he was the greatest like rocky said. He was way past his prime when he faced Drago and had been retired for years. He was near the end of his career when he fought Rocky. He would have beat drago in his prime on points if not knocking him out in the later rounds. Clubber was tailor made for Apollo. He would of destroyed him.
Imagine Apollo in his prime
I think the biggest thing to take away with Apollo is his pride. He could have easily won the second fight if he would have just accepted a win by decision, but his pride wouldn't let him. He could have enjoyed his retirement with his family, but his pride would not let him. The only person who ever beat Apollo truly was himself.
Exactly he was 99% Btilliant except for one tiny flaw that ended up costing him everything
If not for Carl Weathers, I don't think we would all be so fond of this character. The perfect man to play the role, he had the athleticism to look the part and knew first hand how the mind of a top athlete works and put it all together to put on a once in a lifetime (counting the series as a whole) performance.
f((( brilliant performance
I like how Apollo was an antagonist and a "villain", but was still a good guy.
In Rocky 3 when Apollo says to Rocky " THERE IS NO TOMORROW " hits so hard. Motivation and in life we have to live that way
Live for today! I agree
Exactly as the problem will still be there tomorrow and you'll still procrastinate or worry until you deal with it. Or don't deal with it and it'll haunt you. The way Apollo shouts there is no tomorrow says all that in one sentence.
Apollo was easily the best fighter in the franchise. As Rocky said “He was the perfect fighter”. Had he taken Rocky seriously before he got his ribs broken and lost power Rocky ends at the first movie. I can say this, no one would have wanted any part of Apollo when he was 3-4 years younger and still building his legacy and still hungry
Rocky ends with the first movie if Apollo wasn't pushing Rocky for a rematch, he also pushed Rocky to get back to fight Clubber in 3 and then his death became the driving force for Rocky to avenge him in 4. Without Apollo none of the first 4 movies would've happened! Great character and in many way the one who pushed the Rocky franchise forward!
Here's hoping we'll see that story in the future
Absolutely. Unfortunately, we never saw Apollo in his prime, we only witnessed his slow downfall.
Loved his character. A strong antagonist, but not really a villain. A smart businessman too in a time where that wasn’t always seen.
Brilliant boxer and man but with one huge weakness. He couldn't accept his time was over and he paid for it
Character development in the Rocky franchise is one of the greatest in cinema history. Whether it's Rocky, Apollo, Paulie or a shy Adrian turning into a powerhouse, they all transform into a better version of themselves. Cant think of another franchise which does it better
"Transformers..." ? LOL
Apollo is an incredible character bro. And the writing for him in 3 is goated and the way he stepped up for rocky after mick died (rip to a goat frfr) just cinema things tbh
Had to come back here to pay my respect to the GOAT himself rip to Carl Weathers January 14, 1948 - February 1, 2024 he as Apollo Creed is what motivated to start boxing and running. There is no tomorrow!
Thank you, CARL WEATHERS for doing your part to help tame mankind with your gift and talent. May GOD bless your legacy and surviving family.
Apollo Creed was one of the most legendary characters. He was a good enemy in the first movie and the second. The second one showed how Creed wanted to beat Rocky but even though he lost he still had respect afterwards. The fact that he taught Rocky the eye of the tiger is just amazing. My favorite Rocky villiain of all time. Well not really a villiain. The most legendary Rocky character of all time. We can all agree wether we like him or not he is the most memorable character in the Rocky franchise.
I dont think he was portrayed as a "villain", although he was a bit of a jerk by using Rocky just as a publicity stunt, and some racist jokes he makes about Rocky being italian...he was extremelly cocky, but I dont think he was ever shown as "bad" in the first two movies, where he is the antagonist.
@@Jose-se9pu I do agree with you. The problem was with doing this was that he underestimated his oponent
Man I miss great movies where actual stories and characters matter.
