One thing I am very much expecting to see in wizarding Paris is a crepe stand. It just wouldn't make sense for them not to have one, and they are already quite popular in the other two parks.
Another great update. You can start to get more of a feel to what the land will finally look like. With Real actors and SFX, the show looks like it could be a banger! 😁
Yea, I don't want people sleeping on this show. Everyone says this land needs a second attraction after VR was cut, but it does already have one! Wonder what it'll be about though.
Excellent coverage as always! After visiting Universal Singapore and Japan, and Tokyo Disney Resort, I don’t even care about Walt Disney World anymore. I’ve seen how amazing theme parks are in other countries, and WDW has collapsed into an overpriced shadow by comparison. It looks like Epic Universe will finally bring the magic back to Orlando.
That was another amazing breakdown! This isn't one of the land's I'm looking forward to in the new part, but I have to admit that Universal really knows how to put things together. I'm still going to enjoy visiting this.
Why do you think they never built the great hall? It’s one of the most iconic locations it’s on every film. People would pay good money to eat there. Like the be our guest restaurant at Disney world.
Because it’s located in Hogwarts and only students and faculty are allowed there. Just blame JK Rowling for trying to incorporate lore from the books/movies.
@@bl4bb3rm0uth that IS the official reason. JK has control over everything that is allowed into these parks. Which is why something as small as being able to order a butterbeer without the cream topping for vegans and lactose intolerants, took a dang decade to be allowed. Now they introduced a vegan topping to replace it with, but that JUST happened in the last few months. JK is kinda like a tyrannical queen, dictating her will upon universal. The contracts they signed allowed for her to have such extreme control. It's the reason she agreed to allow them to build with her works. In fact, her desire for complete control is why her original negotiations with Disney parks fell through. Disney wasn't willing to give her that much control. Universal was. So anything that seems obvious that you may want, if it doesn't PERFECTLY fit in the lore of the books and movies, it will never happen. At least not without Jks consent, which she is unlikely to give to such things. It's even to the point where team members working in other areas of the park, aren't allowed to be seen in even the entrance areas of the wizarding world. I know a team member personally who's friend was fired for walking past the London area in studios, in his transformers outfit. The guy didn't even go into diagon alley. They take executing her ideas, and her demands, VERY seriously. As they should. The wizarding world brings them SO MUCH REVENUE. They'd be crazy to do anything to upset the beast lol that's why there aren't even coke products in the wizarding areas. I could list a million things that are the way they are in the wizarding world, and the "official" reason IS because JK Rowling said so. Lol it's sad but it's true Tl;dr: JK Rowling has complete control over the parks. She makes the ultimate decisions.
Muggles (which we're considered to be when we go through Hogwarts in the Forbidden Journey queue on a "school tour" which has never made sense to me either but alas) dining in the Great Hall wouldn't make a lot of thematical sense. Plus, I can't imagine how they'd handle the logistics of somehow tying the location into the forced perspective Hogwarts to make us convince we're going there (wouldn't we have to go through parts of the castle to get to it?) while also not interfering with Forbidden Journey's queue (where we go through parts of the castle already) as a concept in addition to the actual physical restraints of having to construct it adjacent to a very large ride building if they somehow worked all that out.
Thank you so much for the updates. Excited for opening day on this park but really enjoying the journey you are taking us on until then. Keep up the great work.
Part of me wants you to KEEP GOING and part of me doesn’t want the surprises to get spoiled… oh who am I kidding! Spoil on! Keep up the good work I can’t wait!
I know the other two Wizarding World lands were made to be tight quarters and crowed, but this land feels even more like that from how it is described. I think the fact that everything is inside a building is what makes it feel that way. I will reserve final judgment until the park is open
@Reed I think it's just the fact that as of now we don't know of any street entertainment (think like the puppet shows) the only show we know about is inside a building meant to look like a circus tent. I feel like everyone is going to be funneled into the buildings and they are always very cramped inside and difficult to move through. I avoid going into the shops in the current Wizarding World because I don't like being packed that tightly
Expect soft openings by Christmas 2024. If the Kirkman Road extension is done by Oct 2024, then parts of Epic will be doing technical rehearsals during the holiday season and will have time to work out the bugs and get everything fully staffed by Spring 2025. The Stella hotels out front should be open before the road extension is completed, with shuttle buses taking the long way around to get back and forth from USF/IOA. They are ahead of schedule and summer 2025 was the latest they felt safe with a complete opening date. They could easily have 95% of everything done 18 months from today and have their "Grand Opening" 90-120 days earlier that what they announced.
