You need to remove your video of our great white shark cage breach accident on TikTok. It is in violation of copyright laws. We have notified TikTok of your copyright violation, it might be best to remove it before they do. We may be taking legal action against you as this video is used in high end productions such as National Geographic, Discovery, Shark Week, etc. and this greatly devalues the clip for those paying significant $$ to license it for high end productions.
You need to remove your video of our great white shark cage breach accident on TikTok. It is in violation of copyright laws. We have notified TikTok of your copyright violation, it might be best to remove it before they do. We may be taking legal action against you as this video is used in high end productions such as National Geographic, Discovery, Shark Week, etc. and this greatly devalues the clip for those paying significant $$ to license it for high end productions.