You’ve really got to give it to Sly, the greatness and scope of this entire story and it’s characters. The writing, combined with the casting is perfection. Apollo is an adrenaline shot into the veins of this franchise. GOAT’d character portrayal.
He did it well.
Apollo is one of my favorite characters ever. Great video!
Thank you!
Apollo and Rocky's friendship should be the model for all male friendships.
Hell yeah
So sad to hear. RIP Carl
"Is Apollo Creed the greatest of all time?" Hell yeah he is and thank you for doing a video on my favorite character in the Rocky/Creed franchise Stryfe. Apollo was never perfect but that's okay because every one has some flaws. I was never okay with calling him a villain because he wasn't even close to it, sure he antagonized Rocky but nothing there was remotely evil. I think that even if Apollo prepared harder to the fight with Ivan, he still wouldn't have won but he would be alive. If there is one thing I think he should have done is to step down after the 1st round with Ivan and eat his ego when he can still stand.
Thank you!
But that was his flaw. Ge told Rocky not to throw the towel in no matter what. In a way maybe death was best for him. He couldn't face getting old.
@@jamiecrisp7273 "Maybe death was best for him" sounds horrible. Apollo didn't deserve to die! It wasn't about not getting old, you don't understand the character.
Apollo was a fighter with pride in himself, his family and his country. The presence of Ivan alone made him feel like he is defending his country when fighting him.
Although he told Rocky not to throw the towel no matter what in both versions- If you watch the theatrical version of Apollo vs. Ivan Rocky is hesitating. If you watch the director's cut version, we can see Rocky ready to throw it right away, he just wasn't fast enough. Either way he carried the guilt on him despite not being guilty.
“You fight great, but i’m a great fighter!”
One of the coldest lines from the series.
What was that saying he made in Rocky?
I have retired more fighters than .... ?
I can't quite remember it. Brilliant one liners though
R.I.P. Apollo
@@jamiecrisp7273 social security
We need a Apollo Creed movie not. Adonis Creed.A prequel about the rise of Apollo Creed will be great
story wise him growing up and maybe the pressures he faced growing up in LA in the 1960's outside the ring would be sweet, but how can it be readjusted with him being 46-0 and never knocked down ? that going to mean his fights will be so one sided ( entertainment wise ) Rocky/Creed movies means someone taking a L / getting dropped . Ko'ed then rematch, heck Dame got laid out so sweet they never had a 10 count ( first time in any the movies )
I'd welcome it
@@305unleashedgraphix3 they’ll have to make his losses all come from the amateur circuit then. An Apollo prequel movie is a good idea though.
I said same thing and showed his rise and have it end as he getting ready to head to the ring for ROCKY 1
As much as I'd love to see it, there would be no opponent thrown his way that would make us feel like a challenge considering we already know Apollo was undefeated... dood!
Great video! I’ve had these same thoughts on Apollo, glad to see I’m not the only one. People are always surprised when I say Apollo is the goat in the rocky universe
Thank you!
I think anyone who put some thoughts into this whole series and didn't watch just couple Rockys or just watched it once and never again, has to come to the conclusion that Apollo is the goat. If we had no information about his previous life, there could be some discussion whether he was worthy champion. But we do know that he came from some "underground" gym in LA, became champion and knocked down 40+ opponents before fighting Rocky. And we also know that Rocky knocked down Clubber in 3rd round by adopting Apollo's style and having him in his corner. And it's funny that this series shows Apollo's slow downfall and we never see him in his prime, yet we all fell in love with him and many of us realized he's the best anyway.
17:25 That's a very interesting take i never thought of. Like Apollo said "ain't gonna be like last time" meaning that he wouldn't accept another decision win even if this time it would've been a clear one. Apollo already had his career and was ready to pass the torch to Rocky.
It also goes with Apollo telling Rocky he lost the hunger he had in their fight when they speak in Rocky III.