@@Craigmutch The Kirkman Road extension has to be completed before the park can open, and that’s scheduled to be completed In October 2024. They are installing dedicated bus lanes on Kirkman Road to shuttle people from park to park. Staffing and training the employees could start in early Fall 2024. There’s no chance that Epic Universe will be open one year from now, but like I posted earlier, unless we have financial collapse or go to war… I expect Epic to fully open 3-4 months ahead of schedule and have soft openings of some rides and shows by Christmas 2024. Universal builds extremely quickly as compared to everyone else in the amusement/theme park industry.
@robert polk Thanks for the info. We are looking to come back over from the 🇬🇧 and want to book to take in the new park as we love Universal. We normally come in October but thinking about April/May. Cheers
I am sure as time goes on it might be harder for ya'll to give certain updates as construction moves inside. But then again we can look forward to when they work on the outside again to create all of the facades and other stuff. Thanks again!
Great job on the overview of this new theme park, I find it amazing how a company could create such a place and the pinpoint accuracy of where all the various buildings are to be placed is also astonishing. I wish people would stop with the Universal competing with Walt Disney World bit. They are two totally different theme parks, and both have their pluses and minuses. Just go and enjoy the theme parks for what they are and not what they should be.
Harry Potter has so many possible future expansions! But because this is a France themed area, it is quite limited. They for sure need to figure out a way to do a broom ride, though.
The Wizarding World definitely needs to flesh out the lore of other locations outside of the UK. Pity they didn't show if New York had a secret shopping area. But I also wouldn't mind if they just invented something for the parks, and just add to the lore that way.
@@decrox13 I said it’s limited because the area is themed to France. Unless they keep using the floo powder mechanic to transition to different areas, it will be difficult to represent other locations in future expansions because of the French setting. Just to clarify, I wasn’t trying to say the French area itself is limited. I meant that if they want to do a future expansion on this particular area, they’re gonna have to be really creative if they choose to include a non-French location that is connected to the area
What makes you think the fire place entryway plan going to work? When we didnt get the moving brick wall at Diagonal alley? This fire place entrance means there would be a legit line to get into the land.
It's not for a land, it acts sort of like a preshow separation in the center of the queue for the Ministry of Magic ride. Similar to the shuttle sequence on Rise of the Resistance that brings you to the Star Destroyer, but then has more queue afterwards, this fireplace moment will be after an extended queue for the ride and before additional queue before the load area. The fireplace entry is shown as a diagonal walk from entry to exit into the Ministry, so I think some darkness and perhaps a fog effect is all that will be needed to make it look like you've traveled between points, as you will not be able to see clear through to the other side standing in front of it.
Awesome video, thank you! I'm kind of disappointed that the restaurants don't have a second floor at least. SNW is so great with they use of multi level use and Paris is so tall. Imagine the view looking over the street while having dinner.
I did not mention it in the video, but it is possible the dining location on the left *may* have a second floor. The plans that were just released were not clear if it was for backstage Team Member use or public use, but there are two sets of staircases in the document for that structure. So, maybe!
In the wizarding world does it look like they’re making an outdoor area on top of one of the buildings? The reason I say this is because the one building has an upper story with walls being finished that’s exposed to the sky. I think it would be so cool if they made areas in this wizarding world you could go to higher up than the ground level. This way people below looking up at the buildings would see people above. Probably won’t happen but I think it would be awesome
Every time I hear about the plans for WW at Epic, I'm reminded that we could have just had a second ride in Diagon Alley and and entirely different (better) land at Epic. Instead, they went with a paper-thin land based on a film series that nobody likes.
