One more question, since I was staying with the gunners out back during the battle, what exactly were the rules in the big fight? When did you have to fall, after how many hits?
The blow must be seen or felt. So it may happen that I may not react to small blows because I won't even be aware of them. You can see everything on the camera, but the view from the helmet is very limited.
Jo bylo super tam půl hodiny ležet na slunci .... fakt super.
Není sranda dělat vikinga :-D, tak příští to bude zase jinak. ;)
@@goprobattles5625 Doufejme .. ale beze mě XD
I also had the honour of being a combatant here, thanks for your work recording this! Do you know where the drone footage will appear?
I'm glad you like the video ❤ and the drone video will be ready sometime in the week.
@goprobattles5625 ah so you will also post the drone footage here? Excellent news!
There will be drone videos
One more question, since I was staying with the gunners out back during the battle, what exactly were the rules in the big fight? When did you have to fall, after how many hits?
The blow must be seen or felt. So it may happen that I may not react to small blows because I won't even be aware of them. You can see everything on the camera, but the view from the helmet is very limited.
Nechápu blázny, co jdou do bitvy s odkrytym obličejem :D Na druhou stranu smekám, protože já bych na to koule fakt neměl :D
Já se taky bojím, tak že mám helmu s hledím a neřeším.
0:52 šip jaký fajny nosim zubni chranič ta nějak nepískám
Na videu je dobře vidět ale v helmě jsem ho neviděl, tak jsem odhadoval co se stalo. :-D
@@goprobattles5625 prej, co to bylo? :D