Me neither. Now I feel like it was better for him to pass the torch than having the same exact situation where he won but didn't beat him. It never sat well with me that he would just collapse when he was the first who tried to stand up. But now it makes so much sense, that he glances at Rocky and sees that he's also gonna stand up and then he just decides that it's not worth it anymore. Now I think that it was Apollo's decision and not that he couldn't stand up.
Rocky 3 is legit 1 of my all time favorite movies i watched this and Hollywood Shuffle and Ernest Goes To Camp everyday when i was lil lol
We will miss you Carl. You will never be forgotten.
Good stuff man. I disagree on your assessment on why Apollo lost in rocky 2 though. I believe Apollo simply lost because of his pride...not because Rocky had more heart. Like u said-- Apollo was way faster and still more skilled. It was his pride that had him stand toe to toe with Rocky a little too much. He could have easily done what some fighters have been known to do in the past--- if you are winning by a landslide on points, all you have to do is coast, and "run" so to speak, for the remaining 1, 2, or even 3 rounds. Apollo of course didn't want to do that...didn't simply want to win on points. He wanted to embarrass Rocky and knock him out and totally redeem himself for the previous fight with Rock( even though he still technically won the 1st fight) Like Apollo said- "I won but I didn't beat him"
Exactly the way I see it. He would have won if he stayed away and kept Rocky on the outside and tied him up close. Pride is what lost him the fight.
@@lennoxmate4064 😄😁
That was what I meant to imply in my take on why he lost
@@StryfetheWarrior :)
True. He played into Rocky style of fighting. If he would have stuck to his style he would have won. Pride got the best of him
Apollo Creed is the GOAT. Over 10 years undefeated until the second fight with Balboa. The speed, the technique, the brash charisma. He's the Ali of the Rocky Universe.
Apollo Creed is the G.O.A.T in the Rocky universe!💯💯
Apollo Creed, Grief Carga, Dillon, Chubbs, even look back to Death Hunt with Lee Marvin and Bronson. Carl Weathers can adapt to anything and is the most believable boxer in movie history. He’s one of the most under rated actors to come out of the 20th century, a league above Stallone and doesn’t get the credit he deserves.
Thank YOU
Apollo Creed (Carl Weathers) is the greatest of all TIME!!
This is beautiful man❤
Very well done ! Apollo was such a dynamic character . We neeed a prequel on him
Thank you!
Apollo was the best all round boxer in the series , drago had power , as did clubber lang but thats all they had , apollo had everything exept age he was just about at retirement age in rocky 1, it would of been great to see an apollo movie when he was coming up through the ranks and winning the title
Let's hope we get a movie like that
@@StryfetheWarriorI would luv to see that too. But doing Creed movies sort of ruined that moment.
"I'm gonna drop em like a bad habit"- Apollo 🤣 My nick name for Apollo is "Cassius" cus he the G.O.A.T no doubt. Apollo was amazing, it broke my heart when he died because I loved his character. He had style, swag, charm and the physicality to truly make him like the greek god he's named after. He made the movie better, Rocky better and Sly better because he came back in way better shape for the sequels. Great video Bro!✌🏾
Thank you!
RIP Carl Weathers
Great video bro!
That was 1 🔥🔥🔥 of a video my guy! 💯 I’ve been a Rocky fan since I was in middle school & I really appreciate the franchise & respect how the Creed spin-off pays homage & parallels the OG Rocky Films while creating their own legacy in this modern era. 💯 I’m my opinion I will say that Apollo was the greatest of all time because he had that warrior mentality, knew how to get into & under his opponent’s skin & minds, he had the skills & hands 2 back it up, & he was a true showman. 💯 When I think/thought about that I realized that those 3 factors set Apollo apart. I remember the scene in Creed 2 where Buddy Marcel told Adonis @ Bianca’s concert & I quote “The belt ain’t enough, U need a narrative, something that sticks 2 the ribs.” “Your dad…he knew that.”