What an arrogant comment. Plenty of people like the Fantastic Beasts series, and I’m not sure why you have to snottily claim “no one likes it” because it gets bashed heavily on social media. Only non-Harry Potter fans dislike Fantastic Beasts because it’s more challenging and less childish than Harry Potter. And you sound incredibly boring. Calling a land based around an entirely new location featuring a completely new storyline and new characters “paper thin” while asking for “a second ride in Diagon Alley” is backwards - just asking for more Harry Potter UK stuff, stuff we already have, is what’s paper thin. Building an entirely new Wizarding location based on Rowling’s own creation is objectively substantive, not at all “thin”. Get tf over yourself, you brat.
its still a bummer they went with Wizarding Paris since no one cares about it unlike actual iconic locations. Also Wizarding Paris is just Paris. there is absolutely nothing special about it. IP lands are bad imo because it limits creativity with attractions but WWoHP was always the exception that proved the rule. But with Wizarding Paris and how you have to go back to the British Ministry of magic even the HP IP is reaching its limits. only other thing I would try is in the universal studios park where fear factor live is build a quidditch stadium and have a quidditch World Cup attraction using the same ride technology of flight of passage. other than that let HP be and move on to other things
What a great, comprehensive update! I've been unhappy with some of the EU fanboys who just ramble unscripted. This is concise and the projections are logical. I'll be looking at your other vids now!!
Wow. Huge improvement over the last 2 Wizarding Worlds. Bigger land, more restaurants, a state of the art show, better force perspective and immersion, and plans for future expansion. This is looking good…but it will still be my least priority in this park.
It still makes ZERO sense of doing Wizarding Paris and then go to the British Ministry. The other worlds are so real life, so having that juxtaposition just makes no sense. Plus FB2 was the lowest earning of all the HP films. Make it London Universal!!!!
I’m really trying to be more interested in this land than I actually am. In reality it’s my least anticipated of all the epic universe stuff. The whimsy of Diagon alley and the weird shapes of the buildings there and in hogsmead is what makes it feel so cool. I’m not really excited about feeling like I’m walking through Paris. I hope that it’s more whimsical than I’m thinking it’s gonna be.
If the early concepts of having magical creatures throughout the land still happens, it will place whimsy through big colorful creatures wrapping around the buildings. Fingers crossed it still happens.
The way you’re characterizing it, you don’t sound like you know anything about Harry Potter or the Wizarding World. Diagon Alley is just the typical replica of London and places in Britain like the Shambles in York. An arbitrary dislike for certain architecture is just so silly to me. Harry Potter is set in the real world. It’s not set in a fantasy universe like Middle Earth.
Hi Alicia, is it know if the How to Train your dragon and Wizarding World lands are going to be connected or are there going to be just one entrance and one exit?
There is actually an empty track of land between Wizarding Paris and the Isle of Burk. That track is attached to a further piece of Universal owned property that could be another park, or addition to this park down the line.
@@ThemeParkStop Yeah, it will help with the theming and immersion which I love. But when is very busy getting in and out of Diagon can be a challenge. Hopefully because the streets are going to be wider in EPIC, it won’t get as congested as it does in Diagon.
Great update as always! I really wish they would stop with all the quick serve style restaurants. I wish at least one of them in the land was a true service sit down restaurant.
The good news is, at least one dining location in each land will be upscale quick service. You still order at the counter, but they bring the food to your table when it is ready. It does appear that the only three full service locations for this park will be located in the hub though, and not in any of the four lands.
So I was just wondering about the circus show at the wizarding world Land in epic universe is it going to be a circus du soleil style show or something?
What you think they will also bring to epic universe? Do you think they could bring the hobbit land ? And what could they bring new to island of adventure?
There is a French Ministry and these government are all affiliated with the International Confederation of Wizards, so it should be easy to make the expansion
I actually quite liked the first fantastic beasts film and feel like it is a missed opportunity to not have a third attraction here focussed on those. Maybe the future expansion was planned to do that but they couldnt pull it off how they wanted to.
So glad they are building more Harry Potter they have done such a great job with the other parks. Can’t wait for the classic monsters also!! This park will be Epic!! (Pun intended)
So we visit 1920s Paris and then take the floo network to 1990s London? I guess that means we won’t get to purchase any of Kawolski’s pastries then, since his shop is in the US.
Time to put my nerd glasses on: 🤓 "Actually, an arcade is covered. A French area enclosed on the sides but not covered is a Place." Nerdity aside, if Universal is referring to this as an "open air arcade", then it'll probably have a glass canopy like the one over the entrance area of Universal Studios Japan. That would give the feel of the glass-topped Galeries near Montmartre without having to build an actual building. That'd be a great touch. My guess for the wand shop is the former VR gift shop. Just the fact that it survived the cancellation of the attraction suggests its importance. Basic Harry Potter merch could have easily just moved to the Ministry exit shop. But that "Stroller Parking" area is bugging me. It seems horribly inconvenient for parking strollers and it isn't near an attraction. It strikes me as a queue area for the French equivalent of an Ollivanders experience. Then again, there are at least 5 different rooms hidden beneath the forced-perspective staircase, so it's a possibility for wand rooms to go here, with the queue between the stairs and the gift shop and not out on the busy street.
