HAHA HELLO STELLA IS HERE ! I’ve totally forgotten about the jumping cat wei. It’s a 2015 story d! But YES IT’S TRUE! When Bern saw it she panicked and I keep asking her to shut up and quickly go back to our room. Back then she’s not a cat lover, imagine running into a cat which that alone is good enough to freak her out, now add on a weirdly jumping one. It’s creepy at that time but it’s funny now that I think about it 😂
Owh!! You from UTAR Kampar also!!! Same!! The lake i heard got many stories one xD got ppl drown in the lake before and Block E there de staircase, my Bio fren's batchmate even gave the "girl" a name xD Kesian my fren has to stay in the lab past midnight to finish her assignments back then, almost everyday
i joined boy's brigade camp and stayed at brother's bungalow before, at night i wakes up alone looks around the building with torchlight (ofc) noting happens aha, never heard the brother's bungalow tale. Ghost i dont see, i saw lots of interesting insect.
People that dont belive can try Brothers bungalow... BTW St Xaviers was the Japanese Naval base in Penang during the war.... it was destroyed by the allied forces at the end of the war... Japanese ghost i am not sure... but there are "brothers" still wandering the corridors at night.... but the brothers do not harm the students...
Being a Christian means You should practice "Live & Let Live" and not believe blindly !!!!!! Just remember Saying I "Believe" means you're not sure !!!!!!! Think about it ?????????????????? Good Luck.
HAHA HELLO STELLA IS HERE ! I’ve totally forgotten about the jumping cat wei. It’s a 2015 story d! But YES IT’S TRUE! When Bern saw it she panicked and I keep asking her to shut up and quickly go back to our room. Back then she’s not a cat lover, imagine running into a cat which that alone is good enough to freak her out, now add on a weirdly jumping one. It’s creepy at that time but it’s funny now that I think about it 😂
found STELLA!
Must be Happy Cat
I immediately scroll down to find Stella's comment just right after Bernice mentioned it.
Must be the Smurf cat
fun fact: cikgu ang and me same taman
Click on the link in the description to buy our Gen 2.0 #penangonebetter T-shirt, stock very limited
Where Sarawak one better ?
我本来不怎么会去相信这些的 但很多奇怪的事情发生 小学毕业旅行去跟学校一起去金马论的时候。 我们住的酒店算是很旧的 晚上睡觉的时候,我朋友的那间房的水龙头会一直有声音然后不久他们感觉有人进来他们房间就录起来结果是牠进来头上有把刀就这样飘过去,影片我们全部人都看过老师知道后叫那位学生赶快delete。
還有就是5年紀也是和學校去旅行在langkawi虽然这次的酒店比较好但是晚上会一直听到电梯 叮叮的声音, 然后好巧不巧本来我们打算不睡觉到全部到一间朋友房间通宵结果电梯在那个时候不能用了,然后住另一楼的朋友想说走楼梯但他走到楼梯门口是突然停下来转身回去什么都不说直到他用酒店电话打来说他在楼梯看到一位穿红衣的人
另一个是发生在中学因为学校后面就是森林晚上很暗, 就我们以前pmr spm都有留在学校过夜然后补习那种的 到晚上睡觉的时候有位女生朋友和她朋友一起去厕所时不知道为什么就转过头看向一个角落, 然后她看到一双腿在楼梯口但那边不可能会有人因为那边很暗只有微微的灯光而已。 她就直接当场爆哭, 吓到整个人都苍白掉。最后是老师来帮她缓解下来
High school BM here! Yes, Japanese army marching, flying lady ghost, abandoned toilet, haunted block, etc.
Abandoned toilet and also the box. Somore the scout do Hamik camp fire, ghost house somore. Hahahahah! Stupid
u are literally my childhood. thank you
HAHAHAHAHA.. this is too funny. As a Christian myself, I do think the community is so critical.
Owh!! You from UTAR Kampar also!!! Same!! The lake i heard got many stories one xD got ppl drown in the lake before
and Block E there de staircase, my Bio fren's batchmate even gave the "girl" a name xD
Kesian my fren has to stay in the lab past midnight to finish her assignments back then, almost everyday
一個兩個sejarah fail🤦🏻♀️ 當初charles vyner brooke 就是沒辦法handle 被日軍佔領後的砂拉越 才把sarawak 交給大英帝國的 🥲 日軍的各種都市傳說絕對有可能在那裡流傳 😂😂😂 有去古晉可以參觀batu lintang 的 極樂山 那裡還葬著在戰亂中犧牲的日軍🪦
@@tento2953 原來如此 學到了!
sorry我的sejarah 不好
对不起 我sejarah不好
@@jiayiang7807 抱歉抱歉 無意冒犯 希望你不介意🙇🏼♀🙇🏼♀ 很喜歡你們的content 只是偶爾覺得你們的地圖炮一不小心就會擦槍走火 覺得有點可惜🙈🙈🙈
damn, when Sai mentioned Cikgu Ang, now i rmb back my teacher.. haha
And palm full of bruises
3:48 的同步有够吓人
we will find you STELLA........
i joined boy's brigade camp and stayed at brother's bungalow before, at night i wakes up alone looks around the building with torchlight (ofc) noting happens aha, never heard the brother's bungalow tale. Ghost i dont see, i saw lots of interesting insect.