Thank you!
Rocky is one of my favorite storylines of all time.Apollo was one of my favorite characters too.His Footwork,Speed,IQ and more was just insane.
Well put
Creed is The Greatest of All Time
Thank you
RIP Carl Weathers 02/02/24
I really enjoyed both the Rocky series and the Creed series.
This video is more important than ever. RIP the goat
Magnificent commentary!
Thank you!
Your channel is probably one of the best on TH-cam 🏆✌️👍.
Aw, thank you!
Great video.
Thank you!
Apollo is one of my fav characters of all time. I love his personality, panache, and heart as a person. I remember reading that Carl Weathers said training for the movies was too bad because of his football training, he was used to it. He was used to the discipline. I think he was sold somewhat short in the Drago fight. But either way, a hell of a character, fighter, and friend. ❤ 🥊
100%. Carl Weathers is a legend
Excellent analysis. And yes, Apollo is the GOAT and the BOAT (Best of All Time).
Thank you!
the scene where Duke is watching Rocky on Tv is foreshadowing later on in the title fight, Rocky hits the frozen beef with devastating power, making Tony very concerned, re watch the scene the angles they always showing is exposed ribs.. round 14 Rocky is dropped and calls Apollo in and ducks Creed's attack and lands two swift punches , when the round ends Apollo tells Duke in their corner, "
Broke my ribs "
Amazing job!
Thank you!
They should bring back Apollo in a dream sequence talking to Apollo.
Whenever I think of the word friends the photos of Rocky Balboa and Apollo Creed automatically get generated in my mind.
Apollo creed is definitely one of my favorite characters. What I didn’t like is rocky four was they made it so that Apollo was somewhat in a digression. Yet Rocky was able to elevate to superhuman levels. I always wanted Apollo creed Eluveitie. But they always in a start contrast of where one was elevated, or had the ability to elevate, but it always made the other in some form of digression. In comparison. I felt like the training that Apollo creed receive from Rocky was not very good and not super affective. Because if he had train and become stronger through to offer training then he definitely not only what he’s not have died, he would’ve at least give it to Victor Drago a much better fight even if when he was out of the realm of possibility, it should’ve never been out of the realm of possibility simply because you were elevated become a super human love a wider. Rocky is a super fighter but it seems like they wanted to keep Apollo at a lower level never actually crossing over into the threshold of superhuman fighter.
Agreed. That's kinda why I've grown to not like Rocky IV as much because it started to jump the shark a bit.
@14:44 please correct that info. Chuck stepped on Ali's foot, hit his chest as he was trying to step back and released his foot. That was no KD...It was showed in the newspapers the other day, the dirty move pulled (one of the hundreds by Chuck) and Ali did a whole TV segment with Cosel on Wide World of Sports showcasing every single dirty move and counting them on screen. Chuck's only merit is that he cheated his way to 15th round.
This was expanded upon on detail in my Rocky video, which came out before this video.
Vale Carl... There is no tomorrow!
Question to any Rocky fan, I can't believe as much as Apollo knows about the fight game; that He also must have seen or knew, that Rocky was fighting boxers that were over there prime and an easy win for Rocky. The fact that Clubber Lang knew this , makes me also think Apollo Creed knew this as well, I wonder why Apollo didn't call Rocky out on this point as well ? ??
That's a good question. The only logical explanation that would make sense ist that Apollo didn't follow Rocky's career at first. When reaching out to Rocky, he mentioned that he felt the same hurt hat Rocky is now, and that he didn't even want to talk to his family about it.
Could be a future video idea!
Maybe there wasn't no major contenders in Rocky era as champion to fight. Clubber was only the Real raw talent in the game and Mickey new that. More likely Apollo knew that too. Creed probably didnt touch on that because Rocky beat him so he knew Rocky was a great fighter regardless even if he just fought has beens.
Excellent analysis
Thank you!