The Mixed Theme and 1 attraction is questionable. The Ministry ride is going to have to carry the land really hard. The show's longevity is questionable/ maybe feel a waste of space quickly. I fear shops won't hold the weight diagon alley's do. I hope I'm totally wrong. As always The more HP the better.
There are two attractions, with the theater show being similar in scale and size as something like the former T2:3D or new Bourne show, with similar seating capacity and queue set up.
Check out our Patreon to stay up on new permit info before the videos!
perfect timing. Now i have a video to watch while i eat my cereal
Literally what I'm doing 😂
The greatest honor for any video, being watched during a meal!! Honestly, so good.
Why are we all the same?! 😩
Love it when that happens;)
Same!! Lol
Thank you Alicia for the high quality stalking of this park. I don’t think I’ve been this excited for a theme park project ever
One thing I am very much expecting to see in wizarding Paris is a crepe stand. It just wouldn't make sense for them not to have one, and they are already quite popular in the other two parks.
I get so hyped for these updates 😁
Same, I look forward to everyone! I Can't wait to work here 🤩
Another great update. You can start to get more of a feel to what the land will finally look like. With Real actors and SFX, the show looks like it could be a banger! 😁
Yea, I don't want people sleeping on this show. Everyone says this land needs a second attraction after VR was cut, but it does already have one! Wonder what it'll be about though.
Excellent coverage as always! After visiting Universal Singapore and Japan, and Tokyo Disney Resort, I don’t even care about Walt Disney World anymore. I’ve seen how amazing theme parks are in other countries, and WDW has collapsed into an overpriced shadow by comparison. It looks like Epic Universe will finally bring the magic back to Orlando.
That was another amazing breakdown! This isn't one of the land's I'm looking forward to in the new part, but I have to admit that Universal really knows how to put things together. I'm still going to enjoy visiting this.
These videos genuinely lift my spirits so much
Why do you think they never built the great hall? It’s one of the most iconic locations it’s on every film. People would pay good money to eat there. Like the be our guest restaurant at Disney world.
Because it’s located in Hogwarts and only students and faculty are allowed there. Just blame JK Rowling for trying to incorporate lore from the books/movies.
@@Emplordxiii Okay, but what's the OFFICIAL reason?
@@bl4bb3rm0uth that IS the official reason. JK has control over everything that is allowed into these parks. Which is why something as small as being able to order a butterbeer without the cream topping for vegans and lactose intolerants, took a dang decade to be allowed. Now they introduced a vegan topping to replace it with, but that JUST happened in the last few months. JK is kinda like a tyrannical queen, dictating her will upon universal. The contracts they signed allowed for her to have such extreme control. It's the reason she agreed to allow them to build with her works. In fact, her desire for complete control is why her original negotiations with Disney parks fell through. Disney wasn't willing to give her that much control. Universal was.
So anything that seems obvious that you may want, if it doesn't PERFECTLY fit in the lore of the books and movies, it will never happen. At least not without Jks consent, which she is unlikely to give to such things. It's even to the point where team members working in other areas of the park, aren't allowed to be seen in even the entrance areas of the wizarding world. I know a team member personally who's friend was fired for walking past the London area in studios, in his transformers outfit. The guy didn't even go into diagon alley.
They take executing her ideas, and her demands, VERY seriously. As they should. The wizarding world brings them SO MUCH REVENUE. They'd be crazy to do anything to upset the beast lol that's why there aren't even coke products in the wizarding areas. I could list a million things that are the way they are in the wizarding world, and the "official" reason IS because JK Rowling said so. Lol it's sad but it's true
Tl;dr: JK Rowling has complete control over the parks. She makes the ultimate decisions.
Muggles (which we're considered to be when we go through Hogwarts in the Forbidden Journey queue on a "school tour" which has never made sense to me either but alas) dining in the Great Hall wouldn't make a lot of thematical sense. Plus, I can't imagine how they'd handle the logistics of somehow tying the location into the forced perspective Hogwarts to make us convince we're going there (wouldn't we have to go through parts of the castle to get to it?) while also not interfering with Forbidden Journey's queue (where we go through parts of the castle already) as a concept in addition to the actual physical restraints of having to construct it adjacent to a very large ride building if they somehow worked all that out.
