In our first match for Charged Up, our robot kept slamming its arm into itself. Turns out the code wasn't finished. The announcers noted that "those are some violent noises coming from 2523's robot", which was appropriately named Clank.
Of course I have to be the field resetter looking kinda dumb at 1:19. My first official event as a volunteer. Guess I saw history and didn't even know it at the time!
At 5:52 The red alliance would use their timeout to give the blue alliance more time to fix their robot in-between matches, that clip is from the finals I can't remember 1 or 2.
In our first match for Charged Up, our robot kept slamming its arm into itself. Turns out the code wasn't finished. The announcers noted that "those are some violent noises coming from 2523's robot", which was appropriately named Clank.
2:35 I like how sometimes the refs like look at robots angrily and yell at them directly as if they're people lol
Of course I have to be the field resetter looking kinda dumb at 1:19. My first official event as a volunteer. Guess I saw history and didn't even know it at the time!
Trying a premiere cause why not. Enjoy!
The robot at 3:05 would scare me so much!! 😆 my goodness, the strength behind our bots surprise me every time
well thats why they dont make the barriers out of PVC and polycarb anymore
2023 team 3098 almost taking out a ref with a cone at states, thats what i think of when i see this video.
kinda surprised you didn't show more robot flips. 5970 in 2019, 3310 in 2022, 254 in 2020, etc
Always time for part 2
3:08 Bye have a good time!
Name a more consistently broken robot than 2767 lmao
high risk, high reward, low moments sometimes too.
My team 😭😭😥💀💀💀
At 5:52 The red alliance would use their timeout to give the blue alliance more time to fix their robot in-between matches, that clip is from the finals I can't remember 1 or 2.
Didn't see this until now, but y'all are amazing.
Today at qualifying rounds a robots arm fell off completely and dragged it around the rest of the match. Their alliance won 😂
My team at mvp area a 2023 charged up team 7504 during the pre matches we had our arm go out of bounds and slam into a camera knocking it over
Need to add our robot demolishing a ref tablet at frc kettering 2023, qual 11
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