He’s my favorite character of the series. To be honest he’s the main reason I love the movies 😅 Apollo is the best boxer, Rocky just had an unbreakable spirit at his best
Apollo Creeds trainer Duke could have literally motivated a man to beat a brick 🧱 wall.....His speech in Rocky II is powerful
The director's cut of Apollo vs Drago is better than the one showed in the movie, Apollo fights back instead of being massacred, Apollo underestimated Ivan, not trained enough like in Rocky II
I think it was telling how rocky told adonis that time was the thing that really helped him win rocky 2s final fight. He knew that Apollo was no longer at his best. An Apollo Creed at his physical peak would never have lost that match and they all knew it
Good point
Awesome assessment
Thank you!
@@StryfetheWarrior No problem 🥊
Love your videos.. Love that Stitch is in all 3 creed films.. love these movies still sort of struggling with creed 3 a little . Still wish they had addressed Creeds other kids some how.
Thank you! Yeah I'm glad they finally at least mentioned them in Creed III, but I feel like they should've had some onscreen interaction. Perhaps the Creed films focused more on Adonis for his own journey, but I think that was a bad call
They did tho. They weren't accepting of Adonis
One thing about these trainers, where was the crew that Rocky had 1-2 ? The black guy and the one dude who was in the corner in the first Clubber fight, Rock replaced them with Paulie 🤣🤣 I understand Duke for the 2nd Lang fight and every fight after including the final one vs Dixon .. but those two where with Rock and Mick for over ,12 fights
If u think about it we never seen Apollo in his prime in the movies
There should have been a prequal speaking of Creed's life and we missed the moment with Michael B Jordan as Adonis instead of him telling the story of his young life. Would have been something.
Creed 3's introduction that they share a cinematic universe with real life fighters Ali and Foreman will kind of blow a prequel up, did he defeat them ? he was 46-0 and plus Joe Frazier claims Creed ducking him when he enters the ring in the original Rocky
@@305unleashedgraphix3 writers can work out the losses and politics. Ali, Foreman, and Frazier all had losses in their column sooooo. Stick Creed in a slot and call it a day.
@@ThatGuy-zt6po brah I am with it, if they would let him fight real life fighters but to say he can fight Foreman or Ali and not get dropped , heck no !!
@@305unleashedgraphix3 Absolutely, but we all know how it end for Apollo so let the baby have his bottle. When you die in front of James Brown you lost the crown. You don't want my Adrian being the actual reason Clubber lost. Let's just say she was the insurance policy that gave him weak legs. Problem was it also gave her Adonis. Apollo was such a good friend to Rock and his legacy he took the boy on and saved Rocky's legacy by claiming Adonis was his, but the real truth was Adonis is Adrian and Clubber Lang's son. Rocky made good on a death bed promise to train Adonis and don't be a hater and then she died. Opening scene for Creed IV where it becomes Clubber, I'M YO DADDY FOOL!
Appollo Creed will forever be one of my favorite characters.
Abolutely!! Rocky 3 is by far my favorite Rocky movie and I love all of them except for Rocky 5. When watching Rocky 3 one gets the feeling that Apollo could have stepped into the ring and whipped either Rocky or Clubber!
In the final race on the beach you can see both men have physiques that couldn't look better if they were chiseled from stone!
Can we get a video on The Dukes and how they guide their fighters? Duke Sr.'s "Apollo was like my son" rap in Rocky IV is probably my favorite scene in the franchise.
I'll consider it! The Dukes are great
Duke Sr. is such great character. His speech is everything. Also, Dukes are the only father/son duo that either of them are in each Rocky/Creed movie. There is no Apollo or Adonis in Rocky 5, 6 and there is no Rocky or Robert in Creed 3.
There is no Tomorow FIRE ASS QUOTE
Who is here after he passed away 😢
This is going to be a very long, so I’d like to apologize in advance. First and foremost, GREAT video!