@@sarah.weaver stop writing stories
10:09 That's Anna from The Pugh Two channel! Cool! Thanks Alicia!!
I hope everyone goes and subscribes to their channel!
@@ThemeParkStop Me too! They're both a lot of fun!
10:06 - Is that a Weasley wielding her wand? NO! That's Anna Pugh, of *The Pugh Two!* 💖
Thanks for the great views of the EPIC.
Bioreconstruct is a legend
My hype for Epic Universe is unreal! Thanks for the update! :D
Thank you so much for the updates. Excited for opening day on this park but really enjoying the journey you are taking us on until then. Keep up the great work.
So many Fantastic Beasts-themed stores and not ONE of them is Kawalski’s Bakery?
We were robbed
Part of me wants you to KEEP GOING and part of me doesn’t want the surprises to get spoiled… oh who am I kidding! Spoil on! Keep up the good work I can’t wait!
It’s my day off, just as I thought its time to clean my apartment an epic update and back to the couch , so happy 😀
When I see your updates it's like a 4 year old on Christmas morning. So much joy. 😁
Thank you for your constant updates and speculation! The park is going to be incredible!
You're welcome! I cannot wait!
You, hands down have some of the best update Vlogs! Thanks as always for sharing!
Ive been itching for a new video!!!! Oooo right on time
I am freaking stoked. I gotta give props to the construction crew. They are kicking ass!! 😂
thanks for all these update videos! you are really putting in the work 🙌
You make great informative videos. Great job. Amazing to see all the progresss
Top quality video every time. Many thanks 👍
07:00 Any idea what the green building marked 16400 might be?
Outstanding All Around
Alicia, you do such an amazing job on covering this. Waiting for your your next informative update‼️🤩
omggg sooo happy to see another vid from you!!
Love your videos and updates seems ages since the last one, huge thanks.
First time watching one of your videos... Great information and the narrator is fantastic!
Thanks! Glad you found the channel!
I've been waiting SO long for an update lol. It's coming together fast!
I was literally just thinking about wanting to see a new video from you guys 💕💕
Thank you!!!
I know the other two Wizarding World lands were made to be tight quarters and crowed, but this land feels even more like that from how it is described. I think the fact that everything is inside a building is what makes it feel that way. I will reserve final judgment until the park is open
The streets are wider, so how?
@Reed I think it's just the fact that as of now we don't know of any street entertainment (think like the puppet shows) the only show we know about is inside a building meant to look like a circus tent. I feel like everyone is going to be funneled into the buildings and they are always very cramped inside and difficult to move through. I avoid going into the shops in the current Wizarding World because I don't like being packed that tightly
Alicia you get me more excited for EU with every update! 🙌🎉
2 more years just 2 more years then Epic Universe will open which I can't wait! I am definitely excited for the Nintendo portion the most.
Expect soft openings by Christmas 2024. If the Kirkman Road extension is done by Oct 2024, then parts of Epic will be doing technical rehearsals during the holiday season and will have time to work out the bugs and get everything fully staffed by Spring 2025. The Stella hotels out front should be open before the road extension is completed, with shuttle buses taking the long way around to get back and forth from USF/IOA. They are ahead of schedule and summer 2025 was the latest they felt safe with a complete opening date. They could easily have 95% of everything done 18 months from today and have their "Grand Opening" 90-120 days earlier that what they announced.
What's the chance it could be open by May 2024?
@@Craigmutch The Kirkman Road extension has to be completed before the park can open, and that’s scheduled to be completed In October 2024. They are installing dedicated bus lanes on Kirkman Road to shuttle people from park to park. Staffing and training the employees could start in early Fall 2024. There’s no chance that Epic Universe will be open one year from now, but like I posted earlier, unless we have financial collapse or go to war… I expect Epic to fully open 3-4 months ahead of schedule and have soft openings of some rides and shows by Christmas 2024. Universal builds extremely quickly as compared to everyone else in the amusement/theme park industry.
@robert polk Thanks for the info. We are looking to come back over from the 🇬🇧 and want to book to take in the new park as we love Universal. We normally come in October but thinking about April/May. Cheers
I am sure as time goes on it might be harder for ya'll to give certain updates as construction moves inside. But then again we can look forward to when they work on the outside again to create all of the facades and other stuff. Thanks again!
