Babysitters, What's the Creepiest Thing a Child Revealed to You?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 ต.ค. 2024
  • Babysitters of Reddit, What is the creepiest thing a child has ever said to you in the absence of their parents? ▶ Watch more AskReddit stories: • Reddit on Tap - Latest...
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  • @diefenbaker7853
    @diefenbaker7853 4 ปีที่แล้ว +32

    I worked on a lock-down u it of a mental health facility. We had a 19-year-old boy come in that along with his best friend had opened a central airconditioning unit to sniff freon. His best friend died and he was severely mentally handicapped from then on. Every morning you had to wake him, put on his pants, shoes, shirt, show him how to brush his teeth, practically get in the shower with him to bathe him, etc. When meals came you had to put the spoon in his hand, load it with food and bend his arm to his mouth, tell him to open his mouth, and stick the spoon in. After a few times of you doing this, he could feed himself. The next meal was the same thing, show him how several times then he could do it. He would walk into a room and just stand there, you would have to walk him to a chair and kind of push his shoulder down for him to sit. He would stand in one place for hours if you didn't take his arm and start him walking. The next morning the same thing started again. He had to wear adult diapers because he didn't know how to control his bladder and bowels.
    It was so sad, this kid was an honor student, he had made straight A's all through school, he was taking college classes while in high school, he had a full-ride academic scholarship. He threw it all away the first time he huffed freon. It got to the point his parents stopped visiting him, at first they thought he would get better and be the same son they had before.
    After 2 & 1/2 years with us and he had made no improvement they couldn't stand looking at him, his parents and siblings "ugly" cried every time they saw him. This had no effect on him because as the psychiatrist said he was no longer in that shell. His family came in January usually with Christmas presents and his mother told me that every night they all said a prayer begging God to kill him. That one got me so much that I went to my office and cried after they left.
    As for meeting the idea of this post. He had never uttered a word or made any sound ever in the entire time we had him. He never made a move to touch anyone or anything, you had to lift his arm and place a spoon in it or a cup in it. The therapist in charge and I were in his room and I was removing his diaper, washing him and changing his clothes (at least two people required when changing, bathing, dressing someone like him to ensure no inappropriate touching by staff). He reached up and grabbed my wrist, looked me in the eye and said, "kill me".
    I screamed and almost fell down moving away from him, the therapist also screamed (we are both male) and the therapist and I looked at each other and said did that just happen. His room had a camera facing his bed so no other patients, staff anyone could sexually assault him. We both left his room and went to the video room, we backed up the film and audio picked up him saying, " kill me" and the camera caught the movement of him grabbing me. The therapist reported it to the psychiatrist and at first, he said the staff was making it up. The therapist said no, I was in the room when it happened and we both saw and heard it on film. The psychiatrist came over, watched the film and went to the boy's room, and tried to get him to interact. As far as I know, he never made another sound or moved on his own.
    I don't know if that was a flash of his brain working for a split second, a memory, or what the hell it was but it scared the hell out of me. I hated to go in and change him for a long time, I did it but I was always scared he was going to say something to me.
    I had worked him 5 days a week for over 4 years when transferred out to a different department. I left the company about 5 years later and I always asked about him, no one ever reported him moving on his own or saying anything. It makes me wonder if he picked up something from me that made him say that to me or if I was just the right place at the right time.
    OMG working with people with severe mental illnesses can screw you up if you let, at first I drank to make that nightmare go away when I got home from work but soon figured out that wasn't helping. I finally got to a point that when I got in my car I took my ID card, /lanyard off and put in my console and would say, "your off now, it's not your problem, someone else is taking good care of them, let it go and go home", I repeated this every time I left my shift and slowly it started to work. Being in a locked unit even if you have keys gets to you, you feel locked in, every door and cabinet has to be unlocked by you, need soap to unlock a door and unlock a cabinet, need sheets for a bed to unlock a door then a cabinet. Every door locked automatically when it closed, go into your office door locks, want out use a key to unlock the door. It F*cks with your head and at night is so damn creepy, people moaning, people crying, shouting, screaming, f*cking each other. Patients having night terrors to the point when you get to them they either try to kill you or shrink away from you like you are the Devil himself.
    They say and do awful things to you, tell you how they will kill you and your family, how they want to r*pe you and cut you into pieces, some even how they will remove the meat from your body, cook and eat it and suck the bones dry. They beg you to have sex with them, to kill them, they beg you to kill their parents because they made them the way they are and put them in hell. You can't use pepper spray, mace, batons, anything to defend yourself, you can't hit them back even if they are beating the shit out of you. You always have to be partnered with another staff if one of you goes to the employee's toilet the other has to go into the locked room that has a separate room that inside it has a toilet and separate shower area.
    I've been punched, slapped, hit, kicked, spit on, bit, chairs and other objects were thrown at me, cursed with words you don't even know the meaning of or the language. I have had people look at me with eyes that seemed like they lead straight to hell and they told me they were going to kill me and send me to the Devil because he was their god.
    Mental illness is horrible and I so wish science had a cure for them, it tears families apart, it causes children to hat their siblings that have mental health problems, because they may be teased or bullied about them from school mates. It causes parents to blame themselves for their child having a mental health issue. We had Dementia and Alzheimer's patients that we're violent because they had enough of their mind left that they knew what they were trying to tell you but their mind wouldn't let the thoughts and words get organized for them to tell you. This causes them to get angry at themselves and they take it out on you. You have to have very thick skin and not take their words and actions on yourself. You know most don't mean it and some don't even know what they are saying.
    I loved working there and I loved most of the patients but it takes its time on you. I had a few patients that I never turned my back on them, I would constantly turn in a circle around them when they tried to get behind me, they did it like they were a predator stalking prey.