I’m going to give You My thoughts on Apollo, but before I do, I want to say in terms of the rematch, the biggest reason Apollo dominated nearly the whole fight was probably because Rocky was fighting as a righty. Had he fought as a southpaw, He likely would have given a much better fight. I also don’t know what good that strategy did because as per usual, Rocky blocked punches with His face the whole fight and looked like a complete mess in the end.
I’d also like to point out as a side note that although it made for great theatre, Rocky did not have to beat the count of 10 at the end. He fell from the thrust of his punch. He was not hit. That fall would have counted as a slip. Theoretically. he would have sat there and waited to see if Apollo would have gotten up.
Now that being said, Apollo has become My favorite character as well. Here’s why. While many see it as the rise of a champion (Rocky Balboa), I also saw it as the falling of a champion, but yet revelation of a warrior (Apollo Creed). Clearly He took Rocky too lightly and it changed His world. Apollo was all smiles up until Rocky knocked him down that first time. Apollo got up and was basically pissed off until he helped Rocky beat Clubber. The aftermath of that shows Apollo in His pool with His dogs seemingly at peace for the first time in a while. However, this was his transitional period. His life as a boxer was done, but it was now the revelation of His character as a warrior. We saw what happened in part 1. He took Rocky too lightly and got knocked down. In part 2, He could have won that fight EASILY but as He said He didn’t want to win, He wanted to BEAT Him. He didn’t even ask for a third match, which he would have been more than entitled to, and most likely would have won.. because he was more than just the belt. He wanted to be the best. He wanted to know that he put Rocky away. Sure he could have outboxed Him 10 times out of 10. But he couldn’t knock Him out even once. That’s why I particularly like the part you mentioned about how he looks over at Rocky during the 10-count like “this freakin guy is gonna get up there is no stopping Him” and he gives up. He gave up because he couldn’t put him away. That leads me to Rocky 3, which I think is the most understood movie of the franchise. Of course, you can look at it superficially that clubber Lang was just unlikable and Apollo wanted to help Rocky and they develop a friendship or if you wanna call it a Bromance or whatever over it. And that’s fine and that’s all well and good. However, I really think Apollo’s motivation was to avenge himself. Clubber Lang easily did inside of two rounds. What Apollo could not do in 30..He knocked Rocky out.. the only time it ever happened in the entire franchise. Not even Drago who killed someone in the ring was able to knock Rocky out. But anyway, here he is feeling even more irrelevant yet again. Clubber was disgusted by Apollo creed. He shoved away his hand when Apollo try to extend it in a handshake and just called him a chump or whatever. I really think the message right there was that he had no respect for him for having lost to Rocky. You could even see the look of disgust in Clubber’s face right before he delivered the knockout punch to Rocky, he kind of paused and looked at him as if to say, is this really it? This is the big bad wolf? Give me a break. There are some that speculate, that clever was the fan who sent hate mail to Apollo saying “ how much did you get to carry that bum for 15 rounds? You are a disgrace to your people.” so in my mind, Apollo knew exactly why Kluber had that attitude towards him. Apollo got back at him, and the only way that he could have at that time, by doing it through Rocky. So he was doubly motivated. Of course, he wanted to get back at clubber Lang for disrespecting him, but he also needed to prove to himself, and to everybody else that Rocky was the best, because that’s who beat him. Rocky going out like that basically would render Apollo irrelevant, so not only did he train him and got credit for how much better rocky became, but he avenged his own loss in a way. He was very methodical. As you said much like Muhammad Ali, he was very intelligent. So of course it came across like he just befriended Rocky and it was a great story line that they became friends but he had a plan. As he said, “this is business.” so now after Rocky wins, Apollo is feeling a lot better, because he at least to a certain degree got back in the spotlight, and has sort of a victory. So he’s at peace with this, at least for the time being, and here comes Ivan Drago coming over from Russia calling out the number one American