The TM Grill sounds pretty cool. Hopefully they are creating a park that is as awesome a place to work at as it will be for guests to visit.
Thanks for the update. I am way too excited for this to be completed!
The Weasley house would have been a better replacement imagine all the items moving around. Or even Azkaban!
That would be so much fun!
Yes, but you wouldn't exactly be shopping at either location.
Another amazing update. Thank you so much!
Thanks for the update!😊🙌🏿🕺🏽💜
You're welcome!
Very interesting! This land really needs a second ride though….as does Diagon.
I think diagon is fine because of the significance. This land needs that 2nd ride to really be special. I feel like the show is gonna flop.
@@StreetsEz why? The show won’t flop because the land won’t flop
Great job on the overview of this new theme park, I find it amazing how a company could create such a place and the pinpoint accuracy of where all the various buildings are to be placed is also astonishing.
I wish people would stop with the Universal competing with Walt Disney World bit. They are two totally different theme parks, and both have their pluses and minuses. Just go and enjoy the theme parks for what they are and not what they should be.
Great job!
This is so exciting to me because a client of mine builds these coasters for universal and assured me tickets for opening day!
I'm not a theme park show kinda guy, but that supernatural circus thing sounds pretty great in concept. Might make an exception.
It’s a freak show more than a circus in the film
Thanks for the great update!
02:08 - A "Hidden Mickey?" 🙄😂😁
Harry Potter has so many possible future expansions! But because this is a France themed area, it is quite limited. They for sure need to figure out a way to do a broom ride, though.
The Wizarding World definitely needs to flesh out the lore of other locations outside of the UK. Pity they didn't show if New York had a secret shopping area. But I also wouldn't mind if they just invented something for the parks, and just add to the lore that way.
They could do a broom ride just go ride flight of the banshee at animal kingdom they could totally do it
How is it limited? The Wizarding World is not just Harry Potter, Hogwarts, or the UK. They’re less limited branching out globally
@@decrox13 I said it’s limited because the area is themed to France. Unless they keep using the floo powder mechanic to transition to different areas, it will be difficult to represent other locations in future expansions because of the French setting. Just to clarify, I wasn’t trying to say the French area itself is limited. I meant that if they want to do a future expansion on this particular area, they’re gonna have to be really creative if they choose to include a non-French location that is connected to the area
Always great info, can’t wait”
I like your channel the best!
how do I get access to these plans im from uk and really would like to see plans
What makes you think the fire place entryway plan going to work? When we didnt get the moving brick wall at Diagonal alley? This fire place entrance means there would be a legit line to get into the land.
It's not for a land, it acts sort of like a preshow separation in the center of the queue for the Ministry of Magic ride. Similar to the shuttle sequence on Rise of the Resistance that brings you to the Star Destroyer, but then has more queue afterwards, this fireplace moment will be after an extended queue for the ride and before additional queue before the load area. The fireplace entry is shown as a diagonal walk from entry to exit into the Ministry, so I think some darkness and perhaps a fog effect is all that will be needed to make it look like you've traveled between points, as you will not be able to see clear through to the other side standing in front of it.
Great vid!
Awesome video, thank you!
I'm kind of disappointed that the restaurants don't have a second floor at least. SNW is so great with they use of multi level use and Paris is so tall. Imagine the view looking over the street while having dinner.
I did not mention it in the video, but it is possible the dining location on the left *may* have a second floor. The plans that were just released were not clear if it was for backstage Team Member use or public use, but there are two sets of staircases in the document for that structure. So, maybe!
@@ThemeParkStop That would be awesome. As long as they use it I'm fine. Universal has a ton of space now but it will run out one day.
What I’m surprised to see is no locker stations (as of yet) for some of the major attractions. I wonder if they are coming later in construction.
In the wizarding world does it look like they’re making an outdoor area on top of one of the buildings? The reason I say this is because the one building has an upper story with walls being finished that’s exposed to the sky. I think it would be so cool if they made areas in this wizarding world you could go to higher up than the ground level. This way people below looking up at the buildings would see people above. Probably won’t happen but I think it would be awesome
This was an awesome update!
Love your voice your deffo on par with Rebecca from watch mojo lol
Every time I hear about the plans for WW at Epic, I'm reminded that we could have just had a second ride in Diagon Alley and and entirely different (better) land at Epic. Instead, they went with a paper-thin land based on a film series that nobody likes.