  • @nellie2231
    @nellie2231 4 ปีที่แล้ว +29

    I can’t with the “babaysitt”

  • @Bigfoot_With_Internet_Access
    @Bigfoot_With_Internet_Access 4 ปีที่แล้ว +48

    When they tell you about the time they saw me while on a camping trip

  • @GrinchyChildlessDogLady
    @GrinchyChildlessDogLady 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I’ve babysat, but the creepiest/worst things I can remember hearing have been while I was working at a child care center.
    There was one child who said the n word. Not even in anger or in a derogatory way, but it seemed to be in casual conversation. He was 3 at the time and it was difficult to understand him half the time, but after asking him to * quietly* repeat to only me what he had just said, it was clear that he had said the n word. His parents were divorced and his father was a piece of work from what I understood. He was a little wild, but he went through a time when he had tried so hard to be a “good” kid, and he ended up being one of my favorite kids there. Very sweet, just in a very difficult situation.
    There was another kid that - very early on during my time there, probably within the first few weeks - described a time that her mom had choked her. I was very concerned, of course, and told the main teacher, as I was the “assistant teacher”. She confirmed what this 5 year old child had said but that the mother was now out of the picture. I was relieved to know that she was safe, but hearing a 5 year old child describe their mother choking them definitely stays with you.
    The last thing might not sound that creepy, but it’s probably what freaks me out most. There was one kid, about 5, who would act up. A lot. He just wouldn’t respond to discipline (reprimands, time outs, or being sent to “the office”, we didn’t do much if anything beyond that) and from what I understand he didn’t receive any discipline at home. There was even one time he misbehaved as his mom was picking him up and she looked to us to do something. Anyway, there was one time he threw a wooden block at a toddler, nearly missing her head. The way he threw it could have potentially caused a serious injury. We kept telling him that wasn’t something he should do and that could have really hurt said toddler. With a deadpan expression, he kept replying, “but it didn’t.” The lack of empathy and remorse just freaked me out. This is why you need to discipline your kid.
    I’m sure there are more from both babysitting and child care, but those are the ones that always stand out.
    But to end on a lighter note, kid #1, when trying to do better at being good, would ask if certain things he did were “bad”. One time at recess/outdoor time/whatever you want to call it, he came up to me and said, “I wiped my booger on this ball. Is that bad?” It took everything I had in me not to laugh and confirmed that is indeed something you should not do.

  • @coffeecat086
    @coffeecat086 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Not babysitting but just chilling with my son who was like 3 at the time. I tucked him into bed and as I go to leave the room he told me that he saw eyeballs in the bathroom. Later figured out he was seeing headlights from his road in front of the house.

  • @colintosh5417
    @colintosh5417 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Its unreal how creepy kids can be at times

  • @divyanshisingh9242
    @divyanshisingh9242 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I can sleep with my eyes open. I once slept in a class and my friend was scared. Lol. It happens when I am really tired and just doze off with my eyes open.

    • @lizbriar9565
      @lizbriar9565 ปีที่แล้ว

      I think I did once because I don’t remember closing my eyes. My dad could sleep with his eyes open and once did in the middle of a meeting at work

    • @beastmaster0934
      @beastmaster0934 ปีที่แล้ว

      I feel sorry for your friend xD
      They must’ve thought you were dead or something.

  • @bugayden2287
    @bugayden2287 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    14:38 That sounds an awful lot like the cat piano.

  • @stanford-nf4jk
    @stanford-nf4jk 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    This Channel: How creepy do you want the next video to be?
    Subscribers: Yes

  • @atree7509
    @atree7509 4 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    I don't have babysitting experience :(

  • @lizbriar9565
    @lizbriar9565 ปีที่แล้ว

    I used to sleepwalk but I’d always deny it. Only woke myself up once when I hit my head on the couch.

  • @pescifromthehitmanteam3711
    @pescifromthehitmanteam3711 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    He said...
    *He said...*
    *”Yare Yare...”*

  • @lovebirdmic
    @lovebirdmic 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I feel like most of these are just kids who had bad life so far and need help. Schizophrenia isn't just something that you're born with, normally.

    • @silentmelody4707
      @silentmelody4707 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I'm pretty sure that mental illness can be hereditary. But I've never researched anything about it.

    • @killuanatsume
      @killuanatsume ปีที่แล้ว

      It can be hereditary.

  • @imaspoon4522
    @imaspoon4522 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I've always loved that the real (?) Annabelle doll was a Raggedy Ann, rather than that hideous thing in the movies.

  • @sarahcurken505
    @sarahcurken505 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    This...This right here is the best form of birth control 🙌

  • @carschmn
    @carschmn 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Lol 10:08. Not “Anaconda!”

  • @thatonerandomgirl9950
    @thatonerandomgirl9950 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    With the adult baby thing with some people it’s involuntary like it is with me and sometimes I wish I could ask for a babysitter because my mind literally goes to the baby age but I can’t because they’ll think it’s a fetish thing when it’s not it’s completely involuntary

    • @jeffk7734
      @jeffk7734 ปีที่แล้ว

      How do you figure this is involuntary?

  • @BeetlejuiceX3-87
    @BeetlejuiceX3-87 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3


  • @grandmaashley
    @grandmaashley 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    grandma approved

  • @Asifity
    @Asifity 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I really want to know why u named your channel On Tap Studios

  • @alphawolf7956
    @alphawolf7956 4 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @thegamingshiba8226
    @thegamingshiba8226 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4


    • @Asifity
      @Asifity 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hello Shiba, You're adorable 🤗

  • @kayc1591
    @kayc1591 4 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @VexifyGaming
    @VexifyGaming 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @vexeqt
    @vexeqt 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    *do babysit*