Wow, this brings back memories! I had an aunt who lived in Przemyśl and I lived with her for a couple months when I was three or four. I don't remember much honestly, just the area she lived in, cuz it looked a lot like the area I live in right now. I also remember being on the bus and eating some old fashioned sweets there.
Najbardziej niedocenione miasto w Polsce. Bywam często - bo mam z Rzeszowa blisko. Miasto cudne a i w okolicy jest co zobaczyć. Forty, Arboretum w Bolestraszycach, Krasiczyn i całe Pogórze Przemyskie..... bajka
Wow, this brings back memories! I had an aunt who lived in Przemyśl and I lived with her for a couple months when I was three or four. I don't remember much honestly, just the area she lived in, cuz it looked a lot like the area I live in right now. I also remember being on the bus and eating some old fashioned sweets there.
❤❤❤❤ Przemyśl
Brings back many memories of walking those streets and crossing over the San.
Najbardziej niedocenione miasto w Polsce. Bywam często - bo mam z Rzeszowa blisko. Miasto cudne a i w okolicy jest co zobaczyć. Forty, Arboretum w Bolestraszycach, Krasiczyn i całe Pogórze Przemyskie..... bajka