What an arrogant comment. Plenty of people like the Fantastic Beasts series, and I’m not sure why you have to snottily claim “no one likes it” because it gets bashed heavily on social media. Only non-Harry Potter fans dislike Fantastic Beasts because it’s more challenging and less childish than Harry Potter. And you sound incredibly boring. Calling a land based around an entirely new location featuring a completely new storyline and new characters “paper thin” while asking for “a second ride in Diagon Alley” is backwards - just asking for more Harry Potter UK stuff, stuff we already have, is what’s paper thin. Building an entirely new Wizarding location based on Rowling’s own creation is objectively substantive, not at all “thin”. Get tf over yourself, you brat.
Just last night I was wondering when a new update might be coming.
I am so excited for this.
Maybe a different type of Hagrids ride but themed about something else in Harry Potter for a future expansion?
…no. You people know absolutely zero about the Wizarding World as Rowling created it. They should knock all of these parks down
its still a bummer they went with Wizarding Paris since no one cares about it unlike actual iconic locations. Also Wizarding Paris is just Paris. there is absolutely nothing special about it. IP lands are bad imo because it limits creativity with attractions but WWoHP was always the exception that proved the rule. But with Wizarding Paris and how you have to go back to the British Ministry of magic even the HP IP is reaching its limits. only other thing I would try is in the universal studios park where fear factor live is build a quidditch stadium and have a quidditch World Cup attraction using the same ride technology of flight of passage. other than that let HP be and move on to other things
What a great, comprehensive update! I've been unhappy with some of the EU fanboys who just ramble unscripted. This is concise and the projections are logical. I'll be looking at your other vids now!!
Thanks, glad you liked the update!
Wow. Huge improvement over the last 2 Wizarding Worlds. Bigger land, more restaurants, a state of the art show, better force perspective and immersion, and plans for future expansion.
This is looking good…but it will still be my least priority in this park.
It still makes ZERO sense of doing Wizarding Paris and then go to the British Ministry. The other worlds are so real life, so having that juxtaposition just makes no sense. Plus FB2 was the lowest earning of all the HP films. Make it London Universal!!!!
Floo network is a thing. I don't think it's that crazy that a magical land has a "portal" to another location
We already have a London land in the Studios. How many Londons do you need? 🤔
@xviper2k it's not gonna be London really. It's just gonna be the inside of the ministry, so no outdoor London portions.
Summer 2025 needs to get here NOW!
So if it’s moving quickly well does that mean it could theoretically open earlier like next year for example?
It would be awesome if the sweet shop would be Kowalski Bakery, imagine being able to get fantastic beast shaped croissants and sweets ❤
I’m really trying to be more interested in this land than I actually am. In reality it’s my least anticipated of all the epic universe stuff.
The whimsy of Diagon alley and the weird shapes of the buildings there and in hogsmead is what makes it feel so cool. I’m not really excited about feeling like I’m walking through Paris. I hope that it’s more whimsical than I’m thinking it’s gonna be.
If the early concepts of having magical creatures throughout the land still happens, it will place whimsy through big colorful creatures wrapping around the buildings. Fingers crossed it still happens.
I really hope so. I want to love it
The way you’re characterizing it, you don’t sound like you know anything about Harry Potter or the Wizarding World. Diagon Alley is just the typical replica of London and places in Britain like the Shambles in York. An arbitrary dislike for certain architecture is just so silly to me. Harry Potter is set in the real world. It’s not set in a fantasy universe like Middle Earth.
I’m guessing the show will be something to do with fantastic beasts. I could see actors working with elaborate puppets that breathe fire and such.
Boom goes the dynamite
I still don't understand how a British Ministry of Magic is in Paris?
Hi Alicia, is it know if the How to Train your dragon and Wizarding World lands are going to be connected or are there going to be just one entrance and one exit?
All of the lands only have one entry and exit connecting to the park’s large hub!
There is actually an empty track of land between Wizarding Paris and the Isle of Burk. That track is attached to a further piece of Universal owned property that could be another park, or addition to this park down the line.
@@ThemeParkStop Thank you! Now I wonder the logistics of it all.
@@camilaisabel4215 I think it’s essentially as if all the lands were like Diagon Alley style!