I go stay also nothing just very hot at night,cold at morning😂
People that dont belive can try Brothers bungalow... BTW St Xaviers was the Japanese Naval base in Penang during the war.... it was destroyed by the allied forces at the end of the war... Japanese ghost i am not sure... but there are "brothers" still wandering the corridors at night.... but the brothers do not harm the students...
Well done! 知识性60%,娱乐性85%. But hor..叫中元节,不是鬼节👻
其實耶穌也是東方人,他是在中東長大的猶太人。相信鬼不一定是迷信,迷信是執著在於某個東西/神鬼不肯罷休;甚至去做一些不該做的東西。盂蘭盆節是佛教供僧法會來超度地獄亡靈遠離痛苦重新輪迴做有用的人,燒冥紙是華人民間信仰。有聽過目連救母的人,知道盂蘭盆由來。道教稱做中元節或民間俗稱的鬼節,農曆七月在佛教是歡喜日也是僧侶三個月修行日《守夏節》。佛陀也不曾鼓勵眾生迷信,佛陀不承認自己是神。佛陀悟道宇宙真諦,佛陀要人們學習佛法成為善人解脫輪迴痛苦。貓在西方是巫婆的精靈,貓在中華文化也是很邪門。冤死貓都會成很猛的妖貓。西方傳說黑貓跳過棺材人會復活😂。佛陀說眾生包括神鬼、外星人、神獸、妖精等都會墮入輪迴,要遠離輪迴要不停修行做功德。佛陀描述的鬼和一般道教或民間所描述是不一樣,鬼是由生前所做的善惡因果區分而墮入餓鬼道、畜生道等。在大馬夜晚不可說臭或香會遭來飛頭降Hantu Penaggal。大士爺在道教是鬼王是掌管鬼魂避免搗亂人間,在佛教他是觀世音菩薩化身來度化鬼眾生。其實有時人比鬼可怕。佛教和華人描述鬼或靈魂是稱中陰身在輪迴前,而非描述中鬼。佛教的鬼是從中陰身所做惡事而墮入地獄中成為餓鬼道。晚上剪指甲有兩個說法,以科學角度如果剪到肉會血流不止;而民間說法會迎鬼吸血等。不要隨隨便便撿紅包會被拉去冥婚。日本盆舞節來源佛教的盂蘭盆會,日本文化是古代唐朝等時傳入日本或日本人(大和族)從中國帶回日本與當地混合形成新文化。
Bruh the Cikgu Ang hit me!
great topic!
有人要讲那个mother Mary的故事吗?
Next episode of WABIKONG... title is "MANA STELLA?"
22:43 Macam same story, St. Xavier 和 Convent Light Street 也是有underground tunnel link 这😅
4:38 sunny coco???
其实三把火是关于尊重他人的事情,如果手搭在别人或长辈的头或肩膀是个没大没小不尊重他人的不礼貌行为 不关bantang 的事
其實不只這個,很多規則本來只是出於禮儀,有些只是安全顧慮(比如:晚上不可以剪這個那個,因為以前晚上是點蠟燭的,燈光不足看不清楚比較危險而已,因為小屁孩不聽勸 所以用嚇的方式) 因為不明真相而流傳至今變成所謂的 pantang
沙巴人舉手🙌🏻 我學校也有人傳過有日本軍人在禮堂後面X掉所以晚上也會有聽到軍人講日本話之類的
10:55 是ang jia yi?好像我小学朋友
Wait a minute.... Cikgu Ang is the Kim Sen teacher/tuition teacher at Kg Baru right?
i think so, very garang teacher in my memories. haha
不知有没有这样印象 以前鬼节时 买戏票时cinema 的第一排都是故障不给买的...
Cikgu Ang👍
那個貓 我想到garfield 😄
27:47 有東西看咩?
1:25 字幕 大山脚!!
Being a Christian means You should practice "Live & Let Live" and not believe blindly !!!!!! Just remember Saying I "Believe" means you're not sure !!!!!!! Think about it ?????????????????? Good Luck.
Where is Stella
i just went there! very interesting and nice food! #penangonebetter
他是不是有去过cikgu ang 那边补习?🤣
@@xxliewxx 有很多老师
Woi, don't put ghost suddenly pop out pls. I almost die heart attack nia
看到 talking tom是吗
你可以不相信 但是请尊重
ehh shitt I watched this in Kampar lehh don scare me lahh
Stella faster reply
哇塞,等下两位拿督斯里su 9你啊 哈哈
8:07 有没有可能闻到屎味,听说粪臭素被稀释后就是茉莉花味