fighter we have, not Apollo creed, but Rocky Balboa. So once again, Apollo is angry. You could see his face changed in the pool, and he looked exactly like he did after Rocky knocked him down for the first time. Because Innoway, he’s been knocked down yet again. He just did all he could to get himself back on top, and restore his relevance, and here he is again being rendered irrelevant. So he bypasses Rocky and takes on the fight. Now he’s in a position where he knows he’s definitely not winning the fight, and most likely won’t even survive it. When he tells Rocky not to stop to fight, no matter what, obviously, that means I would rather die on my sword then quit. Rocky could not even believe what he was looking at. As tough as Rocky was, he never had the same warrior spirit as Apollo. Rocky was a warrior for sure, but she needed to be challenged or motivated. Apollo had to continuously haunt him to get him mad. Mr. T had to hit on his wife right in front of him at his retirement ceremony. Drago had to kill His friend. That’s the stuff that gets Rocky out of bed. But Apollo was self-motivated. The fact that he knew he was probably not going to come back safely after that round and he looked at his wife and gave her a wink and a half a smile, and even as he was getting pulverized continuously yelling NO about throwing in the towel, this was the most unbelievable look inside of a man’s character in a movie that I could remember. He had been trying to overcome that knocked down from Rocky, his entire career and life ever since it happened and much like at the end of Rocky 2 when he looked over at him getting up, as you said he gave up, this is kind of what happened in part 4… he knew he was going to die, and he still went out the way he wanted to. It’s just a level of champion and warrior that not even a champion could identify with, much less a regular person. Most people go into survival mode at some point. A guy like him doesn’t know how to go into that mold. It’s kill or be killed. A lot of people argue that killing him off the franchise was a terrible idea, but I think it made his character even stronger. Anyway, if you had the patience to read this entire thing, I sincerely thank you. I enjoyed the video and shall watch more.
Well said!
I like you analysis. I agree. Apollo was Ali.
That death scene in 4 was epic. At the time, it left the audience baffled since Apollo was a strong supporting character for the prior 3 films. If in real life, it would have been like Ali getting beat to death in the ring.
RIP brother Carl Weathers great actor may God bless and keep you. You are missed brother I know you are entertaining up in heaven stay golden. This brother help make the Rocky franchise what it is today God bless you brother Carl wish you were still here😢💔.
Excellent vid. Apollo is the GOAT..!!!
Thank you!
Apollo was a great character! Plus he and my Dad looked alike in the 70s and 80s 😄
carl weathers will forever be our champion R.I.P.
Well I think that Apollo was the better boxer even though Rocky know-how box ,so anyways God bless everyone who comes across this comment 🔥 🕊 ✝️ 🙏🏾
Apollo Creed is literally the backbone of the series and that’s why after Rocky 4 the series fell off until creed came out, because even though Apollo isn’t physically inside those movies at least part of him is thankfully
This video was well done! And Apollo was definitely the better fighter! I myself, didn’t appreciate the character until my adulthood after re-watching the movies through adult eyes…
Thank you!
Always sad when Apollo died. When Creed came out it was awesome.
The first movie he was a clown, but in the second movie he was bigger and more serious!
I like how the Creed movies confirmed that Apollo was the better fighter, and the best fighter in the franchise, because, lets face it, Rocky wasnt skilled, what Rocky had was the determination to never quit, which made him beat Apollo in Rocky II, but considering we got confirmation Apollo won the match at the end of III, Apollo still won 2 out of 3.
He was also a smarter fighter than Rocky, a better showman, and a pretty good businessman.
Is a shame that because of money issues, Carl Weathers stopped being involved with the franchise after IV, because Apollo might be the second most important character in the entire franchise.
You could certainly argue that the first IV movies involve Apollo in some way.
Rest In Peace Apollo 😢 and Carl Weathers
17:26 Apollo looks over at Rocky and realizes he cannot beat Rocky, he'd have to kill him to win. With that said in the Rockyverse, Apollo Creed is the best boxer in the world. However Rocky is the best Fighter.