@@ThemeParkStop Yeah, it will help with the theming and immersion which I love. But when is very busy getting in and out of Diagon can be a challenge. Hopefully because the streets are going to be wider in EPIC, it won’t get as congested as it does in Diagon.
I can’t wait for Super Nintendo World in epic universe!
Great update as always! I really wish they would stop with all the quick serve style restaurants. I wish at least one of them in the land was a true service sit down restaurant.
The good news is, at least one dining location in each land will be upscale quick service. You still order at the counter, but they bring the food to your table when it is ready. It does appear that the only three full service locations for this park will be located in the hub though, and not in any of the four lands.
was wondering when the next update was gonna be!? was getting concerned
It had only been a few weeks! But don't worry, I have a feeling the next one won't take nearly as long.
So I was just wondering about the circus show at the wizarding world Land in epic universe is it going to be a circus du soleil style show or something?
More than likely it's going to be a circus with lots of magical animals featuring.
@@robertgronewold3326 okay cool
What you think they will also bring to epic universe? Do you think they could bring the hobbit land ? And what could they bring new to island of adventure?
Are there still many workers working on this project since the bill 1718 in Florida
Can someone explain to me how they're going to have the Ministry for Magic in Paris?!?!
There is a French Ministry and these government are all affiliated with the International Confederation of Wizards, so it should be easy to make the expansion
I bet the Circus showroom will be affiliated with Cirque du Soleil.
Construction is accelerating.
So there’s only one ride and one show in the whole land?
I actually quite liked the first fantastic beasts film and feel like it is a missed opportunity to not have a third attraction here focussed on those.
Maybe the future expansion was planned to do that but they couldnt pull it off how they wanted to.
Id imagine New York or Berlin? Maybe the French Ministry alongside the British one? Or MACUSA, the German Ministry, the Bhutanese Eyrie
Store this rumor away for later. I predict that a Back to the Future ride will be built in either China or Dubai! No I didn’t hear it from Rick!! 😂😂😂
So glad they are building more Harry Potter they have done such a great job with the other parks. Can’t wait for the classic monsters also!! This park will be Epic!! (Pun intended)
People are gonna reenact John Wick 4 on those steps
I can already see the "Please don't fling yourself or others down the stairs" sign they'll have to put up.
So we visit 1920s Paris and then take the floo network to 1990s London? I guess that means we won’t get to purchase any of Kawolski’s pastries then, since his shop is in the US.
Still kinda hoping that’s in the retail shop outside the land tbh
@@ThemeParkStop it’s successful enough, it should be a chain.
So there’s a lot of retail,,,,,
Why isn't your governor coming after you? Did universal give kickbacks to the governors campaign?
Looks like a half day park
commenting now so i can come back 2 years later to re watch this video. if you’re seeing this comment 2 years later please like or comment on it thxxx
Time to put my nerd glasses on: 🤓 "Actually, an arcade is covered. A French area enclosed on the sides but not covered is a Place."
Nerdity aside, if Universal is referring to this as an "open air arcade", then it'll probably have a glass canopy like the one over the entrance area of Universal Studios Japan. That would give the feel of the glass-topped Galeries near Montmartre without having to build an actual building. That'd be a great touch.
My guess for the wand shop is the former VR gift shop. Just the fact that it survived the cancellation of the attraction suggests its importance. Basic Harry Potter merch could have easily just moved to the Ministry exit shop. But that "Stroller Parking" area is bugging me. It seems horribly inconvenient for parking strollers and it isn't near an attraction. It strikes me as a queue area for the French equivalent of an Ollivanders experience. Then again, there are at least 5 different rooms hidden beneath the forced-perspective staircase, so it's a possibility for wand rooms to go here, with the queue between the stairs and the gift shop and not out on the busy street.
Yea I think open air as in not air conditioned, but I do wonder if it’ll get a glass roof or not!
The Mixed Theme and 1 attraction is questionable. The Ministry ride is going to have to carry the land really hard.
The show's longevity is questionable/ maybe feel a waste of space quickly. I fear shops won't hold the weight diagon alley's do.
I hope I'm totally wrong. As always The more HP the better.
There are two attractions, with the theater show being similar in scale and size as something like the former T2:3D or new Bourne show, with similar seating capacity and queue set up.
@@ThemeParkStop If we call a show an attraction I suppose. I should have said "ride" Thanks for the great content.
@@StreetsEz Here’s hoping we get another ride on the right side of the land sooner rather than later! There’s certainly a lot of space for it now