CarMiZa- A Legendary Car Audio Rebuild- Trunk Details part 23- Side Panels

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 11

  • @josephennis7008
    @josephennis7008 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Wow. The end of this video really shows the curves and shape of the side panels. All your hard work and over engineering is paying off. Outstanding quality work.

    • @PrecisionMike
      @PrecisionMike  7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @josephennis7008 - Hey buddy! Thank you! Every inch of this build is over engineered, just the way I like it. Today, I will FINALLY be slinging that fiberglass!

  • @Venomized95
    @Venomized95 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Really comin along amazing! Makes me miss the old days/ways of installing. Giving me motivation to do the same. Keep it up!

    • @PrecisionMike
      @PrecisionMike  7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @Venomized95 - Thank you! I am no spring chicken at 54 years young. You are never too old to do this kind of work:) More content coming soon!

  • @hiresaudiocosta873
    @hiresaudiocosta873 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Looking 👀 good. Great work and progress 🎉 !!!

    • @PrecisionMike
      @PrecisionMike  7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @hiresaudiocosta873 - Hello sir! Thank you! I watched your interview with Nick from Resonix and was blown away at the fact that you spent over 10,000 hours just on tuning, WOW! Your dedication is inspiring!

    • @hiresaudiocosta873
      @hiresaudiocosta873 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@PrecisionMike Thanks so much, Mike. The 10,000 hours was me trying to learn how to tune and teaching myself about time alignment, and learning how to recognize what each frequency sounds like. I tried using REW and a microphone, I used analog EQT and analog phase shift controllers, then I got into the realm of DSPs. I tried Helix, Mosconi for a brief moment, Arc audio, and then Mini DSP. I also fiddled around with Dirac room correction on both the mini DSP as well as my NAD preamp. I switched to higher grade microphone, used perfectly positioned microphone locations using strings hanging from the ceiling measured out in a perfectly symmetrical box, with tape marking elevation on said strings. Or course, over the years with driver, amplifier, and wiring upgrades, every swap caused many more hours of adjustment. Mostly all adjusts were done by ear.
      Bottom line, after all those hours of fiddling, I did an ok job, but I would say that I never really “tuned” the system. I was what I could call “ fiddling” or “playing around making adjustments” trying to get it to sound right.
      Bottom line, just recently, when Miguel Rios flew up to the Northeast and brought his JL Max and used his skills to get my system dialed in, I can proudly say thanks to Miguel, that the system is tuned.
      The soundstage width is about 150 degrees, the depth on some tracks can reach about 80 feet in front of the windshield. The instrument tonality is lifelike and realistic, the imaging is three dimensional, fleshed out and unbelievably holographic.
      The incredible size of my soundstage was because of the work Steve Head did on my midrange enclosures.
      I just had an audiophile friend come take a demo and he got goosebumps, mentioned the open and airy sound, noted the instrument tonality, was In disbelief of the center image stating I had hidden martin Logan panels in the windshield, then went on to mention the background singers were flanking him and singing in his hears, yet but so far away. He also mentioned the realistic tonal characteristics of every instrument. He has heard almost every incarnation of my system over the last several years. He said that it’s the best it’s ever sounded and “people need to hear this”.
      Problem is my health has taken a downturn and I ended up in the hospital the day before yesterday. I no longer have the strength and ability to make it to shows. So the only way others will get to experience the system is if they come to me. Unfortunately, I’m not sure how much longer my time here on earth I’ll be around.
      I wished to share my creation with as many people as possible, as do you with your creation once it’s finished. For me, It looks like that’s not going to happen.

  • @carlnorrbom
    @carlnorrbom 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I think going with the metal rod on the top will work better than wood pieces as you will get a much cleaner, more precise edge. The advantages during the fabrication were quite obvious as well. I like the fact that it is, as you say, quite over engineered - but that is the whole point of the build right? Leave nothing to chance. This build is so inspiring and I look forward to each new episode. Keep up the stellar work.

    • @PrecisionMike
      @PrecisionMike  7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @carlnorrbom - Thank you! the fact that I can inspire even one person makes this all worth while. Hopefully someday you can see it in person, and get a listen. More content coming soon!

  • @mikereaulo2359
    @mikereaulo2359 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Mike are you laying carpet over the side panels or are you flocking them?

    • @PrecisionMike
      @PrecisionMike  6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @mikereaulo2359 - Hey Mike! All of the panels in the trunk will be covered in tan carpet, as Earl had with the original build