As someone once said, Rocky knew how to fight, Apollo taught him to box
Carl Weathers RIP he is the G.O.A.T fighter in Rocky/Creed universe goodbye my man #thereisnotomorrow
He is my favorite character in Rocky.
Honestly Apollo Creed entrance in rocky 1 and rocky 4 movie makes me smile, and laughed
The best friend you could ever have is the one that drives you to be better....sometimes they seem like an enemy.....don't mistake rivalry for hatred...
Bloodsport got recently a 4k release. Will you cover that?
It's possible! I've been getting requests to cover it, so I'll consider it
O yes he is still champion rest in peace Apollo creed 💮🪷🌷🌸🌺⚘️🌹🇺🇲😎🫡😇⚜️✝️☮️🛐
I felt sorry for Apoollo in Rocky 4
He is like the once reveared prom queen who was undesputited number 1 but father time had taken that away and they could not face it.
He tried to kid him-self that time had not overtaken him. He said he never felt better. But it was 9 years past his prime. No matter what he felt he was no undoubtly not at his prime.
With so much skill, fame and wins he could not face the fact his time was over....As sad as that was I do wonder what would have happened to Apollo had he not have died in the fight with Drago? He didn't seem capapble of growing old
RIP legend Carl Weathers 🙏🏻
Carl is a legend.
Imagine an Apollo fight being promoted by George Washington Duke. The charisma at the press conference would be amazing. Tbh I think Duke avoided Apollo because not only did he already have good management with Tony but he was too smart to be taken advantage of. Notice he waited until Apollo was out of the picture to begin trying to get rocky to fight for him?
Dame and Donnie are the new Rocky and Apollo, respectively...Amazing Legacy.
Would have been nice to see Apollo vs Rocky in SF3 for the title with Apollo winning in UD. Then we see the rise of Ivan Drago up through the ranks like Clubber Lang did in Rocky 3. Drago vs Apollo with Apollo paralyzed in a coma after the loss. Then Rocky fights Drago as the in the actual Rocky 4. Then Apollo learns that Rocky avenged him, and eventually dies with a peaceful smile.
Appolo was a true warrior...Kill or be Killed mentality....Out on your shield...
Creed was the best fighter of all time ever
Rocky is essentially a punching bag. I mean zero disrespect. Rocky is the heart greatest. Bar none. That said, having taken so many punches from so many greats, you simply can't dismiss Rocky's opinion due to kindness or humility. If we've learned anything from Rocky Balboa, it's that what he says is true. Even if it's only what he "believes" to be true. When Rocky says Apollo was the greatest and that Apollo is the "perfect" fighter, I believe him. He he had a knack for telling the truth even it sometimes was polite and uplifting. He truly believed Apollo was/is the best. I, for one, agree.
Well said!
Very good insight!
Great vid! Apollo is 47-2-0 in the Rocky films. First fight didn’t train but still won. Rematch came in best shape & lost bc he didn’t listen to Duke’s last round strategy. Lost to Drago bc too old. So from that perhaps Apollo was at the tail end of his career for those three fights. There’s footage of Apollo fighting contenders in the Rocky documentary but never used in the original. Even if he beat Drago that wouldn’t have got him ranked to fight Rocky for the title. And don’t think they would’ve bc of their friendship. Apollo was incredible & my second fav, but even against Clubber it would’ve been like Tyson vs Holmes. Watch it you’ll see what I mean.(Older boxer vs big time boxer puncher in prime).
Again enjoyed your vid!🥊🥊🐴🇮🇹
Well I think that even Apollo in Rocky 3 would beat Clubber when Rocky knocks him out in 3rd round by adopting Apollo's style. And he's still in great shape as we can see from the training montage. And there is no question that Apollo in his prime would take Clubber down.